Dr. Angel Valdez Ortiz
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Dr. Angel Valdez Ortiz

Laboratory Director/Head
Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico

Highest Degree
PostDoc. in Plant Biotechnology from The National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Tissue Culture
Plant Nutrient
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Genetics

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Espinoza, M.K.C., L.I.P. Guevara, J.A.L. Valenzuela, A.V. Ortiz, R.A.S. Perez, C.G.M. Herrera and S.M. Godoy, 2010. Proteomic characterization of sulfur common beans seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivated in Sinaloa state. Ra Ximhai, 6: 23-36.
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  2. Ayala-Rodriguez, A.E., R. Gutierrez-Dorado, J. Milan-Carrillo, S. Mora-Rochin and J.A. Lopez-Valenzuela et al., 2009. Nixtamalised flour and tortillas from transgenic maize (Zea mays L.) expressing amarantin: Technological and nutritional properties. Food Chem., 114: 50-56.
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  3. Valdez-Ortiz, A., S. Medina-Godoy, M.E. Valverde and O. Paredes-Lopez, 2007. A transgenic tropical maize line generated by the direct transformation of the embryo-scutellum by A. tumefaciens. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 91: 201-214.
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  4. Silos-Espino, H., A. Valdez-Ortiz, Q. Rascon-Cruz, E. Rodriguez-Salazar and O. Paredes-Lopez, 2006. Genetic transformation of prickly-pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 86: 397-403.
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  5. Medina-Godoy, S., A. Valdez-Ortiz, M.E. Valverde-Gonzales and O. Paredes-Lopez, 2006. Endoplasmic reticulum-retention C-terminal sequence enhances production of an 11S seed globulin from Amaranthus hypochondriacus in Pichia pastoris. Biotechnol. J., 1: 1085-1092.
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  6. Valdez-Ortiz, A., Q. Rascon-Cruz, S. Medina-Godoy, S.R. Sinagawa-Garcia, M.E. Valverde-Gonzalez and O. Paredes-Lopez, 2005. One-step purification and structural characterization of a recombinant His-tag 11S globulin expressed in transgenic tobacco. J. Biotechnol., 115: 413-423.
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  7. Sinagawa-Garcia, S.R., Q. Rascon-Cruz, A. Valdez-Ortiz, S. Medina-Godoy, A. Escobar-Gutierrez and O. Paredes-Lopez, 2004. Safety assesment by in vitro digestibility and allergenicity of genetically modified maize with an amaranth 11S globulin. J. Agric. Food Chem., 52: 2709-2714.
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