Prof. Riccardo  Buccolieri
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Prof. Riccardo Buccolieri

Associate Professor
Department of Biotechnology and Environmental Science, University of Salento, Italy

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environmental Geophysics from University of Messina, Messina, Italy

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Dr. Riccardo Buccolieri is currently working as Postdoctoral Researcher at the Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali, University of Salento (Italy), in the Laboratory of Micrometeorology, and Vice-president, Principal Consultant and Co-Founder of the Spin-off Company of the University of Salento RESEAUX S.r.l. He also performed his duty as advisor of 5 Master’s theses, and 2 Bachelor’s theses. He also collaborated with many international institutes. He successfully completed many research projects. He has published 17 refereed papers in international journals, 36 papers in Proceedings of International Conferences, and 4 book chapters contributed as author/co-author. He is also acting as member of editorial board and reviewer for several journals. His main area of research interest focuses on Urban Air Quality and Microclimate, Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Turbulence and Pollutant Dispersion.

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Urban Air Quality
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Pollutant Dispersion

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Maggiotto, G., R. Buccolieri, M.A. Santo, S. Di Sabatino and L.S. Leo, 2014. Study of the urban heat island in Lecce (Italy) by means of ADMS and ENVI-MET. Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 55: 41-49.
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  2. Maggiotto, G., R. Buccolieri, M.A. Santo, L.S. Leo and S. Di Sabatino, 2014. Validation of temperature-perturbation and CFD-based modelling for the prediction of the thermal urban environment: The Lecce (IT) case study. Environ. Modell. Software, 60: 69-83.
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  3. Di Sabatino, S., R. Buccolieri and P. Salizzoni, 2013. Recent advancements in numerical modelling of flow and dispersion in urban areas: A short review. Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 52: 172-191.
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  4. Hang, J., Y. Li, R. Buccolieri, M. Sandberg and S. Di Sabatino, 2012. On the contribution of mean flow and turbulence to city breathability: The case of long streets with tall buildings. Sci. Total Environ., 416: 362-373.
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  5. Hang, J., Y. Li, M. Sandberg, R. Buccolieri and S. Di Sabatino, 2012. The influence of building height variability on pollutant dispersion and pedestrian ventilation in idealized high-rise urban areas. Build. Environ., 56: 346-360.
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  6. Salim, S.M., R. Buccolieri, A. Chan, S. Di Sabatino and S.C. Cheah, 2011. Large eddy simulation of the aerodynamic effects of trees on pollutant concentrations in street canyons. Procedia Environ. Sci., 4: 17-24.
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  7. Salim, S.M., R. Buccolieri, A. Chan and S. Di Sabatino, 2011. Numerical simulation of atmospheric pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon: Comparison between RANS and LES. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodynamics, 99: 103-113.
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  8. Salim, S.M., A. Chan, R. Buccolieri and S. di Sabatino, 2011. CFD Study on the Roles of Trees on Airflow and Pollutant Dispersion within Urban Street Canyons. In: CFD Applications in Energy and Environmental Sectors: Volume 1, Al-Baghdadi, M.A.R.S. and H.R.A. Hamid (Eds.). International Energy and Environmental Foundation, New York, ISBN-13: 978-1466230651, pp: 175-204.
  9. Di Sabatino, S., R. Buccolieri, P. Paradisi, L. Palatella and R. Corrado, 2011. A fast model for pollutant dispersion at the neighbourhood scale. Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 47: 207-215.
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  10. Di Sabatino, S., R. Buccolieri, H.R. Olesen, M. Ketzel and R. Berkowicz et al., 2011. COST 732 in practice: The MUST model evaluation exercise. Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 44: 403-418.
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  11. Buccolieri, R., S.M. Salim, L.S. Leo, S. Di Sabatino and A. Chan et al., 2011. Analysis of local scale tree-atmosphere interaction on pollutant concentration in idealized street canyons and application to a real urban junction. Atmospheric Environ., 45: 1702-1713.
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  12. Buccolieri, R., M. Sandberg and S. Di Sabatino, 2011. An application of ventilation efficiency concepts to the analysis of building density effects on urban flow and pollutant concentration. Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 47: 248-256.
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  13. Buccolieri, R. and S. Di Sabatino, 2011. MUST experiment simulations using CFD and integral models. Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 44: 376-384.
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  14. Buccolieri, R., M. Sandberg and S. di Sabatino, 2010. City breathability and its link to pollutant concentration distribution within urban-like geometries. Atmos. Environ., 44: 1894-1903.
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  15. Buccolieri, R., C. Gromke, S. Di Sabatino and B. Ruck, 2009. Aerodynamic effects of trees on pollutant concentration in street canyons. Sci. Total Environ., 407: 5247-5256.
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  16. Gromke, C., R. Buccolieri, S. Di Sabatino and B. Ruck, 2008. Dispersion study in a street canyon with tree planting by means of wind tunnel and numerical investigations-Evaluation of CFD data with experimental data. Atmospheric Environ., 42: 8640-8650.
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  17. Di Sabatino, S., R. Buccolieri, B. Pulvirenti and R.E. Britter, 2008. Flow and pollutant dispersion in street canyons using FLUENT and ADMS-urban. Environ. Model. Assess., 13: 369-381.
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  18. Di Sabatino, S., R. Buccolieri, B. Pulvirenti and R. Britter, 2007. Simulations of pollutant dispersion within idealised urban-type geometries with CFD and integral models. Atmospheric Environ., 41: 8316-8329.
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  19. Di Sabatino, S., R. Buccolieri, B. Pulvirenti and R. Britter, 2007. Application and validation of fluent flow and dispersion modelling within complex geometries. Dev. Environ. Sci., 6: 3-11.
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