Dr. Mohd Amin Abd Majid
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Dr. Mohd Amin Abd Majid

Associate Professor
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia

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Dr. Mohd Amin Abd Majid holds a position of Associate Professor at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. He has completed his Ph.D. in Engineering from same University. His main area of interest focuses on Asset Life study, Cogeneration. His area of expertise includes Asset Life Study, Engineering Economy, Cogeneration, District Cooling, Manufacturing, Plant Asset Maintenance, and Management Operation Management. He is author and co-author of 36 journal papers.

Area of Interest:

Mechanical Engineering
Material Engineering

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sarwar, M. and M.A.B. Abd Majid, 2014. Study of weld hardness of pipes at elevated temperature application in power plants. Adv. Mater. Res., 1025-1026: 310-316.
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  2. Mohd Amin Abd Majid, Rano Khan Wassan, Ainul Akmar Mokhtar 2014. Gas Turbine Risk Assessment Based on Different Repair Assumptions J. Applied Sci., 14: 1966-1971.
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  3. Nordin, A. and M.A. Abd Majid, 2013. Assignment model for charging of thermal energy storage by electric chillers using zero-one programming approach. Asian J. Sci. Res., 6: 546-554.
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  4. Majid, M.A.A., S.A. Sulaiman, H. Mokhtar and A.L. Tamiru, 2013. Operating point estimation for an absorption process using data clustering technique. J. Appl. Sci., 13: 377-384.
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  5. Majid, M.A.A., A. Zainuddin and A.L. Tamiru, 2013. Historical data based models for chilled water production from waste heat of turbine. J. Appl. Sci., 13: 301-307.
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  6. Ghazali, Z., M.A.A. Majid and T. Shin, 2013. Replacement analysis for air compressors: a case of a petrochemical company in Malaysia. Asian J. Sci. Res., 6: 564-572.
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  7. Amear, S., S. Ariffin, A. Nordin, N. Buyamin and M. Amin et al., 2013. Performance analysis of absorption and electric chillers at a gas district cooling plant. Asian J. Sci. Res., 6: 299-306.
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  8. Abd Majid, M.A.B., R.K. Wassan and A.A. Mokhtar, 2013. Semi-quantitative risk assessment matrix for rotating equipment. Adv. Mater. Res., 845: 647-651.
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  9. Muhammad, M., H. Hussin, A.A. Mokhtar and M.A. Abdul Majid, 2012. Reliability assessment of repairable system based on performance data. J. Appl. Sci., 12: 2568-2573.
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  10. Ghazali, Z., M.A. Abd Majid and M. Shazwani, 2012. Optimal solution of transportation problem using linear programming: a case of a Malaysian trading company. J. Appl. Sci., 12: 2430-2435.
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  11. Ali, A., M.A.A. Majid and M. Muhammad, 2012. Comparative study between degradation analysis and API 510 remaining life evaluation method for feed gas filter vessel reliability analysis. J. Appl. Sci., 12: 2448-2453.
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  12. Abd Majid, M.A., S.A. Sulaiman, I. Ibrahim and Z. Baharddin, 2012. Causal model for peak and off peak waste heat recovery for chilled water production. J. Appl. Sci., 12: 2636-2640.
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  13. Woldeyohannes, A.D. and M.A.A. Majid, 2011. Effect of Age of Pipes on Performance of Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Network System. J. Appl. Sci., 11: 1612-1617.
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  14. Woldeyohannes, A.D. and M.A. Abd Majid, 2011. Simulation Model for Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Network System. Simul. Modell. Pract. Theory, 19: 196-212.
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  15. Waluyo, J. and M.A.A. Majid, 2011. Performance Evaluation of Stratified TES using sigmoid dose response function. J. Applied Sci., 11: 1642-1647.
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  16. Reshid, M.N. and M.A. Abd Majid, 2011. A multi-state reliability model for a gas fueled cogenerated power plant. J. Applied Sci., 11: 1945-1951.
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  17. Muhammad, M. and M.A.A. Majid, 2011. Reliability and availability evaluation for a multi-state system subject to minimal repair. J. Applied Sci., 11: 2036-2041.
  18. Majid, M.A.A., M. Muhammad and N.I.Y. Yem, 2011. RCM Analysis of Process Equipment: A Case Study on Heat Exchangers J. Applied Sci., 11: 2058-2062.
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  19. Majid, M.A.A. and M. Nasir, 2011. Multi-state system availability model of electricity generation for a cogeneration district cooling plant. Asian J. Applied Sci., 4: 431-438.
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  20. Abraham, D.W. and A.M.M. Amin, 2011. Analogical Approach for Optimizing Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Network System. Adv. Mater. Res., 361-363: 966-973.
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  21. Waluyo, J. and M.A.A. Majid, 2010. Temperature profile and thermocline thickness evaluation of a stratified thermal energy storage tank. Int. J. Mech. Mechatron. Eng., 10: 7-12.
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  22. Muhammad, M., M.A. Abd Majid and Ai.A. Mokhtar, 2010. Reliability evaluation for a multi-state system subject to imperfect repair and maintenance. Int. J. Eng. Technol., 10: 80-85.
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  23. Woldeyohannes, A.D. and M.A. Abd Majid, 2009. Simulation of natural gas transmission pipeline network system performance. J. Energy Power Eng., 3: 19-30.
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