Dr. Mhd.  Ikhwanuddin
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Dr. Mhd. Ikhwanuddin

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Marine Biology from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malysia

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Dr. Mhd. Ikhwanuddin is currently working as Professor at Institute of Tropical Aquaculture, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia. He has completed his Ph.D. in Marine Biology from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malysia. His main area of interest related to Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Molecular Sciences, and Environmental Sciences. His main area of expertise includes Crustacean, Seed production, Scylla, Hatchery technique, Banana shrimp, Crab mating, Enzyme activity, Reproduction, Probiotic, Fisheries, Hormone, White shrimp, Black tiger shrimp, Triploidy, Larviculture, Portunid Crab, Mud spiny lobster, Ovarian maturation, Maturation diets, Natural diet, Population dynamic, Breeding technology, Portunus pelagicus, Live food, Movement pattern, Artificial production, Artificial diet, and Catch information. He has published 32 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Production
Animal Genetics
Animal Breeding

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Ikhwanuddin, M., A.B. Noor-Hidayati, N.M.A. Aina-Lyana, H. Zulaikha, H. Muhd-Farouk and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2015. In vitro fertilization technique in banana shrimp, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888). J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., (In Press). .
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  2. Ihwan, M.Z., W. Wahidah, M.A. Ambak, M. Ikhwanuddin and H. Marina, 2015. Investigation of parasites and ecto-symbiont in wild mud crab, genus Scylla from Terengganu coastal water, Malaysia: Prevalence and mean intensity. Int. J. Zool. Res., (In Press). .
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  3. Fatihah, S.N., J. Safiah, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2015. Biochemical changes of total protein, glucose, lactate dehydrogenase and total lipid in the cryopreserved sperm of mud spiny lobster, Panulirus polyphagus. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 10: 35-44.
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  4. Azra, M.N. and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2015. Larval culture and rearing techniques of commercially important crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758): Present status and future prospects. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 37: 135-145.
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  5. Azra, M.N. and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2015. A review of maturation diets for mud crab genus Scylla broodstock: Present research, problems and future perspective. Saudi J. Biol. Sci., (In Press). 10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.03.011.
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  6. Taufik, M., Z. Bachok, M.N. Azra and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2014. Identification and determination of the fatty acid composition of Portunus pelagicus in Setiu Wetland Areas, Terengganu, Malaysia by GC-MS. Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 21: 1908-1915.
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  7. Noorbaiduri, S., A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2014. Acrosome reaction stage of sperm from mud crab, Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796): Mating in wild and in captivity. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 9: 237-244.
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  8. Muhd-Farouk, H., A.B. Abol-Munafi, S. Jasmani and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2014. Effect of steroid hormones 17α-hydroxyprogesterone and 17α-hydroxypregnenolone on ovary external morphology of orange mud crab, Scylla olivacea. Asian J. Cell Biol., 9: 23-28.
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  9. Ikhwanuddin, M., S.N. Fatihah, J.R. Nurul, M.Z. Zakaria and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2014. Biological features of mud spiny lobster, Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst, 1793) from Johor coastal water of Malaysia. World Applied Sci. J., 31: 2079-2086.
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  10. Ikhwanuddin, M., S.N. Fatihah, A.H. Nurfaseha, M. Fathiah and M. Effenddy et al., 2014. Effect of temperature on ovarian maturation stages and embryonic development of mud spiny lobster, Panulirus polyphagus. Asian J. Cell Biol., 9: 1-13.
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  11. Ikhwanuddin, M., S. Noor Baiduri, W.I. Wan Norfaizza and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2014. Effect of water salinity on mating success of orange mud crab, Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796) in captivity. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 9: 134-140.
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  12. Ikhwanuddin, M., J.H.Z. Moh, M. Hidayah, A.B. Noor-Hidayati, N.M.A. Aina-Lyana and A.S. Nor Juneta, 2014. Effect of Indian almond, Terminalia catappa leaves water extract on the survival rate and growth performance of black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon post larvae. AACL Bioflux, 7: 85-93.
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  13. Ikhwanuddin, M., J. Nur-Atika, A.B. Abol-Munafi and H. Muhd-Farouk, 2014. Reproductive biology on the gonad of female orange mud crab, Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796) from the West Coastal water of Peninsular Malaysia. Asian J. Cell Biol., 9: 14-22.
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  14. Ikhwanuddin, M., H. Muhd-Farouk, A.J. Memon, W. Wendy and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2014. Sperm viability assessment over elapsing time maintained at 2°C of orange mud crab, Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796). Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 1069-1073.
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  15. Ikhwanuddin, M., A.N. Liyana, M.N. Azra, Z. Bachok and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2014. Natural diet of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus at strait of Tebrau, Johor, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 43: 37-44.
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  16. Ihwan, M.Z., M. Ikhwanuddin and H. Marina, 2014. Morphological description of Pedunculate barnacle Octolasmis angulata (Aurivillius, 1894) on wild mud crab genus Scylla from Setiu Wetland, Terengganu Coastal Water, Malaysia. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 9: 366-371.
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  17. Fatihah, S.N., J. Safiah, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2014. Effect of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone and 17α-hydroxypregnenolone on sperm quality and sperm quantity in male mud spiny lobster (Panulirus polyphagus). Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 1124-1129.
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  18. Fatihah, S.N., J. Safiah and A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2014. Effect of testosterone undecanoate hormone on sperm and its level in the hemolymph of male Mud Spiny Lobster, Panulirus polyphagus. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 937-941.
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  19. Baiduri, S.N., S.N. Akmal and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2014. Mating success of hybrid trials between two mud crab species, Scylla tranquebarica and Scylla olivacea. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 9: 85-91.
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  20. Talpur, A.D., M. Ikhwanuddin, M.D.D. Abdullah and A.M.A. Bolong, 2013. Indigenous Lactobacillus plantarum as probiotic for larviculture of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758): Effects on survival, digestive enzyme activities and water quality. Aquaculture, 416-417: 173-178.
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  21. Talpur, A.D., M. Ikhwanuddin and A.M.A. Bolong, 2013. Nutritional effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) on immune response of Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) and disease resistance against Vibrio harveyi. Aquaculture, 400-401: 46-52.
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  22. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M.I. Khan, M. Ikhwanuddin, M.D.D. Abdullah and A.M.A. Bolong, 2013. Gut Lactobacillus sp. bacteria as probiotics for Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) larviculture: Effects on survival, digestive enzyme activities and water quality. Invertebr. Reprod. Dev., 57: 173-184.
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  23. Talpur, A.D. and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2013. Azadirachta indica (neem) leaf dietary effects on the immunity response and disease resistance of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer challenged with Vibrio harveyi. Fish Shellfish Immunol., 34: 254-264.
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  24. Ikhwanuddin, M., M.N. Azra, Y.Y. Sung, A.M.A. Bolong and S.M. Long, 2013. Growth and survival of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) reared on frozen and artificial foods. Agric. Sci., 4: 76-82.
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  25. Ikhwanuddin, M., J.H.Z. Moh, M. Hidayah, A.D. Talpur and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2013. Triploidy induction in banana shrimp, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (de Man, 1888) using 6-Dimethylaminopurine. World Applied Sci. J., 26: 248-253.
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  26. Ikhwanuddin, M., A.K. Hafiz, M.B. Hafiz, M. Hidayah, A.B. Noor-Hidayati and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2013. Effect of androgen hormone, testosterone undecanoate on the banana shrimp, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888) postlarvae. World Applied Sci. J., 28: 1154-1160.
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  27. Hidayah, M., A.B. Abol-Munafi, S. Shahreza, O. Fariddudin and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2013. The effects of triploidy towards growth performance, survival rate, gender ratio and sex differentiation on banana shrimp, Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888) postlarvae compared to diploid siblings. World Applied Sci. J., 22: 1475-1480.
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  28. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M.I. Khan, M. Ikhwanuddin and M.M.D. Daniel et al., 2012. Probiotic for larviculture of Portunus Pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758). Int. J. Curr. Res., 4: 112-119.
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  29. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M.I. Khan, M. Ikhwanuddin and M.M.D. Daniel et al., 2012. Effects of Lactobacillus Probiotics on the Enhancement of Larval Survival of Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 175) Fed Via Bioencapsulated in Live Feed. World J. Fish Mar. Sci., 4: 42-49.
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  30. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M.I. Khan, M. Ikhwanuddin and M.M. Danish et al., 2012. Inhibition of Pathogens by Lactic Acid Bacteria and Application as Water Additive Multi Isolates in Early Stages Larviculture Of P. Pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758). J. Anim. Plant Sci., 22: 54-64.
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  31. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M. I. Khan, M.Ikhwanuddin and M.M.D. Danielet al., 2012. Control of Vibrio harveyi Infection in Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus pelagicus Larvae by the Gut Isolated Lactic Acid Bacteria under Challenge Bioassay. Pak. Vet. J., 32: 408-411.
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  32. Talpur, A.D. and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. First isolation of Vibrio probioticus from the gut of Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) and its probiotic competency against shellfish pathogens. Pure Applied Biol., 1: 28-32.
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  33. Talpur, A.D. and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Effects of stress tests on larvae of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758). Adv. Environ. Biol., 6: 1909-1915.
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  34. Talpur, A.D. and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Dietary effects of garlic (Allium sativum) on haemato-immunological parameters, survival, growth and disease resistance against Vibrio harveyi infection in Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Aquaculture, 364-365: 6-12.
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  35. Redzuari, A., M.N. Azra, A.B. Abol-Munafi, Z.A. Aizam, Y.S. Hii and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Effects of feeding regimes on survival, development and growth of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. World Appl. Sci. J., 18: 472-478.
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  36. Nadiah, W.N., M. Ikhwanuddin and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2012. Remarks on the Mating Behavior and Success of Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus Pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1766) Through the Induction of Limb Autotomy Technique. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 11: 1149-1157.
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  37. Memon, A.J., N. Hidayati, A.D. Talpur, M.I. Khan and M.O. Fariddudin et al., 2012. Development of shrimp holder device for artificial insemination of banana shrimp Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888). Res. J. Applied Sci., 7: 10-16.
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  38. Memon, A.J., M. Ikhwanuddin, A.D. Talpur, M.I. Khan, M.O. Fariddudin, J. Safiah and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2012. To determine the efficiency of different fresh diets in improving the spermatophore quality of banana shrimp Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888). J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 11: 1478-1485.
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  39. Memon, A.J., A.D. Talpur, M.I. Khan, M.O. Fariddudin, J. Safiah, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Optimization of spermatophores cryopreservation protocol of banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis). J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 11: 1688-1704.
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  40. Memon, A.J., A.D. Talpur, M.I. Khan, M.O. Fariddudin, J. Safiah, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Morphology of fresh and cryopreserved sperms of banana shrimp Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888). Res. J. Appl. Sci., 7: 54-59.
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  41. Ikhwanuddin, M., N.A. Lyana, N.H. Abu Bakar, S. Jasmani and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2012. Stimulation of ovarian maturation using serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) hormone on banana shrimp, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888). World Applied Sci. J., 18: 436-445.
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  42. Ikhwanuddin, M., M.N. Azra, Y.Y. Sung, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M.L. Shabdin, 2012. Live foods for Juveniles' production of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1766). J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 7: 266-278.
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  43. Ikhwanuddin, M., M.N. Azra, M.A.D. Talpur, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M.L. Shabdin, 2012. Optimal water temperature and salinity for production of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus 1st day juvenile crab. AACL Bioflux, 5: 4-8.
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  44. Ikhwanuddin, M., M.N. Azra, H. Siti-Aimuni and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2012. Fecundity, embryonic and ovarian development of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Coastal Water of Johor, Malaysia. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 15: 720-728.
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  45. Ikhwanuddin, M., M.N. Azra, A. Redzuari, Z.A. Aizam and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2012. Ingestion rates of Brachionus sp. and Artemia sp. nauplii by blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 7: 402-411.
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  46. Ikhwanuddin, M., J.H. Mansor, A.M.A. Bolong and S.M. Long, 2012. Improved Hatchery-Rearing Techniques for Juvenile Production of Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus Pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758). Aquacult. Res., 43: 1251-1259.
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  47. Ikhwanuddin, M., G. Azmie, H.M. Juariah, A.B. Abol-Munafi, M.Z. Zakaria and M.A. Ambak, 2012. Tracking the movement of mud crabs, genus Scylla from mangrove area using telemetry system. Borneo Sci., 30: 40-56.
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  48. Ikhwanuddin, M., A.H. Nurfaseha, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M.L. Shabdin, 2012. Movement patterns of Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus Pelagicus, the Sarawak Coastal Water, South China Sea. J. Sustainability Sci. Manage., 7: 8-15.
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  49. Ikhwanuddin, M., A.D. Talpur, O. Zulizah, A.M. Hidayah, A.A. Shamsuddin and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2012. Masculine effect of androgen hormone, 17α-methyltesterone on tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) postlarvae. Int. J. Curr. Res., 4: 59-64.
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  50. Ikhwanuddin, M., A.D. Talpur, M.N. Azra, B.M. Azlie, Y.S. Hii and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2012. Effects of stocking density on the survival, growth and development rate of early stages blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. World Applied Sci. J., 18: 379-384.
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  51. Idris, H.B., M.A. Ambak and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Sex determination in Oxyeleotris marmorata (Bleeker, 1852) based on morphometric features. Adv. Nat. Applied Sci., 6: 763-771.
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  52. Hidayah, M., M. Ikhwanuddin, M.S. Shahreza, A.B. Abol-Munafi and O.M. Fariddudin, 2012. Triploidy induction using cold shock treatment in banana shrimp, Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888). Borneo Sci., 30: 64-69.
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  53. Hafiz, M.B., M. Hidayah, A.Y. Yusdianatu, M.A. Ambak, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Effect of estrogen hormone, 17β-estradiol on feminization, survival rate and growth rate of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) postlarvae. Borneo Sci., 30: 70-80.
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  54. Azra, M.N., W. Wendy, A.D. Talpur, A.B. Abol-Munafi and M. Ikhwanuddin, 2012. Effect of tank colouration on survival, growth and development rate of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. Int. J. Curr. Res. Rev., 4: 117-123.
  55. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M.I. Khan, M. Ikhwanuddin, M.M. Danish Daniel and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2011. A novel of Gut Pathogenic bacteria of blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus (Linneaus, 1758) and pathogenicity of Vibrio harveyi a transmission agent in larval culture under hatchery conditions. Res. J. Applied Sci., 6: 116-127.
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  56. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M.I. Khan, M. Ikhwanuddin and M.M.D. Daniel et al., 2011. Supplementation of indigenous lactobacillus bacteria in live prey and as water additive to larviculture of Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758). Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 3: 390-398.
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  57. Talpur, A.D., A.J. Memon, M.I. Khan, M. Ikhwanuddin and M.M. Danish et al., 2011. Pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity of pathogenic flora associated with the gut of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1857). J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 10: 2106-2119.
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  58. Memon, A.J., M. Ikhwanuddin, A.D. Talpur, M.I. Khan, M.O. Fariddudin, J. Safiah and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2011. Assessment of sperm viability, determination fertilization capacity and hatching rate by artificial insemination of banana shrimp, Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888). Res. J. Applied Sci., 6: 174-178.
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  59. Ikhwanuddin, M., T.N. Adila, M.N. Azra, Y.S. Hii and A.D. Talpur et al., 2011. Determination of Live Prey Ingestion Capability of Blue Swimming Crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) Larvae. World J. Fish Mar. Sci., 3: 570-575.
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  60. Ikhwanuddin, M., G. Azmie, H.M. Juariah, M.Z. Zakaria and M.A. Ambak, 2011. Biological information and population features of mud crab, genus Scylla from mangrove areas of Sarawak, Malaysia. Fish. Res., 108: 299-306.
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  61. Ikhwanuddin, M., A. Ghazali, M.I. Zakariah and A.M.A. Bolong, 2011. Mud Crab: Culture System and Practices in Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia, Terengganu.
  62. Ikhwanuddin, A., H.M. Juariah, M.L. Shabdin and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2011. Fecundity of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus Linnaeus, 1758 from Sematan Fishing District, Sarawak Coastal Water of South China Sea. Borneo J. Resour. Sci. Technol., 1: 46-51.
  63. Ikhwanuddin, M., Z. Bachok, W.W.Y.M. Faizal, G. Azmie and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2010. Size of maturity of mud crab Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796) from mangrove areas of Terengganu coastal waters. J. Sustain. Sci. Manage., 5: 134-147.
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  64. Ikhwanuddin, M., Z. Bachok, M.G. Hilmi, G. Azmie and M.Z. Zakaria, 2010. Species diversity, carapace width-body weight relationship, size distribution and sex ratio of mud crab, genus Scylla from Setiu Wetlands of Terengganu coastal waters, Malaysia. J. Sustain. Sci. Manage., 5: 97-109.
  65. Ikhwanuddin, M., M.L. Shabdin and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2009. Size at maturity of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) found in Sarawak coastal water. J. Sustainability Sci. Manage., 4: 56-65.
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  66. Ikhwanuddin, M., M.L. Shabdin and A.B. Abol-Munafi, 2009. Natural diet of blue swimming crabs found in Sarawak coastal water. J. Sustainabil. Sci. Manage., 4: 85-92.
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  67. Ikhwanuddin, M., A.B. Abol-Munafi and M.L. Shabdin, 2009. Catch information of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) from Sarawak coastal water of South China Sea. J. Sustain. Sci. Manage., 4: 93-103.
  68. Supian, Z. and A.M. Ikhwanuddin, 2002. Population dynamics of freshwater molluscs (Gastropod: Melanoides Tuberculata) in crocker range park, Sabah. ASEAN Rev. Biodivers. Environ. Conserv., 1: 1-9.