Dr. Mohammad Gulzarul Aziz
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Dr. Mohammad Gulzarul Aziz

Assistant Professor
University of Putra, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biotechnology from University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Microbial Biotechnology
Process Biochemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Lim, S.D., Y.A. Yusof, C.N. Link, T.A. Rosnita and M.G. Aziz, 2011. Effect of extraction parameters on betacyanins yield from pitaya fruits. J. Food Agric. Environ., 9: 158-162.
  2. Hussain, I., M.B. Uddin and M.G. Aziz, 2011. Optimization of antinutritional factors from germinated wheat and mungbean by response surface methodology. Int. Food Res. J., 18: 957-963.
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  3. Aziz, M.G., J. Roy, M.S.H. Sarker and Y.A. Yusof, 2011. Isolation and use of bitter gourd polysaccharides in formulating dietetic soft drinks. African J. Agric. Res., Vol. 6. .
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  4. Aziz, M.G., H. Michlmayr, A.M. del Hierro and K.D. Kulbe, 2011. Biotransformation of pineapple juice sugars into dietetic derivatives by using a cell free oxidoreductase from Zymomonas mobilis together with commercial invertase. Enzyme Microbial Technol., 48: 85-91.
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  5. Mohammad, G.A., A.M. del Hierro, M.B. Uddin and K.D. Kulbe, 2010. Pineapple fruit pulp polysaccharides and their enzymatic liquefaction. Int. Food Res. J., 17: 193-203.
  6. Hoque, M.A., M.G. Aziz and M.B. Uddin, 2005. Effect of packaging materials on shelf life of ground chillies. Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci., 32: 9-16.
  7. Chawdhury, M.M., M.G. Aziz and M.B. Uddin, 2005. Development of shelf-stable ready-to-serve green coconut water. Biotechnology, 4: 121-125.
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  8. Palma, A., M.G. Aziz, M.M. Chawdhury, M.B. Uddin and M. Alam, 2004. Effects of edible oils on quality and shelf-life of low fat mayonnaise. Pak. J. Nutr., 3: 340-343.
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  9. Burhan, M., M.M. Rahman and M.G. Aziz, 2003. Controlled ripening of banana (Champa) and its effects on quality and shelf-life. Bangladesh J. Agril. Engg., 13: 61-72.
  10. Aziz, M.G. and M.N. Islam, 2002. Kinetics of dehydration of cassava and development of cassava based dried products. Bangladesh J. Agril. Engg., 13: 11-20.