Dr. Irwan, SKM. M.Kes
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Dr. Irwan, SKM. M.Kes

Doctor and Researcher
Department of Public Health, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Doctorate in Epidemiology from Airlangga University, Indonesia

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Irwan: completed his doctoral education in the field of epidemiology, especially risk factors for HIV / AIDS, behavior and adolescence. currently working as a lecturer and researcher in the department of public health at the Gorontalo State University. In addition, he is active as a national manager, among others, Jambura Journal health science and research

Area of Interest:

Public Health
Health Behavior
Adolescent Health
Environmnetal Epidemiology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Skm, I., 2020. Model of local wisdom based-community empowerment to control HIV/AIDS. J. Health Sci., 2: 51-58.
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  2. Irwan, I. and R. Abudi, 2020. Risiko penularan HIV/AIDS pada pekerja seks komersial (PSK) di provinsi gorontalo.. J. Health Sci., 2: 274-282.
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  3. Amalia, L., I. Irwan and F. Hiola, 2020. Analisis gejala klinis dan peningkatan kekebalan tubuh untuk mencegah penyakit COVID-19. Jambura J. Health Sci. Res., 2: 71-76.
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  4. Abudi, R. and I. Irwan, 2020. Analisis faktor resiko kejadian obesitas pada remaja di kota gorontalo. J. Health Sci., 2: 263-273.
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  5. Abdullah, A.A., I. Irwan and E. Prasetya, 2020. Analisis karakteristik limbah laundry terhadap kejadian dermatitis kontak iritan pada pekerja laundry x kota gorontalo. Jambura J. Health Sci. Res., 2: 43-52.
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  6. SKM, I. and R. Nule, 2019. Hubungan dukungan sosial dengan perilaku merokok pada siswa smk n 2 limboto. J. Health Sci., 1: 25-31.
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  7. Nurfadillah, A.R. and I. Irwan, 2019. Pajanan timbal udara dan timbal dalam darah dengan tekanan darah dan hemoglobin (hb) operator spbu. J. Health Sci., 1: 53-59.
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  8. Irwan, I. and M. Akuba, 2019. Uji efektifitas kombinasi perasan jeruk nipis dan mentimun terhadap mortalitas kecoa. Jambura J. Health Sci. Res., 1: 71-78.
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