Dr. Sinem Gokturk
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Dr. Sinem Gokturk

Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Inorganic and Physical Chemistry from Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkiye

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Area of Interest:

Environmental Chemistry
Applied Chemistry
Physical Chemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Salihi, E.ò., R.Y.C.Talman and S. GáktÊrk, 2023. Preparation and characterization of surfactant loaded clays as drug adsorbents J. Dispersion Sci. Technol., 44: 165-173.
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  2. Ozan, M. and S. GáktÊrk, 2021. Effect of ionic liquids as active pharmaceutical ingredients on the micellar binding of an amphiphilic drug trifluopromazine hydrochloride. J. Dispersion Sci. Technol., 42: 214-222.
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  3. Gokturk, S. and Z.B. Tamer, 2018. Interactions and solubilization of poorly soluble drugs in aerosol‐ot micelles. J. Surfactants. Deterg., 21: 889-898.
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  4. GáktÊrk, S. and S. Bektaş, 2018. Binding of procaine hydrochloride to hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon surfactants: the role of hydrophobicity. J. Pharm. Res. Int., 22: 1-12.
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  5. Gokturk, S., G. Keskin, R.Y.C. Talman and N. Cakir, 2017. Spectroscopic and conductometric studies on the interactions of thionine with anionic and nonionic surfactants. Color. Technol., 133: 362-368.
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  6. Gokturk S. and N. Cakır, 2017. Surfactants in pharmaceutical applications. J. Appl. Chem. Sci. Int., 8: 6-18.
  7. Talman, C.R.Y., S.E. Caliskan, S. Gokturk and A.S. Bastug, 2015. Removal of ethacridine lactate from aqueous solutions onto bentonite and activated carbon. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 24: 3603-3608.
  8. Bilgic, H., S. Gokturk and E. Akyol, 2015. Solubilization and interactions of thiram with surfactants: micellar effects on adsorption characteristics of thiram onto activated carbon. J. Dispersion Sci. Technol., 36: 1086-1096.
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  9. Gokturk, S. and S. Aslan, 2014. Study on binding properties of poorly soluble drug trimethoprim in anionic micellar solutions. J. Dispersion Sci. Technol., 35: 84-92.
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  10. Erdinc, N. and S. GáktÊrk, 2014. Spectrophotometric and conductometric studies on the interaction of anionic dye eosin-Y with cationic micelles. Anal. Chem. Lett., 4: 146-157.
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  11. Gokturk, S., E. Caliskan, R.Y. Talman and U. Var, 2012. A study on solubilization of poorly soluble drugs by cyclodextrins and micelles: Complexation and binding characteristics of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Scient. World J., Vol. 2012 10.1100/2012/718791.
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  12. Gokturk, S. and U. Var, 2012. Effect of pharmaceutically important cosolvents on the interaction of promethazine and trifluopromazine Hydrochloride with Sodium dodecyl Sulfate micelles. J. Dispersion Sci. Technol., 33: 527-535.
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  13. Gokturk, S. and U. Var, 2011. Effect of ethanol on partition and binding equilibrium of phenothiazine in anionic and nonionic micellar solutions. Curr. Res. Chem., 3: 49-61.
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  14. Bastug A.S., S.E. Goz, R.Y. Talman, S. Gokturk, E. Asil and E. ve Calıskan, 2011. Formation constants and coordination thermodynamics for binary complexes of Cu(II) and some a-amino acids in aqueous solution.
    J. Coord. Chem., 64: 281-292.
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  15. Erdinc, N., S. Gokturk and M. Tuncay, 2010. A study on the adsorption characteristics of an amphiphilic phenothiazine drug on activated charcoal in the presence of surfactants. Colloids Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 75: 194-203.
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  16. Caliskan E. and S. ve Gokturk, 2010. Adsorption characteristics of sulfamethoxazole and metronidazole on activated carbon. Sep. Sci. Technol., 45: 244-255.
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  17. Gokturk, S. and S. Kaluc, 2008. Removal of selected organic compounds in aqueous solutions by activated carbon. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 1: 111-123.
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  18. Gokturk, S. and R.Y. ve Talman, 2008. Effect of temperature on the binding and distribution characteristics of thionine in sodium dodecylsulfate micelles. J. Solution Chem., 37: 1709-1723.
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  19. Bastug, A., S. Gokturk and T. ve Sismanoglu, 2007. 1:1 Binary complexes of citric acid with some metal ions: Stability and thermodynamic parameters. Rev. Inorganic Chem., 27: 53-65.
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  20. Gokturk, S., R.Y. Talman, N. Erdinc and M. Tuncay, 2006. Solution behaviour of rivanol in micellar environments. Spectroscopy Lett., 39: 357-372.
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  21. Talman, R.Y., S. Gokturk and M. ve Tuncay, 2005. Kinetic cosolvent effects on the alkaline fading of crystal violet in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles. Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 270-271: 72-77.
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  22. Gokturk, S., 2005. Effect of hydrophobicity on micellar binding of carminic acid. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 169: 115-121.
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  23. Miskolczy, Z., K. Sebok-Nagy, L. Biczok and S. ve Gokturk, 2004. Aggregation and micelle formation of ionic liquids in aqueous solution. Chem. Phy. Lett., 400: 296-300.
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  24. Erdinc, N., S. Gokturk and M. Tuncay, 2004. Interaction of epirubicin HCl with surfactants: Effect of NaCl and glucose. J. Pharm. Sci., 93: 1566-1576.
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  25. Nagy, K., S. Gokturk and L. ve Biczok, 2003. Effect of microenvironment on the fluorescence of 2-hydroxy-substituted nile red: A new fluorescent probe for the study of micelles. J. Phy. Chem. A, 107: 8784-8790.
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  26. Gokturk, S. and M. ve Tuncay, 2003. Dye-surfactant interaction in the premicellar region. J. Surfactant Deterg., 6: 325-330.
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  27. Gokturk, S. and M. Tuncay, 2003. Spectral studies of safranin-O in different surfactant solutions. Spectrochimica Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectroscopy, 59: 1857-1866.
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  28. Gokturk, S., M. Mahramanlıoglu and M. ve Tuncay, 2000. Adsorption of ethyl acetate from aliphatic alcohols on activated charcoal. South. Braz. J. Chem., 8: 1-12.
  29. Tuncay, M., N. Yuce, B. Arikan and S. ve Gokturk, 1999. A kinetic study of the reaction between colloidal manganese dioxide and formic acid in aqueous perchloric acid solution in the presence of surface active agents. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochemical Eng. Aspects, 149: 279-284.
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  30. Gokturk, S., M. Mahramanlioglu and M. ve Tuncay, 1999. Surface tension studies of lauryl sulfobetaine-β-cyclodextrin and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes in aqueous solution. Can. J. Chem., 77: 1208-1213.
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  31. Tuncay, M. and S. ve Gokturk, 1997. Effect of ethanol on the partition coefficient of cyclohexylacetate between bulk and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide micellar pseudophases. Spectrosc. Lett., 30: 825-834.
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