Dr. Ir. Depison, M.P.
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Dr. Ir. Depison, M.P.

Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Science from Andalas University, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Livestock Research
Animal Feeding
Animal Production
Cattle Genetics

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Wahyuni, W., D. Depison and G. Gushariyanto, 2022. Comparison of productivity of sentul and kampung chickens until the age of 3 months in the first generation selection population (G1). Buletin Peternakan, 46: 23-30.
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  2. Salsabila, S., D. Depison and S. Erina, 2022. Morphometric characterization and effect of growth hormone (GH) gene polymorphism on growth traits of Kerinci duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Livest. Anim. Res., 20: 300-311.
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  3. Rahmat, M., D. Depison and E. Wiyanto, 2022. Association of growth hormone gene polymorphism with bodyweight Kampung chicken. Livest. Anim. Res., 20: 1-10.
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  4. Ghassani, A.F., D. Depison and H. Ediyanto, 2022. Association of quantitative characteristics with growth hormone gene (GH gene) in kerinci duck using PCR-RFLP method. Buletin Peternakan, 46: 248-256.
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  5. Depison, Gushairiyanto and D. Irmaya, 2022. Characterization phenotype and genetic distance some of the native chicken strains in Jambi Province Indonesia. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci., 53: 1154-1166.
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  6. Al-Sobri, S.N., Depison and E. Wiyanto, 2022. Myostatin (MSTN) gene polymorphism using PCR-RFLP method in kerinci ducks. J. Sain Peternakan Indones., 17: 229-237.
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  7. Rahayu, F.F., D. Depison and G. Gushairiyanto, 2021. Performance of kampung super chicken and Bangkok chicken first generation (G1) until the age of 12 weeks. Livest. Anim. Res., 19: 326-336.
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  8. Putri, A.B.S.R.N., G. Gushairiyanto and D. Depison, 2021. Quantitative characteristics and genetic distance of some local chicken strains. J. Trop. Anim. Vet. Sci., 11: 99-106.
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  9. Novra, A., Adriani, A. Oktavia and Depison, 2021. Cheap syariah qurban investment (CSQI) program: Determining factors of potential participants decision making. Int. J. Res. GRANTHAALAYAH, 9: 115-124.
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  10. Mardiah, T., D. Depison and H. Ediyanto, 2021. Phenotype diversity and gene myostatin (MSTN) of Bangkok chicken using PCR-RFLP. Buletin Peternakan, 45: 233-240.
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  11. Maimunah, Depison and dan E. Wiyanto, 2021. Quantitative morphology features of bali cow, pamenang district and bangko in Merangin District. J. Peternakan Nusantara, 7: 51-58.
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  12. Gultom, L.H.M., G. Gushairiyanto and D. Depison, 2021. Correlation of sentul chicken body weight at DOC age of 1, 2 and 3 months. J. Sain Peternakan Indonesia, 16: 273-276.
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  13. Diansah, F., D. Depison and S. Erina, 2021. Identification of determining factors size and shape Simbal cattle and Brahman cross cattle in Pamenang Barat Merangin District. J. Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 31: 149-159.
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  14. Depison, D., W.P.B. Putra, G. Gushairiyanto, Y. Alwi and H. Suryani, 2021. Morphometrics characterization of thin-tail sheep in lowland and highland areas. Trop. Anim. Sci. J., 44: 386-398.
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  15. Depison, D., 2021. The relationship between egg characteristics and egg weight and Day old duck (DOD) weight and body weight of Kerinci ducks at various age levels. J. Ilmu dan Indus. Peternakan, 7: 159-174.
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  16. Almakmum, H., D. Depison and H. Ediyanto, 2021. Quantitative characteristics of bali cattle and the Simbal cattle in the Renah Pamenang Sub-District, Merangin district. J. Trop. Anim. Vet. Sci., 11: 30-39.
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  17. Novra, A., Adriani, Depison and A. Octavia, 2020. Cheap qurban syariah investment (CQSI) program, empowerment and price stabilization. J. Ekonomi Pembangunan, 18: 103-122.
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  18. Depison, D., B.P. Putri and L. Lisna, 2020. Characteristic of shrimp catch of sondong in Kampung Laut Village Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency. J. Perikanan dan Kelautan, 10: 125-135.
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  19. Adelia, S., Depison and E. Wiyanto, 2020. Fenotype characteristics Simbal cattles in Merangin district Jambi Province. J. Livest. Anim. Health, 3: 54-60.
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