Dr. Nuri Oner
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Dr. Nuri Oner

Faculty of Forestry, Cankiri Karatekin University, 18200 Cankiri, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Silvicultural from Istanbul University, Turkiye

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Area of Interest:

Community Forestry
Forest Ecology
Conservation Biology
Wildlife Biology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Oner, N., Y. Kondur, Z. Simsek and S. Aslan, 2015. Evaluation of survival ratios and growth of the common plantation species (black pine and Taurus cedar) on arid and semiarid sites in Turkey. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 24: 2906-2915.
  2. Oner, N., B.C. Bilgili and O.L. Corbaci, 2015. Evaluating the potential site locations of natural pine species for landscape design using GIS in Turkey. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 24: 2477-2483.
  3. Oner, N., B.C. Bilgili and O.L. Corbaci, 2015. Determination of potential natural oak sites for landscape design using GIS in Turkey. J. Environ. Protect. Ecol., 16: 783-794.
  4. Oner, N., S. Ozden and U. Birben, 2010. Relationship between a natural monumental stand in Turkey and local beliefs. J. Environ. Biol., 31: 149-155.
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  5. Oner, N., H.H. Dogan, C. Ozturk and M. Gurer, 2009. Determination of fungal diseases, site and stand characteristics in mixed stands in Ilgaz-Yenice forest district, Cankiri, Turkey. J. Environ. Biol., 30: 567-575.
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  6. Oner, N. and M. Uysal, 2009. Usability of the Taurus Cedar and Crimean Pine in green belt afforestations in semiarid regions in Turkey: A case study in Konya province Loros Mountain-Akyokus. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 4: 1049-1057.
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  7. Oner, N. and M. Cakir, 2009. Effects of leaf area of downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.), common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and boxelder (Acer negundo L.) seedling plants on diameter, height, volume and weight increments. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 8: 3798-3805.
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  8. Oner, N. and F. Eren, 2008. The relations between collar diameter and height growth of crimean pine and scots pine seedlings in bolu forest nursery. J. Applied Biol. Sci., 2: 7-12.
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  9. Birben, U., B. Imal, S. Ozden and N. Oner, 2008. Evaluation of sustainable use of certain non-wood forest products and their contributions to rural economy in Ilgaz (Cankiri). Nature and Men, 2: 10-14.
  10. Oner, N., S. Ayan, A. Sivacioglu and B. Imal, 2007. Urban forestry and environmentally effects of urban forests. Gazi Uni. J. For. Fac., 7: 190-203.
  11. Oner, N. and M. Cakir, 2007. Effects of leaf area of anatolian crimean pine (Pinus nigra subsp. nigra var. caramanica) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Seedlings plant over diameter, height, volume and weight increment. Gazi Uni. J. For. Fac., 6: 167-178.
  12. Gol, C., O. Dengiz and N. Oner, 2007. Basic properties and classification of cankiri-ovacikyayla basin forest soils. Review Fac. For. Uni. Suleyman Demirel, A: 1-11.
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  13. Oner, N. and B. Imal, 2007. State of the Cankiri forests and afforestation studies. J. Cankiri Res., 2: 275-285.
  14. Simsek, Z., Y. Kondur and N. Oner, 2006. The damage of bark beetles and the relations between certain tree properties in uludag fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana Mattf.) at Ilgaz Mountain, Cankiri, Turkey. J. Boil. Sci., 6: 1017-1022.
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  15. Oner, N., Z. Simsek and Y. Kondur, 2006. The relationship between different growth parameters and damage of harmful insects in crimean pine of Ilgaz Mountain, Cankiri, Turkey. J. Biol. Sci., 6: 1071-1076.
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  16. Oner, N., 2006. Success of Turkish redpine and stone pine afforestation areas established in Aliaga-Kemalpasa (Izmir) district. Abant Izzet Baysal Uni. J. For., 2: 68-78.
  17. Oner, N., 2006. Forest communities in southern hill slopes of Ilgaz Mountain and their silvicultural properties. Rev. Fac. For. Uni. Istanbul, 56: 109-133.
  18. Oner, N. and S. Bugday Erkan, 2006. A review for Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) afforestation area established in Tasova-Amasya district. Gazi Uni. J. For. Fac., 6: 1-10.
  19. Oner, N. and M. Uysal, 2006. Root collar diameter and height development relations between artificially breed Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) and Mahaleb (Cerasus mahalep (L.) Miller.) Seedlings in Mindos Hill-Yegren (Konya) district. Gazi Uni. J. For. Fac., 6: 11-25.
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  20. Oner, N. and B. Imal, 2006. Researches on stand compositions in bulbulpinari Eldivan-Cankiri. Rev. Fac. For. Uni. Suleyman Demirel, A: 67-79.
  21. Menemencioglu, K. and N. Oner, 2006. Contributions of reduced impact logging transport plans to silvicultural planning`s. Nature and Men, 3: 25-34.
  22. Kondur, Y., N. Oner and Z. Simsek, 2006. Harmful insects and relationships between certain tree properties in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) of Ilgaz Mountain, Cankiri, Turkey. J. Boil. Sci., 6: 1065-1070.
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  23. Oner, N. and G. Abay, 2005. The vegetation of Yenice forests (Ilgaz/Cankiri). Gazi Univ. J. For. Fac., 5: 164-180.
  24. Oner, N. and G. Abay, 2005. Contributions to the flora of Yenice forests (Ilgaz/Cankiri). Gazi Univ. J. For. Fac., 5: 181-197.
  25. Oner, N., 2003. Researches on use possibilities of certain nonwood products in the South Catchment of Ilgaz mountain. J. For. Hunt, 3: 7-15.
  26. Oner, N. and C. Gol, 2003. Certain silvicultural and soil properties of forest communities in Ilgaz-Yenice forest district. Gazi Uni. J. For. Fac., 3: 61-76.
  27. Gol, C. and N. Oner, 2003. Evaluation of some soil and silvicultural aspects of natural and plantation forest stands in Cankiri-Eldivan-Korubasi site. Gazi Uni. J. For. Fac., 3: 1-18.
  28. Simsek, Z. and N. Oner, 2002. The effects of stand structure and climate conditions on epidemic of bark beetles at Ilgaz-Yenice forest ecosystem. II. Natl. Blacksea For. Con., 2: 696-706.
  29. Menemencioglu, K. and N. Oner, 2002. Scrutining the suitability of forest road network plan of Ilgaz-Yenice forest district to selection exploitation. II. Natl Blacksea For. Con., 1: 375-380.
  30. Simsek, Z. and N. Oner, 2001. The effects of herbal plants growth in green belt planted in Kizilirmak (Cankiri), on the natural enemies of cereals main harmful Eurygaster spp. and Aelia spp. Nature Men, 4: 24-29.
  31. Simsek, Z. and N. Oner, 2001. Providing suitable ecological conditions for egg parasitoids (Trissolcus grandis Thomson) of cereals main harmful Eurygaster spp. and Aelia spp. by establishing green belt in Kizilirmak (Cankiri). Harran Uni. J. Fac. Agric., 5: 59-69.
  32. Oner, N. and G. Abay, 2001. On a research stand constitutions of Hippophae rhamnides L. Between Indag (Ilgaz-Cankiri) and Diphan (Kastamonu). Nature and Men, 4: 10-14.