Prof. Hou  Fujiang
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Prof. Hou Fujiang

Lanzhou University, China

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Grassland Science from Gansu Agricultural University, China

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Dr. Hou Fujiang holds a position of Professor of Grassland Science, Dean in College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology (CPAST), Lanzhou University, Director of Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute (GGERI), and Vice Director of State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-Ecosystem. He has completed his Ph.D. in Grassland Science from Gansu Agricultural University, China, and MSc in Ecology from Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining, China. Dr. Fujiang received The Second Class Award of State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, and the Second Class Award of Gansu Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Award. He is member of domestic experts committee, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Committee of The International Scientific Exchange Foundation of China, the 4th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference, Vice Director of Ecological Education Commission of Ecological Society of China, and Pratacultural Engineering Commission of Systems Engineering Society of China. He is Editor-in-Chief of Pratacultural Science. He has completed 15 research projects as project leader, 5 as project coordinator, and 17 as project participant. Dr. Fujiang has published 140 research articles in national and international journals, 29 refereed conferences proceeding, and 6 book chapters contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Grassland Resources Management
Grassland Resources Utilization
Ruminant Agriculture
Pastoral Systems

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Yuan, H. and F. Hou, 2015. Grazing intensity and soil depth effects on soil properties in alpine meadow pastures of Qilian mountain in Northwest China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B: Soil & Plant Science, 65: 222-232.
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  2. Sun, Y., J.P. Angerer and F.J. Hou, 2015. Effects of grazing systems on herbage mass and live-weight gain of Tibetan sheep in Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Rangeland J., 37: 181-190.
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  3. Chen, J., F. Hou, X. Chen, X. Wan and J. Millner, 2015. Stocking rate and grazing season modify soil respiration on the Loess Plateau, China. Rangeland Ecol. Manage., 68: 48-53.
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  4. Hou, F.J., 2014. Adaptation of Mixed Crop Livestock Systems in Asia. In: Climate Change Impact and Adaptation in Agricultural Systems, Fuhrer, J. and P. Gregory (Eds.). CABI., London, pp: 153-166.
  5. Li, Y., V.G. Allen, J. Chen, F. Hou, C.P. Brown and P. Green, 2013. Allelopathic influence of a wheat or rye cover crop on growth and yield of no-till cotton. Agron. J., 105: 1581-1587.
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  6. Li, Y., V.G. Allen, F. Hou, J. Chen and C.P. Brown, 2013. Steers grazing a rye cover crop influence growth of rye and no-till cotton. Agron. J., 105: 1571-1580.
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  7. Kemp, D.R., H. Guodong, H. Xiangyang, D.L. Michalk, H. Fujiang, W. Jianping and Z. Yingjun, 2013. Innovative grassland management systems for environmental and livelihood benefits. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 110: 8369-8374.
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  8. Liu, T.Z., Z.B. Nan and F.J. Hou, 2011. Grazing intensity effects on soil nitrogen mineralization in semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau of Northern China. Nutrient Cycling Agroecosyst., 91: 67-75.
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  9. Lee, M.R.F., A. Cabiddu, F. Hou, V. Niderkorn, E.J. Kim, R. Fychan and N.D. Scollan, 2011. In vitro rumen simulated (RUSITEC) metabolism of freshly cut or wilted grasses with contrasting polyphenol oxidase activities. Grass Forage Sci., 66: 196-205.
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  10. Jin, L., X.W. Sun, X.J. Wang, Y.Y. Shen, F.J. Hou, S.H. Chang and C. Wang, 2010. Synergistic interactions of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia promoted the growth of Lathyrus sativus under sulphate salt stress. Symbiosis, 50: 157-164.
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  11. Chen, X.J., F.J. Hou, C. Matthew and X.Z. He, 2010. Stocking rate effects on metabolizable energy intake and grazing behaviour of Tan sheep in steppe grassland on the Loess Plateau of Northwest China. J. Agric. Sci., 148: 709-721.
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  12. Yu, Y.W., Z.B. Nan, F.J. Hou and C. Matthew, 2009. Response of Stipa bungeana and Pennisetum flaccidum to urine of sheep in steppe grassland of North-Western China. Grass Forage Sci., 64: 395-400.
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  13. Yu, Y.W., Z.B. Nan and F.J. Hou, 2008. Effects of sheep urine on growth characteristics of different life from plants in a Chinese steppe grassland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 28: 2022-2030.
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  14. Yin, Y.L., Z.B. Nan, C.J. Li and F.J. Hou, 2008. Root-invading fungi of milk vetch on the Loess Plateau, China. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 124: 51-59.
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  15. Ren, J.Z., Z.Z. Hu, J. Zhao, D.G. Zhang, F.J. Hou, H.L. Lin and X.D. Mu, 2008. A grassland classification system and its application in China. Rangeland J., 30: 199-209.
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  16. Hou, F.J., Z.B. Nan, Y.Z. Xie, X.L. Li, H.L. Lin and J.Z. Ren, 2008. Integrated crop-livestock production systems in China. Rangeland J., 30: 221-231.
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  17. Li, Y.Z., Z.B. Nan and F.J. Hou, 2007. The roles of an Embellisia sp. causing yellow stunt and root rot of Astragalus adsurgens and other fungi in the decline of legume pastures in Northern China. Aust. Plant Pathol., 36: 397-402.
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  18. Yu, Y.W. and F.J. Hou, 2005. Cutting effects on growth characteristics, yield composition and population relationships of perennial ryegrass and white clover in mixed pasture. N.Z. J. Agric. Res., 48: 349-358.
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