Dr. Emiliano Schena
Assistant ProfessorUniversita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Universita Campus Bio Medico, Italy
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Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Universita Campus Bio Medico, Italy
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Dr. Emiliano Schena is currently working as Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements and of Biomedical Instrumentation, Universita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy. He has completed his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, and Post-doc Fellow in Biomedical Engineering, Measurements and Biomedical Instrumentation Lab from same University. Since 2006 Dr. Emiliano Schena has carried out research activities in the fields of Biomedical Instrumentations and Measurements applied to Medical fields of Diagnostic and Therapeutic interests. From 2006 to 2010, he worked with Prof. Sergio Silvestri at the Universita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (Rome, Italy) contributing to the design, development and characterization of novel flow meters for neonatal ventilation. From 2008 to 2012 he significantly contributed to the design of novel control strategy to improve the performances of Humidifiers employed in Mechanical Ventilation. Since 2010 he has carried out research activities related to the development of sensors based on Fiber Optics for application in medicine, in particular he developed novel Fiber Optic-Based Flowmeter for Neonatal Ventilation. In this activity he is collaborating with the team of research of ENEA-Frascati, headed by Dr. Michele Caponero. Concerning this research activity he was Visiting Professor at Optical Laboratory, Physics Department of Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Education Superior de Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico and worked with Prof. Mikhail Shlyagin. His main current research interests are in the fields of Thermal Treatment of Tumours. He is member of editorial board of Acta Imeko and reviewer for Sensors and Actuators Measurement Science and Technology, Micromachines, The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, International Journal of Hypertermia, and Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy. He is member of he is a member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). He was received finalist Best Paper awards in IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics BioRob, Rome.