Dr. Ir. Rusmana Wijaya Setia Ningrat
Senior LecturerAndalas University, Indonesia
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from The University of Nottingham, UK
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Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from The University of Nottingham, UK
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Dr. Ir. Rusmana Wijaya Setia Ningrat is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Science, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia. He earned a Bachelor Degree in Animal Nutrition from Andalas University in 1987 and Master of Rural Science degree in Ruminant Nutrition from University of New England, New South Wales, Australia in 1996. He continued his education with a Doctoral degree in Ruminant Nutrition at University of Nottingham, UK and graduated in 2002. He pursued Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK from 2002-2005. Dr. Ningrat has been the recipient of awards such as The Best Lecturer in the Faculty of Animal Sciences, Andalas University, 1995; Certificate of Recognition, 1994, from University of New England, Australia; UNE Alumni Achievement Award, 2011 University of New England, Australia and The Best Presenter in the Second International Seminar on Animal Industry, 2012 in Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. His research, articles, posters and journals were published and presented in national and international forums, such as the RRI-INRA Conference Beyond Antimicrobials the Future of Gut Microbiology, 2002, Aberdeen, UK, the 4th Joint INRA-RRI Conference of Gut Microbiology 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, France, the Conference on Gastrointestinal Function, 2005, Chicago, Illinois USA, 12th Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Other Natural Products, Padang, Indonesia, 2006. Additionally. Dr. Ningrat’s has published 8 research articles in the international journals as the main author and co-author. He proposed to hold a research on Ruminal Methane Production and Composition of Microbial Organisms in Response to Feeding Coconut Oil and/or Condensed Tannin Extract in Continuous Cultures at UTAH State University. He also attended number of conferences and seminars.