Dr. Chan Yoke Mun
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Dr. Chan Yoke Mun

Associate Professor
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Community Nutrition from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Renal Nutrition
Bone Nutrition

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Rosli, T.I., C.Y. Mun, R.A. Kadir and T.A.A. Hamid, 2018. Association between tooth loss and body mass index among older adults in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. J. Sains Kesihatan Malaysia (Malay. J. Health Sci.), 16: 81-86.
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  2. Mohamad, N.A., V. Ramachandran, P. Ismail, H.M. Isa and Y.M. Chan et al., 2018. R102G polymorphism of the complement component 3 gene in Malaysian subjects with neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Egypt. J. Med. Hum. Genet., 19: 77-81.
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  3. Mohamad, N.A., V. Ramachandran, P. Ismail, H.M. Isa and Y.M. Chan et al., 2018. Association of CFH Y402H polymorphism with response to intravitreal ranibizumab among neovascular age-related macular degeneration subjects. Bosnian J. Basic Med. Sci. (In Press). .
  4. Bakri, N.M., V. Ramachandran, F.K. Hoo, V. Subrayan and H. Isa et al., 2018. Copy number variation in VEGF gene as a biomarker of susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration. Egypt. J. Med. Hum. Genet., 19: 207-213.
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  5. Shu, P.S., Y.M. Chan and S.L. Huang, 2017. Higher body mass index and lower intake of dairy products predict poor glycaemic control among type 2 diabetes patients in Malaysia. Plos One, Vol. 12. 10.1371/journal.pone.0172231.
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  6. Murat, F., Z. Ibrahim, C.Y. Mun, S. Nur and A. Adznam, 2017. Assessment of functional status through self-reported physical disability and performance-based functional limitations among elderly. Int. J. Hum. Soc. Sci. Inven., 6: 12-16.
  7. Mohamad, N.A., V. Ramachandran, P. Ismail, H.M. Isa and Y.M. Chan et al., 2017. VEGF polymorphisms among neovascular age-related macular degenerative subjects in a multiethnic population. Genet. Test. Mol. Biomark., 21: 600-607.
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  8. Mohamad, N.A., V. Ramachandran, P. Ismail and H.M. Isa et al., 2017. Prevalence and treatment patterns of ranibizumab and photodynamic therapy in a tertiary care setting in Malaysia. Int. J. Ophthalmol., 10: 1889-1897.
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  9. Kruger, M.C., Y.M. Chan, L.T. Lau, C.C. Lau and Y.S. Chin et al., 2017. Calcium and vitamin D fortified milk reduces bone turnover and improves bone density in postmenopausal women over 1 year. Eur. J. Nutr., 10.1007%2Fs00394-017-1544-6.
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  10. Bakri, N.M., V. Ramachandran, H.F. Kee, V. Subrayan and H. Isa et al., 2017. Association of copy number variations in complement factor H-related genes among age-related macular degenerative subjects. Kaohsiung J. Med. Sci., 33: 602-608.
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  11. Albelbeisi, A., Z.M. Shariff, C.Y. Mun, H. Abdul Rahman and Y. Abed, 2017. Use of micronutrient powder in at-home foods for young children (6-18 months): A feasibility study. Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 372-377.
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  12. Eshkoor, S.A., T.A. Hamid, S. Shahar, C.K. Ng and C.Y. Mun, 2016. Factors affecting hypertension among the Malaysian elderly. J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis., Vol. 3. 10.3390/jcdd3010008.
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  13. Eshkoor, S.A., T.A. Hamid and C.Y. Mun, 2016. Correlation of cognitive impairment with constipation and renal failure. Sains Malaysiana, 45: 1357-1361.
  14. Bahrani, R., Y.M. Chan, G.L. Khor, H. Abul Rahman and A. Esmailzadeh, 2016. Metabolic syndrome and socio-economic status among adolescents in Shiraz Southern-Iran. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health, 47: 270-283.
  15. Khor, G.L., Z.M. Shariff, S. Sariman, S.L.M. Huang and M. Mohamad et al., 2015. Milk drinking patterns among Malaysian urban children of different household income status. J. Nutr. Health Sci., Vol. 2. 10.15744/2393-9060.1.401.
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  16. Eshkoor, S.A., T.A. Hamid, S.S.A.H. Nudin and C.Y. Mun, 2015. Do medical treatments increase the risk of substance abuse in older people with dementia. J. Subst. Use, 20: 69-72.
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  17. Eshkoor, S.A., T.A. Hamid, C.Y. Mun and S. Shahar, 2015. An investigation on predictors of life satisfaction among the elderly. Int. E-J. Adv. Social Sci., 1: 207-212.
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  18. Er, S.H. and Y.M. Chan, 2015. Determination of phosphorus content in raw chicken and selected chicken processed meats. Malay. J. Nutr., 21: 365-374.
  19. Eshkoor, S.A., T.A. Hamid, S.S.A.H. Nudin and C.Y. Mun, 2014. The effects of social support, substance abuse and health care supports on life satisfaction in dementia. Social indic. Res., 116: 535-544.
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  20. Soon, H.K., H.A. Saad, M.N. Taib, H.A. Rahman and C.Y. Mun, 2013. Effects of combined physical activity and dietary intervention on obesity andmetabolic parameters in adults with abdominal obesity. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health, 44: 295-308.
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  21. Malihi, Z., M. Kandiah, Y.M. Chan, M. Hosseinzadeh, M.S. Azad and M.Z. Yeganeh, 2013. Nutritional status and quality of life in patients with acute leukaemia prior to and after induction chemotherapy in three hospitals in Tehran, Iran: A prospective study. J. Human Nutr. Dietetics, 26: 123-131.
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  22. Fazlini, M.F., A.R. Suriah, Y. Zaitun, M. Kandiah, W.S.S. Chee, Y.M. Chan, and S.P. Chan, 2013. Calcium supplementation amongst postmenopausal women: Effect on serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium level. Int. Food Res. J., 20: 477-480.
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  23. Eshkoor, S.A., T.A. Hamid, S.S.A.H. Nudin and C.Y. Mun, 2013. The effects of social support and having a partner on sleep quality in dementia. Am. J. Alzheimers Dis. Dementias, 28: 253-257.
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  24. Eshkoor, S.A., T.A. Hamid, S.S.A.H. Nudin and C.Y. Mun, 2013. The effects of sleep quality, physical activity, and environmental quality on the risk of falls in dementia. Am. J. Alzheimers Dis. Dementias, 28: 403-407.
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  25. Ebrahimi, F., Z.M. Shariff, M. Rezaeian, S.Z. Tabatabaei, C.Y. Mun and E. Tajik, 2013. Socioeconomic status and intake of energy and sodium are associated with calcium intake among pregnant women in Rafsanjan city, Iran. J. Obst. Gynaecol. Res., 39: 146-153.
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  26. Baizura, N.MY., Y.M. Chan, M.S. Zalilah and B.H. Choo, 2013. Factors associated with quality of life among hemodialysis patients in Malaysia. PLos One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0084152.
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  27. Akmar, Z.D., M.E. Norhaizan, R. Azimah, A. Azrina and Y.M. Chan, 2013. The trans fatty acids content of selected foods in Malaysia. Malaysian J. Nutr., 19: 87-98.
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  28. Akmar, Z.D., M.E. Norhaizan, R. Azimah, A. Azrinam and Y.M. Chan, 2013. The trans fatty acid content in human milk and its association with maternal diet among lactating mothers in Malaysia. Asia Pac. J. Clin. Nutr., 22: 431-442.
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  29. Chew, W.F., P. Rokiah, S.P. Chan, W.S. Chee, L.F. Lee and Y.M. Chan, 2012. Prevalence of glucose intolerance and associated antenatal and historical risk factors among Malaysian women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus. Singapore Med. J., 53: 814-820.
  30. Chan, Y.M., M.S. Zalilah and S.Z. Hii, 2012. Determinants of compliance behaviours among patients undergoing hemodialysis in Malaysia. Plos One, Vol. 7. 10.1371/journal.pone.0041362.
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  31. Al-Shookri, A., G.L. Khor, Y.M. Chan, S.C. Loke and M. Al-Maskari, 2012. Effectiveness of medical nutrition treatment delivered by dietitians on glycaemic outcomes and lipid profiles of Arab, Omani patients with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Med., 29: 236-244.
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  32. Yaw, Y.H., Z.M. Shariff, M. Kandiah, C.Y. Mun and R.M. Yusof et al., 2011. Weight changes and lifestyle behaviors in women after breast cancer diagnosis: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, Vol. 11. 10.1186/1471-2458-11-309.
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  33. Wong, S.W., Y.M. Chan and T.S. Lim, 2011. Correlates of physical activity level among hemodialysis patients in Selangor, Malaysia. Malaysian J. Nutr., 17: 277-286.
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  34. Soon, H.K., H.A. Saad, M.N.M. Taib, H.A. Rahman and C.Y. Mun, 2011. Accelerometer-determined physical activity level in adults with abdominal obesity. Int. J. Sport Health Sci., 9: 73-81.
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  35. Al-Shookri, A., G.L. Khor, Y.M. Chan, S.C. Loke and M. Al-Maskari, 2011. Type 2 diabetes in the sultanate of Oman. Malaysian J. Nutr., 17: 129-141.
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  36. Yaw, Y.H., M. Kandiah, Z.M. Shariff, C.Y. Mun and Z. Hashim et al., 2010. Pattern of weight changes in women with breast cancer. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev., 11: 1535-1540.
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  37. Cheong, S.M., M. Kandiah, K. Chinna, Y.M. Chan and H. Abu Saad, 2010. Prevalence of obesity and factors associated with it in a worksite setting in Malaysia. J. Community Health, 35: 698-705.
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  38. Sharmili, V., A. Maha, L. Rampal, G.L. Khor and M. Norhafizah et al., 2009. Execution and challenges of using focus group discussions as a research tool for secondary school students. Malaysian J. Med. Health Sci., 5: 39-48.
  39. Chee, W.S.S., A.R. Suriah, S.P. Chan, Y. Zaitun and Y.M. Chan, 2003. The effect of milk supplementation on bone mineral density in postmenopausal Chinese women in Malaysia. Osteoporosis Int., 14: 828-834.
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  40. Chee, S.S., A.R. Suriah, Y. Zaitun, S.P. Chan, S.L. Yap and Y.M. Chan, 2001. Dietary calcium intake in post-menopausal women: Comparison between the food frequency questionnaire and three-day food records. Asia Pac. J. Clin. Nutr., 11: 142-146.