Dr. Nur Izura Udzir
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Dr. Nur Izura Udzir

Associate Professor
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of York, United Kingdom

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Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Data Analysis
Computer Programming
Wireless Network
Computer Security

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Salji, M.R., N.I. Udzir, M.I.H. Ninggal, N.F.M. Sani and H. Ibrahim, 2016. Role performance trust-based access control for protecting sensitive attributes. Int. J. Secur. Appl., 10: 153-172.
  2. Salji, M.R., N.I. Udzir, N.F.M. Sani and H. Ibrahim, 2016. Performance and divisional trust and purpose-based access control for privacy preservation. Adv. Sci. Lett., .
  3. Isa, M.A.M., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir, J.L.A. Manan, A. Josang and A. Dehghantanha, 2016. A formal calculus for international relations computation and evaluation. J. Curr. Res. Sci. (JCRS), 4: 177-194.
  4. Hajamydeen, A.I., N.I. Udzir, R. Mahmod and A.A.A. Ghani, 2016. An unsupervised heterogeneous log-based framework for anomaly detection. Turk. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci., 24: 1117-1134.
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  5. Hajamydeen, A.I. and N.I. Udzir, 2016. A refined filter for UHAD to improve anomaly detection. Secur. Commun. Networks, 9: 2434-2447.
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  6. Zakaria, N.H., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2015. Enhancing advanced encryption standard (AES) S-box generation using affine transformation. J. Theor. Applied Inf. Technol., 72: 18-22.
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  7. Yasin, W., H. Ibrahim, N.I. Udzir and N.A.W.A. Hamid, 2015. Cooperative web proxy caching for media objects based on peer-to-peer systems. Int. J. Innovative Comput., Inf. Control, 11: 1-14.
  8. Jegede, A., N.I. Udzir, A. Abdullah and R. Mahmod, 2015. Face recognition and template protection with shielding function. Int. J. Security Applic., 9: 149-164.
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  9. Halboob, W., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir and M.T. Abdullah, 2015. Privacy policies for computer forensics. Comput. Fraud Secur., 8: 9-13.
  10. Farjamfar, A., M.T. Abdullah, R. Mahmod and N.I. Udzir, 2015. Multimedia files signature analysis in blackberry Z10. J. Applied Sci., 15: 668-674.
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  11. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. Review of DNA and pseudo DNA cryptography. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 4: 65-76.
  12. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. Generating a new S-box inspired by biological DNA. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Appl., 4: 32-42.
  13. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. A new DNA-based approach of generating key-dependent shift rows transformation. Int. J. Net. Secur. Appl., 7: 79-89.
  14. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. A new DNA-Based S-Box. Int. J. Eng. Technol., Vol. 15. .
  15. Al-Wattar, A.H., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. A new DNA based approach of generating key-dependent mixcolumns transformation. Int. J. Comput. Net. Commun., 7: 93-102.
  16. Adinehnia, R., N.I. Udzir, L.S. Affendey, I. Ishak and Z.M. Hanapi, 2015. User-independent and self-optimizing intrusion detection framework for large database systems. WSEAS Trans. Inf. Sci. Appl., 12: 269-276.
  17. Yasin, W., H. Ibrahim, N.I. Udzir and N.A.W.A. Hamid, 2014. Intelligent cooperative web caching policies for media objects based on decision tree supervised machine learning algorithms. J. Inf. Commun. Technol., .
  18. Roslan, N.A., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2014. Primitive structural method for high capacity text steganography. J. Theor. Applied Inf. Technol., 66: 373-383.
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  19. Halboob, W., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir, M.T. Abdullah and A. Deghantanha, 2014. An ordered selective imaging and distributed analysis computer forensics model. J. Applied Sci., 14: 2704-2712.
  20. Halboob, W., K.S. Alghathbar, R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir, M.T. Abdullah and A. Deghantanha, 2014. An Efficient Computer Forensics Selective Imaging Model. In: Future Information Technology, Park, J.J., I. Stojmenovic, M. Choi and F. Xhafa (Eds.). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp: 277-284.
  21. Farjamfar, A., M.T. Abdullah, R. Mahmod and N.I. Udzir, 2014. A review on mobile device's digital forensic process models. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 8: 358-366.
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  22. Asmawi, A., L.S. Affendey, N.I. Udzir and R. Mahmod, 2014. Enhance security in XML Databases: XLog file for severity-aware trust-based access control. Int. J. Comput. Inf. Syst. Control Eng., 8: 759-761.
  23. Yew, T.J., K. Samsudin, N.I. Udzir and S.J. Hashim, 2013. Rootkit guard (RG)-an architecture for rootkit resistant file-system implementation based on TPM. Pertanika J. Sci. Technol., 21: 507-520.
  24. Mahboubian, M. and N.I. Udzir, 2013. A naturally inspired statistical intrusion detection model. Int. J. Comput. Theor. Eng., 5: 578-581.
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  25. Aziz, N.A., S. Setapa and N.I. Udzir, 2013. Mutual remote attestation in IPSec based VPN. Int. J. Cryptol. Res., 4: 55-67.
  26. Udzir, N.I., A. Dehghantanha, M.T. Abdullah and Z.H. Abdullah, 2012. Educating users to mitigate social engineering and privacy risks in social networking services. Int. J. Eng. Technol., Vol. 9. .
  27. Mahboubian, M., N.I. Udzir, S. Subramaniam and N.A.W.A. Hamid, 2012. An AIS inspired alert reduction model. Int. J. Cyber-Security Digital Forensics, 1: 130-139.
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  28. Jamil, N., R. Mahmod, M.R. Z’aba, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2012. STITCH-256: A dedicated cryptographic hash function. J. Applied Sci., 12: 1526-1536.
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  29. Roslan, N.A., R. Mahmod and N.I. Udzir, 2011. Sharp-edges method in arabic text steganography. J. Theor. Applied Inf. Technol. (JATIT), 33: 32-41.
  30. Muda, Z., W. Yassin, M.N. Sulaiman and N.I. Udzir, 2011. A K-means and naive bayes learning approach for better intrusion detection. Inform. Technol. J., 10: 648-655.
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  31. Jamil, N., R. Mahmod, M.R. Z`aba, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2011. An observation of cryptographic properties of 256 one-dimensional cellular automata rules. Commun. Comput. Inf. Sci., 251: 409-420.
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  32. Asif-Iqbal, H., N.I. Udzir, R. Mahmod and A.A.A. Ghani, 2011. Filtering events using clustering in heterogeneous security logs. Inform. Technol. J., 10: 798-806.
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  33. Abdullah, Z.H., N.I. Udzir, R. Mahmod and K. Samsuddin, 2011. Towards a dynamic file integrity monitor through a security classification. Int. J. New Comput. Architectures Appl., 1: 789-802.
  34. Udzir, N.I., H. Ibrahim and S. Demesie, 2010. Finer Garbage Collection in Lindacap. Int. J. Inf. Technol. Web Eng., 5: 1-26.
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  35. Udzir, N.I., A.M. Wood and J.L. Jacob, 2007. Coordination with multicapabilities. Sci. Comput. Program., 64: 205-222.
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