Dr. Ergün Taşkın
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Dr. Ergün Taşkın

Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Muradiye-Manisa 45140, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biology, Hydrobiology from Celal Bayar University, Turkiye

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Dr. Ergun Taskin is currently working as Associate Professor in Department of Biology, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey. He is researching on Taxonomy, the culture and the life cycles of the Algae and especilally brown algae (Ectocarpales, Cystoseira etc.). He has been researching on sea algaes for 20 years in Turkey, Mediterranean and Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus and report many new species for the first time from this region. In addition he is named for the first time and renamed many species such as Ulva multiramosa E.Taskın, Cylindrocarpus kuckuckii E.Taskın, M.J.Wynne & M.Ozturk, Streblonema collinsii E.Taskın, M.J.Wynne & M.Ozturk and many other species. In addition he has been working on determining the ecological status of coastal and transitional waters by researching antimicrobial antiparasitic and antioxidant activists extracts obtained from algaes. He is also author of the The check-list of the marine flora of Turkey (2008), The Mediterranean Cystoseira (with photographs) (2012), Phycology (Algae) (2012) and Turkey Sea Algae I. Phaeophycea A (2013) books. He has more than 100 scientific publications on scientific field. He has a license E. TASKIN Three Stars (CMAS ***) Scuba Diving (SCUBA). He is also member of International Phycological Society (IPS) and the British Pychological Society (BPS) which is algaes related international organizations.

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Marine Algae
Marine Biology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Taskin, E., M. Cakir, A. Akcali and O. Sungur, 2019. Benthic marine flora of the Marmara Sea (Turkey). J. Black Sea/Mediterr. Environ., 25: 1-28.
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  2. Cinar, E., E. Taskin, D. Tasdemir, E. Ozkale, U. Grienke and D. Firsova, 2019. Anti-acetylcholinesterase, antiprotozoal and cytotoxic activities of some Turkish marine algae. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 28: 3991-4000.
  3. Taskin, E., M.J. Wynne and N. Bakir, 2018. First report, based on morpho-anatomical data, of the green alga Pseudocodium okinawense (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) in the Mediterranean Sea. Bot. Mar., 61: 415-419.
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  4. Taskin, E., K. Tsiamis and S. Orfanidis, 2018. Ecological quality of the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) assessed by the Marine Floristic Ecological Index (MARFEI). J. Black Sea/Mediterr. Environ., 24: 97-114.
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  5. Minareci, O., E. Taskin and E. Minareci, 2018. Physicochemical parameters of sea water at Turkey coasts. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 27: 7236-7243.
  6. Yesilova, K., N. Balkis and E. Taskin, 2017. Seasonal investigation of the protein, carbohydrate and lipid contens of dominant macroalgae on the Western Coast of the Black Sea. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 26: 46-55.
  7. Taskin, E., M. Cakir and B. Akcali, 2017. Occurrence of the alien marine red alga Galaxaura rugosa in Turkey. J. Black Sea/Mediterr. Environ., 23: 156-161.
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  8. Ulcay, S., E. Taskin, O. Kurt and M. Ozturk, 2015. Marine benthic Cyanobacteria in Northern Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Turk. J. Bot., 39: 173-188.
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  9. Taskin, E., M. Cakir and M.J. Wynne, 2015. First report of the red alga Gayliella fimbriata in the Mediterranean Sea. Bot. Mar., 58: 327-330.
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  10. Taskin, E., 2015. Ecological status of the coastal waters of Ayvalik (Aegean Sea, Turkey) assessed using the EEI method. Ekoloji, 24: 10-16.
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  11. Tsiamis, K., E. Taskin, S. Orfanidis, P. Stavrou and M. Argyrou et al., 2014. Checklist of seaweeds of Cyprus (Mediterranean Sea). Bot. Mar., 57: 153-166.
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  12. Taskin, E., M. Ozturk, O. Kurt and S. Ulcay, 2013. Benthic marine algae in Northern Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). J. Black Sea/Mediterr. Environ., 19: 143-161.
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  13. Taskin, E., 2013. New records of three dictyotalean brown algae for Turkey. Bot. Mar., 56: 299-302.
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  14. Taskin, E., 2013. First reports of five marine algae from Turkey. Nova Hedwigia, 97: 515-528.
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  15. Taskin, E., 2013. First report of the North Atlantic myrionematoid brown alga Ulonema rhizophorum Foslie (Phaeophyceae, Chordariaceae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Mediterr. Mar. Sci., 14: 125-128.
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  16. Taskin, E. and M.J. Wynne, 2013. Proposal of Gelidium serra (S.G. Gmel.) comb. nov. to replace Gelidium bipectinatum G. Furnari (Rhodophyta). Webbia, 68: 21-23.
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  17. Taskin, E. and A. Sukatar, 2013. The red algal genera Laurencia, Osmundea and Palisada (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in Turkey. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 13: 713-723.
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  18. Giakoumi, S., M. Sini, V. Gerovasileiou, T. Mazor and J. Beher et al., 2013. Ecoregion-based conservation planning in the Mediterranean: Dealing with large-scale heterogeneity. PLoS ONE, Vol. 8. 10.1371/journal.pone.0076449.
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  19. Taskin, E., E. Taskin and M. Ozturk, 2012. Antibacterial activities of some seaweeds from Northern Cyprus against some food-related pathogens. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 5: 250-256.
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  20. Taskin, E., 2012. First report of the alien brown alga Scytosiphon dotyi M.J. Wynne (Phaeophyceae, Scytosiphonaceae) in Turkey. Mediterr. Mar. Sci., 13: 33-35.
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  21. Taskin, E., 2012. Ulva multiramosa sp. nov.: A new interpretation of Enteromorpha multiramosa Bliding Ined. (Chlorophyta). Asian J. Biol. Sci., 5: 62-65.
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  22. Taskin, E. and P.M. Pedersen, 2012. First report of the alien brown alga Botrytella parva (Takamatsu) H.-S. Kim (Chordariaceae, Phaeophyceae) from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Bot. Mar., 55: 467-471.
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  23. Taskin, E., E. Taskin and M. Ozturk, 2011. Inhibitor activities of some seaweeds from the Aegean Coast of Turkey. J. Applied Biol. Sci., 5: 11-15.
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  24. Caki, Z., M. Uzturk, E. Taskin and E. Taskin, 2011. Antioxidative and antimicrobial activities of some marine algae. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 20: 1001-1006.
  25. Taskin, E., Z. Caki, M. Ozturk and E. Taskin, 2010. Assessment of in vitro antitumoral and antimicrobial activities of marine algae harvested from the eastern Mediterranean sea. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 9: 4272-4277.
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  26. Taskin, E., E. Taskin, M. Ozturk and J.A.T. da Silva, 2010. Natural compounds with bioactive properties from marine algae. Med. Aromatic Plant Sci. Biotechnol., 4: 5-9.
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  27. Taskın, E., O. Kurt, M. Cormaci, G. Furnari and M. Ozturk, 2010. Two brown algae from the eastern Mediterranean Sea; Microcoryne Ocellata Stromfelt and Corynophlaea flaccida (C. Agardh) Kutzing. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 19: 892-896.
  28. Taskın, E., M.J. Wynne and M. Ozturk, 2010. Cylindrocarpus kuckuckii sp. nov. (Chordariaceae, Phaeophyceae), a newly recognized species from the Aegean Sea coast of Turkey. Nova Hedwigia, 90: 263-270.
  29. Kurt, O., S. Ulcay, E. Taskiın and M. Ozturk, 2010. Taxonomy and description of the three marine Cyanophycean algae from the Mediterranean sea. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 10: 33-37.
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  30. Chye, F.Y. and K.Y. Sim, 2009. Antioxidative and antibacterial activities of Pangium edule seed extracts. Int. J. Pharmacol., 5: 285-297.
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  31. Taskin, E., 2008. The marine brown algae of the east Aegean Sea and Dardanelles. II. Ectocarpaceae, chordariaceae and scytosiphonaceae. Cryptogamie Algol., 29: 173-186.
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  32. Taskin, E. and P.M. Pedersen, 2008. Algae of turkey from the herbarium forsskalii. Res. J. Bot., 3: 41-44.
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  33. Taskin, E. and M. Ozturk, 2008. A first report on the marine algal flora of Turkey: Pseudolithoderma adriaticum (Phaeophyceae, Lithodermataceae). Fresenius Environ. Bull., 17: 617-619.
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  34. Taskin, E., M. Ozturk, E. Taskin and O. Kurt, 2007. Antibacterial activities of some marine algae from the Aegean Sea (Turkey). Afr. J. Biotechnol., 6: 2746-2751.
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  35. Taskin, E., 2007. A summary of reports of ulvaceae (Chlorophyta) from Turkey. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 1934-1937.
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  36. Taskin, E. and M. Ozturk, 2007. The marine brown algae of the east aegean sea and dardanelles I. Ectocarpaceae, pylaiellaceae, chordariaceae, elachistaceae and giraudiaceae. Cryptogamie Algol., 28: 169-190.
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  37. Taskin, E. and M. Ozturk, 2007. The genus Cystoseira of Turkey: First report of Cystoseira foeniculacea f. latiramosa (Ercegovic) A. Gomez Garreta, M.C. Barcelo, M.A. Ribera et J.R. Lluch. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci., 2: 410-416.
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  38. Taşkın, E., M. Ozturk and P.M. Pedersen, 2007. A rare brown alga in the Mediterranean Sea: Compsonema saxicola (Kuckuck) Kuckuck (Phaeophyceae, Scytosiphonaceae). Rapp. Comm. int. Mer. Medit., 38: 612-612.
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  39. Taskin, E., 2006. First report of Corynophlaea crispa (Harvey) Kuckuck (Phaeophyceae, Corynophlaeaceae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Nova Hedwigia, 82: 217-225.
  40. Ozturk, M., M.J. Wynne and E. Taskin, 2006. First Report of Microspongium globosum Reinke (Phaeophyceae, Myrionemataceae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Nova Hedwigia, 82: 135-142.
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  41. Taokin, E., M. Ozturk, O. Kurt and M. Ozturk, 2003. Marine algae of kilitbahir shore (Gelibolu, Canakkale, Turkey). Pak. J. Bot., 35: 53-59.
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  42. Taskin, E., M. Ozturk, O. Kurt and V. Aysel, 2001. Three new records for the marine algal flora of Turkey. Turk. J. Bot., 25: 245-248.
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