Dr. Scribante Andrea
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Dr. Scribante Andrea

Department of Diagnostic, Paediatric, Clinical and Surgical Sciences, Department of Diagnostic, Paediatric, Clinical and Surgical Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia PV, Italy

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Dentistry from Institute for Research and Health Care, Italy

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Area of Interest:

Public Health
Conservative Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sfondrini, M.F., P. Gandini, A. Gioiella, F.X. Zhou and A. Scribante, 2017. Orthodontic metallic lingual brackets: The dark side of the moon of bond failures? J. Funct. Biomater., Vol. 7. 10.3390/jfb8030027.
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  2. Scribante, A., P. Gandini, P. Tessera, P.K. Vallittu, L. Lassila and M.F. Sfondrini, 2017. Spot-bonding and full-bonding techniques for Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC) and metallic retainers. Int. J. Mol. Sci., Vol. 18. 10.3390/ijms18102096.
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  3. Scribante, A., M.F. Sfondrini, V. Collesano, G. Tovt, L. Bernardinelli and P. Gandini, 2017. Dental hygiene and orthodontics: effect of ultrasonic instrumentation on bonding efficacy of different lingual orthodontic brackets. Biomed. Res. Int., 10.1155/2017/3714651.
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  4. Scribante, A., M.F. Sfondrini, M. Cassani, D. Fraticelli, S. Beccari and P. Gandini, 2017. Sella turcica bridging and dental anomalies: Is there an association? Int. J. Paediatr. Dent., 27: 568-573.
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  5. Poggio, C., R. Beltrami, M. Colombo, M. Chiesa and A. Scribante, 2017. Influence of dentin pretreatment on bond strength of universal adhesives. Acta Biomater. Odontol. Scand., 3: 30-35.
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  6. Poggio, C., L. Vialba, A. Berardengo, R. Federico, M. Colombo, R. Beltrami and A. Scribante, 2017. Color stability of new esthetic restorative materials: A spectrophotometric analysis. J. Funct. Biomater., Vol. 8. 10.3390/jfb8030026.
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  7. Scribante, A., R. Contreras-Bulnes, M.A. Montasser and P.K. Vallittu, 2016. Orthodontics: Bracket materials, adhesives systems and their bond strength. Biomed. Res. Int., Vol. 2016. .
  8. Poggio, C., M. Pigozzo, M. Ceci, A. Scribante, R. Beltrami and M. Chiesa, 2016. Influence of different luting protocols on shear bond strength of computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing resin nanoceramic material to dentin. Dent Res. J., 13: 91-97.
  9. Ceci, M., M. Pigozzo, A. Scribante, R. Beltrami, M. Colombo, M. Chiesa and C. Poggio, 2016. Effect of glycine pretreatment on the shear bond strength of a CAD/CAM resin nano ceramic material to dentin. J. Clin. Exp. Dent., 8: e146-e152.
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  10. Beltrami, R., M. Chiesa, A. Scribante, J. Allegretti and C. Poggio, 2016. Comparison of shear bond strength of universal adhesives on etched and nonetched enamel. J. Applied Biomater. Funct. Mater., 14: e78-e83.
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  11. Sfondrini, M.F., A. Scribante, D. Fraticelli, S. Roncallo and P. Gandini, 2015. Epidemiological survey of different clinical techniques of orthodontic bracket debonding and enamel polishing. J. Orthod. Sci., 4: 123-127.
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  12. Scribante, A., S. Massironi, G. Pieraccini, P. Vallittu, L. Lassila, M.F. Sfondrini and P. Gandini, 2015. Effects of nanofillers on mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composites polymerized with light-curing and additional postcuring. J. Applied Biomater. Funct. Mater., 13: e296-e299.
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  13. Poggio, C., R. Beltrami, A. Scribante, M. Colombo and M. Chiesa, 2015. Shear bond strength of one-step self-etch adhesives: pH influence. Dent. Res. J., 12: 209-214.
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  14. Sfondrini, M.F., S. Massironi, G. Pieraccini, A. Scribante, P.K. Vallittu, L.V. Lassila and P. Gandini, 2014. Flexural strengths of conventional and nanofilled fiber-reinforced composites: A three‐point bending test. Dental Traumatol., 30: 32-35.
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  15. Sfondrini, M.F., D. Fraticelli, L. Castellazzi, A. Scribante and P. Gandini, 2014. Clinical evaluation of bond failures and survival between mandibular canine-to-canine retainers made of flexible spiral wire and fiber-reinforced composite. J. Clin. Exp. Dent., 6: e145-e149.
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  16. Poggio, C., R. Beltrami, A. Scribante, M. Colombo and M. Lombardini, 2014. Effects of dentin surface treatments on shear bond strength of glass-ionomer cements. Annali Stomatologia, 5: 15-22.
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  17. Poggio, C., A. Scribante, F. Della Zoppa, M. Colombo, R. Beltrami and M. Chiesa, 2014. Shear bond strength of one-step self-etch adhesives to enamel: Effect of acid pretreatment. Dent. Traumatol., 30: 43-48.
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  18. Poggio, C., A. Dagna, M. Colombo, A. Scribante and M. Chiesa, 2014. Decalcifying efficacy of different irrigating solutions: Effect of cetrimide addition. Braz. Oral Res., 28: 1-6.
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  19. Poggio, C., A. Dagna, M. Chiesa, A. Scribante, R. Beltrami and M. Colombo, 2014. Effects of NiTi rotary and reciprocating instruments on debris and smear layer scores: An SEM evaluation. J. Applied Biomater. Funct. Mater., 12: 256-262.
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  20. Menini, A., M. Cozzani, M.F. Sfondrini, A. Scribante, P. Cozzani and P. Gandini, 2014. A 15-month evaluation of bond failures of orthodontic brackets bonded with direct versus indirect bonding technique: A clinical trial. Progr. Orthodontics, Vol. 15. 10.1186/s40510-014-0070-9.
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  21. Scribante, A., M.F. Sfondrini, S. Gatti and P. Gandini, 2013. Disinclusion of unerupted teeth by mean of self-ligating brackets: Effect of blood contamination on shear bond strength. Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Cirugia Bucal, 18: e162-e167.
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  22. Scribante, A., M.F. Sfondrini, D. Fraticelli, P. Daina, A. Tamagnone and P. Gandini, 2013. The influence of no-primer adhesives and anchor pylons bracket bases on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets. BioMed Res. Int. 10.1155/2013/315023.
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  23. Poggio, C., M. Chiesa, A. Scribante, J. Mekler and M. Colombo, 2013. Microleakage in class II composite restorations with margins below the CEJ: In vitro evaluation of different restorative techniques. Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Cirugia Bucal, 18: e793-e798.
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  24. Gandini, P., L. Orsi, M.F. Sfondrini and A. Scribante, 2013. Opening and closure forces of sliding mechanisms of different self-ligating brackets. J. Applied Oral Sci., 21: 231-234.
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  25. Sfondrini, M.F., M. Debiaggi, F. Zara, R. Brerra and M. Comelli et al., 2012. Influence of lingual bracket position on microbial and periodontal parameters in vivo. J. Applied Oral Sci., 20: 357-361.
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  26. Poggio, C., R. Beltrami, A. Scribante, M. Colombo and M. Chiesa, 2012. Surface discoloration of composite resins: Effects of staining and bleaching. Dent. Res. J., 9: 567-573.
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  27. Poggio, C., M. Colombo, A. Scribante, D. Sforza and S. Bianchi, 2012. In vitro antibacterial activity of different endodontic irrigants. Dent. Traumatol., 28: 205-209.
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  28. Poggio, C., M. Chiesa, A. Dagna, M. Colombo and A. Scribante, 2012. Microleakage in class V gingiva-shaded composite resin restorations. Annali Stomatologia, 3: 19-23.
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  29. Poggio, C., C.R. Arciola, S. Cepurnykh, M. Chiesa and A. Scribante et al., 2012. In vitro antibacterial activity of different self-etch adhesives. Int. J. Artif. Org., 35: 847-853.
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  30. Poggio, C., A. Dagna, M. Colombo, F. Rizzardi, M. Chiesa, A. Scribante and G. Alberti, 2012. Decalcifying effect of different ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid irrigating solutions and tetraclean on root canal dentin. J. Endodontics, 38: 1239-1243.
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  31. Poggio, C., A. Dagna, M. Chiesa, M. Colombo and A. Scribante, 2012. Surface roughness of flowable resin composites eroded by acidic and alcoholic drinks. J. Conservative Dentistry, 15: 137-140.
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  32. Lombardini, M., M. Chiesa, A. Scribante, M. Colombo and C. Poggio, 2012. Influence of polymerization time and depth of cure of resin composites determined by Vickers hardness. Dent. Res. J., 9: 735-740.
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  33. Sfondrini, M.F., V. Cacciafesta and A. Scribante, 2011. Shear bond strength of fibre-reinforced composite nets using two different adhesive systems. Eur. J. Orthod., 33: 66-70.
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  34. Sfondrini, M.F., S. Gatti and A. Scribante, 2011. Shear bond strength of self-ligating brackets. Eur. J. Orthod., 33: 71-74.
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  35. Sfondrini, M.F., S. Gatti and A. Scribante, 2011. Effect of blood contamination on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets and disinclusion buttons. Br. J. Oral Maxillofac Surg., 49: 404-408.
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  36. Sfondrini, M.F., E. Xheka, A. Scribante, P. Gandini and G. Sfondrini, 2011. Reconditioning of self-ligating brackets: A shear bond strength study. Angle Orthodontist, 82: 158-164.
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  37. Sfondrini, M.F., E. Xheka, A. Scribante, P. Gandini and G. Sfondrini, 2011. Reconditioning of self-ligating brackets. Angle Orthod., .
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  38. Sfondrini, M.F., A. Scribante, V. Cacciafesta and P. Gandini, 2011. Shear bond strength of deciduous and permanent bovine enamel. J. Adhes. Dentistry, 13: 227-230.
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  39. Scribante, A., M.F. Sfondrini, S. Broggini, M. D'Allocco and P. Gandini, 2011. Efficacy of esthetic retainers: Clinical comparison between multistranded wires and direct-bond glass fiber-reinforced composite splints. Int. J. Dentistry. 10.1155/2011/548356.
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  40. Dagna, A., C.R. Arciola, F. Florindi, A. Scribante, E. Saino, L. Visai and C. Poggio, 2011. In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of endodontic irrigants. Int. J. Artif. Org., 34: 914-919.
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  41. Sfondrini, M.F., V. Cacciafesta, E. Noga, A. Scribante and C. Klersy, 2010. In vitro bond strength evaluation of four orthodontic cements. J. Adhes Dent., 12: 131-135.
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  42. Sfondrini, M.F., V. Cacciafesta, E. Maffia, A. Scribante, G. Alberti, R. Biesuz and C. Klersy, 2010. Nickel release from new conventional stainless steel, recycled and nickel-free orthodontic brackets: An in vitro study. Am. J. Orthodontics Dentofacial Orthop., 137: 809-815.
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  43. Sfondrini, M.F., V. Cacciafesta, E. Maffia, S. Massironi and A. Scribante et al., 2009. Chromium release from new stainless steel, recycled and nickel-free orthodontic brackets. Angle Orthod., 79: 361-367.
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  44. Poggio, C., C.R. Arciola, F. Rosti, A. Scribante, E. Saino and L. Visai, 2009. Adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to different restorative materials. Int. J. Artif Organs., 32: 671-677.
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  45. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, A. Lena, A. Scribante, P.K. Vallittu and L.V. Lassila, 2008. Force levels of fiber-reinforced composites and orthodontic stainless steel wires: A 3-point bending test. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 133: 410-413.
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  46. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, A. Lena, A. Scribante, P.K. Vallittu and L.V. Lassila, 2007. Flexural strengths of fiber-reinforced composites polymerized with conventional light-curing and additional postcuring. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 132: 524-527.
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  47. Sfondrini, M.F., V. Cacciafesta, A. Scribante, A. Boehme and P.G. Jost-Brinkmann, 2006. Effect of light-tip distance on the shear bond strengths of resin-modified glass ionomer cured with high-intensity halogen, light-emitting diode, and plasma arc lights. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 129: 541-546.
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  48. Scribante, A., V. Cacciafesta and M.F. Sfondrini, 2006. Effect of various adhesive systems on the shear bond strength of fiber-reinforced composite. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop., 130: 224-227.
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  49. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, P. Stifanelli, A. Scribante and C. Klersy, 2006. The effect of bleaching on shear bond strength of brackets bonded with a resin-modified glass ionomer. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 130: 83-87.
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  50. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, P. Stifanelli, A. Scribante and C. Klersy, 2006. Effect of chlorhexidine application on shear bond strength of brackets bonded with a resin-modified glass ionomer. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 129: 273-276.
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  51. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, E. Barina, A. Scribante, F. Garino and C. Klersy, 2005. Effect of different light sources and guides on shear bond strength of brackets bonded with 2 adhesive systems. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 128: 99-102.
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  52. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, D. Calvi and A. Scribante, 2005. Effect of fluoride application on shear bond strength of brackets bonded with a resin-modified Glass-ionomer. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 127: 580-583.
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  53. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, A. Scribante, A. Boehme and P.G. Jost-Brinkmann, 2005. Effect of light-tip distance on the shear bond strengths of composite resin. Angle Orthod, 75: 386-391.
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  54. Sfondrini, M.F., V. Cacciafesta, A. Scribante, M. De Angelis and C. Klersy, 2004. Effect of blood contamination on shear bond strength of brackets bonded with conventional and self-etching primers. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 25: 357-360.
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  55. Sfondrini, M.F., V. Cacciafesta, A. Scribante and C. Klersy, 2004. Plasma arc versus halogen light curing of orthodontic brackets: A 12-month clinical study of bond failures. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 125: 342-347.
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  56. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, B. Melsen and A. Scribante, 2004. A 12 month clinical study of bond failures of recycled versus new stainless steel orthodontic brackets. Eur. J. Orthod., 26: 449-454.
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  57. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, A. Scribante, M. De Angelis and C. Klersy, 2004. Effects of blood contamination on the shear bond strengths of conventional and hydrophilic primers. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 126: 207-212.
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  58. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, A. Scribante, M. De Angelis and C. Klersy, 2004. Effect of blood contamination on shear bond strength of brackets bonded with a self-etching primer combined with a resin-modified glass ionomer. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 126: 703-708.
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  59. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini and A. Scribante, 2004. Plasma arc versus halogen light-curing of adhesive-precoated orthodontic brackets: A 12-month clinical study of bond failures. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 126: 194-199.
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  60. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, M. De Angelis, A. Scribante and C. Klersy, 2003. Effect of water and saliva contamination on shear bond strength of brackets bonded with conventional, hydrophilic, and self-etching primers. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 123: 633-640.
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  61. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, L. Baluga, A. Scribante and C. Klersy, 2003. Use of a self-etching primer in combination with a resin-modified glass ionomer: Effect of water and saliva contamination on shear bond strength. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 124: 420-426.
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  62. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, A. Scribante, C. Klersy and F. Auricchio, 2003. Evaluation of friction of conventional and metal-insert ceramic brackets in various bracket-archwire combinations. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 124: 403-409.
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  63. Cacciafesta, V., M.F. Sfondrini, A. Ricciardi, A. Scribante, C. Klersy and F. Auricchio, 2003. Evaluation of friction of stainless steel and esthetic self-ligating brackets in various bracket-archwire combinations. Am. J. Orthod Dentofacial Orthop., 124: 395-402.
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