Dr. A.  S.M. Mukter-Uz-Zaman
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Dr. A. S.M. Mukter-Uz-Zaman

Senior Lecturer
Multimedia University, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

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Area of Interest:

Solid State Electronics
Process Engineering
Nano Materials
Embedding System Design

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Wong, W., H.Y. Wong, A.B.M. Badruzzaman, H.H. Goh and M. Zaman, 2016. Recent advances in exploitation of nanomaterial for arsenic removal from water: A review. Nanotechnology, Vol. 28, No. 4. 10.1088/1361-6528/28/4/042001.
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  2. Ehtesham, A., W.W. Wong, H.Y. Wong and M. Zaman, 2016. Recent advances in fabrication techniques of perovskite solar cells: A review. Am. J. Applied Sci., 13: 1290-1314.
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  3. Aghigh, A., V. Alizadeh, H.Y. Wong, M.S. Islam, N. Amin and M. Zaman, 2015. Recent advances in utilization of graphene for filtration and desalination of water: A review. Desalination, 365: 389-397.
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  4. Zaman, M., H.Y. Wong, M. Islam and N. Amin, 2014. An integrated hybrid energy harvester for autonomous wireless sensor network nodes. Int. J. Photoenergy, Vol. 2014. 10.1155/2014/760534.
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  5. Zaman, M., A.A.A. Rahman, A. Aziz, J.A. Ghafar and S. Islamn, 2013. Design and implementation of hybrid micro energy harvester for autonomous WSN components. Applied Mech. Mater., 313-314: 1362-1366.
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  6. Zaman, M., G. Witjaksono, T.A. Shih, S. Islam, M. Othman and N. Amin, 2012. The effect on physical, electrical and structural parameters of RF sputtered molybdenum thin film. Adv. Mater. Res., 403-408: 5092-5096.
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  7. Zaman, M., G. Witjaksono, M. Othman, M. Islam and N. Amin, 2012. Design of MEMS based energy harvester to profile environmental parameter using autonomous WSN components. Applied Mech. Mater., 152-154: 1846-1851.
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  8. Hossain, M.I., P. Chelvanathan, M. Zaman, M.R. Karim, M.A. Alghoul and N. Amin, 2011. Prospects of indium sulphide as an alternative to cadmium sulphide buffer layer in CIS based solar cells from numerical analysis. Chalcogenide Lett., 8: 315-324.
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  9. Islam, S., M. Zaman and M. Othman, 2010. Design and development of embedded devices for vision based a smart surveillance system. J. Microeng. Nanoelectron., 1: 75-79.
  10. Islam, S., M. Zaman, B. Madon and M. Othman, 2008. Designing fuzzy based mobile robot controller using VHDL. Int. J. Math. Models Methods Applied Sci., 1: 138-142.
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  11. Islam, M.S., N. Amin, M. Zaman and M.S. Bhuyan, 2008. Fuzzy based PID controller using VHDL for transportation application. Int. J. Math. Models Methods Applied Sci., 2: 143-147.
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  12. Zaman, M., M.S. Islam and K. Ramasamy, 2007. ToF measurement based novel top edge detection algorithm for a smart security system. IEICE Electron. Express, 4: 617-623.
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  13. Islam, M.S., N. Amin, M.S. Bhuyan, M. Zaman, B. Madon and M. Othman, 2007. FPGA realization of fuzzy temperature controller for industrial application. WSEAS Trans. Syst. Control, 2: 484-490.
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