Dr. Mualla   Aylin Arici
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Dr. Mualla Aylin Arici

Associated Professor
Dokuz Eylul University, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Medicine from Ege University, Turkiye

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Drug Absorption
Drug Action

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sahin, A., M.A. Arici, Y. Yilmaz, S. Kalkan and N. Durmus et al., 2018. A comparison of the effectiveness of silibinin and resveratrol in preventing alpha‐amanitin‐induced hepatotoxicity. Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 122: 633-642.
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  2. Sahin, A., M.A. Arici, N. Hocaoglu, S. Kalkan and Y. TunÒok, 2018. Antivenom use in bite and sting cases presenting to a public hospital. Ulus. Travma. Acil. Cerrahi. Derg., 24: 343-350.
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  3. Aksoy, H.B., M.A. Arici, R. Ucku and A. Gelal, 2018. Nurses' knowledge, attitudes and opinions towards clinical research: A Cross-sectional study in a university hospital. J. Basic Clin. Health Sci., 2: 38-45.
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  4. Sahin, A., M. Cicek, O.G. Cekic, M. Gunaydin, D.S. Aykut, O. Tatli and M.A. Arici, 2017. A retrospective analysis of cases with neuroleptic malignant syndrome and an evaluation of risk factors for mortality. Turk. J. Emerg. Med., 17: 141-145.
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  5. Gumustekin, M., A. Arici, S.C. Micili, M. Karaman, M.E. Guneli and I. Tekmen, 2017. HGF/c-Met Pathway has a role in testicular Damage in Diabetes Induced by Streptozotocin. Acta Endocrinol., 8: 17-22.
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  6. Arıcı, M.A., A. Şahin, C.N. Oray, B. Bayram and Y. TunÒok, 2017. Antipsychotic exposures in an emergency department. J. Basic. Clin. Health Sci., 2: 41-46.
  7. Arıcı, A., N. Durmuş and Y. Tuncok, 2017. Birinci basamakta major depresif bozukluğun tedavisi. Turk. Klinikleri J. Fam. Med. Spec. Top., 8: 44-51.
  8. Arici, M., S. Kavukcu, T.S. Tanriverdi, A. Arici, S. Gidener, A. Gelal and O. Ozer, 2017. A new application route of nitrofurantoin: Preparation and characterization of novel transdermal formulations. Curr. Drug Deliv., 14: 394-405.
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  9. Aksoy B.H., M.A. Arıcı, R. Ucku and A. Gelal, 2017. Bir Universite hastanesinde calışan hemşirelerin klinik araştirmalar hakkindaki bilgi duzeylerinin degerlendirilmesi. DEU Tıp. Fakultesi Dergisi, 31: 9-18.
  10. Girgin, M.C., S. Yanturali, M.A. Arici, N.C. Oray, O. Doylan, Y. Demiral and Y. TunÒok, 2016. Emergency department visits caused by adverse drug reactions: results of a Turkish university hospital. Turk. J. Med. Sci., 46: 954-962.
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  11. Buyukcoban, S., M.A. Arici, U. Koca, S.A. Kalkan, 2015. Case report of toxic brain syndrome caused by methyl bromide. Turk. J. Anaesth. Reanim., 43: 134-137.
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  12. Arıcı, M.A., A. Gelal, Y. Demiral and Y. TunÒok, 2015. Short and long-term impact of pharmacovigilance training on the pharmacovigilance knowledge of medical students. Ind. J. Pharmacol., 47: 436-439.
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  13. Tekmen, I., C.S. Micilı, M.A. Arici, M.E. Guneli and M. Gumustekin, 2014. Immunohistochemical expression of hepatocyte growth factor/c-met in the heart and aorta of diabetic rats. Acta Endocrinol., 10: 21-30.
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  14. Gumustekin, M., S.C. Micili, M.A. Arici, M. Karaman, M.E. Guneli and I. Tekmen, 2013. The effect of insulin treatment on Rac1 expression in diabetic kidney. Renal failure, 35: 396-402.
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  15. Gelal, A., M. Gumustekin, M.A. Arici and S. Gidener, 2013. Rational pharmacotherapy training for fourth-year medical students. Indian J. Pharmacol., 45: 4-8.
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  16. Arıcı, M.A.A., M. Buyukdeligoz, S. Kalkan and Y. Tuncok, 2013. Effects of BQ-788 on amitriptyline-induced cardiovascular toxicity. Hum. Exp. Toxicol., 32: 316-322.
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  17. Gidener, S. and M.A. Arici, 2012. Glukokortikoidler. Turk. Klinikleri J. Hematol. Spec. Topics, 5: 25-33.
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  18. Demir, O., M.A. Arici, Y. Demiral and Y. TunÒok, 2012. Evaluation of drugs exposure in pregnancy according to different risk categories: Do fda-based decisions lead to more curettage. Turkiye Klin. J. Med. Sci., 32: 901-909.
  19. Oransay, K., S. Kalkan, N. Hocaoglu, A. Arici and Y. Tuncok, 2011. An alternative antidote therapy in amitriptyline-induced rat toxicity model: Theophylline. Drug Chem. Toxicol., 34: 53-60.
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  20. Arici, A., D. Ozdemir, K. Oransay, S. Evcim, Y. Tuncok and S. Kalkan, 2011. Poison ınformation center data: Drug-ınduced acute dystonic reactions. Bull. Clin. Pysycopharmacol., 21: 1-6.
  21. Yildiztepe, E., N.H. Aksay, O. Demir, A. Arici, K. Oransay, S. Evcim and Y. Tuncok, 2010. Analysis of the year 2 7 data of dokuz eylÊl university drug and poison information Center, Turkey. Turkiye Klin. J. Med. Sci., 30: 1622-1630.
  22. Kalkan, S., N. Hocaoglu, A. Arici, K. Oransay, G. Ergor and Y. Tuncok, 2010. Effects of adenosine receptor antagonists on survival in amitriptyline-poisoned mice. Drug Chem. Toxicol., 33: 233-237.
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  23. Arıcı, A.A., A.A. Arici, O. Demir, O. Demir and D. Ozdemir et al., 2010. Acil servise başvuran karbonmonoksit maruz kalımları: On dárt yıllık analiz. Dokuz Eylul Univ. Tıp. Fakult. Derg., 24: 25-32.
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  24. Arıcı, A., 2010. Cocukluk òagı zehirlenmeleri: Genel degerlendirme ve yaklaşim. Clin. Pediatri., 5: 19-24.
  25. Arici, A.M., E. Kilinc, O. Demir, M. Ates, A. Yesilyurt and A. Gelal, 2010. Interactions between verapamil and digoxin in langendorff‐perfused rat hearts: the role of inhibition of p‐glycoprotein in the heart. Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 107: 847-852.
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  26. Arıcı, M.A.A., S. Kalkan, O. Demir, N.H. Aksay, S. Gidener and Y. Tuncok, 2009. Does adenosine A1 receptor stimulation causes QRS prolongation by blocking beta adrenergic receptors in amitriptyline poisoning. Toxicol. Lett., 186: 130-138.
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  27. Arıcı, A., O. Demir, Y.C. Kaplan and Y. Tuncok 2008. Dokuz eylul universitesi tip fakultesi ilac ve zehir danisma merkezine bildirilen antidepresan ilac zehirlenmeleri. Akad. Acil Tıp. Dergisi., 3: 23-29.
  28. Akgun, A., S. Kalkan, N. Hocaoglu, S. Gidener and Y. Tuncok, 2008. Effects of adenosine receptor antagonists onamitriptyline-induced QRS prolongation in isolated rat hearts. Clin. Toxicol., 46: 677-685.
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  29. Kalkan, S., O. Eminoglu, A. Akgun, H. Guven and Y. Tuncok, 2007. The role of adenosine triphosphate-regulated potassium channels in propofol-induced beneficial effect on contractile function of hypercholesterolemic isolated rabbit hearts. Saudi Medi. J., 28: 701-706.
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  30. Kalkan, S., N. Hocaoglu, A. Akgun, S. Gidener and Y. Tuncok, 2007. Effects of adenosine receptor antagonists on amitriptyline-induced vasodilation in rat isolated aorta. Clin. Toxicol., 45: 600-604.
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  31. Hocaoglu, N., S. Kalkan, A. Akgun, S. Capar and Y. Tuncok, 2007. A retrospective evaluation of analgesic exposures from Izmir, Turkey. Hum. Exp. Toxicol., 26: 629-636.
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  32. Kalkan, S., B.U. Ergur, A. Akgun, Y.C. Kaplan, A.O. Kinay and Y. Tuncok, 2005. Efficacy of an adenosine A1 receptor agonist compared with atropine and pralidoxime in a rat model of organophosphate poisoning. Hum. Exp. Toxicol., 24: 369-375.
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  33. Kalkan, S., O. Aygoren, A. Akgun, S. Gidener, H. Guven and Y. Tuncok, 2004. Do adenosine receptors play a role in amitriptyline‐induced cardiovascular toxicity in rats? J. Toxicol.: Clin. Toxicol., 42: 945-954.
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  34. Kalkan, S., A.A. Cevik, C. Cavdar, O. Aygoren, A. Akgun, N. Ergun and Y. Tuncok, 2003. Acute methanol poisonings reported to the Drug and Poison Information Center in Izmir, Turkey. Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 45: 334-337.