Chokheli Vasiliy, senior researcher. Southern Federal University, Botanical garden, Laboratory of cellular and genomic technologies plants.
Area of Interest:
Plant and Soil Sciences
Molecular Genetics
Plant Physiology
Soil Fertility
Research Publications in Numbers
Books 0
Chapters 0
Articles 0
Abstracts 0
Selected Publications
Chokheli, V., K. Boris, S. Mikhail, L. Vladimir, F. Igor, V. Tatiana, K. Olga and B. Elena, 2016. Preliminary comparative analysis of phenological varieties of quercus robur by ISSR-Markers. J. Bot., 10.1155/2016/7910451. CrossRef | Direct Link |
Lysenko, V.S., T.V. Varduny, E.I. Simonovich, O.I. Chugueva and V.A. Chokheli et al., 2014. Far-red spectrum of second emerson effect: A study using dual-wavelength pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry. Am. J. Biochem. Biotechnol., 10: 234-240. Direct Link |