Dr. Claudia  Belviso
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Dr. Claudia Belviso

Research Scientist
National Research Council of Italy, Italy

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Mineralogy from University of Bari, Italy

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Dr. Claudia Belviso is currently working as Researcher at CNR - IMAA. She obtained her Ph.D. in Mineralogy from University of Bari, Italy. Her scientific activity has concerned research topics in the field of Mineralogy and Geochemistry as well as Environmental Pollution and the relation between Environmental Pollution and Human Health. She takes part in many national and international projects with scientific and institutional partners. She also delivered number of invited lectures. She is also member of scientific committees. She is also serving as referee for several international scientific journals, and reviewer for National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa. She is Chief Guest Editor of the Special Issue: Soil and water pollution in SIN (Sites of National Interest) - Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health, and member of editorial board in number of journals. She is member of following international and national associations: International Waste Working Group (IWWg), Associazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Argille onlus (AISA), Association Internazionale pourl’Etude des Argiles (AIPEA), International Medical Geology Association (IMGA), Italian Association of Crystallograohy, Italian Group Of Geopolymers, and Italian Geological Society. She has published 27 research articles in journals 1 monograph and 4 book chapters, and 63 papers in national and international conference proceeding contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Earth Science and Geography

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Lettino, A., C. Belviso, F. Cavalcante and S. Fiore, 2015. Environmental risk induced by TiO2 dispersions in waters and sediments: A case study. Environ. Geochem. Health, 10.1007/s10653-015-9685-0.
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  2. Belviso, C., L.C. Giannossa, F.J. Huertas, A. Lettino, A. Mangone and S. Fiore, 2015. Synthesis of zeolites at low temperatures in fly Ash-kaolinite mixtures. Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 212: 35-47.
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  3. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, S. di Gennaro, A. Palma, P. Ragone and S. Fiore, 2015. Mobility of trace elements in fly ash and in zeolitised coal fly ash. Fuel, 144: 369-379.
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  4. Belviso, C., E. Agostinelli, S. Belviso, F. Cavalcante and S. Pascucci et al., 2015. Synthesis of magnetic zeolite at low temperature using a waste material mixture: Fly ash and red mud. Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 202: 208-216.
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  5. Pascucci, S., R. Casa, C. Belviso, A. Palombo, S. Pignatti and F. Castaldi, 2014. Estimation of soil organic carbon from airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared data: A case study. Eur. J. Soil Sci., 65: 865-875.
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  6. Cavalcante, F., C. Belviso, G. Piccarreta and S. Fiore, 2014. Grain-size control on the rare earth elements distribution in the late diagenesis of cretaceous shales from the Southern Apennines (Italy). J. Chem., 10.1155/2014/841747.
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  7. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, S. di Gennaro, A. Lettino, A. Palma, P. Ragone and S. Fiore, 2014. Removal of Mn from aqueous solution using fly ash and its hydrothermal synthetic zeolite. J. Environ. Manage., 137: 16-22.
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  8. Pulice, I., P. di Leo, G. Robustelli, F. Scarciglia, F. Cavalcante and C. Belviso, 2013. Control of climate and local topography on dynamic evolution of badland from southern Italy (Calabria). Catena, 109: 83-95.
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  9. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, A. Lettino and S. Fiore, 2013. A and X-type zeolites synthesised from kaolinite at low temperature. Applied Clay Sci., 80: 162-168.
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  10. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante and S. Fiore, 2013. Ultrasonic waves induce rapid zeolite synthesis in a seawater solution. Ultrasonics Sonochem., 20: 32-36.
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  11. Pascucci, S., C. Belviso, R.M. Cavalli, A. Palombo, S. Pignatti and F. Santini, 2012. Using imaging spectroscopy to map red mud dust waste: The Podgorica Aluminum Complex case study. Remote Sens. Environ., 123: 139-154.
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  12. Cavalcante, F., C. Belviso, S. Laurita, G. Prosser, 2012. PT constraints from phyllosilicates of the liguride complex of the Pollino area (Southern Apennines, Italy): Geological inferences. Ofioliti, 37: 65-75.
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  13. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, P. Ragone and S. Fiore, 2012. Immobilization of Zn and Pb in polluted soil by in situ crystallization zeolites from fly ash. Water Air Soil Pollut., 223: 5357-5364.
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  14. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, F.J. Huertas, A. Lettino, P. Ragone and S. Fiore, 2012. The crystallisation of zeolite (X-and A-type) from fly ash at 25 °C in artificial sea water. Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 162: 115-121.
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  15. Perri, F., F. Muto and C. Belviso, 2011. Links between composition and provenance of Mesozoic siliciclastic sediments from Western Calabria (Southern Italy). Ital. J. Geosci., 130: 318-329.
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  16. Medici, L., J. Bellanova, C. Belviso, F. Cavalcante, A. Lettino, P.P. Ragone and S. Fiore, 2011. Trace metals speciation in sediments of the Basento River (Italy). Applied Clay Sci., 53: 414-442.
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  17. Cavalcante, F., C. Belviso, M. Bentivenga, S. Fiore and G. Prosser, 2011. Occurrence of palygorskite and sepiolite in upper Paleocene-middle Eocene marine deep sediments of the Lagonegro Basin (Southern Apennines-Italy): Paleoenvironmental and provenance inferences. Sediment. Geol., 233: 42-52.
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  18. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, A. Lettino and S. Fiore, 2011. Effects of ultrasonic treatment on zeolite synthesized from coal fly ash. Ultrasonics Sonochem., 18: 661-668.
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  19. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, P. Ragone and S. Fiore, 2010. Immobilization of Ni by synthesising zeolite at low temperatures in a polluted soil. Chemosphere, 78: 1172-1176.
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  20. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante and S. Fiore, 2010. Synthesis of zeolite from Italian coal fly ash: Differences in crystallization temperature using seawater instead of distilled water. Waste Manage., 30: 839-847.
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  21. Belviso, C., F. Cavalcante, A. Lettino and S. Fiore, 2009. Zeolite synthesised from fused coal fly ash at low temperature using seawater for crystallization. Coal Combust. Gasification Prod., 1: 7-13.
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