Dr. Shin-Jye  Liang
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Dr. Shin-Jye Liang

National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Thermofluids and Materials Processing from University of Florida, Florida, USA

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Dr. Shin-Jye Liang is currently working as Professor of Department of Marine Environmental Informatics, College of Ocean Science and Resource, National Taiwan Ocean University. He obtained his B.S in Department of Hydraulic & Ocean Engineering National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan, M.S. in Computational Fluid Dynamics/Ocean Circulation & Pollutant Transport Modeling Department of Ocean Engineering University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island, and PhD in Thermofluids & Materials Processing Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of Florida Gainesville, Florida. Previously he was appointed as Executive Editor of Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Associate Professor at Water Resources Engineering & Conservation, Associate Research Scientist National Center of High-Performance Computing, and Post-Doctorate Researcher School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Shin-Jye Liang received honors includes Outstanding research award of the National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, Best Paper Award of the 27th Ocean Engineering Conference, Taiwan, and Outstanding research project award of the Atomic Energy Council, Taiwan. He has published 15 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Renewable Energy
Remote Sensing
Heat Transfer

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Huang, S.J., C.R. Ho, S.L. Lin and S.J. Liang, 2014. Spatial-temporal scales of Green Island wake due to passing of the Kuroshio current. Int. J. Remote Sens., 35: 4484-4495.
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  2. Hsu, T.W., K.J. Hsieh and S.J. Liang, 2014. Numerical analysis of greenisland wake due to Passingof Kuroshio. Int. J. Oceans Oceanography, 8: 95-111.
  3. Lin, C.Y., C.R. Ho, Y.H. Lee, N.J. Kuo and S.J. Liang, 2013. Thermal variability of the Indo-Pacific warm pool. Global Planetary Change, 100: 234-244.
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  4. Liang, S.J., Y.J. Jan and C.A. Huang, 2013. A quasi-implicit time-advancing scheme for 3-D rayleigh-benard convection. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B Fundamentals, 63: 371-394.
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  5. Liang, S.J., Y.J. Jan and C.A. Huang, 2013. A quasi-implicit time advancing scheme for flow in a 3D curved duct. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 64: 306-325.
  6. Liang, S.J., C.Y. Lin, T.W. Hsu, C.R. Ho and M.H. Chang, 2013. Numerical study of vortex characteristics near Green Island, Taiwan. J. Coastal Res., 29: 1436-1444.
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  7. Hsu, P.C., C.R. Ho, S.J. Liang and N.J. Kuo, 2013. Impacts of two types of El Nino and La Nina events on typhoon activity. Adv. Meteorol., Vol. 2013. 10.1155/2013/632470.
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  8. Liang, S.J., C.Y. Lan and Y.C. Chen, 2012. Shallow water flow modeling using space-time least-squares finite-element method. J. Marine Sci. Technol., 20: 595-602.
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  9. Liang, S.J., C.Y. Lan and C.H. Tsai, 2012. Simulation of current structure interactions using least-squares finite element method. J. Shipping Ocean Eng., 2: 230-237.
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  10. Lan, Y.J., T.W. Hsu, T.Y. Lin and S.J. Liang, 2012. Design and Implementation of an simulation of water wave transformation using higher order mild-slope equation. J. Marine Sci. Technol., 20: 603-611.
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  11. Hsu, T.W., S.J. Liang, B.D. Young and S.H. Ou, 2012. Nonlinear run-ups of regular waves on sloping structures. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12: 3811-3820.
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  12. Liang, S.J. and Y.C. Chen, 2011. Space-time least-squares finite-element method for shallow-water equations. J. Marine Sci. Technol., 19: 571-578.
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  13. Liang, S.J. and T.W. Hsu, 2009. Least-squares finite-element method for shallow-water equations with source terms. Acta Mech. Sin., 25: 597-610.
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