Dr. Algazy Zhauyt
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Dr. Algazy Zhauyt

Associate Professor
Department of Electronics and Robotics, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunication, Kazakhstan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Power Engineering from Almaty Medical Institute, Kazakhstan

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Algazy Zhauyt received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, and his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kazakh National Research Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, and his, Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Since then, he is Associate Professor has been working as a Full-Time Research Fellow at the Electronics and Robotics Lab at the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications. His research interests include mechanical design, mechanical engineering, mechanical design and machine construction, mechanical systems, vibration and shock, control systems, systems and control theory, machine tool design, metallurgical equipment, automation and control, manufacturing and rotating machinery, robotics and automation and mechatronics, and expert systems. He is author/co-author of about 150 technical papers published in refereed journals and as many published in refereed conference proceedings and two books dealing with topics in mechanical engineering. He has served as an Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board, and Reviewers world journals of major scientific databases.

Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Telecommunication Engineering
Power Engineering
Dynamic Analysis
Robotics and Automation

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zhetenbayev, N., A. Zhauyt, G. Balbayev and B. Shingissov, 2022. Robot device for ankle joint rehabilitation: A review. Vibroengineering Procedia, 41: 96-102.
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  2. Yergaliyev, D., A. Tulegulov, A. Zhumabayeva, A. Bukayeva and M. Suimenova et al., 2022. Study of stress-strain state of the roller conveyor. METABK, 61: 347-350.
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  3. Tolendiuly, S., k.A. Alipbayev, S.M. Fomenko, A. Sovet and A. Zhauyt, 2022. Effect graphite on magnesium diboride superconductivity synthesized by combustion method under argon pressure: Part I. METABK, 61: 285-288.
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  4. Tolendiuly, S., K.A. Alipbayev, S.M. Fomenko, A. Sovet and A. Zhauyt, 2022. Effect graphite on magnesium diboride superconductivity synthesized by combustion method under argon pressure: Part II. METABK, 61: 385-388.
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  5. Musayev, J., A. Zhauyt, B. Bahtiyar, R. Kibitova, K. Kazhet, A. Kussyov and A. Kabylkarim, 2022. Analysis of dynamic instability of the wheel set of a railway vehicle using the method of generalized hill determinants. Vibroengineering Procedia, 41: 186-190.
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  6. Kydyrbekuly, A., A. Zhauyt and G.G.A. Ibrayev, 2022. Investigation of nonlinear forced vibrations of the “rotor-movable foundation” system on rolling bearings by the jacobi elliptic functions method. Appl. Sci., Vol. 12. 10.3390/app12147042.
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  7. Buzauova, T., B. Turehanov, A. Mateshov, A. Zhauyt, S. Ismagulova and S. Zhunisbekov, 2022. Planning and experimental studies of selection the optimal welding mode by the friction of fitting rods. J. Appl. Eng. Sci., 20: 727-735.
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  8. Darimbaeva, N., M. Mustafin, N. Almuratova and A. Zhauyt, 2021. Development of a mathematical model of frequency controlled induction electric drive. J. Vibroengineering, 23: 1833-1844.
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  9. Azilkiyasheva, M.M., S.B. Shayakhmetov, G.B. Bakyt, B.T. Kopenov, G.A. Smailova, Y.Y. Baubekov and A. Zhauyt, 2021. Development of a method for calculating the degree of use of the plasticity resource (DUPR) when rolling on a new continuous mill. METABK, 60: 362-364.
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  10. Akimbek, G.A., B.K. Aliyarov, S.A. Akimbekova and A. Zhauyt, 2021. Determination of the intensity of abrasive chafe by different chafeing materials. METABK, 60: 351-354.
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  11. Tulegenova, K., G. Abdraimova, B. Kyrykbaev, A. Zhauyt, A. Alimbetov and M. Nurbakyt, 2019. Dynamic analysis of the press automation. Int. J. Mech. Eng. Rob. Res., 8: 41-45.
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  12. Yeleukulov, Y., A. Atalykova, A. Zhauyt, Z. Abdimuratov, S. Yussupova, A. Alik and G. Kenzhebayeva, 2018. Mechanical analysis of vibratory conveyor mechanism. MATEC Web Conf., 226: 1-9.
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  13. Umbetkulov, Y., Y. Yeleukulov, A. Atalykova, G. Smailova, G. Iskakova, A. Zhauyt and G.G. AlisherIbrayev, 2018. Dynamic force analysis of a six-link planar mechanism. MATEC Web Conf., 251: 1-12.
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  14. Tultayev, B., G. Balbayev, A. Zhauyt, A. Sultan and A. Mussina, 2018. Kinematic synthesis of mechanism for system with a technical vision. MATEC Web Conf., 237: 1-10.
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  15. Omarov, T., K. Tulegenova, Y. Bekenov, G. Abdraimova, A. Zhauyt and M. Ibadullayev, 2018. Determination of reduced mass and stiffness of flexural vibrating cantilever beam. J. Measur. Eng., 6: 1-9.
  16. Murat, A., A. Alma, A. Assel and Z. Algazy, 2018. Adequate discrete sampling method of random variables of the two stage dry crushing process and its stochastic equation. Eng. Rural Dev., 17: 994-1001.
  17. Kosbolov, S., Y. Yeleukulov, A. Atalykova, A. Zhauyt, G. Yestemessova and S. Yussupova, 2018. Dynamic and rigidity of a manipulator with three DOFs. MATEC Web Conf., 226: 1-9.
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  18. Janat, M., Y. Yerbol, A. Madina, Y. Aliya and Z. Algazy, 2018. Shock-impulse diagnosis of the railway. Eng. Rural Dev., 17: 1618-1623.
  19. Gulbarshyn, S., Y. Saltanat, U. Assemgul, K. Lazzat, B. Gani and Z. Algazy, 2018. Calculation and construction of the tolling roller table. Vibroeng. Proc., 18: 14-19.
  20. Assylkhan, A., K. Yerbol, Z. Algazy, Y. Gulsara, Y. Saltanat and N. Manas, 2018. Calculation of the stress-strain state of the deflector rollers. Vibroeng. Proc., 18: 183-188.
  21. Zhauyt, A., I. Zhahanova, G. Smailova, U. Murzakhmetova, L. Kurmangalieva and A. Kurenbay, 2017. The kinematic analysis of the third class mechanism. Vibroeng. Proc., 12: 208-212.
  22. Solonenko, V., N. Mahmetova, J. Musayev, M. Kvashnin, A. Zhauyt and T. Buzauova, 2017. Modeling of dynamic characteristics of freight car with optimized parameters of wedge-type shock absorber. J. Vibroeng., 19: 1197-1213.
  23. Solonenko, V., N. Mahmetova, J. Musayev, M. Kvashnin, A. Alpeisov and A. Zhauyt, 2017. Some aspects of the experimental assessment of dynamic behavior of the railway track. J. Theor. Applied Mech., 55: 421-432.
  24. Musayev, J., A. Zhauyt, T. Buzauova, G. Mamatova, Z. Yessenkluova, G. Abdugaliyeva and A. Alimbetov, 2017. The experimental determination of the stress calculation and relative strains in the span elements of railway bridges under the influence of the rolling equipment. J. Measur. Eng., 5: 125-133.
  25. Mukasheva, A., S. Japayev, G. Abdraimova, B. Kyrykbaev, K. Kozhamberdiyev, B. Uskembayeva and A. Zhauyt, 2017. A dynamic analysis of six-bar mechanical press. Vibroeng. Proc., 13: 249-254.
  26. Igembayev, N., J. Musayev, A. Zhauyt, G. Balbayev, A. Auezova and G. Smailova, 2017. The researching of the dynamic properties of long-wheelbase platforms for the transportation of large-capacity containers. J. Measur. Eng., 5: 182-193.
  27. Ibraev, S., A. Nurmaganbetova, A. Zhauyt and N. Imanbaeva, 2017. Computerized modeling of kinematics and kineto-statics of sucker-rod pump power units. Eng. Rural Dev., 16: 904-909.
  28. Askarov, E., A. Zhauyt, Z. Abilkaiyr, A. Zhankeldi and B. Naurushev, 2017. A new type cam-screw mechanical press. Eng. Rural Dev., 16: 36-41.
  29. Algazy, Z., S. Aizhan, A. Dinara, A. Kuanyshkali, S. Tanat and S. Gulmira, 2017. Static calculation of bearing construction elements taking into account physical nonlinearity. Vibroeng. Proc., 12: 124-129.
  30. Adilkhanov, Y., S. Sekerova, J. Musayev, A. Zhauyt, A. Auezova and G. Smailova, 2017. Simulation technique of constant contact side bearings of freight car bogies. J. Measur. Eng., 5: 142-151.
  31. Zhauyt, A., S. Mederbekkyzy, Y. Akimbek, N. Narzulloyev and K. Boribekov, 2016. Study of the stress-strain state of the shaking conveyor mechanism. IOSR J. Eng., 6: 53-60.
  32. Zhauyt, A., K. Alipov, A. Sakenova, A. Zhankeldi, R. Abdirova and Z. Abilkaiyr, 2016. The synthesis of four-bar mechanism. Vibroeng. Proc., 10: 486-491.
  33. Zhauyt, A., G. Mamatova, K. Alipov, A. Sakenova and R. Abdirova, 2016. The kinematic analysis of flat lever mechanisms with application of vector calculation. Vibroeng. Proc., 8: 1-5.
  34. Tultayev, B., A. Zhauyt, A. Kopesbayeva, A. Auezova, G. Balbayev and B. Shingissov, 2016. Numerical check of a planetary drives for wind mills. J. Vibroeng., 18: 4155-4163.
  35. Nurymov, Y., A. Bukayeva, A. Zhauyt, V. Povetkin and Y. Askarov, 2016. Study of thermal stonecutting tools. Vibroeng. Proc., 8: 22-27.
  36. Musayev, J., A. Zhauyt, Y. Nurymov, G. Mamatova, Y. Adilkhanov, A. Alizhan and T. Chigambaev, 2016. The influence of operational factors on the contact-fatigue effect of couple of wheel-rail friction in curves of small radius. Vibroeng. Proc., 8: 263-268.
  37. Musayev, J., A. Zhauyt, Y. Kassenov, N. Abdish and O. Akhmet, 2016. Characterization of tribological behavior of high performance rail steel. Vibroeng. Proc., 7: 118-123.
  38. Musayev, J., A. Zhauyt, M. Sagatbek, N. Matikhan, Y. Kaliyev and B. Naurushev, 2016. Seismic resistance of horizontal underground openings in anisotropic rocks. Vibroeng. Proc., 8: 231-236.
  39. Kosbolov, S., K. Duisebayeva, A. Zhauyt and T. Buzauova, 2016. Synthesis of spatial lever mechanisms on the basis of the initial kinematic chains SSS pairs. Ponte, 72: 31-52.
  40. Kosbolov, S., A. Zhauyt and S. Kosbolov, 2016. Kinematic synthesis of spatial linkages with spherical pairs. J. Theor. Applied Mech., 54: 75-85.
  41. Algazy, Z., 2016. Study of the stress-strain state of the vibrating equipment. Int. J. Sci. Tech. Innov. Ind., 3: 27-34.
  42. Abilkaiyr, Z., J. Musayev, T. Kaiym, A. Alpeisov, A. Alimbetov and A. Zhauyt, 2016. The interaction of the freight car and way taking into account deformation of assembled rails and sleepers. Vibroeng. Proc., 8: 269-274.
  43. Shingissov, B., G. Balbayev, S. Kurmanalieva, A. Zhauyt and Z. Koishybayeva, 2015. Numerical check of a 2DOF transmission for wind turbines. Vibroeng. Proc., 6: 25-29.
  44. Musayev, J. and A. Zhauyt, 2015. Analysis of disturbing influence of traffic load on soil body. Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng., 2015: 1-7.
  45. Algazy, Z., 2015. The substantiating of the dynamic parameters of the shaking conveyor mechanism. Vibroeng. Proc., 54: 15-20.
  46. Aigul, S., M. Karpinski, A. Bakhytzhan, Z. Algazy and I.lzhan, 2015. Comparative investigation of methods of modular exponentiation. Middle-East. J. Sci. Res., 23: 459-462.
  47. Zhauyt, A., S. Kosbolov, B. Shingissov, A. Alymbetov, A. Telesheva, O. Karabashev and A. Tashkenbayev, 2014. Synthesis of four-link Basic Kinematic Chains [BKC] with spherical pairs for spatial mechanisms. Medit. J. Soc. Sci., 5: 2627-2637.
  48. Kyrykbaev, B., D. Tuganbaeva and A. Zhauyt, 2014. The partial discretization method of differential equations in solving the task on the flexible elastic rotationally symmetric round plate flexure. Middle-East. J. Sci. Res., 22: 802-808.
  49. Kosbolov, S., A. Rakhmatulina, N. Imanbaeva and A. Zhauyt, 2014. Optimal design of leading kinematical chain of eight linked planar load lifting linkage. Medit. J. Soc. Sci., 5: 2656-2660.
  50. Joldasbekov, S., S. Ibraev, A. Zhauyt, A. Nurmagambetova and N. Imanbaeva, 2014. Modular synthesis of plane lever six-link mechanism of high class. Middle-East. J. Sci. Res., 21: 2339-2345.
  51. Janat, M., A. Yerzhan and Z. Algazy, 2014. Investigation of a wedge shock absorber trucks freight cars using universal mechanism. Middle-East. J. Sci. Res., 22: 1405-1410.