Dr. Anzel Bahadir
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Dr. Anzel Bahadir

Associate Professor
Duzce University, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biophysics from Duzce University, Turkiye

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Dr. Anzel Bahadir is currently working as Associate Professor Doctor at Duzce University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Duzce/Turkey. She earned her Ph.D from Pamukkale University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Denizli/Turkey. Previously she was appointed as Researcher at Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Isparta/Turkey, Teaching and Reseacher Assistant at Pamukkale University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Denizli/Turkey and Visitting Assistant Professor at The University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Iowa/USA. She has completed 2 research projects. She is member of editorial board in Medical Science and Discovery, Associate Editor at Basic Medicine. Dr. Anzel is also serving as member of Turkish Biophysical Society and European Biophysical Societies Association. Dr. Anzel was received Duzce University Publication Success Award. She has published 38 research articles in journlas contributed as author/co-author. She also presented number of papers in national and international congress.

Area of Interest:

Molecular Sciences
Molecular Biophysics
Experimental Physiology
Molecular Genetics

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Turker, Y., O. Kayapinar, H. Demirin, R. Eroz and A. Kutlucan et al., 2016. High sensitive CRP and sICAM-1 can predict major adverse cardiovascular events: MELEN study: A large Turkish population based study. Konuralp Med. J., 8: 14-22.
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  2. Bulur, S., S. Demir, A. Bahadir and S. Ankarali, 2016. The effects of erythropoietin on the penicillin induced epileptiform activity in rats. J. Faculty Vet. Med. Kafkas Univ., 22: 215-220.
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  3. Wang, L., A. Bahadir and M. Kawai, 2015. High ionic strength depresses muscle contractility by decreasing both force per cross-bridge and the number of strongly attached cross-bridges. J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil., 36: 227-241.
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  4. Oktay, M., R. Eroz, N.A. Oktay, H. Erdem and F. Basar et al., 2015. Argyrophilic nucleolar organizing region associated protein synthesis for cytologic discrimination of follicular thyroid lesions. Biotech. Histochem., 90: 179-183.
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  5. Erdem, H., H.R. Aydin, A. Bahadir, B. Gundogdu and H. Balta et al., 2015. Relationship of CD95 and COX-2 in renal cell carcinomas with survival and other prognostic parameters: A tissue microarray study. J. Pak. Med. Assoc., 65: 597-601.
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  6. Erdem, H., F. Basar, N. Kadioglu, M. Oktay and H. Ankarali et al., 2015. Evaluation of estrogen, progesterone and GCDFP-15 expression in uterine leiomyomas. J. Obstetrics Gynecology India, 65: 335-338.
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  7. Erdem, H., F. Basar, N. Kadioglu, A. Bahadir and E. Uslu et al., 2015. Seasonal glance to psoariasis. Konuralp Med. J., 7: 83-87.
  8. Erdem, H., B. Gundogdu, H. Ankarali, M. Yasar and E. Sener et al., 2015. Correlation of astrocyte elevated gene-1, basic-fibroblast growth factor, beta-catenin, Ki-67, tumor necrosis factor-alfa with prognostic parameters in ductal carcinomas and ductal intraepithelial neoplasms. Niger. J. Clin. Pract., 18: 638-643.
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  9. Erdem, H., A. Karatas, H. Ankarali, M. Oktay and N. Kadioglu et al., 2015. Pathological and clinical evaluation of hypertensive pregnants and their placentas. Duzce Med. J., 17: 19-22.
  10. Bahadir, A., S. Demir, H. Orallar, E. Beyazcicek and F. Oner, 2015. Effects of an extract of salvia miltiorrhiza on a penicillin-induced epilepsy model in rats. Neurophysiol., 47: 218-224.
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  11. Bahadir, A., R. Eroz and Y. Turker, 2015. Does the MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism indicate cardiovascular disease risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients? Anatolian J. Cardiol., 15: 524-530.
  12. Bahadir, A., D. Baltaci, Y. Turker, Y. Turker and D. Iliev et al., 2015. Is the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio indicative of inflammatory state in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome? Anatolian J. Cardiol., 15: 816-822.
  13. Turan, H., K.O. Yaykasli, H. Soguktas, E. Yaykasli and C. Aliagaoglu et al., 2014. Omentin serum levels and omentin gene Val109Asp polymorphism in patients with psoriasis. Int. J. Dermatol., 53: 601-605.
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  14. Karatas, A., R. Eroz, A. Bahadir, F. Keskin, T. Ozlu and M.E. Ozyalvacli, 2014. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms (Promoter-786T/C, Exon 894 G/T and Intron G10T) in unexplained female infertility. Gynecol Obstetric Invest., 77: 89-93.
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  15. Kadioglu, N., H. Erdem, M. Oktay, A. Tekin and C. Sahiner et al., 2014. Papillary renal cell carcinoma and clear cell renal cell carcinoma arising in a single kidney: A case report. J. Duzce Univ. Health Sci. Inst., 4: 25-27.
  16. Eroz, R., A. Bahadir, S. Dikici and S. Tasdemir, 2014. Association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms (894G/T,- 786T/C, G10T) and clinical findings in patients with migraine. Neuromol. Med., 16: 587-593.
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  17. Dikici, S., A. Bahadir, D. Baltaci, H. Ankarali, M. Eroglu, N. Ercan and T. Sav, 2014. Association of anxiety, sleepiness and sexual dysfunction with restless legs syndrome in hemodialysis patients. Hemodialysis Int., 18: 809-818.
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  18. Basar, F., H. Erdem, M. Oktay, E. Guclu and C. Sahiner et al., 2014. Sinonasal Hemangiopericytoma. J. Duzce Univ. Health Sci. Inst., 4: 22-24.
  19. Bahadir, A., S. Dikici, H. Kandis, H. Erdem and I.H. Kara, 2014. The protective effects of erdosteine and N-acetyl cysteine in rats with paracetamol induced hippocampal tissue damage. J. Phys. Chem. Biophys., Vol. 4. 10.4172/2161-0398.1000158.
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  20. Erdem, H., C. Sahiner, M. Oktay, N. Kadioglu and F. Basar et al., 2013. Primary ıntraosseous meningioma: Case report. J. Duzce Univ. Health Sci. Inst., 3: 22-23.
  21. Dikici, S., L.Y. Aydin, A. Bahadir, D. Baltaci and M. Eroglu et al., 2013. Can poor sleep quality suggest depression in elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis? Turk. J. Geriatrics, 16: 383-388.
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  22. Bahadir, A., R. Eroz and S. Dikici, 2013. Investigation of MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism, biochemical and clinical parameters in Turkish migraine patients: Association with allodynia and fatigue. Cell. Mol. Neurobiol., 33: 1055-1063.
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  23. Dikici, S., A. Bahadir, G. Kocaman and S. Ozdem, 2012. Hematological parameters in idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 7: 2161-2165.
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  24. Dikici, S., A. Bahadir, G. Kocaman and S. Ozdem, 2012. Evaluation of the cases with intracranial hypertension. Duzce Med. J., 14: 37-40.
  25. Bahadir, A., R. Eroz and S. Dikici, 2012. Investigation of ENOS exon (G894T) polymorphism in patients with migraine in Duzce province. Duzce Med. J., 14: 22-27.
  26. Bahadir, A. and E.O. Atalay, 2012. Frequency of Gγ-globin promoter-158 (C> T) Xmn I polymorphism in Denizli, Turkey. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 7: 1927-1931.
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  27. Bahadir, A. and E. Atalay, 2012. Differential molecular diagnostic of the hemoglobin D-Los Angeles [β121(GH4) Glu>Gln] mutation with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. Duzce Med. J., 14: 47-52.
  28. Koseler, A., H. Koyuncu, O. Ozturk, A. Bahadir, S. Demirtepe, A. Atalay and E.O. Atalay, 2010. First observation of Hb tunis [beta 124,(H2) Pro>Ser] in Turkey. Turk. J. Hematol., 27: 120-122.
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  29. Bahadir, A., O. Ozturk, A. Atalay and E.O. Atalay, 2009. β globin gene cluster haplotypes of the β thalassemia mutations observed in the Denizli province of Turkey. Turk. J. Hematol., 26: 129-137.
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  30. Bahadir, A., A. Koseler, A. Atalay, H. Koyuncu, E. Akar, N. Akar and E.O. Atalay, 2009. Hb D-Los Angeles [beta121 (GH4) Glu> Gln] and Hb Beograd [beta121 (GH4) Glu> Val]: Implications for their laboratory diagnosis and genetic origins. Turk. J. Hematol., 26: 17-20.
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  31. Koseler, A., A. Bahadir, H. Koyuncu, A. Atalay and E.O. Atalay, 2008. First observation of Hb D-Ouled Rabah [beta19 (B1) Asn> Lys] in the Turkish population. Turk. J. Hematol., 25: 51-53.
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  32. Atalay, E.O., A. Atalay, H. Koyuncu, O. Ozturk, A. Koseler, S. Yildiz and A. Bahadir, 2008. Rare hemoglobin variant Hb Yaizu observed in Turkey. Med. Principle Practise, 17: 321-324.
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  33. Ozturk, O., A. Atalay, A. Koseler, A. Ozkan and H. Koyuncuet al., 2007. Beta globin gene cluster haplotypes of abnormal hemoglobins observed in Turkey. Turk. J. Haematol., 24: 146-154.
  34. Atalay, E.O., A. Atalay, E. Ustel, S. Yildiz, O. Ozturk, A. Koseler and A. Bahadir, 2007. Genetic origin of Hb D-Los Angeles [b121(GH4)Glu->Gln,GAA->CAA] according to beta globin gene cluster haplotypes. Hemoglobin, 31: 387-391.
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  35. Koseler, A., A. Atalay, H. Koyuncu, B. Turgut, A. Bahadir and E.O. Atalay, 2006. Molecular identification of a rare hemoglobin variant, Hb J-Iran [beta77 (EF1) His-> Asp], in Denizli province of Turkey. Turk. J. Haematol., 23: 164-166.
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  36. Atalay, E.O., H. Koyuncu, B. Turgut, A. Atalay, S. Yildiz, A. Bahadir and A. Koseler, 2005. High incidence of Hb D-Los Angeles [β121 (GH4) Glu→Gln] in Denizli province, Aegean region of Turkey. Hemoglobin, 29: 307-310.
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