Dr. Busaba  Supawattanabodee
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Dr. Busaba Supawattanabodee

Medicine Vajira Hospital, Thailand

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Statistics from Mahidol University, Thailand

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Cervical Cancer

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Noipayak, P., P. Rawdaree, B. Supawattanabodee and S. Manusirivitthaya, 2017. Factors associated with early age at menarche among Thai adolescents in Bangkok: A cross-sectional study. BMC Women's Health, Vol. 17. 10.1186/s12905-017-0371-5.
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  2. Tangjitgamol, S., N. Kantathavorn, T. Kittisiam, W. Chaowawanit and J. Khunnarong et al., 2016. Prevalence of abnormal cervical cytology and high risk HPV DNA among Bangkok metropolitan women. Asian Pacific J. Cervical Cancer Prevent., 17: 3147-3153.
  3. Noipayak, P., P. Rawdaree, B. Supawattanabodee and S. Manusirivitthaya, 2016. Age at menarche and performance intelligence quotients of adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand: A cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatrics, Vol. 16. 10.1186/s12887-016-0624-8.
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  4. Chaowawanit, W., S. Tangjitgamol, N. Kantathavorn, N. Poolcharoen and T. Kittisiam et al., 2016. Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of metropolitan women towards cervical cancer screening. J. Cervical Cancer Prevent., 17: 945-952.
  5. Supawattanabodee, B., L. Ingsirsawang and S. Tangjitkamol, 2015. Bayesian monitoring for experimental study in women with abnormal uterine bleeding. J. Applied Sci., 15: 1251-1255.
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  6. Supawattanabodee, B. and L. Ingsrisawang, 2015. Bayesian adaptive randomization designs for clinical trial. J. Applied Sci., 15: 374-376.
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  7. Kolkijkovin, V., C. Wisitpongaree, P. Techakasem, C. Pornnoppadol and B. Supawattanabodee, 2015. Computer game addiction: Risk and protective factors in students in Dusit District, Bangkok. Vajira Med. J., 59: 1-33.
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  8. Tangjitgamol, S., K. Katanyoo, M. Laopaiboon, P. Lumbiganon, S. Manusirivithaya and B. Supawattanabodee, 2014. Adjuvant chemotherapy after concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced cervical cancer. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 10.1002/14651858.CD010401.
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  9. Sethasine, S. and B. Supawattanabodee, 2014. Utility of liver stiffness measurement by transient elastrography (Fibroscan) for the diagnosis of cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis. Vajira Med. J., 58: 55-63.
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  10. Katanyoo, K., N. Praditsitthikorn, S. Tangjitgamol, S. Manusirivithaya and B. Supawattanabodee, 2014. Cost-utility analysis of treatments for stage IB cervical cancer. J. Gynecol. Oncol., 25: 97-104.
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  11. Wiriyasirivaj, B. and B. Supawattanabodee, 2011. Development and internal validation of the Vajira Osteoporosis Risk Score Index (VORSI) for postmenopausal osteoporosis screening. Vajira Med. J., 55: 95-109.
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  12. Suppawattanabodee, B. and B. Wiriyasirivaj, 2011. Knowledge and attitudes of school girls' parents towards a prevention of cervical cancer through human papillomavirus vaccinationknowledge and attitudes of school girls' parents towards a prevention of cervical cancer through human Papillomavirus Vaccinat. Vajira Med. J., 53: 187-196.
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  13. Sethasine, S., S. Jesdapatarakul and B. Supawattanabodee, 2011. Relationship between enzyme alanine aminotransferase level and liver histology in chronic hepatitis B. Vajira Med. J., 51: 9-17.
  14. Boonsirichan, R., D. Duangmanee, P. Klaewkasikij, R. Chantanalage, S. Suebklay and B. Supawattanabodee, 2011. Efficacy of hepatitis B vaccination in personnels of BMA medical college and Vajira hospital. Vajira Med. J., 54: 9-18.
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  15. Supawattanabodee, B., A. Manomaipiboon, M. Ngerncham and P. Karuhadej, 2009. The project of school bus safety in Bangkok metropolitan: Accident during transportation to school of student in Bangkok metropolitan area. Vajira Med. J., 52: 257-264.
  16. Supawattanabodee, B., A. Manomaipiboon, M. Ngerncham and P. Karuhadej, 2007. The project of school bus safety in Bangkok metropolitan: Mode of student transportation. Vajira Med. J., 51: 121-128.
  17. Banpamai, O., V. Manusakul and B. Supawattanabodee, 2006. Risk factors of hospital-acquired infection or colonization by Pan-drug resistant Acinetobactor baumannii in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration medical college and Vajira hospital. J. Vajira, 50: 135-144.
  18. Supawattanabodee, B., 2005. Evaluating the quality of data from drug users sources in Bangkok under Capture-Recapture method. Vajira Med. J., 1: 135-143.
  19. Manomaipiboon, A., B. Ngamsirimas, S. Techapongsatorn and B. Supawattanabode, 2004. Estimating the number of drug users in Bangkok 2001. Gastrointestinal complications from ingest Santol seeds. Vajira Med. J., 48: 1-10.
  20. Bohning, D., B. Supawattanabodee, W. Kusolvisitkul and Viwatawongkasem, 2004. Estimating the number of drug users in Bangkok 2001: A capture-recapture approach using repeated entries in one list. Eur. J. Epidimol., 19: 1075-1083.
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