Dr. Muhammad Lukman Hakim
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Dr. Muhammad Lukman Hakim

University of Brawijaya, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Airlangga University, Indonesia

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Dr. Muhammad Lukman Hakim is a lecturer in the Government department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science, University of Brawijaya Malang who is concerned with policy issues, especially those related to social policy. It supports a number of courses related to the issue, including
Government Theory, Policy Theory and Social Policy.

Area of Interest:

Social Sciences
Good Governance
Policy Analysis
Political Issues

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Hakim, M.L., 2020. Youth Development Policy. Universitas Brawijaya Press, Indonesia.
  2. Hakim, M.L., I.D. Qurbani and M. Si, 2019. Policy to Overcome Social Welfare Problems. Intelegensia Media, Indonesia.
  3. Rouf, A., M.L. Hakim and A. Utaminingsih, 2018. Social changes and social welfare of the social community enclave village post-determination of national park, Bromo Tengger (Case study in Ngadas village, Poncokusumo district). J. Governance Policy, 4: 11-22.
  4. Mukholiq, I., R. Gustomy and M.L. Hakim, 2018. Evaluation of gertak program as poverty alleviation program in trenggalek district, 2017 (Case study in Bendoagung village, Kampak district). J. Governance Policy, 2: 11-22.
  5. Hakim, M.L., S. Ip and M. Si, 2018. Integration of CSR and regional development planning programs in the framework of realizing new models of CSR implementation. Sawala J. Admin. Negara, 2: 63-77.
  6. Ambarwati, R.D.S., I.F. Ulfah and M.L. Hakim, 2018. Problematic analysis of post mining licensing law number 23 of 2014 concerning local government (Case study of Pasuruan district). J. Governance Policy, 4: 75-87.
  7. Ridlo, M.T., M.L. Hakim and R.K. Rahayu, 2017. Analysis of social welfare performance analysis in Surabaya city, 2017. J. Governance Policy, 3: 13-22.
  8. Rahayu, S.T., M.L. Hakim and R.K. Rahayu, 2017. Governance of tourism development in Tuban regency in 2018. J. Governance Policy, 3: 52-63.
  9. Hakim, M.L., 2017. Anatomy of Social Theory. Aditya Media, Indonesia.
  10. Adinata, I., M.L. Hakim and A. Utaminingsih, 2017. Disaster management analysis of disaster Tangguh village in Disaster risk perspective (Study in Banjarsari village, Gabus district, Pati regency). J. Governance Policy, 3: 1-12.
  11. Hakim, M.L., 2016. A Portrait of Decentralization in Indonesia. Puska Press, Indonesia.
  12. Hakim, M.L., 2015. Social Resistance of Localization Society on Government Policy. Intelegensia, Indonesia.