Dr. Elvy Like Ginting
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Dr. Elvy Like Ginting

Head of Department
Department of Biology, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agricultural Science from Kagoshima University, Japan

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Selected Publications

  1. Wullur, S., H. Napitupulu, L.L. Wantania, E.L. Ginting, V. Warouw, S. TilaarI, T.E. Tallei and I.F.M. Rumengan, 2020. Molecular identification of bacteria isolated from culture medium of rotifer fed on fishery waste diet. Biodiversitas, 21: 1735-1740 10.13057/biodiv/d210649.
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  2. Taareluan, R.R., L.L. Wantania, E.L. Ginting, R.E.P. Mangindaan, D.R.H. Kumampung, R.L. Kreckhoff and S. Wullur, 2020. Amplifikasi gen 16s-rrna bakteri epifit pada alga merah kappaphycus alvarezii. J. Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 10.35800/jplt.8.1.2020.27696.
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  3. Sumilat, D.A., E.L. Ginting, G.A.V. Pollo, A.A. Adam and T.E. Tallei, 2020. Antimicrobial activities of rhopalaea-associated fungus Aspergillus flavus strain MFABU9. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 23: 911-916.
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  4. Opa, S.L., D.A. Sumilat, S.B. Pratasik, B.Th. Wagey, G.F. Mamangkey, E.L. Ginting and M. Ompi, 2020. Community structure of ascidian in mike’s point bunaken waters, Manado city, North Sulawesi province. Platax, 10.35800/jip.8.1.2020.27827.
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  5. Manik, F.K.I., D.J. Paransa, D.M.H. Mantiri, E.L. Ginting, V. Warouw and R. Moningkey, 2020. Isolasi pigmen karoteniod pada kepiting Metopograpsus sp. betina. J. Pesisir Dan Laut Tropis., 8: 84-90.
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  6. Ginting, E.L., 2020. Screening and characterization of proteolytic thermophiles bacteria from moinit coastal hot-spring, North Sulawesi. J. Ilmaih Platax, 10.35800/jip.8.1.2020.28628.
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  7. Wullur, S., E.L. Ginting, V. Waraow, I.F.M. Rumengan, E.O. Ogello and A. Hagiwara, 2019. Growth response of rotifers on a bacterial-based diet made from fishwastes. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 10.1088/1757-899X/567/1/012030.
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  8. Wondal, B., E.L. Ginting, V. Warouw, S. Wullur, S.O. Tilaar, F.F. Tilaar, 2019. Isolasi bakteri laut dari perairan malalayang, sulawesi utara. J. Pesisir Dan Laut Tropis, 7: 183-189.
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  9. Wehantouw, A., E. Ginting and S. Wullur 2019. Identifikasi sirip ikan hiu yang didapat dari pengumpul di Minahasa Tenggara menggunakan DNA Barcode. J. Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 5: 62-68.
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  10. Wantania, L.L., S. Wullur, E.L. Ginting, D.M.H. Mantiri, S.L. Undap, D.A. Sumilat and G.S. Gerung, 2019. Isolation and amplification of 16S rRNA gen of associated microbial isolates in red algae Kappaphycus alvarezii from Belang, Southeast Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. J. Ilmiah Platax, 10.35800/jip.7.1.2019.22808.
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  11. Untu, P., I.F.M. Rumengan and E.L. Ginting, 2019. Identifikasi Mikroba yang koeksis dengan ascidia Lissoclinum patella menggunakan sekuens gen 16S rRNA. J. Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 3: 23-33.
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  12. Umasugi, A., R.A. Tumbol, R.L. Kreckhoff, H. Manoppo, N.P.L. Pangemanan and E.L. Ginting, 2019. Penggunaan bakteri probiotik untuk pencegahan infeksi bakteri Streptococcus agalactiae pada ikan Nila, Oreochromis niloticus. Budidaya Perairan Mei, 6: 39-44.
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  13. Tarigan, F., S. Wullur, V. Warouw, I. Rumengan, E. Ginting and C. Lumenta, 2019. Pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva kerang mutiara Pinctada maxima pada sumber pakan berbeda. J. Pesisir Dan Laut Tropis, 7: 13-19.
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  14. Rangian, L., E.L. Ginting, S. Wullur, E. Kaligis, S. Tilaar and R. Tumbol, 2019. Amplification of bacterial isolate Sf1 associated with sponge Facaplysynopsis sp. From Tongkeina, North Sulawesi. J. Ilmiah Platax, 10.35800/jip.6.2.2018.20636.
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  15. Napitupulu, H.G., I.F.M. Rumengan, S. Wullur, E.L. Ginting, J.R.T.S.L. Rimper and B.H. Toloh, 2019. Bacillus sp. as a decomposition agent in the maintenance of Brachionus rotundiformis which ues raw fish as a source of nutrition Platax, 7: 158-169.
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  16. Marthin, L., J.Ch. Watung, O.J. Kalesaran, E.L. Ginting, H.J. Sinjal and I.R.N. Salindeho, 2019. Penambahan madu dalam pengenceran sperma terhadap motilitas spermatozoa, fertilisasi dan daya tetas telur ikan Patin Siam, Pangasius hipophthalmus. Budidaya Perairan Mei, 6: 45-52.
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  17. Kabense, R., E.L. Ginting, S. Wullur, N.J. Kawung, F. Losung and J.L. Tombokan, 2019. Screening of the proteolytic bacteria symbiont with algae Gracillaria sp. J. Ilmiah Platax, 7: 413-418.
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  18. Ginting, E.L., L. Rangian, L.L. Wantania and S. Wullur, 2019. Isolation of symbiotic bacteria with red algae from tongkaina waters, North Sulawesi. Platax, 10.35800/jip.7.2.2019.23728.
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  19. Ginting, E.L., K. Kemer, S. Wullur and A.R. Uria, 2019. Identification of proteolytic thermophiles from moinit coastal hot-spring, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Geomicrobiol. J., 37: 50-58.
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  20. Djakatara, P.D., G.S. Gerung, E.L. Ginting, C.F.A. Sondak, N.D.C. Rumampuk and D.M.H. Mantiri, 2019. Amplifikasi dna alga merah (rhodophyta) Eucheuma sp. J. Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 6: 26-30.
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  21. Bawole, H., R. Rompas and E. Ginting, 2019. Ekstraksi hidrokarbon dari beberapa mikroalga. J. Pesisir Dan Laut Tropis, 5: 18-23.
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  22. Ginting, E.L., C. Maeganeku, H. Motoshima and K. Watanabe, 2014. Functional characteristics of inorganic pyrophosphatase from psychrotroph Shewanella sp. AS-11 upon activation by various divalent cations Asian J. Chem., 26: 611-616.
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  23. Ginting, E.L., C. Maeganeku, H. Motoshima and K. Watanabe, 2013. Spectroscopic analyses of manganese ions effects on the conformational changes of inorganic pyrophosphatase from Psychrophilic shewanella sp. AS-11. Protein J., 33: 11-17.
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  24. E. L. Ginting, S. Iwasaki, C. Maeganeku, H. Motoshima, K. Watanabe 2013. expression, purification, and characterization of cold-adapted inorganic pyrophosphatase from psychrophilic shewanella sp. AS-11. Preparative Biochem. Biotechnol., 44: 480-492.
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