Dr. Mokosuli  Yermia Semuel
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Dr. Mokosuli Yermia Semuel

Professor (Animal Biology and Microbe)
State University of Manado, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Doctorate in Entomology from Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Biological Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Semuel, M.Y., M. Wurarah and R.S. Tuegeh, 2022. Antagonistic and antibacterial activity of Stapylocossus aureus and isolates of oral bacteria from the endogenous fungus Apis dorsata binghami nest. J. Pembelajaran Dan Biologi Nukleus, 8: 273-283.
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  2. Mege, R.A., M.Y. Semuel, N. Manampiring and E.H. Adil, 2022. Isolation, phenotypic identification and antibiotic resistance profile of bacterial isolates from intestinal fluids of local minahasa pigs, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. J. Pure Appl. Microbiol., 16: 841-850.
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  3. Manuahe, C., M.Y Semuel, E.H. Adil and O. Naharia, 2022. Mosquito larvicides of partial and combinations extract of ethnobotanical plant from North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 25: 911-921.
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  4. Kemit, E.B., Y.S. Mokosuli and H.J. Lawalata, 2022. Isolation, Identification and antibacterial testing, indigenous bacteria from apis melliferas honeycomb north sumatra origin. J. Biol Tropics, 22: 1069-1076.
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  5. Rombot, D. and M.Y. Semuel, 2021. Biochemical characteristics and antibiotic resistance of bacterial isolate from Ctenocephalides felis. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Vol. 1968. 10.1088/1742-6596/1968/1/012006.
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  6. Kanan, M., C. Salaki and Y.S. Mokosuli, 2020. Molecular identification of bacterial species from Musca domestica L. and Chrysomya megachepala L. in Luwuk City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. J. Pure Appl. Microbiol., 14: 1595-1607.
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  7. Timah, S. and M.Y. Semuel, 2017. Morphometry and phylogeny reconstruction Aedes sp. based DNA mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene sub unit 1 (CO1) in North Sulawesi. Int. J. Mosq. Res., 4: 98-106.
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  8. Mokosuli, Y.S., R.A. Repi and R.L. Worang, 2017. Potential antioxidant and anticancer effect of apis dorsata binghami crude venom from Minahasa, North Sulawesi. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 5: 112-119.
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  9. Kaunang, E.N.S. and M.Y. Semuel, 2017. Botanical and phytochemical constituents of several medicinal plants from mount Klabat North Minahasa. J. Med. Plants Stud., 5: 29-35.
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  10. Herry, M.S., M.Y. Semuel and D.N. Oka, 2017. Analysis of cythochrome oxidase sub unit 1 gene (CO1) of fruit fly (Droshophila sp.) from pineapples and aplication in teaching DNA in senior high school. Int. J. Adv. Educ. Res., 2: 71-77.
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  11. Veibe, W., C. Salaki, R.E.P. Mangindaan, M. Tulung, R.T.D. Maramis and M.Y. Semuel, 2016. Isolation and characterization of partial mitochondrial CO1 gene from marine insect gerridae, stenobates biroi from mokupa beach manado, North Sulawesi Indonesia. J. Biol. Agric. Healthcare, 6: 2224-3208.
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  12. Rona, R., S.T. Rondonuwu, M. Tulung, F.R. Mantiri and M.Y. Semuel, 2015. Character of cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (CO1) in mitochondrial DNA damselfly Agriocnemis femina from linow lake, tondano lake and moat lake at North Sulawesi. Adv. life Sci. Technol., 38: 29-38.
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  13. Mokosuli, Y.S. and R.A. Repi, 2015. The characteristics of bioactive peptides and antibacterial activity of honey bee venom, endemic to sulawesi Apis nigrocincta Smith. Jurnal Molekul 10: 135-144.
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  14. Repi, R.A., M.Y. Semuel, J. Ngangi and H.M. Sumampouw, 2013. Hepatoprotective activity combination between Morinda citrifolia linn (Mengkudu) extract and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). J. Biol. Agric. Healthcare, 3: 160-166.
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  15. Repi, R.A. and M.Y. Semuel, 2013. Bioprospeksi fitofarmaka tanaman obat antihiperlipidemia etnomedikal minahasa. J. Scientia, 2: 54-62.
  16. Mokosuli, Y.S., J. Pelealu, M. Tulung and L.C. Mandey, 2013. Pharmacological bioactivity honey bee venom apis nigrocincta smith and Apis Dorsata binghami endemic to North Sulawesi. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Invest., 2: 25-33.
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