Dr. Long-Yun  Li
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Dr. Long-Yun Li

Jilin University, China

Highest Degree
M.D. in Anesthesiology from Jilin University, China

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Meng, L., L. Li, S. Lu, K. Li, Z. Su, Y. Wang and G. Zhao, 2018. The protective effect of dexmedetomidine on LPS-induced acute lung injury through the HMGB1-mediated TLR4/NF-κB and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways. Mol. Immunol., 94: 7-17.
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  2. Yu, S.N., G.F. Liu, L.Y. Li, G.Q. Zhao, L. Liu and X.F. Li, 2017. Analgesic effects of microRNA‐129‐5p against bone cancer pain through the EphB1/EphrinB2 signaling pathway in mice. J. cell. Biochem., 10.1002/jcb.26605.
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  3. Yi, J., Y. Lei, S. Xu, Y. Si and S. Li et al., 2017. Intraoperative hypothermia and its clinical outcomes in patients undergoing general anesthesia: National study in China. PloS one, 10.1371/journal.pone.0177221.
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  4. Zhang, W., G. Zhao, L. Li and P. Zhao, 2016. Prophylactic administration of corticosteroids for preventing postoperative complications related to tracheal intubation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials. Clin. Drug investing., 36: 255-265.
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  5. Yu, B., B. Ouyang, S. Ge, Y. Luo and J. Li, et al., 2016. Incidence of postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade after general anesthesia: A prospective, multicenter, anesthetist-blind, observational study. Curr. Med. Res. Opin., 32: 1-9.
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  6. Li, L. and G. Zhao, 2016. Downregulation of microRNA-218 relieves neuropathic pain by regulating suppressor of cytokine signaling 3. Int. J. Mol. Med., 37: 851-858.
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  7. Li, K., R.J. Cao, X.J. Zhu, X.Y. Liu, L.Y. Li and S.S. Cui, 2015. Erythropoietin attenuates the apoptosis of adult neurons after brachial plexus root avulsion by downregulating jnk phosphorylation and c-jun expression and inhibiting c-parp cleavage. J. mol. Neurosci., 56: 917-925.
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  8. Chen, P., F. Liang, L.Y. Li and G.Q. Zhao, 2015. Complications and adverse effects associated with intraoperative nerve monitoring during thyroid surgery under general anesthesia. Cell Biochem. Biophy., 71: 1029-1033.
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  9. Li, K., G.Q. Zhao, L.Y. Li, G.Z. Wu and S.S. Cui, 2014. Epigenetic upregulation of Cdk5 in the dorsal horn contributes to neuropathic pain in rats. Neuroreport, 25: 1116-1121.
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  10. Chen, P., Y. Zhang and L.Y. Li, 2014. Current perspectives for management of acute respiratory insufficiency in premature infants with acute respiratory syndrome. Cell biochem. Biophy., 70: 73-76.
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