Prof. Dr. Syed Abdul  Rehman Khan
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Prof. Dr. Syed Abdul Rehman Khan

Brasi School of Supply Chain Management, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Logistics Management from Chang`an University, China

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Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Supply Chain Management
Logistics Technology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Khan, S.A.R., Q.L. Dong and Z. Yu, 2017. Role of ABC analysis in the process of efficient order fulfillment: ase study. Adv. Eng. Forum, 23: 114-121.
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  2. Khan, S.A.R., D. Qianli, W. SongBo, K. Zaman and Y. Zhang, 2017. Travel and tourism competitiveness index: The impact of air transportation, railways transportation, travel and transport services on international inbound and outbound tourism. J. Air Trans. Manag., 58: 125-134.
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  3. Khan, S.A.R., D. Qianli and Y. Zhang, 2017. The impact of green supply chain on enterprise performance: in the perspective of China. J. Adv. manuf. Syst., 16: 263-273.
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  4. Khan, S.A.R., 2017. Research on the development of a sustainable green logistics system from the perspective of Pakistan. Int, J. Econ. Behav.Organiz., 5: 63-66.
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  5. Khan., S.A.R., D. Qianl and Z. Yu, 2016. Usage of RFID technology in supply Chain: Benefits and challenges. Int. J. Applied Eng. Res., 11: 3720-3727.
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  6. Khan, S.A.R., Q.L. Dong and Z. Yu, 2016. Research on the measuring performance of green supply chain management: in the perspective of China. Int. J. Eng. Res. Afr., 27: 167-178.
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  7. Khan, S.A.R., Q.L. Dong and Y. Zhang, 2016. Study of logistics and manufacturing industry integration from the perspective of pakistan. Int. J. Eng. Res. Afr., 24: 172-180.
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  8. Khan, S.A.R., K. Zaman and Y. Zhang, 2016. The relationship between energy-resource depletion, climate change, health resources and the environmental Kuznets curve: Evidence from the panel of selected developed countries. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev., 62: 468-477.
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  9. Khan, S.A.R., D. Qianli, W. SongBo, K. Zaman and Y. Zhang, 2016. Environmental logistics performance indicators affecting per capita income and sectoral growth: Evidence from a panel of selected global ranked logistics countries. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 10.1007/s11356-016-7916-2.
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  10. Khan, S.A.R., D.Q. Li and M.Z. Yu, 2015. Analysis and Usage: Cloud computing technology in the supply chain management. Life Sci. J., 12: 140-144.
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  11. Khan, S.A.R and D.Q. Li, 2015. Case of civic Company: The implementation of enterprise resource planning. Int. Bus. Res., 8: 119-126.
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