Dr. Mark George Rae
Principal Investigator & LecturerDepartment of Physiology, University College Cork, Ireland
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Pharmacology from University of Glasgow, UK
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Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Pharmacology from University of Glasgow, UK
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Dr. Mark George Rae is currently holds a position of Principal Investigator and Lecturer at Department of Physiology, University College Cork, Ireland. He has completed his Ph.D. in Pharmacology from University of Glasgow, UK. Previously he was appointed as Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Strathclyde, and Department Physiology & Pharmacology, University of Nevada, University of Aberdeen, and Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Dundee, Research Electrophysiologist at Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Cambridge, Senior Research Fellow at Molecular Nociception Group, University College London, Senior Research Fellow at Astellas CNS in Edinburgh (ACE), Edinburgh University and Laboratory Coordinator at Department of Physiology, University College Cork. He is, or has been, an active member of several professional bodies in his career, presenting at numerous conferences as a member of the following professional bodies: The Physiological Society, Neuroscience Ireland, The Biochemical Society, International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research & Treatment, The British Neuroscience Association, Society for Neuroscience, The British Pharmacological Society, American Gastrointestinal Association, Scottish Neuroscience Group and American Gastrointestinal Association. He has acted as an expert reviewer for a number of journals including: British Journal of Pharmacology, The Journal of Physiology, The Journal of Endocrinology, Toxicology Letters, Brain Research Bulletin, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. He has published 20 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author. He supervised 2 MSc students thesis and currently supervising 2 PhD and 1 MSc student thesis.