Dr. Sarva Mangala Praveena
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Dr. Sarva Mangala Praveena

Senior Lecturer
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia

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Dr. Sarva Mangala Praveena is currently working as Senior Lecturer at University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. She obtained her PhD and Master degree in Environmental Science from University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia. She is also working as member of Malaysian Analytical Sciences Association, and International Water Association. In past she worked as Demonstrator/ Past time Tutor/ Research Assistant/ and Post Doctoral Fellow at University Malaysia Sabah. She is also Associate Editor of Journals. She is also serving as reviewer of several journals. Total numbers of publications in her credit are 73 out of which 42 are in citation-indexed journals and 7 in other refereed journals, 14 conference proceedings, 3 chapters in books, 5 abstracts and 5 in magazine/newsletter. Total citations are 180 out of which 9 in H-index (Scopus), 9 in H-index (Web of Science) and 12 in H-index (Google Scholar).

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Groundwater Modeling
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Statistics
Environmental Analysis

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Ting, Y.F. and S.M. Praveena, 2017. Sources, mechanisms and fate of steroid estrogens in wastewater treatment plants: A mini review. Environ. Monitor. Assess., Vol. 189. .
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  2. Zulkifli, A., E.Z. Abidin, N.Z. Abidin, A. Nordin and A. Siddiq et al., 2016. Electronic cigarettes: A systematic review of available studies on health risk assessment. Rev. Environ. Health. .
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  3. Tan, S.Y., S.M. Praveena, E.Z. Abidin and M.S. Cheema, 2016. A review of heavy metals in indoor dust and its human health-risk implications. Rev. Environ. Health, 31: 447-456.
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  4. Praveena, S.M., T.S. Lui, S.Q.N.A. Razak and A.Z. Aris, 2016. Occurrence of selected estrogenic compounds and estrogenic activity in surface water and sediment of Langat river (Malaysia). Environ. Monitor. Assess., 188: 1-11.
  5. Praveena, S.M., S.S. Shamira, S.N.S. Ismail and A.Z. Aris, 2016. Fecal indicator bacteria in tropical beach sand: Baseline findings from Port Dickson coastline, Strait of Malacca (Malaysia). Mar. Pollut. Bull., 110: 609-612.
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  6. Praveena, S.M., S.Q.N.A. Razak and A.Z. Aris, 2016. Analysis of steroid estrogens in river sediment by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Iran. J. Sci. Technol. Trans. A: Sci. .
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  7. Praveena, S.M., L.S. Han, L.T.L. Than and A.Z. Aris, 2016. Preparation and characterisation of silver nanoparticle coated on cellulose paper: Evaluation of their potential as antibacterial water filter. J. Exp. Nanosci., 11: 1307-1319.
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  8. Fang, T.Y., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris, S.N.S. Ismail and I. Rasdi, 2016. Analytical techniques for steroid estrogens in water samples: A review. Chemosphere, 165: 358-368.
  9. Ab Razak, N.H., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris and Z. Hashim, 2016. Quality of Kelantan drinking water and knowledge, attitude and practice among the population of Pasir Mas, Malaysia. Public Health, 131: 103-111.
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  10. Yuswir, N.S., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris, S.N.S. Ismail and Z. Hashim, 2015. Health risk assessment of heavy metal in urban surface soil (Klang district, Malaysia). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 95: 80-89.
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  11. Yuswir, N.S., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris, S.N. Syed Ismail, C. De Burbure and Z. Hashim, 2015. Heavy metal contamination in urban surface soil of Klang district (Malaysia). Soil Sediment Contam. Int. J., 24: 865-881.
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  12. Rusmadi, S.Z., S.N.S. Ismail and S.M. Praveena, 2015. Preliminary study on the skin lightening practice and health symptoms among female students in Malaysia. J. Environ. Public Health, Vol. 2015. 10.1155/2015/591790.
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  13. Razak, A., N. Hafiza, S.M. Praveena and Z. Hashim, 2015. Toenail as a biomarker of heavy metal exposure via drinking water: A systematic review. Rev. Environ. Health, 30: 1-7.
  14. Praveena, S.M., S.N.S. Ismail and A.Z. Aris, 2015. Health risk assessment of heavy metal exposure in urban soil from Seri Kembangan (Malaysia). Arabian J. Geosci., 8: 9753-9761.
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  15. Praveena, S.M., N.S. Abdul Mutalib and A.Z. Aris, 2015. Determination of heavy metals in indoor dust from primary school (Sri Serdang, Malaysia): Estimation of the health risks. Environ. Forensics, 16: 257-263.
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  16. Praveena, S.M., N.M. Pauzi, M. Hamdan and S.M. Sham, 2015. Assessment of swimming associated health effects in marine bathing beach: An example from Morib beach (Malaysia). Mar. Pollut. Bull., 92: 222-226.
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  17. Praveena, S.M., K.S. Chen and S.N.S. Ismail, 2015. New Methods to Assess Fecal Contamination in Beach Water Quality. In: Environmental Management and Governance. Finkl, C.W. and C. Makowski (Ed.). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland., pp: 65-81.
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  18. Praveena, S.M., B. Pradhan and S.N.S. Ismail, 2015. Spatial assessment of heavy metals in surface soil from Klang district (Malaysia): An example from a tropical environment. Human Ecol. Risk Assess. Int. J., 21: 1980-2003.
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  19. Praveena, S.M. and C.L.S. Lin, 2015. Assessment of heavy metal in self-caught saltwater fish from Port Dickson coastal water, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 44: 91-99.
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  20. Praveena, S.M. and A.Z. Aris, 2015. Application of low-cost materials coated with silver nanoparticle as water filter in Escherichia coli removal. Water Qual. Exposer Health, 7: 617-625.
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  21. Omar, N.A., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris and Z. Hashim, 2015. Health risk assessment using in vitro digestion model in assessing bioavailability of heavy metal in rice: A preliminary study. Food Chem., 188: 46-50.
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  22. Zailina, H., H. Najibah, A.N. Aiezzati, S.M. Praveena and I. Patimah, 2014. Comparison of the health implications on the use of As and Cd contaminated water supply between urban and rural communities. BioMed Res. Int., Vol. 2014. 10.1155/2014/797603.
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  23. Yuswir, N.S., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris, S.N.S. Ismail and Z. Hashim, 2014. Health risk assessment on bioavailability of heavy metals in Klang district urban surface soil. Iran. J. Public Health, 43: 167-171.
  24. Praveena, S.M., N.S. Yuswir, A.Z. Aris and Z. Hashim, 2014. Contamination assessment and potential human health risks of heavy metals in Klang urban soils: A preliminary study. Environ. Earth Sci. .
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  25. Isa, N.M., A.Z. Aris, W.Y. Lim, W.N.A.W. Sulaiman and S.M. Praveena, 2014. Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in groundwater samples from Kapas Island, Terengganu, Malaysia. Arabian J. Geosci., 7: 1087-1100.
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  26. Irniza, R., Z.A. Emilia, S.I.S. Norkhadijah and S.M. Praveena, 2014. PM2. 5, respiratory health risk and IL-6 levels among workers at a modern bus terminal in Kuala Lumpur. Int. J. Public Health Clin. Sci., 1: 58-68.
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  27. Aris, A.Z., W.Y. Lim, S.M. Praveena, M.K. Yusoff, M.F. Ramli and H. Juahir, 2014. Water quality status of selected rivers in Kota Marudu, Sabah, Malaysia and its suitability for usage. Sains Malaysiana, 43: 377-388.
  28. Aris, A.Z., N.H.A. Puad, N.A. Shafie, S.M. Praveena, M.F. Ramli and M.K. Yusoff, 2014. The chemometric approach as a useful tool in the identification of metal pollution sources of Riverine-mangrove sediment of Kota Marudu, Sabah, Malaysia. Environ. Asia. 7: 70-78.
  29. Aris, A.Z., A.S. Shamsuddin and S.M. Praveena, 2014. Occurrence of 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) in the environment and effect on exposed biota: A review. Environ. Int., 69: 104-119.
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  30. Abdul Wahab, A.S., S.N.S. Ismail, S.M. Praveena and S. Awang, 2014. Heavy metals uptake of water mimosa (Neptunia oleracea) and its safety for human consumption. Iran. J. Public Health, Vol. 43. .
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  31. Yuswir, N.S., N.S. Yuswir, S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris and Z. Hashim, 2013. Bioavailability of heavy metals using in vitro digestion model: A state of present knowledge. Rev. Environ. Health, 28: 181-187.
  32. Praveena, S.M., S.S. Siraj, A.Z. Aris, N.M. Al-Bakri, A.K. Suleiman and A.A. Zainal, 2013. Assessment of tidal and anthropogenic impacts on coastal waters by exploratory data analysis: An example from port Dickson, strait of Malacca, Malaysia. Environ. Forensics, 14: 146-154.
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  33. Praveena, S.M., K.S. Chen and S.N.S. Ismail, 2013. Indicators of microbial beach water quality: Preliminary findings from Teluk Kemang beach, port Dickson (Malaysia). Mar. Poll. Bull., 76: 417-419.
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  34. Praveena, S.M. and A.Z. Aris, 2013. A baseline study of tropical coastal water quality in Port Dickson, Strait of Malacca, Malaysia. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 67: 196-199.
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  35. Omar, N.A., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris and Z. Hashim, 2013. Bioavailability of heavy metal in rice using in vitro digestion model. Int. Food Res. J., 20: 2979-2985.
  36. Munisamy, R., S.N.S. Ismail and S.M. Praveena, 2013. Cadmium exposure via food crops: A case study of intensive farming area. Am. J. Applied Sci., 10: 1252-1262.
  37. Lim, W.Y., A.Z. Aris and S.M. Praveena, 2013. of the chemometric approach to evaluate the spatial variation of water chemistry and the identification of the sources of pollution in Langat river Malaysia. Arabian J. Geosci., 6: 4891-4901.
  38. Lim, W.Y., A.Z. Aris and S.M. Praveena, 2013. Application of the chemometric approach to evaluate the spatial variation of water chemistry and the identification of the sources of pollution in Langat river, Malaysia. Arabian J. Geosci., 6: 4891-4901.
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  39. Aris, A.Z., S.M. Praveena, N.M. Isa, W.Y. Lim, H. Juahir, M.K. Yusoff and A. Mustapha, 2013. Application of environmetric methods to surface water quality assessment of Langkawi Geopark (Malaysia). Environ. Forensics, 140: 230-239.
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  40. Aris, A.Z., S.M. Praveena and N.M. Isa, 2013. Groundwater composition and geochemical controls in small tropical islands of Malaysia: A comparative study. In: Groundwater in the Coastal Zones of Asia-Pacific. Wetzelhuetter, C. (Ed.). Springer, Netherlands., pp: 229-246.
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  41. Aris, A.Z. and S.M. Praveena, 2013. Conceptualizing Seawater Intrusion Processes in Small Tropical Island Via Geochemical Modelling. In: Coastal Hazards. Finkl, C.W. (Ed.). Springer, Netherlands., pp: 269-284.
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  42. Praveena, S.M.,, S.S. Siraj and A.Z. Aris, 2012. Coral reefs studies and threats in Malaysia: A mini review. Rev. Environ. Sci. Biotechnol., 11: 27-39.
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  43. Prasanna, M.V., S.M. Praveena, S. Chidambaram, R. Nagarajan and A. Elayaraja, 2012. Evaluation of water quality pollution indices for heavy metal contamination monitoring: A case study from Curtin lake, Miri city, East Malaysia. Environ. Earth Sci., 67: 1987-2001.
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  44. Mokhtar, M.B., S.M. Praveena, A.Z. Aris, O.C. Yong and A.P. Lim, 2012. Trace metal (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn) accumulation in Scleractinian corals: A record for Sabah, Borneo. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 64: 2556-2563.
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  45. Lin, C.Y., M.H. Abdullah, S.M. Praveena, H.Y. Aminatul and B. Musta, 2012. Delineation of temporal variability and governing factors influencing the spatial variability of shallow groundwater chemistry in a tropical sedimentary Island. J. Hydrol., 432-433: 26-42.
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  46. Aris, A.Z., S.M. Praveena, M.H. Abdullah, and M. Radojevic, 2012. Statistical approaches and hydrochemical modelling of groundwater system in a small tropical island. J. Hydroinform., 14: 206-220.
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  47. Praveena, S.M.,, O.W. Kwan and A.Z. Aris, 2011. Effect of data pre-treatment procedures on principal component analysis: A case study for mangrove surface sediment datasets. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 184: 6855-6868.
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  48. Praveena, S.M., S.S. Siraj, A.K. Suleiman and A.Z. Aris, 2011. A brush up on water quality studies of port Dickson, Malaysia. Res. J. Environ. Sci., 5: 841-849.
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  49. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah, K. Bidin and A.Z. Aris, 2011. Understanding of groundwater salinity using statistical modeling in a small tropical island, East Malaysia. Environmentalist, 31: 279-287.
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  50. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah, K. Bidin and A.Z. Aris, 2011. Sustainable groundwater management on the small island of Manukan, Malaysia. Environ. Earth Sci., 66: 719-728.
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  51. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah, K. Bidin and A.Z. Aris, 2011. Modeling of water balance components in a small island via a numerical model application. J. Coastal Res., 28: 202-209.
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  52. Lin, C.Y., M.H. Abdullah, B. Musta, S.M. Praveena and A.Z. Aris, 2011. Stability behavior and thermodynamic states of iron and manganese in sandy soil aquifer, Manukan island, Malaysia. Natural Resour. Res., 20: 45-56.
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  53. Aris, A.Z., S.M. Praveena,, L.A. Manaf, M.A. Abu Samah and M.K. Yusoff, 2011. A SWOT Analysis for Optimization of Groundwater Resource Management: The Case of Manukan Island, Sabah, Malaysia. In: Contemporary Environmental Quality Management in Malaysia and Selected Countries, Zakaria, M.P., M.I. Mohamed and S. Kasmin (Eds.). Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, Malaysia, pp: 247-258.
  54. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah, A.Z. Aris, M.B. Mokhtar and K. Bidin, 2010. Numerical simulation of seawater intrusion in Manukan Island, East Malaysia. J. Model. Manage., 6: 317-333.
  55. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah, A.Z. Aris and K. Bidin, 2010. Recharge and aquifer response: Manukan Island`s aquifer, Sabah, Malaysia. EnvironmentAsia, 3: 72-81.
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  56. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah and A.Z. Aris, 2010. Modeling for equitable groundwater management. Int. J. Environ. Res., 4: 415-426.
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  57. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah and A.Z. Aris, 2010. Groundwater solution techniques: Environmental applications. J. Water Resour. Prot., 2: 8-13.
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  58. Praveena, S.M., M.H. Abdullah and A.Z. Aris, 2010. Groundwater challenges in small islands: A review and examples from Malaysia. ISESCO Sci. Technol. Vision, 6: 17-23.
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  59. Praveena, S.M., C.Y. Lin, A.Z. Aris and M.H. Abdullah, 2010. Groundwater assessment at Manukan Island, Sabah: Multidisplinary approaches. Natural Resour. Res., 19: 279-291.
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  60. Praveena, S.M., A.Z. Aris, M.H. Abdullah and K. Bidin, 2010. Groundwater studies in tropical islands: Malaysian perspective. Episodes, 33: 200-204.
  61. Praveena, S.M., A.Z. Aris, M.H. Abdullah and K. Bidin, 2010. A brief review on groundwater studies in Malaysia. J. Sustain. Sci. Manage., 5: 123-133.
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  62. Praveena, S.M., A.Z. Aris and M. Radojevic, 2010. Heavy metals dynamics and source in intertidal mangrove sediment of Sabah, Borneo Island. Environ. Asia, 3: 79-83.
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  63. Praveena, S.M. and A.Z. Aris, 2010. Groundwater resources assessment using numerical model: A case study in low-lying coastal area. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 7: 135-146.
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  64. Praveena, S.M. and A.Z. Aris, 2010. A numerical modeling of seawater intrusion into an Oceanic Island's Aquifer-Sipadan Island, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 39: 525-532.
  65. Chin, Y.L., M.H. Abdullah, B. Musta, A.Z. Aris and S.M. Praveena, 2010. Assessment of selected chemical and microbial parameters in groundwater of Pulau Tiga, Sabah, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 39: 337-345.
  66. Aris, A.Z., S.M. Praveena and M.H. Abdullah, 2010. The influence of seawater on the chemical composition of groundwater in small island: The example of the Manukan Island, East Malaysia. J. Coastal Res., 28: 64-75.
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  67. Aris, A.Z., M.M. Abdullah, S.M. Praveena, M.K. Yusoff and H. Juahir, 2010. Extenuation of saline solutes in shallow aquifer of a small tropical island: A case study of Manukan Island, North Borneo. EnvironmentAsia, 3: 84-92.
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  68. Yik, L.C., M.H. Abdullah, A.Z. Aris and S.M. Praveena, 2009. A baseline study on groundwater quality of the tourist Island, Pulau Tiga, Sabah, Malaysia. Modern Applied Sci., 3: 62-74.
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  69. Praveena, S.M., A.Z. Aris and M.H. Abdullah, 2009. Modelling of Seawater Intrusion for a small tropical island aquifer in East Malaysia. Proceedings of International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Oct. 9-11, Singapore, pp: 202-205.
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  70. Praveena, S.M. and A.Z. Aris, 2009. A review of groundwater in islands using SWOT analysis. World Rev. Sci. Technol. Sustainable Dev., 6: 186-203.
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  71. Mokhtar, M.B., A.Z. Aris, V. Munusamy and S.M. Praveena, 2009. Assessment level of heavy metals in Penaeus monodon and Oreochromis spp. in selected aquaculture ponds of high densities development area. Eur. J. Sci. Res., 3: 348-360.
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  72. Aris, A.Z., M.H. Abdullah, K.K. Kim and S.M. Praveena, 2009. Hydrochemical changes in a small tropical Island's aquifer: Manukan Island, Sabah, Malaysia. Environ. Geol., 56: 1721-1732.
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  73. Aris, A.Z., M.H. Abdullah and S.M. Praveena, 2009. Evolution of groundwater chemistry in the shallow aquifer of a small tropical island, North Borneo. Sains Malaysiana, 38: 805-812.
  74. Radojevic, M., S.M. Praveena and M.H. Abdullah, 2008. Statistical perspective and pollution indicator in mengkabong mangrove sediment Sabah. Applied Modern Sci., 2: 131-143.
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  75. Praveena, S.M., M. Radojevic, M.H. Abdullah and A.Z. Aris, 2008. Application of sediment quality guidelines in the assessment of mangrove surface sediment in mengkabong Lagoon, Sabah, Malaysia. Iranian J. Environ. Health Sci. Eng., 5: 35-42.
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  76. Praveena, S.M., A. Ahmed, M. Radojevic, M.H. Abdullah and A.Z. Aris, 2008. Multivariate and geoaccumulation index evaluation in mangrove surface sediment of mengkabong lagoon, Sabah. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 81: 52-56.
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  77. Praveena, S.M., A. Ahmed, M. Radojevic, M.H. Abdullah and A.Z. Aris, 2008. Heavy metals in mangrove surface sediment of mengkabong Lagoon, Sabah: Multivariate and geo-accumulation index approaches. Int. J. Environ. Res., 2: 139-148.
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  78. Abdullah, M.H., K.W. Kim, S.M. Praveena and A.Z. Aris, 2008. Sediment-water partition and transport of heavy metals in acid mine drainage: An example from Malaysia's abandoned copper mine. Proceedings of 6th UNU and GIST Joint Programme Workshop on Sound Management of Hazardous Chemicals and Sustainable Energy, Oct. 21-23, Gwangju, Korea, pp: 77-77.
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  79. Praveena, S.M., M. Radojevic and M.H. Abdullah, 2007. The assessment of mangrove sediment quality in mengkabong Lagoon: An index approach. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Educ., 2: 60-68.
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  80. Budin, K., S.M. Praveena,, A. Ahmed, A.Z. Aris and H.C. Mun, 2007. Waste audit and awareness level on recycling program: A case study in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia. J. Borneo Sci., 20: 50-55.
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