Dr. M. Ali Akbar
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Dr. M. Ali Akbar

Department of Applied Mathematics, Rajshahi University (RU), Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Applied and Computational Mathematics from University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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Area of Interest:

Applied Mechanics
Nonlinear Analysis
Mathematical Engineering
Diffusion Equation

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zaman, U.H.M., M.A. Arefin, M.A. Akbar and M.H. Uddin, 2022. Analyzing numerous travelling wave behavior to the fractional-order nonlinear Phi-4 and Allen-Cahn equations throughout a novel technique. Results Phys., Vol. 37. 10.1016/j.rinp.2022.105486.
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  2. Khatun, M.A., M.A. Arefin, M.Z. Islam, M.A. Akbar and M.H. Uddin, 2022. New dynamical soliton propagation of fractional type couple modified equal-width and Boussinesq equations. Alexandria Eng. J., 61: 9949-9963.
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  3. Kayum, M.A., M.A. Akbar and M.S. Osman, 2022. Stable soliton solutions to the shallow water waves and ion-acoustic waves in a plasma. Waves Random Complex Media, 32: 1672-1693.
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  4. Islam, M.T., M.A. Akter, J.F. GÞmez-Aguilar and M.A. Akbar, 2022. Novel and diverse soliton constructions for nonlinear space-time fractional modified Camassa-Holm equation and Schrodinger equation. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 54. 10.1007/s11082-022-03602-1.
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  5. Islam, M.T., M.A. Akbar and H. Ahmad, 2022. Diverse optical soliton solutions of the fractional coupled (2 + 1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrádinger equations. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 54. 10.1007/s11082-021-03472-z.
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  6. Islam, M.N., O.A. İlhan, M.A. Akbar, F.B. Benli and D. Soybaş, 2022. Wave propagation behavior in nonlinear media and resonant nonlinear interactions. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., Vol. 108. 10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.106242.
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  7. Fatema, K., M.E. Islam, M. Akhter, M.A. Akbar and M. Inc, 2022. Transcendental surface wave to the symmetric regularized long-wave equation. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 439. 10.1016/j.physleta.2022.128123.
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  8. Arafat, S.M.Y., K. Fatema, M.E. Islam and M.A. Akbar, 2022. Promulgation on various genres soliton of Maccari system in nonlinear optics. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 54. 10.1007/s11082-022-03576-0.
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  9. Aktar, M.S., M.A. Akbar, K.S. Nisar, H.I. Alrebdi and A. Abdel-Aty, 2022. Steeping and dispersive effects analysis of a couple of long-wave equations in dispersive media. Alexandria Eng. J., 61: 9457-9470.
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  10. Akbar, M.A., F.A. Abdullah and K.A. Gepreel, 2022. The solitonic solutions of finite depth long water wave models. Results Phys., Vol. 37. 10.1016/j.rinp.2022.105570.
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  11. Akbar, M.A., F.A. Abdullah and K.A. Gepreel, 2022. Self-controlled wave solutions to the Tzitzeica-type nonlinear models in mathematical physics. Results Phys., Vol. 36. 10.1016/j.rinp.2022.105451.
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  12. Abdus, S.M., A.M. Ali and A.M. Zulfikar, 2022. Higher-order nonlinear and dispersive effects on dust-ion-acoustic solitary waves in magnetized dusty plasmas. Results Phys., Vol. 32. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.105114.
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  13. İlhan, O.A., F.B. Benli, M.N. Islam, M.A. Akbar and H.M. Baskonus , 2021. Closed form soliton solutions to the space-time fractional foam drainage equation and coupled mKdV evolution equations. Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 10.1515/ijnsns-2020-0197.
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  14. Uddin, M.H., M.A. Khatun, M.A. Arefin and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Abundant new exact solutions to the fractional nonlinear evolution equation via riemann-liouville derivative. Alexandria Eng. J., 60: 5183-5191.
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  15. Uddin, M.H., M.A. Arefin, M.A. Akbar and M. Inc, 2021. New explicit solutions to the fractional-order burgers’ equation. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2021. 10.1155/2021/6698028.
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  16. Salam, M.A., M.A. Akbar, M.Z. Ali and M.M. Haider, 2021. The magnetorotating and parametric effects on the dust-ion-acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with trapped negative ions. Results Phys., Vol. 26. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104376.
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  17. Roy, R., H.K. Barman, M.N. Islam and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Bright-dark wave envelopes of nonlinear regularized-long-wave and Riemann wave models in plasma physics. Results Phys., Vol. 30. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104832.
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  18. Kundu, P.R., M.R.A. Fahim, M.E. Islam and M.A. Akbar, 2021. The sine-gordon expansion method for higher-dimensional NLEEs and parametric analysis. Heliyon, Vol. 7. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06459.
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  19. Kundu, P.R., H. Almusawa, M.R.A. Fahim, M.E. Islam, M.A. Akbar and M.S. Osman, 2021. Linear and nonlinear effects analysis on wave profiles in optics and quantum physics. Results Phys., Vol. 23. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.103995.
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  20. Kumar, S., H. Almusawa, I. Hamid, M.A. Akbar and M.A. Abdou, 2021. Abundant analytical soliton solutions and Evolutionary behaviors of various wave profiles to the Chaffee-Infante equation with gas diffusion in a homogeneous medium. Results Phys., Vol. 30. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104866.
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  21. Khatun, M.A., M.A. Arefin, M.H. Uddin, D. Baleanu, M.A. Akbar and M. Inc, 2021. Explicit wave phenomena to the couple type fractional order nonlinear evolution equations. Results Phys., Vol. 28. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104597.
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  22. Khater, M.M.A., M.A. Akbar, L. Akinyemi, A. Jhangeer, H. Rezazadeh and M. Inc, 2021. Bifurcation of new optical solitary wave solutions for the nonlinear long-short wave interaction system via two improved models of (G'/G) expansion method. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 53. 10.1007/s11082-021-03122-4.
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  23. Khater, M.M.A., A. Jhangeer, H. Rezazadeh, L. Akinyemi, M.A. Akbar, M. Inc and H. Ahmad, 2021. New kinds of analytical solitary wave solutions for ionic currents on microtubules equation via two different techniques. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 53. 10.1007/s11082-021-03267-2.
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  24. Khater, M.M.A., A. Jhangeer, H. Rezazadeh, L. Akinyemi, M.A. Akbar and M. Inc, 2021. Propagation of new dynamics of longitudinal bud equation among a magneto-electro-elastic round rod. Mod. Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 35. 10.1142/S0217984921503814.
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  25. Khan, M.A., M.A. Akbar and N.N.B.A. Hamid, 2021. Traveling wave solutions for space-time fractional Cahn Hilliard equation and space-time fractional symmetric regularized long-wave equation. Alexandria Eng. J., 60: 1317-1324.
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  26. Kayum, M.A., S. Ara, M.S. Osman, M.A. Akbar and K.A. Gepreel, 2021. Onset of the broad-ranging general stable soliton solutions of nonlinear equations in physics and gas dynamics. Results Phys., Vol. 20. 10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103762.
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  27. Kayum, M.A., R. Roy, M.A. Akbar and M.S. Osman, 2021. Study of W-shaped, V-shaped, and other type of surfaces of the ZK-BBM and GZD-BBM equations. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 53. 10.1007/s11082-021-03031-6.
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  28. Islam, M.T., M.E. Islam and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Searching closed form analytic solutions to some nonlinear fractional wave equations. Arab J. Basic Appl. Sci., 28: 64-72.
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  29. Islam, M.T., M.A. Akbar, O. Guner and A. Bekir, 2021. Apposite solutions to fractional nonlinear Schrádinger-type evolution equations occurring in quantum mechanics. Mod. Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 35. 10.1142/S0217984921504704.
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  30. Islam, M.T., J.F. GÞmez-Aguilar, M.A. Akbar and G. FernÌndez-Anaya, 2021. Diverse soliton structures for fractional nonlinear Schrodinger equation, KdV equation and WBBM equation adopting a new technique. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 53. 10.1007/s11082-021-03309-9.
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  31. Islam, M.N., R. Parvin, M.R. Pervin and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Adequate soliton solutions to the time fractional Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation and the space-time fractional Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation. Arab J. Basic Appl. Sci., 28: 370-385.
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  32. Islam, M.E., P.R. Kundu, M.A. Akbar, K.A. Gepreel and H. Alotaibi, 2021. Study of the parametric effect of self-control waves of the Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation by the analytical solutions. Results Phys., Vol. 22. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.103887.
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  33. Islam, M.E., H.K. Barman and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Stable soliton solutions to the nonlinear low-pass electrical transmission lines and the cahn-allen equation. Heliyon, Vol. 7. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06910.
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  34. Islam, M.E. and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Study of the parametric effects on soliton propagation in optical fibers through two analytical methods. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 53. 10.1007/s11082-021-03234-x.
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  35. Ilhan, O.A., M.N. Islam and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Construction of functional closed form wave solutions to the ZKBBM equation and the schrádinger equation. Iran. J. Sci. Technol. Trans. Mech. Eng., 45: 827-840.
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  36. Ilhan, O.A., H.M. Baskonus, M.N. Islam, M.A. Akbar and D. Soybaş, 2021. Stable soliton solutions to the time fractional evolution equations in mathematical physics via the new generalized (G′/G)-expansion method. Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., Vol. 22. 10.1515/ijnsns-2020-0153.
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  37. Hossain, A.K.M.K.S. and M.A. Akbar, 2021. Traveling wave solutions of Benny Luke equation via the enhanced (G'/G)-expansion method. Ain Shams Eng. J. , 12: 4181-4187.
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  38. Chu, Y.M., M.R.A. Fahim, P.R. Kundu, M.E. Islam, M.A. Akbar and M. Inc, 2021. Extension of the sine-Gordon expansion scheme and parametric effect analysis for higher-dimensional nonlinear evolution equations. J. King Saud Univ. Sci., Vol. 33. 10.1016/j.jksus.2021.101515.
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  39. Barman, H.K., R. Roy, F. Mahmud, M.A. Akbar and M.S. Osman, 2021. Harmonizing wave solutions to the Fokas-Lenells model through the generalized Kudryashov method. Optik, Vol. 229. 10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.166294.
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  40. Barman, H.K., M.S. Aktar, M.H. Uddin, M.A. Akbar, D. Baleanu and M.S. Osman, 2021. Physically significant wave solutions to the Riemann wave equations and the landau-ginsburg-higgs equation. Results Phys., Vol. 27. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104517.
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  41. Barman, H.K., M.E. Islam and M.A. Akbar, 2021. A study on the compatibility of the generalized Kudryashov method to determine wave solutions. Propul. Power Res., 10: 95-105.
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  42. Barman, H.K., M.A. Akbar, M.S. Osman, K.S. Nisar, M. Zakarya, A.H. Abdel-Aty and H. Eleuch, 2021. Solutions to the konopelchenko-dubrovsky equation and the landau-ginzburg-higgs equation via the generalized Kudryashov technique. Results Phys., Vol. 24. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104092.
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  43. Alam, M.K., M.D. Hossain, M.A. Akbar and K.A. Gepreel, 2021. Determination of the rich structural wave dynamic solutions to the caudrey-dodd-gibbon equation and the lax equation. Lett. Math. Phys., Vol. 111. 10.1007/s11005-021-01443-9.
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  44. Akinyemi, L., H. Rezazadeh, S.W. Yao, M.A. Akbar and M.M.A. Khater et al., 2021. Nonlinear dispersion in parabolic law medium and its optical solitons. Results Phys., Vol. 26. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104411.
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  45. Akinyemi, L., H. Rezazadeh, Q.H. Shi, M. Inc and M.M.A. Khater et al., 2021. New optical solitons of perturbed nonlinear Schrádinger-Hirota equation with spatio-temporal dispersion. Results Phys., Vol. 29. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104656.
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  46. Akbar, M.A., M.A. Kayum, M.S. Osman, A.H. Abdel-Aty and H. Eleuch, 2021. Analysis of voltage and current flow of electrical transmission lines through mZK equation. Results Phys., Vol. 20. 10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103696.
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  47. Akbar, M.A., M.A. Kayum and M.S. Osman, 2021. Bright, periodic, compacton and bell-shape soliton solutions of the extended QZK and (3 + 1)-dimensional ZK equations. Commun. Theor. Phys., Vol. 73. 10.1088/1572-9494/ac1a6c.
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  48. Akbar, M.A., L. Akinyemi, S.W. Yao, A. Jhangeer and H. Rezazadeh et al., 2021. Soliton solutions to the Boussinesq equation through sine-Gordon method and Kudryashov method. Results Phys., Vol. 25. 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104228.
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  49. Miah, M.M., A.R. Seadawy, H.M.S. Ali and M.A. Akbar, 2020. Abundant closed form wave solutions to some nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics. J. Ocean. Eng. Sci., 5: 269-278.
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  50. Khan, M.A., M.A. Akbar, N.H.M. Ali and M. Abbas, 2020. The new auxiliary method in the solution of the generalized burgers-huxley equation. J. Prime Res. Math., 16: 16-26.
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  51. Kayum, M.A., S. Ara, H.K. Barman and M.A. Akbar, 2020. Soliton solutions to voltage analysis in nonlinear electrical transmission lines and electric signals in telegraph lines. Results Phys., Vol. 18. 10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103269.
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  52. Kayum, M.A., M.A. Akbar and M.S. Osman, 2020. Competent closed form soliton solutions to the nonlinear transmission and the low-pass electrical transmission lines. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, Vol. 135. 10.1140/epjp/s13360-020-00573-8.
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  53. Kayum, M.A., A.R. Seadawy, A.M. Akbar and T.G. Sugati, 2020. Stable solutions to the nonlinear RLC transmission line equation and the Sinh-Poisson equation arising in mathematical physics. Open Phys., 18: 710-725.
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  54. Islam, M.E., H.K. Barman and M.A. Akbar, 2020. Search for interactions of phenomena described by the coupled Higgs field equation through analytical solutions. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 52. 10.1007/s11082-020-02583-3.
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  55. Islam, M.E. and M.A. Akbar, 2020. Stable wave solutions to the Landau-Ginzburg-Higgs equation and the modified equal width wave equation using the IBSEF method. Arab J. Basic Appl. Sci., 27: 270-278.
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  56. Hossain, A.K.M.K.S. and M.A. Akbar, 2020. Solitary wave solutions of few nonlinear evolution equations. AIMS Math., 5: 1199-1215.
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  57. Barman, H.K., A.R. Seadawy, M.A. Akbar and D. Baleanu, 2020. Competent closed form soliton solutions to the Riemann wave equation and the Novikov-Veselov equation. Results Phys., Vol. 17. 10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103131.
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  58. Ali, H.M.S., M.A. Habib, M.M. Miah and M.A. Akbar, 2020. Solitary wave solutions to some nonlinear fractional evolution equations in mathematical physics. Heliyon, Vol. 6. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03727.
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  59. Al-Shawba, A.A., F.A. Abdullah, A. Azmi and M.A. Akbar, 2020. Reliable methods to study some nonlinear conformable systems in shallow water. Adv. Differ. Equations, Vol. 2020. 10.1186/s13662-020-02686-x.
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  60. Al-Shawba, A.A., F.A. Abdullah, A. Azmi and M.A. Akbar, 2020. An Extension of the double (G’/G, 1/G) -expansion method for conformable fractional differential equations Complexity, Vol. 2020. 10.1155/2020/7967328.
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  61. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and T. Tanjim, 2020. Adequate soliton solutions to the perturbed Boussinesq equation and the KdV-Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation. J. King Saud Univ. Sci., 32: 2777-2785.
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  62. Uddin, M.H., M.A. Khan, M.A. Akbar and M.A. Haque, 2019. Multi-solitary wave solutions to the general time fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olver equation and the time fractional Cahn-Allen equation. Arab J. Basic Appl. Sci., 26: 193-201.
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  63. Uddin, M.H., M.A. Akbar, M.A. Khan and M.A. Haque, 2019. New exact solitary wave solutions to the space-time fractional differential equations with conformable derivative. AIMS Math., 4: 199-214.
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  64. Miah, M.M., H.M.S. Ali, M.A. Akbar and A.R. Seadawy, 2019. New applications of the two variable (G′/G, 1/G)-expansion method for closed form traveling wave solutions of integro-differential equations. J. Ocean. Eng. Sci., 4: 132-143.
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  65. Miah, M.M., A.R. Seadawy, H.M.S. Ali and M.A. Akbar, 2019. Further investigations to extract abundant new exact traveling wave solutions of some NLEEs. J. Ocean. Eng. Sci., 4: 387-394.
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  66. Islam, M.T., M.A. Akbar and M.A.K. Azad, 2019. Closed-form travelling wave solutions to the nonlinear space-time fractional coupled Burgers’ equation. Arab J. Basic Appl. Sci., 26: 1-11.
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  67. Islam, M.S., M.M. Roshid, A.K.M.L. Rahman and M.A. Akbar, 2019. Solitary wave solutions in plasma physics and acoustic gravity waves of some nonlinear evolution equations through enhanced MSE method. J. Phys. Commun., Vol. 3. 10.1088/2399-6528/ab5eac.
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  68. Islam, M.N., M.A. Khan and M.A. Akbar, 2019. Closed form wave solutions to the time fractional Boussinesq-type equation and the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. J. Natl. Sci. Found. Sri Lanka, 47: 149-160.
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  69. Hossain, A.K.M.K.S., M.A. Akbar and M.A.K. Azad, 2019. The closed form solutions of simplified MCH equation and third extended fifth order nonlinear equation. Propul. Power Res., 8: 163-172.
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  70. Habib, M.A., H.M.S. Ali, M.M. Miah and M.A. Akbar, 2019. The generalized Kudryashov method for new closed form traveling wave solutions to some NLEEs. AIMS Math., 4: 896-909.
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  71. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and T. Tanjim, 2019. Outset of multiple soliton solutions to the nonlinear Schrádinger equation and the coupled Burgers equation. J. Phys. Commun., Vol. 3. 10.1088/2399-6528/ab3615.
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  72. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and M.T. Islam, 2019. Multiple closed form solutions to some fractional order nonlinear evolution equations in physics and plasma physics. AIMS Math., 4: 397-411.
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  73. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and J. Hussain, 2019. Optical soliton solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional chaffee-infante equation and the dimensionless form of the Zakharov equation. Adv. Differ. Equations, Vol. 2019. 10.1186/s13662-019-2377-9.
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  74. Roy, R., M.A. Akbar and A.M. Wazwaz, 2018. Exact wave solutions for the nonlinear time fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olver equation and the fractional Klein-Gordon equation in mathematical physics. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 50. 10.1007/s11082-017-1296-9.
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  75. Khan, K. and M.A. Akbar, 2018. Solitary and periodic wave solutions of nonlinear wave equations via the functional variable method. J. Interdiscip. Math., 21: 43-57.
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  76. Islam, T., M.A. Akbar and A.K. Azad, 2018. Traveling wave solutions to some nonlinear fractional partial differential equations through the rational (G′/G)-expansion method. J. Ocean. Eng. Sci., 3: 76-81.
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  77. Islam, M.T., M.A. Akbar and M.A.K. Azad, 2018. Traveling wave solutions in closed form for some nonlinear fractional evolution equations related to conformable fractional derivative. AIMS Math., 3: 625-646.
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  78. Islam, M.S., M.A. Akbar and K. Khan, 2018. Analytical solutions of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation using the improved F-expansion method. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 50. 10.1007/s11082-018-1445-9.
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  79. Islam, M.N. and M.A. Akbar, 2018. New exact wave solutions to the space-time fractional-coupled Burgers equations and the space-time fractional foam drainage equation. Cogent Phys., Vol. 5. 10.1080/23311940.2017.1422957.
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  80. Huda, M.A., M.A. Akbar and S.S. Shanta, 2018. The new types of wave solutions of the Burger's equation and the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation. J. Ocean. Eng. Sci., 3: 1-10.
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  81. Hossain, M.D., M.K. Alam and M.A. Akbar, 2018. Abundant wave solutions of the Boussinesq equation and the (2+1)-dimensional extended shallow water wave equation. Ocean Eng., 165: 69-76.
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  82. Ali, H.M.S., M.M. Miah and M.A. Akbar, 2018. Study of abundant explicit wave solutions of the Drinfeld-Sokolov-Satsuma-Hirota (DSSH) equation and the shallow water wave equation. Propul. Power Res., 7: 320-328.
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  83. Akbar, M.A., N.M.H. Ali and A.M. Wazwaz, 2018. Closed form traveling wave solutions of non-linear fractional evolution equations through the modified simple equation method. Therm. Sci., 22: 341-352.
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  84. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and R. Roy, 2018. Closed form solutions of two time fractional nonlinear wave equations. Results Phys., 9: 1031-1039.
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  85. Mohyud-Din, S.T., T. Nawaz, E. Azhar and M.A. Akbar, 2017. Fractional sub-equation method to space-time fractional calogero-degasperis and potential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations. J. Taibah Univ. Sci., 11: 258-263.
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  86. Miah, M.M., H.M.S. Ali, M.A. Akbar and A.M. Wazwaz, 2017. Some applications of the (G′/G, 1/G)-expansion method to find new exact solutions of NLEEs. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, Vol. 132. 10.1140/epjp/i2017-11571-0.
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  87. Mahmud, F., M. Samsuzzoha and M.A. Akbar, 2017. The generalized Kudryashov method to obtain exact traveling wave solutions of the PHI-four equation and the Fisher equation. Results Phys., 7: 4296-4302.
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  88. Islam, M.T., M.A. Akbar and M.A.K. Azad, 2017. Multiple closed form wave solutions to the KdV and modified KdV equations through the rational (G′/G)-expansion method. J. Assoc. Arab Univ. Basic Appl. Sci., 24: 160-168.
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  89. Islam, M.S., M.A. Akbar and K. Khan, 2017. The improved F-expansion method and its application to the MEE circular rod equation and the ZKBBM equation. Cogent Math., Vol. 4. 10.1080/23311835.2017.1378530.
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  90. Huda, M.A., M.A. Akbar and S.S. Shanta, 2017. Abundant general solitary wave solutions to the family of KdV type equations. J. Ocean. Eng. Sci., 2: 47-54.
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  91. Hossain, A.K.M.K.S., M.A. Akbar and M.A.K. Azad, 2017. Closed form wave solutions of two nonlinear evolution equations. Cogent Phys., Vol. 4. 10.1080/23311940.2017.1396948.
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  92. Hossain, A.K.M.K.S., M.A. Akbar and A.M. Wazwaz, 2017. Closed form solutions of complex wave equations via the modified simple equation method. Cogent Phys., Vol. 4. 10.1080/23311940.2017.1312751.
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  95. Miah, M.M., H.M.S. Ali and M.A. Akbar, 2016. An investigation of abundant traveling wave solutions of complex nonlinear evolution equations: The perturbed nonlinear Schrodinger equation and the cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation. Cogent Math., Vol. 3. 10.1080/23311835.2016.1277506.
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  96. Khan, K., M.A. Akbar and A.H. Arnous, 2016. Exact traveling wave solutions for system of nonlinear evolution equations. SpringerPlus, Vol. 5. 10.1186/s40064-016-2219-0.
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  97. Khan, K., M.A. Akbar and A. Mastroberardino, 2016. A note on modified generalized Riccati equation method combined with new algebra expansion. Cogent Math., Vol. 3. 10.1080/23311835.2016.1256021.
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  98. Khan, K., M.A. Akbar and A. Bekir, 2016. Solitary wave solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsevmodified equal-width equation. J. Inf. Optim. Sci., 37: 569-589.
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  99. Khan, K. and M.A. Akbar, 2016. Solving unsteady Korteweg-de Vries equation and its two alternatives. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 39: 2752-2760.
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  100. Akbar, M.A., M.N. Alam and M.G. Hafez, 2016. Application of the novel (G′/G)-expansion method to construct traveling wave solutions to the positive Gardner-KP equation. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 47: 85-96.
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  101. Akbar, M.A. and N.H.M. Ali, 2016. An ansatz for solving nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. SpringerPlus, Vol. 5. 10.1186/s40064-015-1652-9.
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  104. Roshid, H.O., M.N. Alam and M.A. Akbar, 2015. Traveling wave solutions for fifth order (1+1)-dimensional kaup-keperschmidt equation with the help of exp(-Phi)-expansion method. Walailak J. Sci. Technol., Vol. 12. .
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  112. Islam, T., M.A. Akbar and A.K. Azad, 2015. A rational (G / G) -expansion method and its application to the modified KdV-Burgers equation and the (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation. Nonlinear Stud., 22: 1-11.
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  118. Hosen, A., M.S.H. Chowdhury and M.A. Akbar, 2015. Solution for a conservative nonlinear singular oscillator in plasma physics using harmonic balance method. Wulfenia J., 22: 416-424.
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  121. Hafez, G., N. Alam and M.A. Akbar, 2015. Traveling wave solutions for some important coupled nonlinear physical models via the coupled Higgs equation and the Maccari system. J. King Saud Univ.-Sci., 27: 105-112.
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  122. Hafez, G. and M.A. Akbar, 2015. An exponential expansion method and its application to the strain wave equation in microstructured solids. Ain Shams Engr. J., 6: 683-690.
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  123. Chowdhury, M.S.H., M.A. Ali and M.H. Alal, 2015. Soliton solutions to phi-four and strain wave equation through the exp(Φ (η)) -expansion method. Cienc. Tec. Vitivinicola, 30: 108-123.
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  126. Alam, M.N., M.G. Hafez, M.A. Akbarc and Harun-Or-Roshid, 2015. Exact traveling wave solutions to the (3+1)-dimensional mKdV-ZK and the (2+1)-dimensional Burgers equations via exp(-Φ(η))-expansion method. Alexandria Eng. J., 54: 635-644.
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  130. Sabur Uddin, M., M.N. Alam, S.M.S. Hossain, M.S. Hasan and M.A. Akbar, 2014. Some new exact traveling wave solutions to the (3+1)-dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation and the Burgers equations via exp(-φ ξ))-expansion method. Frontiers Math. Applic., 1: 1-8.
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  132. Roshid, H.O., M.F. Hoque, M.N. Alam and M.A. Akbar, 2014. New extended (G'/G)-expansion method and its application in the (3+1)-dimensional equation to find new exact traveling wave solutions. Universal J. Comput. Math., 2: 32-37.
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  133. Roshid, H.O., M.A. Akbar, M.N. Alam, M.F. Hoque and N. Rahman, 2014. New extended (G'/G)-expansion method to solve nonlinear evolution equation: The (3+1)-dimensional potential-YTSF equation. SpringerPlus, Vol. 3. 10.1186/2193-1801-3-122.
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  139. Khan, K. and M.A. Akbar, 2014. The exp (−Φ (ξ))-expansion method for finding travelling wave solutions of Vakhnenko-Parkes equation. Int. J. Dynamical Syst. Differential Equations, 5: 72-83.
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  145. Islam, M.S., K. Khan, M.A. Akbar and A. Mastroberardino, 2014. A note on improved F-expansion method combined with Riccati equation applied to nonlinear evolution equations. R. Soc. Open Sci., Vol. 1. 10.1098/rsos.140038.
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  146. Islam, M.H., K. Khan, M.A. Akbar and M.A. Salam, 2014. Exact traveling wave solutions of modified KdV-Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation and viscous Burgers equation. SpringerPlus, Vol. 3. 10.1186/2193-1801-3-105.
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  147. Harun-Or-Roshid, M.F. Hoque and M.A. Akbar, 2014. New extended (G'/G)-expansion method for traveling wave solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDEs) in mathematical physics. Ital. J. Pure Applied Math., 33: 175-190.
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  153. Alam, M.N., M.A. Akbar and S.T. Mohyud-Din, 2014. A novel (G'/G)-expansion method and its application to the Boussinesq equation. Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 23. 10.1088/1674-1056/23/2/020203.
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  161. Akter, S., H.O. Roshid, M.N. Alam and N. Rahman, 2014. Application of the exp(-Φ (ξ))-expansion method to find the exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. IOSR J. Math., 9: 106-113.
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  166. Naher, H., F.A. Abdullah, M.A. Akbar and A. Yildirim, 2013. The extended generalized Riccati equation mapping method for the (1+1)-dimensional modified KdV equation. World Applied Sci. J., 25: 543-553.
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  169. M.A. Akbar, N.H.M. Ali, M. Usman, M. Shakeel, Y. Xiao-Jun and S.T. Mohyud-Din, 2013. Solitary wave solutions of fifth-order (1+1)-dimensional Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 8: 1836-1856.
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  173. Khan, K. and M.A. Akbar, 2013. Exact solutions of the nonlinear generalized shallow water wave equation. World Applied Sci. J., 27: 1581-1887.
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  180. Hasan, S.M.S., M.N. Alam, M.S. Uddin, M.S. Hasan and M.A. Akbar, 2013. Exact traveling wave solutions of the fifth-order KdV equation via the new approach of generalized (G'/G)-expansion method. Int. J. Math. Comput. Res., 1: 283-302.
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  183. Alam, M.N., M.A. Akbar and K. Khan, 2013. Some new exact traveling wave solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional breaking soliton equation. World Applied Sci. J., 25: 500-523.
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  184. Alam, M.N., M.A. Akbar and Harun-Or-Roshid, 2013. Study of nonlinear evolution equations to construct traveling wave solutions via the new approach of the generalized (G'/G)-expansion method. Math. Stat., 13: 102-112.
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  186. Alam, M.N. and M.A. Akbar, 2013. Exact traveling wave solutions of the KP-BBM equation by using the new approach of generalized (G'/G)-expansion method. SpringerPlus, Vol. 2. 10.1186/2193-1801-2-617.
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  188. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and S.T. Mohyud-Din, 2013. Assessment of the further improved (G'/G)-expansion method and the extended tanh-method in probing exact solutions of nonlinear PDEs. SpringerPlus, Vol. 2. .
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  189. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and F.A. Abdullah, 2013. The generalized and improved (G'/G))-expansion method with the Jacobi elliptic equation for exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. World Applied Sci. J., 23: 279-288.
  190. Akbar, M.A. and N.H.M. Ali, 2013. Exact solutions to some nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics via the (G'/G)-expansion method. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 6: 3527-3535.
  191. Akbar, M.A. N.H.M. Ali and S.T. Mohyud-Din, 2013. Further exact traveling wave solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. J. Comput. Anal. Applied, 15: 557-571.
  192. Ahmed, M.T., K. Khan and M.A. Akbar, 2013. Study of nonlinear evolution equations to construct traveling wave solutions via modified simple equation method. Phy. Rev. Res. Int., 3: 490-503.
  193. Naher, H., F.A. Abdullah, M.A. Akbar and S.T. Mohyud-Din, 2012. Some new solutions of the higher-order sawada-kotera equation via the exp-function method. Middle-East. J. Sci. Res., 11: 1659-1667.
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  194. Naher, H., F.A. Abdullah and M.A. Akbar, 2012. New Traveling Wave Solutions of the Higher Dimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equation by the Improved (G'/G) -expansion Method. World Appl. Sci. J., 16: 11-21.
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  195. Hasibun, N., F.A. Abdullah and M.A. Akbar, 2012. New traveling wave solutions of the higher dimensional nonlinear partial differential equation by the Exp-function method. J. Appl. Math., 2012: 1-14.
  196. Ali Akbar, M., N.H.M. Ali and E.M.E. Zayed, 2012. A generalized and improved-expansion method for nonlinear evolution equations. Math. Prob. Engr., Vol. 2012 10.1155/2012/459879.
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  197. Ali Akbar, M. and N.H.M. Ali, 2012. New solitary and periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution equation by exp-function method. World Appl. Sci. J., 17: 1603-1610.
  198. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and S.T. Mohyud-Din, 2012. The Alternative (G'/G)-Expansion Method With Generalized Riccati Equation: Application to Fifth Order (1+1)-Dimensional Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon Equation. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 7: 743-752.
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  199. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and S.T. Mohyud-Din, 2012. Some New Exact Traveling Wave Solutions to the (3+1)-Dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation. World Appl. Sci. J., 16: 1551-1558.
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  200. Akbar, M.A., N.H.M. Ali and E.M.E. Zayed, 2012. Abundant Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of Generalized Bretherton Equation via Improved (G'/G)-Expansion Method. Commun. Theor. Phys., 57: 173-178.
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  201. Siddique, S.T.A. and M.A. Akbar, 2011. Asymptotic Solutions of Fifth Order Over-Damped Nonlinear Systems with Cubic Nonlinearity. Stud. Math. Sci., 3: 24-34.
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  202. Rahman, M.H., B.M.I. Haque and M.A. Akbar, 2011. An analytical approximate solution of fourth order damped-oscillatory nonlinear systems. Res. J. Math Stat., 3: 12-19.
  203. Naher, H., F.A. Abdullah and M.A. Akbar, 2011. The Exp-Function Method for New Exact Solutions of the Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 6: 6706-6716.
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  204. Mondal, R.N. M.S. Uddin, M.A. Akbar and B. Mondal, 2011. Numerical study of dean vortices and unsteady solutions through a curved square duct flow. Indian J. Math., 53: 31-56.
  205. Hasibun, N., F.A. Abdullah and M. Ali Akbar, 2011. The (G'/G)-expansion method for abundant traveling wave solutions of Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation. Math. Prob. Engr., 2011: 1-11.
  206. Alom, M.A., M.H. Rahman, B.M.I. Haqueand and M.A. Akbar, 2011. Perturbation technique for analytical solution of fourth order near critically damped nonlinear systems. Int. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 11: 131-138.
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  207. Ali Akbar, M. and N.H.M. Ali, 2011. The alternative (G'/G)-expansion method and its applications to nonlinear partial differential equations. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 6: 7910-7920.
  208. Akbar, M.A. and S.K.T. Ahmed Siddique, 2011. Perturbation solutions of fifth order oscillatory nonlinear systems. Nonlinear Anal. Mod. Cont., 16: 123-134.
  209. Akbar, M.A. and N.H.M. Ali, 2011. The Modified Alternative (G'/G)-Expansion Method for Finding the Exact Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs in Mathematical Physics. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 6: 7910-7920.
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  210. Akbar, M.A. and H.J.N. Ali, 2011. Exp-function method for duffing equation and new solutions of (2+1) dimensional dispersive long wave equations. Prog. Appl. Math., 1: 30-42.
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  211. AKawser, M. and M.A. Akbar, 2011. An asymptotic solution for the third order critically damped nonlinear systems in the case for small equal eigenvalues. Mathemat. Forum, 22: 52-68.
  212. Rahman, M.H., M.A.K. Azad and M.A. Akbar, 2010. An asymptotic method for certain fourth order damped oscillatory nonlinear systems. J. Engr. Sci., 1: 53-60.
  213. Ikramul, B.M., M. Haque, H. Rahman and M.A. Akbar, 2010. Asymptotic solution of fourth order critically damped nonlinear systems under some special conditions. J. Engr. Sci., 1: 95-104.
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  214. Azad, M.A.K., M.A. Akbar and M.A. Sattar, 2010. Multiple time scale method for over-damped processes in biological systems. J. Mech. Continua Math. Sci., 4: 472-484.
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  215. Akbar, M.A., 2010. On fourth order more critically damped nonlinear differential systems. J. Mech. Continua Math. Sci., 5: 599-616.
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  216. Rahman, M.H., B.M.I.H and M.A. Akbar, 2009. Asymptotic solutions of fourth order near critically damped nonlinear systems. J. Inform. Math. Sci., 1: 61-73.
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  217. Islam, M.R., M.H. Rahman and M.A. Akbar, 2009. An analytical approximate solution of fourth order more critically damped nonlinear systems. Indian J. Math., 51: 611-626.
  218. Islam, M.R. and M.A. Akbar, 2009. A new asymptotic solution for third order more critically damped nonlinear systems. IAENG J. Applied Math., 39: 1-7.
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  219. Haque, Z., M.A. Akbar and M.R. Islam, 2009. An asymptotic solution of a class of fourth order over damped quasi-linear differential equations. R. J. Sci., 37: 61-74.
  220. Akbar, M.A., A.K. Datta and M.D.E. Ali, 2009. Asymptotic solutions of fourth order over-damped symmetrical nonlinear systems. J. Mech. Cont. Math. Sci., 4: 428-442.
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  221. Islam, M.R., M.S. Uddin, M.A. Akbar, M.A. Huda and S.H.S. Hossain, 2008. A new technique for fourth order critically damped non-linear systems with special conditions. Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 100: 501-514.
  222. Islam, M.R., M.M. Rahman, M.A. Akbar and M.S. Uddin, 2008. An asymptotic solution of second order over-damped non-linear systems for small ratio of the eigenvalues. Khulna Univ. Stud., 9: 341-346.
  223. Islam, M.R., M.A. Akbar and M. Samsuzzoha, 2008. A new technique for third order critically damped non-linear systems. J. Applied Sci. Res., 4: 695-706.
  224. Haque, Z., M.A. Akbar, M.R. Islam and M. Uddin, 2008. Asymptotic solutions of third order over-damped non-linear systems with special conditions. J. Interdis. Math., 11: 357-371.
  225. Dey, P., M.Z. Ali, M.A. Akbar and M.S. Alam, 2008. Second approximate solutions of second order damped nonlinear systems. J. Applied Sci. Res., 4: 731-741.
  226. Akbar, M.A., M.S. Uddin and M.R. Islam, 2008. An extension of the krylov-bogoliubov-mitropolskii (kbm) method for third order critically damped nonlinear systems. J. Mech. Cont. Math. Sci., 3: 264-279.
  227. Akbar, M.A., M.S. Alam, S.S. Shanta, M.S. Uddin and M. Samsuzzoha, 2008. Perturbation method for fourth order nonlinear systems with large damping. Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc., 100: 85-92.
  228. Akbar M.A. and M.S. Uddin, 2008. On asymptotic solutions of fourth order over-damped nonlinear systems in presence on certain damping forces. J. Phy. Sci., 12: 83-96.
  229. Samsuzzoha, M., M.R. Islam and M.A. Akbar, 2007. Higher order improved solution of second order over-damped nonlinear systems. Khulna Univ. Stud., 8: 135-142.
  230. Rahman, M.M., M.R. Islam, M.A. Akbar and M.S. Uddin, 2007. Bogoliubov's asymptotic method for fourth order more critically damped differential systems. J. Applied Sci. Tech., 5: 27-33.
  231. Islam, M.R., M.A. Akbar, B.M.I. Haque, M. Samsuzzoha, Z. Haque and A.A. Soma, 2007. On fourth order more critically damped non-linear systems under some conditions. Khulna Univ. Stud., 8: 125-134.
  232. Akbar, M.A., M.S. Uddin, M.R. Islam and A.A. Soma, 2007. Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii (KBM) method for fourth order more critically damped nonlinear systems. J. Mech. Continua Math. Sci., 2: 91-107.
  233. Azad, M.A.K., M. Samsuzzoha, M.A. Akbar and M. Alhaj, 2006. KBM asymptotic method for over-damped processes in biological and biochemical systems. Ganit: J. Bangladesh Math. Soc., 26: 1-10.
  234. Akbar, M.A., M.S. Alam and M.A. Sattar, 2006. Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii unified method for solving n-th order non-linear differential equation under some special conditions including the case of internal resonance. Int. J. Non Linear Mech., 41: 26-42.
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  235. Alam, M.S., M.A. Akbar and M.Z. Islam, 2005. A General Form of Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii Method for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. J. Sound Vib., 285: 173-185.
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  236. Akbar, M.A., M. Shamsul Alam and M.A. Sattar, 2005. A simple technique for obtaining certain over-damped solutions of an n-th order nonlinear differential equation. Soochow J. Math., 31: 291-299.
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  237. Alam, M.S., M.B. Hossain and M.A. Akbar, 2004. On A Special Condition of Over-Damped Nonlinear System With Slowly Varying Coefficients. J. Interdisciplin. Math., 7: 255-260.
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  238. Akbar, M.A., M. Shamsul Alam and M.A. Sattar, 2003. Asymptotic method for fourth order damped nonlinear systems. Ganit J. Bangladesh Math. Soc., 23: 41-49.
  239. Akbar, M.A., A.C. Paul and M.A. Sattar, 2002. An asymptotic method of krylov-bogoliubov for fourth order over-damped nonlinear systems. Ganit J. Bangladesh Math. Soc., 22: 83-96.