Dr. Adrian  Neagu
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Dr. Adrian Neagu

Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania

Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Biological Physics from University of Missouri, USA

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Protien Estimation
Multidisciplinary Research

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Neagu, A., 2017. Role of computer simulation to predict the outcome of 3D bioprinting. J. 3D Print. Med., 1: 103-121.
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  2. David, O.T., R.A. Tuce, O. Munteanu, A. Neagu and I. Panainte, 2017. Evaluation of the influence of patient positioning on the reliability of lateral cephalometry. La radiol. Med., 122: 520-529.
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  3. Lighezan, L., R. Georgieva and A. Neagu, 2016. The secondary structure and the thermal unfolding parameters of the S-layer protein from Lactobacillus salivarius. Eur. Biophy. J., 45: 491-509.
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  4. Cristea, A. and A. Neagu, 2016. Shape changes of bioprinted tissue constructs simulated by the Lattice Boltzmann method. Comput. Boil. Med., 70: 80-87.
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  5. Lighezan, L., D. Meiri, A. Breiman and A. Neagu, 2013. Circular dichroism and the secondary structure of the ROF2 protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Boil. Phy., 39: 635-648.
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  6. Robu, A., R. Aldea, O. Munteanu, M. Neagu, L. Stoicu-Tivadar and A. Neagu, 2012. Computer simulations of in vitro morphogenesis. Biosystems, 109: 430-443.
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  7. Lighezan, L., R. Georgieva and A. Neagu, 2012. A study of the thermal denaturation of the S-layer protein from Lactobacillus salivarius. Phy. Scripta, Vol. 86. .
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  8. Flenner, E., L. Janosi, B. Barz, A. Neagu, G. Forgacs and I. Kosztin, 2012. Kinetic monte carlo and cellular particle dynamics simulations of multicellular systems. Phy. Rev. E, Vol. 85. 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.031907.
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  9. Cristea, A., A. Neagu and V. Sofonea, 2011. Lattice Boltzmann simulations of the time evolution of living multicellular systems. Biorheology, 48: 185-197.
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  10. Neagu, A., V. Mironov, I. Kosztin, B. Barz, M. Neagu, R.A. Moreno-Rodriguez and G. Forgacs, 2010. Computational modeling of epithelial–mesenchymal transformations. Biosystems, 100: 23-30.
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  11. Fleming, P.A., W.S. Argraves, C. Gentile, A. Neagu, G. Forgacs and C.J. Drake, 2010. Fusion of uniluminal vascular spheroids: A model for assembly of blood vessels. Dev. Dyn., 239: 398-406.
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  12. Small, A.R., A. Neagu, F. Amyot, D. Sackett, V. Chernomordik and A. Gandjbakhche, 2008. Spatial distribution of VEGF isoforms and chemotactic signals in the vicinity of a tumor. J. theor. Boil., 252: 593-607.
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  13. Norotte, C., F. Marga, A. Neagu, I. Kosztin and G. Forgacs, 2008. Experimental evaluation of apparent tissue surface tension based on the exact solution of the Laplace equation. EPL Eur. Lett., Vol. 81. .
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  14. Jakab, K., C. Norotte, B. Damon, F. Marga, A. Neagu, C.L. Besch-Williford and R. Markwald, 2008. Tissue engineering by self-assembly of cells printed into topologically defined structures. Tissue Eng. Part A, 14: 413-421.
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  15. Flenner, E., F. Marga, A. Neagu, I. Kosztin and G. Forgacs, 2008. Relating biophysical properties across scales. Curr. Top. Dev. Boil., 81: 461-483.
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  16. Doagă, I.O., T. Savopol, M. Neagu, A. Neagu and E. KovÌcs, 2008. The kinetics of cell adhesion to solid scaffolds: an experimental and theoretical approach. J. boil. Phy., 34: 495-509.
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  17. Marga, F., A. Neagu, I. Kosztin and G. Forgacs, 2007. Developmental biology and tissue engineering. Birth Defects Res. Part C, 81: 320-328.
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  18. Neagu, A., I. Kosztin, K. Jakab, B. Barz, M. Neagu, R. Jamison and G. Forgacs, 2006. Computational modeling of tissue self-assembly. Mod. Phy. Lett. B, 20: 1217-1231.
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  19. Jakab, K., B. Damon, A. Neagu, A. Kachurin and G. Forgacs, 2006. Three-dimensional tissue constructs built by bioprinting. Biorheology, 43: 509-513.
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  20. Neagu, A., K. Jakab, R. Jamison and G. Forgacs, 2005. Role of physical mechanisms in biological self-organization. Phy. Rev. let., Vol. 95. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.178104.
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  21. Jakab, K., A. Neagu, V. Mironov, R.R. Markwald and G. Forgacs, 2004. Engineering biological structures of prescribed shape using self-assembling multicellular systems. Proc. Nat Acad. Sci. U. S. Am., 101: 2864-2869.
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  22. Jakab, K., A. Neagu, V. Mironov and G. Forgacs, 2004. Organ printing: fiction or science. Biorheology, 41: 371-375.
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  23. Neagu, M. and A. Neagu, 2001. On the Na+, K+ pump in fluctuating membrane potentials. Eur. Biophy. J., 30: 221-226.
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  24. Neagu, A., M. Neagu and A. Der, 2001. Fluctuations and the hofmeister effect. Biophy. J., 81: 1285-1294.
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  25. Neagu, A., 1997. On fermions in a plane coupled to the nonlinear sigma model. Physica A: Statistical Mech. Phy. A Stat. Mech. Appl., 237: 45-51.
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  26. Neagu, A. and A.M. Schakel, 1993. Induced quantum numbers in a (2+ 1)-dimensional electron gas. Phy. Rev. D, 48: 1785-1791.
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