Dr. Mohamed Zakaria Hussin
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Dr. Mohamed Zakaria Hussin

Associate Professor
University Putra Malaysia, Malyasia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Zoology from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Wildlife Ecology
Aquatic Animals

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Rosli, Z., M. Zakaria, M. Abdullah, E. Yusuf, G. James and A. Khairulmazmi, 2012. Response of upperstorey birds to the environmental variables at different distances from the edge of an isolated forest reserve in Malaysia. Asia Life Sci., 21: 65-84.
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  2. Jambari, A., B. Azhar, N.L. Ibrahim, S. Jamian and A. Hussin et al., 2012. Avian biodiversity and conservation in Malaysian oil palm production areas. J. Oil Palm Res., 24: 1277-1286.
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  3. Zakaria, M. and A. Sanei, 2011. Conservation and management prospects of the Persian and Malayan leopards. Asia Life Sci., 7: 1-5.
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  4. Tayefeh, F.H., M. Zakaria, H. Amini, S. Ghasemi and M. Ghasemi, 2011. Breeding waterbird populations of the islands of the Northern Persian Gulf, Iran. Podoces, 6: 49-58.
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  5. Sanei, A., M. Zakaria, E. Yusof and R. Mohamad, 2011. Estimation of leopard population size in a secondary forest within Malaysia's capital agglomeration using unsupervised classification of pugmarks. Trop. Ecol., 52: 209-217.
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  6. Sanei, A., M. Zakaria and S. Hermidas, 2011. Prey composition in the Persian leopard distribution range in Iran. Asia Life Sci., 7: 19-30.
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  7. Sanei, A. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Survival of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran: Primary threats and human-leopard conflicts. Asia Life Sci., 7: 31-39.
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  8. Sanei, A. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Occupancy status of Malayan leopard prey species in a fragmented forest in Selangor, Malaysia. Asia Life Sci., 7: 41-45.
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  9. Sanei, A. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Impacts of human disturbances on habitat use by the Malayan leopard in a fragmented secondary forest, Malaysia. Asia Life Sci., 7: 57-72.
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  10. Sanei, A. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Distribution pattern of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. Asia Life Sci., 7: 7-18.
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  11. Rosli, Z. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Response of upperstorey bird composition at different distances from forest edge to interior forest. J. Nat. Environ. Sci., 2: 12-18.
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  12. Rajpur, M.N. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Bird species abundance and their correlationship with microclimate and habitat variables at natural wetland reserve, Peninsular Malaysia. Int. J. Zool., 10.1155/2011/758573.
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  13. Rajpar, M.N. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Effects of water level fluctuation on waterbirds distribution and aquatic vegetation composition at natural wetland reserve, Peninsular Malaysia. ISRN Ecol., 10.5402/2011/324038.
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  14. Puan, C.L., A.W. Goldizen, M. Zakaria, M.N. Hafidzi and G.S. Baxter, 2011. Absence of differential predation on rats by Malaysian barn owls in oil palm plantations. J. Raptor Res., 45: 71-78.
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  15. Puan, C.L., A.W. Goldizen, M. Zakaria and G.S. Baxter, 2011. Understanding of relationships between ground cover and rat abundances: An integrative approach for management of the oil palm agroecosystem. Crop Protect., 30: 1263-1268.
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  16. Ghasemi, S., M. Zakaria, A.H. Hazandy, E. Yusof, N.M. Hoveizeh and A. Danehkar, 2011. Physico-chemical factors in the Avicennia and Rhizophora mangrove habitats in Iran. Asia Life Sci., 20: 503-520.
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  17. Ghasemi, S. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Relative abundance and diversity of waterbirds in Rhizophora mangrove forest in Iran. Asia Life Sci., 20: 215-237.
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  18. Azhar, B., D.B. Lindenmayer, J. Wood, J. Fisher, A. Manning, C. McElhinny and M. Zakaria, 2011. The conservation value of oil palm plantation estates, smallholdings and logged peat swamp forest for birds. For. Ecol. Manage., 262: 2306-2315.
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  19. Arshad, M.I. and M. Zakaria, 2011. Variation in home range size exhibited by red junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) in oil palm plantation habitat, Malaysia. Pak. J. Zool., 43: 833-840.
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  20. Zakaria, M. and M.N. Rajpar, 2010. Bird species composition and feeding guilds based on point count and mist netting methods at the paya indah wetland reserve, Peninsular Malaysia. Trop. Life Sci. Res., 21: 7-32.
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  21. Sanei, A. and M. Zakaria, 2010. Possible first jungle cat record from Malaysia. CAT News, 53: 13-14.
  22. Rajpar, M.N. and M. Zakaria, 2010. Density and diversity of water birds and terrestrial birds at paya indah wetland reserve, selangor Peninsular Malaysia. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 658-666.
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  23. Moradi, H.V. and M. Zakaria, 2010. Responses of babblers (Timaliidae) to the forest edge-interior gradient in an isolated tropical rainforest in Peninsular Malaysia. J. Trop. For. Sci., 22: 36-48.
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  24. Hassan, S., A. Mohd, M. Mariapan and M. Zakaria, 2010. Segmentation of nature tourists through motivation of travel to Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre. Malaysian For., 73: 7-15.
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  25. Ghasemi, S., M. Zakaria, H. Abdul-Hamid, E. Yusof, A. Danehkar and M.N. Rajpar, 2010. A review of mangrove value and conservation strategy by local communities in Hormozgan Province, Iran. J. Am. Sci., 6: 329-338.
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  26. Zakaria, M., M.N. Rajpar and A.S. Sajap, 2009. Species diversity and feeding guilds of birds in paya indah wetland reserve, Peninsular Malaysia. Int. J. Zool. Res., 5: 86-100.
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  27. Moradi, H.V., M. Zakaria, A.B. Mohd and E. Yusof, 2009. Insectivorous birds and environmental factors across an edge-interioir gradient in tropical rainforest of Malaysia. Int. J. Zool. Res., 5: 27-41.
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  28. Moradi, H.V., M. Zakaria and Z. Rosli, 2009. Edge responses of birds in an isolated lowland tropical rainforest in Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian For., 72: 225-245.
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  29. Moradi, H.V. and M. Zakaria, 2009. Host-brood parasite community changes across an edge-interior gradient in a tropical rainforest at Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Malaysia. Malayan Nat. J., 61: 191-208.
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  30. Moradi, H.V. and M. Zakaria, 2009. Insectivorous bird community changes along an edge-interior gradient in an isolated tropical rainforest in peninsular Malaysia. Malayan Nat. J., 61: 48-66.
  31. Daud, D., A. Mohd, M. Zakaria and M. Mariapan, 2009. Visitors-wildlife interactive activity towards sustainability of wildlife tourism in National Elephant Conservation Centre, Pahang. Malaysian For., 72: 141-154.
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  32. Arshad, M.I. and M. Zakaria, 2009. Roosting habits of red junglefowl in orchard area. Pak. J. Life Soc. Sci., 7: 86-89.
  33. Zakaria, M. and R. Zamri, 2008. Immediate effects of selective logging on the feeding guild of understorey bird species composition in peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian For., 71: 139-151.
  34. Moradi, H.V., M. Zakaria and R. Zamri, 2008. Comparison of bird species composition in relation to different disturbance level in a tropical lowland rain forest in Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian For., 71: 173-186.
  35. Badrul, A., M. Zakaria, E. Yusof and C.L. Puan, 2008. The feasibility of using line-transect-based distance sampling to survey red junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) in peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian For., 71: 77-90.
  36. Badrul A., M. Zakaria, E. Yusof and C.L. Puan, 2008. Using deterministic sustainability indices for harvesting red junglefowl, Gallus gallus spadiceus (Linnaeus) in peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian For., 71: 159-171.
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  37. Badrul A., M. Zakaria, E. Yusof and C.L. Puan, 2008. Efficiency of fixed-width transect and line-transect-based distance sampling to survey red junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) in peninsular Malaysia. J. Sustainable Dev., 1: 63-73.
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  38. Puan, C.L. and M. Zakaria, 2007. Perception of visitors towards the role of zoos: A Malaysia Perspective. Int. Zoo Yb., 41: 226-232.
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  39. Badrul, A., M. Zakaria and C.L. Puan, 2007. Estimating the island population density and abundance of red jungleowl (Gallus gallus): Biological indicator for sustainable managed oil palm plantations? Malayan Nat. J., 59: 281-296.
  40. Zakaria, M., C.L. Puan and W. Shirley, 2006. Comparison of non-volant small mammal composition in primary and logged-over forest of sungai lalang forest reserve, selangor. Malaysian For., 69: 133-139.
  41. Zakaria, M., 2006. Understorey bird species as indicators of tropical forest ecosystem health. J. Ornithol., 147: 113-114.
  42. Puan, C.L. and M. Zakaria, 2006. Willingness-to-pay for the protection of a bird sanctuary: Perspectives from birdwatchers and non-birdwatchers. Malayan Nat. J., 59: 81-92.
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  43. Puan, C.L. A.N.A. Ghani, M. Zakaria, M.N. Khamurudin and M. Abdullah, 2006. Economic valuation on protected area: Towards bridging the gaps between scientific findings and environmental policy. J. Wildl. Parks, 23: 91-99.
  44. Haneda, N.F., A.S. Sajap and M. Zakaria, 2006. Ant community in logged and primary forest. J. Biological Sci., 6: 45-48.
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  45. Badrul, A., M.S., Y. Ebil, M. Zakaria and C.L. Puan, 2006. Microclimatic changes and vegetation structure in forest edge: The case of krau wildlife reserve, pahang. Malaysian For., 69: 126-132.
  46. Zakaria, M., P.C. Leong and M.E. Yusuf, 2005. Comparison of species composition in three forest types: Towards using bird as indicator of forest ecosystem health. J. Biological Sci., 5: 734-737.
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  47. Leong, P.C., M. Zakaria, A.N.A. Ghani and A. Mohd, 2005. Contingent valuation of a malaysian highland forest: Non-market benefits accrued to local residents. J. Applied Sci., 5: 916-919.
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  48. Haneda, N.F., A.S. Sajap and M.Z. Hussin, 2005. A study of two ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) sampling methods in tropical rain forest. J. Applied Sci., 5: 1732-1734.
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  49. Styring, A.R. and M.H. Zakaria, 2004. Foraging ecology of woodpeckers in lowland Malaysian rain forests. J. Trop. Ecol., 20: 487-494.
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  50. Styring, A.R. and M.H. Zakaria, 2004. Effects of logging on woodpeckers in a Malaysian rain forest: The relationship between resource availability and woodpecker abundance. J. Trop. Ecol., 20: 495-504.
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  51. Leong, P.C., M. Zakaria, A.N.A. Ghani and A. Mohd, 2004. Valuing the opportunities of wildlife-based recreation in fraser`s hill as support for nature conservation. J. Biol. Sci., 4: 598-604.
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  52. Zakaria, M., M.I. Arshad and A.S. Sajap, 2003. Population size of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) in agricultural areas. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 46: 52-57.
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  53. Zakaria, M., A. Khairul and N. Jamalun, 2002. Comparison of understorey bird species composition in a primary and logged hill dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia. Malayan Nature J., 56: 153-167.
  54. Zakaria, M., 2002. Density of Great Argus (Argusianus argus) in primary and logged mixed hill dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian J. Animal Sci., 7: 77-81.
  55. Zakaria, M. and S. Silang, 2002. Composition of primate species in logged and primary forests of Sungai Lalang Forest Reserve, Selangor. Malaysian J. Animal Sci., 7: 71-76.
  56. Styring, A.R., R.M. Lomoljo and M. Zakaria, 2002. Observations of a Bushy-crested Hornbill (Annorhinus galeritus) nest in a West Malaysian forest reserve: Insights on feeding behaviour and group size. Malayan Nat. J., 56: 169-174.
  57. Zakaria, M., S. Silang and R. Mudim, 2001. Species composition of small mammals at the ayer hitam forest reserve, puchong, selangor. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 24: 19-22.
  58. Marsden, S.J., A.H. Fielding, C. Mead and M.H. Zakaria, 2001. A technique for measuring a density and complexity of understorey vegetation in tropical forest. J. For. Ecol. Manage., 57: 1-7.
  59. Arshad, M.I., M. Zakaria, A.S. Sajap and A. Ismail, 2001. Roosting ecology of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) in oil palm plantation. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 44: 347-350.
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  60. Azlan, J.M., R.S.K. Sharma and M. Zakaria, 2000. Species diversity and relative abundance of understorey bats at air hitam forest reserve, puchong, selangor, malaysia. Malayan Nat. J., 54: 69-75.
  61. Arshad, M.I. and M. Zakaria, 2000. Calling behaviour of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) in oil palm plantation. Pak. J. Zool., 32: 111-115.
  62. Arshad, M., M. Zakaria, A.S. Sajap and A. Ismail, 2000. Food and feeding habits of red junglefowl. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 3: 1024-1026.
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  63. Zakaria, M. and R.Topani, 1999. Abundance of primates in ayer hitam forest reserve. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 22: 105-110.
  64. Zakaria, M. and A. Rahim, 1999. Bird species composition in ayer hitam forest reserve, puchong, selangor. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 22: 95-104.
  65. Noor, A., A. Ghani, P. Bawon, M. Shahwahid, H.j. Othman, R. Mohd, S. Mohamed, F.H. Ibrahim and M.Zakaria, 1999. Direct uses of ayer hitam forest reserve, puchong, selangor. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 22: 203-206.
  66. Mohd, R., A.N.A. Ghani, I. Faridah, M. Zakaria and S. Mohd, 1999. Managing research forests-a preliminary proposal. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 22: 209-210.
  67. Awang N.A., G. Mohd, H.j. Shahwahid, O.R. Mohd, S. Mohamed, F.H. Ibrahim and M. Zakaria, 1999. Economic valuation of forest goods and services of ayer hitam forest reserve, puchong, selangor. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci., 22: 147-160.
  68. Arshad, I. and M. Zakaria, 1999. Breeding ecology of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus) in Malaysia. Malayan Nat. J., 53: 355-365.
  69. Zakaria, M. and M. Nordin, 1998. Comparison of frugivory by birds in primary and logged lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia. Trop. Biodiversity, 5: 1-9.
  70. Zakaria, M. and C.M. Francis, 1998. Estimating densities of Malaysian forest birds. J. Afr. Ornithol., 69: 132-133.
  71. Shahwahid, H.O.M., A.G.A. Nor, M. Rusli, M. Shukri, H. Faridah and H. Zakaria, 1998. Valuing the recreational benefits of the Air Hitam Forest Reserve. Selangor. Malaysian For., 61: 38-48.
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