Dr. Mohd.  Nizam Ab. Rahman
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Dr. Mohd. Nizam Ab. Rahman

Associate Professor
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Quality and Operations Management from University of Nottingham, UK

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Dr. Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman is currently working as Associate Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. He has completed his Ph.D. in Quality and Operations Management from University of Nottingham, UK, and Post Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship, University of Cambridge, UK. His main area of interest focuses on Quality and Supply Chain Networks. His area of expertise includes Quality Operations, Lean, Supply Chain System and Networks, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, and Quality Assurance. He is author and co-author of 94 journal articles.

Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Supply Chain Management
Quality Assurance

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Saleh, C., A. Thoif, R.A.C. Leuveano and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2016. Assessment and decision making scenario of carbon emission in sugar industry based on energy consumption using system dynamics. J. Eng. Sci. Technol., 11: 56-64.
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  2. Sabbagh, O., M.N. Ab Rahman, W.R. Ismail and W.M.H.W. Hussain, 2016. Research methodology implications in automotive product-service context. J. Technol., 78: 7-14.
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  3. Sabbagh, O., M.N. Ab Rahman, W.R. Ismail and W.M.H. Wan Hussain, 2016. Methodology implications in automotive product–service systems: a systematic literature review. Total Q. Manage. Bus. Excellence, 2016: 1-37.
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  4. Jafarzadeh-Ghoushchi, S. and M.N.A. Rahman, 2016. Performance study of artificial neural network modelling to predict carried weight in the transportation system. Int. J. Logist. Syst. Manage., 24: 200-212.
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  5. Zain, R.M., M.N.A. Rahman, N. Saibani, Z.M. Nopiah, A. Ramli and N. Jusoh, 2015. Exploring the Delays at Empty Container Off-Dock Depots: Useful Perceptions by Stakeholders. Manage., 5: 148-159.
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  6. Yusup, M.Z., W.H.M. Mahmood, M.R. Salleh and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2015. The implementation of cleaner production practices from Malaysian manufacturers` perspectives. J. Cleaner Prod., 108: 659-672.
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  7. Rafique, M.Z., M.N. Ab Rahman, N. Saibani, N. Arsad, B.K. Khatak and M.F. Ghauri, 2015. Quality improvements and increase in electricity generation through anaerobic digestion in rural areas. A feasibility report. Jurnal Teknologi, 74: 127-130.
  8. Manzouri, M., M.N. Ab Rahman and H. Arshad, 2015. Issues in supply chain implementation: A comparative perspective. Int. J. Inform. Syst. Supply Chain Manage., 8: 85-101.
  9. Abdullah, I., W.H.W. Mahmood, M.H.F.M. Fauadi, M.N. Ab Rahman and F. Ahmad and A. Jali, 2015. Sustainability in Malaysian palm oil: A review on manufacturing perspective. Polish J. Environ. Stud., 24: 1463-1475.
  10. Abdullah, I., W.H.W. Mahmood, M.H.F.M. Fauadi and M.N.A. Rahman, 2015. Benefits of regulatory and voluntary sustainability standards compliance: A review on Malaysian palm oil. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 9: 1-12.
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  11. Ab Rahman, M.N., R.M. Zain, A.M. Alias and Z.M. Nopiah, 2015. Statistical process control: Best practices in small and medium enterprises. Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol., 9: 193-208.
  12. Ab Rahman, M.N., M. Doroodian, Y. Kamarulzaman and M. Norhamidi, 2015. Designing a model for measuring innovation generation capacity for subcontractor SMEs. Sustainability, 7: 537-562.
  13. Rose, A.N.M., B.M. Deros and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2014. Critical success factors for implementing lean manufacturing in Malaysian automotive industry. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 8: 1191-1200.
  14. Rani, R.M., W.R. Ismail and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2014. Operators evaluation and allocation in SME's food manufacturing company using analytical hierarchy process and computer simulation. Int. J. Applied Phys. Math., 4: 215-222.
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  15. Narooei, K.D., R. Ramli, M.N. Ab Rahman, F. Iberahim and J.A. Qudeiri, 2014. Tool routing path optimization for multi-hole drilling based on ant colony optimization. World Applied Sci. J., 32: 1894-1898.
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  16. Manzouri, M., M.N. Ab Rahman, C.R.C.M. Zain and E.A. Jamsari, 2014. Increasing production and eliminating waste through lean tools and techniques for halal food companies. Sustainability, 6: 9179-9204.
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  17. Leuveano, R.A.C., F.A.B. Jafar, C. Saleh, M.R.B. Muhamad and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2014. Incorporating transportation cost into joint economic lot size for single vendor-buyer. J. Software, 9: 1313-1323.
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  18. Jamian, R., M.N. Ab Rahman, B.M. Deros, M.Z. Ibrahim and N.Z.N. Ismail, 2014. Relationship between 5S implementation and green performance of malaysian manufacturing SMEs: A conceptual model. UKM J. Eng., 26: 1-14.
  19. Jamian, R., M.N. Ab Rahman, B.M. Deros, M.S. Mohamed and N.Z.N. Ismail, 2014. A conceptual approach of 5S to improving quality and environmental performance of Malaysian oil palm dealers. Jurnal Teknologi, 70: 65-73.
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  20. Jainury, S.M., R. Ramli, M.N. Ab Rahman and A. Omar, 2014. Integrated set parts supply system in a mixed-model assembly line. Comput. Ind. Eng., 75: 266-273.
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  21. Ismail, A., J.A. Ghani, M.N. Ab Rahman, B.M. Deros and C.H.C. Haron, 2014. Application of lean six sigma tools for cycle time reduction in manufacturing: Case study in biopharmaceutical industry. Arab. J. Sci. Eng., 39: 1449-1463.
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  22. Ibrahim, M.Z., M.N. Ab Rahman and R.M. Yasin, 2014. Determining factors of students' satisfaction with malaysian skills training institutes. Int. Educ. Stud., 7: 9-24.
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  23. Hussain, W.M.H.W., M.N. Ab Rahman, Z.A. Zainol and N.I. Yaakub, 2014. Mechanism and government initiatives promoting innovation and commercialization of university invention. Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. Hum., 21: 131-148.
  24. Ghani, J.A., H. Jamaluddin, M.N. Ab Rahman and B.M. Deros, 2014. Development of training kit for learning taguchi method and design of experiments. Jurnal Teknologi, 68: 19-25.
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  25. Ab Rahman, M.N., S. Jafarzadeh-Ghoushchi, D. Abd Wahab and M. Jafarzadeh-Ghoushji, 2014. Artificial neural network modeling studies to predict the amount of carried weight by Iran khodro transportation system. Life Sci. J., 11: 146-154.
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  26. Ab Rahman, M.N., N.S.M. Zubir, R.A.C. Leuveano, J.A. Ghani and W.M.F.W. Mahmood, 2014. Reliability study of solder paste alloy for the improvement of solder joint at surface mount fine-pitch components. J. Mater., 7: 7706-7721.
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  27. Rose, A.N.M., B.M. Deros and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2013. Lean manufacturing perceptions and actual practice among malaysian SME's in automotive industry. Int. J. Automotive Mech. Eng., 7: 820-829.
  28. Rose, A.N.M., B.M. Deros and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2013. A study on lean manufacturing implementation in Malaysian automotive component industry. Int. J. Automotive Mech. Eng., 8: 1467-1476.
  29. Manzouri, M., M.N. Ab Rahman, N. Saibani and C.R.C.M. Zain, 2013. Lean supply chain practices in the Halal food. Int. J. Lean Six Sigma, 4: 389-408.
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  30. Manzouri, M., M.N. Ab Rahman, F. Nasimi and H. Arshad, 2013. A model for securing sharing information across the supply chain. Am. J. Applied Sci., 10: 253-258.
  31. Manzouri, M. and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2013. Adaptation of theories of supply chain management to the lean supply chain management. Int. J. Logist. Manage., 14: 38-54.
  32. Mahmood, W.H.W., M.N. Ab Rahman, B.M. Deros, K. Jusoff and A. Saptari et al., 2013. Manufacturing performance in green supply chain management. World Applied Sci. J., 21: 76-84.
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  33. Jainury, S.M., R. Ramli, M.N. Ab Rahman and A. Omar, 2013. Design concepts in set parts supply implementation. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 6: 3682-3685.
  34. Ghoushchi, S.J., M.N. Ab Rahman, S.A. Moghadam and M.J. Ghoushji, 2013. An improvement model presented to reduce the required time for the implementation of ERP in the organization. World Applied Sci. J., 21: 203-208.
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  35. Ghani, J.A., H. Jamaluddin, M.N. Ab Rahman and B.M. Deros, 2013. Philosophy of taguchi approach and method in design of experiment. Asian J. Sci. Res., 6: 27-37.
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  36. Baba, M.D., N. Norani, A.W. Lim and A.M. Nizam, 2013. Critical success factors for six sigma deployment in manufacturing companies in Malaysia. KMUTNB: Int. J. Applied Sci. Technol., 4: 13-23.
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  37. Ab Rahman, M.N., W.H.W. Mahmood and B.M. Deros, 2013. Increased productivity through improved manufacturing flexibility and time efficiency: A simulation study. Sci. Eng., 62: 53-61.
  38. Ab Rahman, M.N., M. Manzouri, H. Arshad and N. Nordin, 2013. How implementing SCM affect different manufacturing companies? Int. J. Logist. Syst. Manage., 16: 288-314.
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  39. Ab Rahman, M.N., M. Manzouri and C.R.C.M. Zain, 2013. Enviromental concern in managing halal food supply chain. Am. J. Applied Sci., 9: 240-246.
  40. Ab Rahman, M.N., C.K. Ho, R. Jamian, N.F. Ramli and N.M. Cherng, 2013. Comparative study of manufacturing strategy between Japanese and western approaches: An overview. UKM J. Eng., 24: 35-43.
  41. Ab Rahman, M.N., 2013. What is green supply chain. Green Ind., 2: 7-8.
  42. Yasin, R.M., Z. Mohamad, M.N. Ab. Rahman and M.H.M. Hashim, 2012. The formation of indicators on engineering laboratory management. Int. Educ. Stud., 5: 212-217.
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  43. Sahwan, M.A., M.N. Ab Rahman and B.M. Deros, 2012. Barriers to implement lean manufacturing in Malaysian automotive industry. Sci. Eng., 59: 107-110.
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  44. Rahman, N., B.M. Deros and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. A study on benchmarking technique understanding and knowledge in Malaysia palm oil milling industry. Sci. Eng., 59: 73-76.
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  45. Nordin, N., B.M. Deros, D.A. Wahab and M.N. Ab. Rahman, 2012. A framework for organisational change management in lean manufacturing implementation. Int. J. Serv. Operat. Manage., 12: 101-117.
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  46. Nordin, N., B.M. Deros, D.A. Wahab and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. Validation of lean manufacturing implementation framework using Delphi technique. Sci. Eng., 59: 1-6.
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  47. Mohamad, Z., R.M. Yasin and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. Laboratory quality management requirements of engineering at the polytechnics ministry of higher education Malaysia. J. Educ. Learning, 6: 59-64.
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  48. Manzouri, M., C.R.C.M. Zain and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. Lean manufacturing tools in the halal food industries. Int. J. Adv. Manage. Technol. Eng. Sci., 1: 55-59.
  49. Mahmud, F., B.M. Deros, D.A. Wahab and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. A survey on the barriers of benchmarking implementation in Malaysia oil palm industry. Sci. Eng., 59: 47-54.
  50. Mahmood, W.H.W., M.N. Ab Rahman and B.M. Deros, 2012. Green supply chain management in Malaysian aero composite industry. Sci. Eng., 59: 13-17.
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  51. Jamian, R., M.N. Ab Rahman, B.M. Deros and N.Z.N. Ismail, 2012. A conceptual model towards sustainable management system based upon 5S practice for manufacturing SMEs. Asia Pac. J. Opera. Manage., 1: 19-31.
  52. Jainury, S.M., R. Ramli, M.N. Ab Rahman and A. Omar, 2012. An implementation of set parts supply system in the Malaysian automotive industry. Sci. Eng., 59: 19-24.
  53. Jainury, S.M., R. Ramli and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. Applying lean principles, tools and techniques in set parts supply implementation. Int. J. Mech. Ind. Sci. Eng., 6: 490-494.
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  54. Jafarzadeh, S.G., M.N. Ab. Rahman and D. Abd. Wahab, 2012. Optimization of supply chain management based on response surface methodology: A case study of Iran Khodro. World Applied Sci. J., 20: 620-627.
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  55. Jafarzadeh, S.G., M.N. Ab. Rahman and D. Abd. Wahab, 2012. Forecasting capabilities of spare part production with artificial neural networks model in a supply chain. World Applied Sci. J., 20: 674-678.
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  56. Ismail, A.R., S.K.S.A. Karagaratnan, R. Zulkifli, B.M. Deros and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. A review on thermal comfort assessment in Malaysian industries. Sci. Eng., 59: 7-11.
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  57. Hussain, W.M.H.W., M.N. Abdul Rahman, J.A. Ghani, W.K. Mujani, Z.A. Zainol and N.I. Yaakub, 2012. Planning production and control: Design of Experiments (DOE) in legal service industry. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol.,  4: 1684-1689.
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  58. Hussain, W.M.H.W., M.N. Ab Rahman, W.K. Mujani, Z.A. Zainol and N.I. Yaakub, 2012. Internet marketing strategy for Malaysia medical practitioners. J. Med. Market., 12: 13-21.
  59. Hussain, W.M.H.W., M.N. Ab Rahman, J.A. Ghani, W.K. Mujani, Z.A. Zainol and N.I. Yaakub, 2012. Planning production and control: Design of Experiments (DOE) in legal service industry. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 4: 1684-1689.
  60. Go, T.F., D.A. Wahab, M.N. Ab Rahman, R. Ramli and A. Hussain, 2012. Genetically optimised disassembly sequence for automotive component reuse. Expert Syst. Applic., 39: 5409-5417.
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  61. Deros, B.M., T. Jun and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2012. Benchmarking technique in lean manufacturing (5S) practice. Sci. Eng., 59: 111-114.
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  62. Abu, N.H., B.M. Deros, D.A. Wahab, M.N. Ab Rahman and N. Nordin, 2012. A study on the difference between radical innovation and incremental improvement in pre-development practices of NPD projects. Sci. Eng., 59: 123-127.
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  63. Abu, N.H., B.M. Deros, D. Abd. Wahab, M.N. Ab. Rahman and M.F. Mansor, 2012. The pre-development process implementation of product innovation: A Malaysian food and beverage manufacturing SMEs survey. Int. J. Bus. Manage. Sci., 5: 39-49.
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  64. Ab. Rahman, M.N., J.A. Ghani, A.R. Ismail and R.M. Zain, 2012. Engineering students towards entrepreneurship awareness. Int. J. Acad. Res. Account. Finance Manage. Sci., 2: 273-284.
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  65. Ab. Rahman, M.N., 2012. The effective implementation of global supply chain management in small to medium-sized companies in Malaysia: An empirical study. Int. J. Manage., 29: 274-287.
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  66. Yaakub, N.I., W.M. Hirwani, M.N. Ab. Rahman, Z.A. Zainol and W.K. Mujani et al., 2011. Challenges for university research for agricultural based on invention. World Applied Sci. J., 12: 132-138.
  67. Shokshok, M.A., M.N. Ab Rahman and D.A. Wahab, 2011. Diagnosing culture variables to enable successful TQM implementation in libyan manufacturing companies. World Applied Sci. J., 12: 903-911.
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  68. Manzouri, M., M.N. Ab Rahman and H. Arshad, 2011. Order management in supply chain: A case study in automotive companies. Am. J. Eng. Applied Sci., 4: 372-379.
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  69. Mahmood, W.H.W., M.N.A. Rahman, B.M. Deros and H. Mazli, 2011. Maintenance management system for upstream operations in oil and gas industry: A case study. Int. J. Ind. Syst. Eng., 9: 317-329.
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  70. Jamaludin, K.R., N. Muhamad, M.N.A. Rahman, S. Ahmad and M.H.I. Ibrahim et al., 2011. Multiple optimization for the best metal injection molding green compact. J. Applied Sci., 11: 1663-1667.
  71. Ismail, A.R., N. Jusoh, M.N. Ab. Rahman, R. Zulkifli and K. Kardigama, 2011. Thermal comfort assessment at parcel and logistic industry: A field study in Malaysia. J. Inst. Eng., 72: 36-40.
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  72. Hussain, W.M.H.W., W.K. Mujani, M.N. Ab. Rahman, N.I. Yaakub, Z.A. Zainol and K. Jusoff, 2011. Transforming university's mission and vision statement for commercialization of university's research in Malaysia. Middle-East J. Scient. Res., 7: 112-120.
  73. Hussain, W.M.H.W., W.K. Mujani, M.N. Ab. Rahman, N.I. Yaakub, Z.A. Zainol and K. Jusoff, 2011. Internet marketing strategy for commercialisation of global university research: An exploratory analysis. Middle-East J. Scient. Res., 7: 93-102.
  74. Hussain, W.M.H.W., W.K. Mujani, M.N. Ab. Rahman, N.I. Yaakub and Z.A. Zainol, 2011. Undue influence in the commercialization of university research. Int. Bus. Manage., 5: 331-338.
  75. Hussain, W.M.H.W., W.K. Mujani, M.N. Ab. Rahman, N.I. Yaakub and Z.A. Zainol, 2011. Six sigma principles for Malaysian lawyer. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 5: 1896-1900.
  76. Hussain, W.M.H.W., N.I. Yaakub, M.N. Ab Rahman, Z.A. Zainol and W.K. Mujani, 2011. Internet marketing strategies for lawyers in Malaysia: Read it, and do it to skyrocket your business. Int. Rev. Bus. Res. Pap., 1: 191-205.
  77. Hussain, W.M.H.W., M.N. Ab. Rahman, Z.A. Zainol, W.K. Mujani and N.I. Yaakub, 2011. Commercialisation of university research into engineering education. Social Sci., 6: 502-506.
  78. Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood, W., N. Mat Tahar, M.N. Ab Rahman and B. Deros, 2011. Supply chain enhancement through product and vendor development programme. J. Modell. Manage., 6: 164-177.
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  79. Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood, W., M.N. Ab Rahman, Z.A. Zainol, W.K. Mujani and N.I. Yaakub, 2011. A method for finding investor through internet marketing strategy. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 5: 1841-1849.
  80. Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood, W., M.N. Ab Rahman, W.K. Mujani, N.I. Yaakub and Z.A. Zainol, 2011. Legal Marketing online: Lawyers facilitate in commercialization of Malaysian university research. Int. Bus. Manage., 5: 339-344.
  81. Haniff, M.H.M., A.R. Ismail. B.M. Deros, M.N.A. Rahman and K. Kardigama, 2011. The Taguchi approach in optimizing environmental factors affecting productivity in the automotive industry. Int. J. Automotive Mech. Eng., 3: 306-317.
  82. Go, T.F., D.A. Wahab, M.A. Rahman, R. Ramli and C.H. Azhari, 2011. Disassemblability of end-of-life vehicle: a critical review of evaluation methods. J. Cleaner Prod., 19: 1536-1546.
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  83. Ghani, J.A., K. Othman, M.N.A. Rahman, B.M. Deros and C.H.C. Haron, 2011. Machined surface of fcd 700 ductile cast iron in a dry turning environment using carbide tools. Int. J. Mechanical Mater. Eng., 6: 362-366.
  84. Deros, B.M., J. Tan, M.N. Ab. Rahman and N.A.Q.M. Daud, 2011. An effective approach for benchmarking implementation. Am. J. Eng. Applied Sci., 4: 288-293.
  85. Deros, B.M., D. Mohamad, M.H.M. Idris, M.N.A. Rahman, J.A. Ghani and A.R. Ismail, 2011. Setup time reduction in an automotive battery assembly line. Int. J. Syst. Applic. Eng. Dev., 5: 618-625.
  86. Manzouri, M., M.N.A. Rahman, H. Arshad and A.R. Ismail, 2010. Barriers of supply chain management implementation in manufacturing companies: A comparison between Iranian and Malaysian companies. J. Chin. Inst. Ind. Eng., 27: 456-472.
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  87. Ismail, A.R., M.H.M. Haniff, M.Y.M. Haniff, M.N.A. Rahman and J.A. Ghani, 2010. Optimization of several environmental factors to human performance by using Taguchi method. Ind. Eng. Manage. Syst., 9: 157-164.
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  88. Ismail A.R., R.A. Bakar, N. Jusoh, N.K. Makhtar and M.N. Ab Rahman, 2010. Assessment of thermal comfort at Malaysian automotive industries. Asian Int. J. Sci. Technol. Prod. Manuf. Eng., 3: 73-88.
  89. Go, T.F., D.A. Wahab, M.N.A. Rahman and R. Ramli, 2010. A design framework for end-of-life vehicles recovery: Optimization of disassembly sequence using genetic algorithms. Am. J. Environ. Sci., 6: 350-356.
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  90. Go, T.F., D.A. Wahab, M.N. Ab Rahman, R. Ramli and C.H. Azhari, 2010. Disassembly for reuse: Implementation in the Malaysian automotive industry. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 4: 4569-4575.
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  91. Deros, B.M., M.N. Ab Rahman, A.R. Ismail, L.W. Yee and R.M. Zain, 2010. Application of statistical process control technique for evaluating machine capability: A case study. Asian Int. J. Sci. Technol. Prod. Manuf. Eng., 3: 15-22.
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  92. Ab Rahman, M.N., R.M. Zain, Z.M. Nopiah and S.A. Rahman, 2010. Improving process performance through statistical quality tools. J. Quality Measurement Anal., 6: 1-15.
  93. Ab Rahman, M.N., R.M. Zain, N. Saibani, S.A. Rahman and Z.M. Nopiah, 2010. Obstacles of the SPC implementation: A practical reflection from the small and medium entrepreneurs. J. Quality Measurement Anal., 6: 1-17.
  94. Ab Rahman, M.N., N.K. Khamis, R. Mohd Zain, B. Deros and W.H. Wan Mahmood, 2010. Implementation of 5S practices in the manufacturing companies: A case study. Am. J. Applied Sci., 7: 1182-1189.