Dr. Ahmed Faheem Zobaa
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Dr. Ahmed Faheem Zobaa

Brunel University London Uxbridge, United Kingdom

Highest Degree
D.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Brunel University London, United Kingdom

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Area of Interest:

Electronic Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Power
Energy Resources

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Ćalasan, M., A.F. Zobaa, H.M. Hasanien, S.H.E.A. Aleem and Z.M. Ali, 2022. Corrigendum to “Towards accurate calculation of supercapacitor electrical variables in constant power applications using new analytical closed-form expressions” [J. Energy Storage 42 (2021) 102998]. J. Energy Storage, Vol. 48. 10.1016/j.est.2022.104367.
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  2. Yousri, D., E.F. El-Saadany, Y. Shaker, T.S. Babu, A.F. Zobaa and D. Allam, 2022. Mitigating mismatch power loss of series-parallel and total-cross-tied array configurations using novel enhanced heterogeneous hunger games search optimizer. Energy Rep., 8: 9805-9827.
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  3. Yehia, M., D. Allam and A.F. Zobaa, 2022. A novel hybrid fuzzy-metaheuristic strategy for estimation of optimal size and location of the distributed generators. Energy Rep., 8: 12408-12425.
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  4. Atta, M.E.E.D., D.K. Ibrahim, M. Gilany and A.F. Zobaa, 2022. Adaptive scheme for detecting induction motor incipient broken bar faults at various load and inertia conditions. Sensors, Vol. 22. 10.3390/s22010365.
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  5. Yousri, D., M.B. Eteiba, A.F. Zobaa and D. Allam, 2021. Parameters identification of the fractional-order permanent magnet synchronous motor models using chaotic ensemble particle swarm optimizer. Appl. Sci., Vol. 11. 10.3390/app11031325.
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  6. Kreishan, M.Z. and A.F. Zobaa, 2021. Optimal allocation and operation of droop-controlled islanded microgrids: A review. Energies, Vol. 14. 10.3390/en14154653.
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  7. Kreishan, M.Z. and A.F. Zobaa, 2021. Allocation of dump load in islanded microgrid using the mixed-integer distributed ant colony optimization. IEEE Syst. J., 16: 2568-2579.
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  8. Abo-Hamad, G.M., D.K. Ibrahim, E.A. Zahab and A.F. Zobaa, 2021. Adaptive mho distance protection for interconnected transmission lines compensated with thyristor controlled series capacitor. Energies, Vol. 14. 10.3390/en14092477.
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  9. Lai, C.S., Y. Jia, Z. Dong, D. Wang and Y. Tao et al., 2020. A review of technical standards for smart cities. Clean Technol., 2: 290-310.
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  10. Ibrahim, D.K., G.M. Abo-Hamad, E.E.D.M.A. Zahab and A.F. Zobaa, 2020. Comprehensive analysis of the impact of the TCSC on distance relays in interconnected transmission networks. IEEE Access, 8: 228315-228325.
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