Dr. Bontha Veerraju Babu
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Dr. Bontha Veerraju Babu

Research Scientist
Indian Council of Medical Research, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Anthropology from Andhra University, India

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Dr. Bontha Veerraju Babu is currently working as Scientist-F at Indian Council of Medical Research, India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Andhra University, India. His main area of interest related to Biomedical Sciences, and Social Sciences. His area of expertise includes Medical Anthropology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Lymphatic Filariasis, Domestic Violence, Health Services, Maternal Health, Migration, Rapid Assessments, Ethnography, Qualitative Research, Health Promotion, and Evaluation. He has published 124 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Social Sciences
Medical Anthropology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Mishra, S., Y.S. Kusuma and B.V. Babu, 2015. Migration and health-care access: Barriers to access government health services by migrant tribal community living in an eastern Indian city. Int. J. Med. Sci. Public Health, 4: 101-108.
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  2. The Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases Collaboration, 2014. Cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and diabetes mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors from 1980 to 2010: A comparative risk assessment. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol., 2: 634-647.
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  3. Mishra, S., Y.S. Kusuma and B.V. Babu, 2014. Pluralistic care and therapeutic itineraries among a migrant tribal community in an Eastern Indian city. J. Anthropol. Soc. Oxford, 6: 61-78.
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  4. Kusuma, Y.S., C.S. Pandav and B.V. Babu, 2014. Socio-demographic profile of socioeconomically disadvantaged migrants in Delhi. J. Identity Migration Stud., 8: 37-50.
  5. Babu, B.V. and G.R. Babu, 2014. Coverage of and compliance with, mass drug administration under the programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in India: A systematic review. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 108: 538-549.
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  6. Mishra, S., Y.S. Kusuma and B.V. Babu, 2013. Immunization uptake among children of a migrant tribal community living in an Eastern Indian city. J. Pediatric Sci., Vol. 5. .
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  7. Mishra, S., Y.S. Kusuma and B.V. Babu, 2013. Concepts of health and illness: Continuity and change among migrant tribal community in an Eastern Indian city. Anthropol. Notebooks, 19: 61-69.
  8. Danaei, G., G.M. Singh, C.J. Paciorek, J.K. Lin and M.J. Cowan et al., 2013. The global cardiovascular risk transition associations of four metabolic risk factors with national income, urbanization and western diet in 1980 and 2008. Circulation, 127: 1493-1502.
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  9. Mishra, S., D.K. Behera, B.V. Babu and Y.S. Kusuma, 2012. Encounters with Talsa: Worship and healing practices for measles among a rural-urban migrant Santal tribal community in Orissa, India. Mankind Q., 52: 311-322.
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  10. Mishra, S., D.K. Behera and B.V. Babu, 2012. Socialization and gender-bias at household level among school-going girl children in a tribal community of Kalahandi district of Eastern India. Anthropol. Notebooks, 18: 45-53.
  11. Babu, B.V. and S.K. Kar, 2012. Abuse against women in pregnancy: A population-based retrospective cross-sectional study from Eastern India. WHO South East Asia J. Public Health, 1: 133-143.
  12. Varma, G.R., Y.S. Kusuma and B.V. Babu, 2011. Antenatal care service utilization in tribal and rural areas in a South Indian district: An evaluation through mixed methods approach. J. Egypt. Public Health Assoc., 86: 11-15.
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  13. Kusuma, Y.S. and B.V. Babu, 2011. An ethnographic note on khondh, a primitive tribe and valmiki, an acculturizing tribe from Andhra Pradesh, India. Antrocom-Online J. Anthropol., 7: 263-270.
  14. Finucane, M.M., G.A. Stevens, M.J. Cowan, G. Danaei and J.K. Lin et al., 2011. National, regional and global trends in body-mass index since 1980: Systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 960 country-years and 9.1 million participants. Lancet, 377: 557-567.
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  15. Danaei, G., M.M. Finucane, J.K. Lin, G.M. Singh and C.J. Paciorek et al., 2011. National, regional and global trends in systolic blood pressure since 1980: Systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 786 country-years and 5.4 million participants. Lancet, 377: 568-577.
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  16. Babu, G.R. and B.V. Babu, 2011. Dowry deaths: A neglected public health issue in India. Int. Health, 3: 35-43.
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  17. Varma, G.R., Y.S. Kusuma and B.V. Babu, 2010. Health-related quality of life of elderly living in the rural community and homes for the elderly in a district of India. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 43: 259-263.
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  18. Babu, B.V., B.K. Swain, S. Mishra and S.K. Kar, 2010. Primary healthcare services among a migrant indigenous population living in an eastern Indian city. J. Immigrant Minority Health, 12: 53-59.
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  19. Babu, B.V., 2010. A qualitative study on the problem of adverse reactions following mass treatment for lymphatic filariasis in Orissa, India. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Med., 3: 55-58.
  20. Babu, B.V. and S.K. Kar, 2010. Domestic violence in Eastern India: Factors associated with victimization and perpetration. Public Health, 124: 136-148.
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  21. Varma, G.R., P.S.V. Bhavani, S. Mishra and B.V. Babu, 2009. Gender bias in utilization of healthcare among rural and tribal children of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. South Asian Anthropol., 9: 165-168.
  22. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2009. Association of alcohol consumption and blood pressure in some low socioeconomic groups from Andhra Pradesh, India. Collegium Antropologicum, 33: 417-422.
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  23. Kerketta, A.S., G. Bulliyya, B.V. Babu, S.S. Mohapatra and R.N. Nayak, 2009. Health status of the elderly population among four primitive tribes of Orissa, India: A clinico-epidemiological study. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 42: 53-59.
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  24. Kerketta, A.S., B.V. Babu, S.S.S. Mohapatra and S.K. Kar, 2009. Lymphatic filariasis among children in Orissa. Indian Pediatrics, 46: 261-261.
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  25. Kerketta, A.S. and B.V. Babu, 2009. Clinicians' attitude on mass drug administration under the program to eliminate lymphatic filariasis: A qualitative study from Orissa, India. Asia Pac. J. Public Health, 21: 112-117.
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  26. Babu, B.V., S. Mishra and A.N. Nayak, 2009. Marriage, sex and hydrocele: An ethnographic study on the effect of filarial hydrocele on conjugal life and marriageability from Orissa, India. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., Vol. 3. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000414.
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  27. Babu, B.V. and S.K. Kar, 2009. Domestic violence against women in Eastern India: A population-based study on prevalence and related issues. BMC Public Health, Vol. 9. 10.1186/1471-2458-9-129.
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  28. Swain, B.K., S. Mishra, B.V. Babu and S.K. Kar, 2008. Maternal healthcare services among the migrant tribal community in slums of Bhubaneswar city, Orissa. South Asian Anthropol., 8: 129-134.
  29. Mishra, S., B.K. Swain and B.V. Babu, 2008. Sexual risk behaviour, knowledge and attitude related to HIV transmission: A study among a migrant tribal group living in the slums of Bhubaneswar City, Orissa, India. J. Public Health, 16: 331-337.
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  30. Mishra, S., B.K. Swain and B.V. Babu, 2008. Sexual risk behaviour among migrant tribals living in urban slums of an eastern Indian city: Implications on the spread of HIV. Collegium Antropologicum, 32: 1-4.
  31. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2008. Chronic energy deficiency in some low socio-economic populations from South India: Relationships between body mass index, waist-hip ratio and conicity index. HOMO-J. Comp. Hum. Biol., 59: 67-79.
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  32. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2008. Association of tobacco smoking and blood pressure in some low socioeconomic groups from Andhra Pradesh, India. High Blood Pressure Cardiovasc. Prev., 15: 29-34.
  33. Babu, B.V. and S. Mishra, 2008. Mass drug administration under the programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in Orissa, India: A mixed-methods study to identify factors associated with compliance and non-compliance. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 102: 1207-1213.
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  34. Varma, G.R. and B.V. Babu, 2007. Son preference and desired family size in a rural community of west Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Social Sci., 15: 59-64.
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  35. Varma, G.R. and B.V. Babu, 2007. Contraceptive services by district health system in tribal and rural Areas of Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Health Manage., 9: 399-419.
  36. Rath, K., A.N. Nayak and B.V. Babu, 2007. Community's knowledge and perceptions about filarial elephantiasis and hydrocele in coastal Orissa, India. Asia Pac. J. Public Health, 19: 28-33.
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  37. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2007. Chronic energy deficiency and relationships of body mass index with waist hip ratio and conicity index in some low socio-economic groups from South India. Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis., 17: e3-e4.
  38. Kerketta, A.S., B.V. Babu and B.K. Swain, 2007. Clinicians' practices related to management of filarial adenolymphangitis and lymphoedema in Orissa, India. Acta Tropica, 102: 159-164.
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  39. Babu, B.V., S. Mishra, S. Mishra and B.K. Swain, 2007. Personal-protection measures against mosquitoes: A study of practices and costs in a district, in the Indian state of Orissa, where malaria and lymphatic filariasis are co-endemic. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 101: 601-609.
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  40. Babu, B.V., G.R. Varma, A.N. Nayak and K. Rath, 2007. Utilisation of primary healthcare services: Experiences and perceptions of rural community of East Godavari district, South India. Indian J. Social Work, 68: 236-247.
  41. Babu, B.V., A.N. Nayak and A.S. Kerketta, 2007. A survey on foot care practices among filarial lymphoedema patients in Orissa, India. Trop. Biomed., 24: 7-14.
  42. Rath, K., N. Nath, M. Shaloumy, B.K. Swain, M. Suchismita and B.V. Babu, 2006. Knowledge and perceptions about lymphatic filariasis: A study during the programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in an urban community of Orissa, India. Trop. Biomed., 23: 156-162.
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  43. Babu, B.V., K. Rath, A.S. Kerketta, B.K. Swain, S. Mishra and S.K. Kar, 2006. Adverse reactions following mass drug administration during the programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in Orissa state, India. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 100: 464-469.
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  44. Babu, B.V., D.K. Behera, A.S. Kerketta, S. Mishra and K. Rath et al., 2006. Use of an inclusive-partnership strategy in urban areas of Orissa, India, to increase compliance in a mass drug administration for the control of lymphatic filariasis. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 100: 621-630.
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  45. Babu, B.V., B.K. Swain and K. Rath, 2006. Impact of chronic lymphatic filariasis on quantity and quality of productive work among weavers in an endemic village from India. Trop. Med. Int. Health, 11: 712-717.
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  46. Babu, B.V., A.N. Nayak, K. Rath and A.S. Kerketta, 2006. Use of the dermatology life quality index in filarial lymphoedema patients. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 100: 258-263.
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  47. Rath, K., B.K. Swain, S. Mishra, T. Patasahani, A.S. Kerketta and B.V. Babu, 2005. Peripheral health workers knowledge and practices related to filarial lymphedema care: A study in an endemic district of Orissa, India. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 72: 430-433.
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  48. Kerketta, A.S., B.V. Babu, K. Rath, P.K. Jangid, A.N. Nayak and S.K. Kar, 2005. A randomized clinical trial to compare the efficacy of three treatment regimens along with footcare in the morbidity management of filarial lymphoedema. Trop. Med. Int. Health, 10: 698-705.
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  49. Das, D., S. Kumar, A.P. Dash and B.V. Babu, 2005. Knowledge of lymphatic filariasis among the population of an endemic area in rural Madhya Pradesh, India. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 99: 101-104.
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  50. Babu, B.V., A.N. Nayak and K. Dhal, 2005. Epidemiology of episodic adenolymphangitis: A longitudinal prospective surveillance among a rural community endemic for bancroftian filariasis in coastal Orissa, India. BMC Public Health, Vol. 5. 10.1186/1471-2458-5-50.
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  51. Babu, B.V., 2005. A rapid method to assess the coverage of mass drug administration of diethylcarbamazine in the programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in India. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health, 36: 44-45.
  52. Nayak, A.N. and B.V. Babu, 2004. Recording and reporting process of health information by the health system: A study from Khurda district of Orissa, India. J. Hum. Ecol., 15: 295-297.
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  53. Babu, B.V., R.K. Hazra, G.P. Chhotray and K. Satyanarayana, 2004. Knowledge and beliefs about elephantiasis and hydrocele of lymphatic filariasis and some socio-demographic determinants in an endemic community of Eastern India. Public Health, 118: 121-127.
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  54. Babu, B.V. and S.K. Kar, 2004. Coverage, compliance and some operational issues of mass drug administration during the programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in Orissa, India. Trop. Med. Int. Health, 9: 702-709.
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  55. Babu, B.V. and N. Nath, 2004. The programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in Orissa, India: The attitudes of some programme partners. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 98: 751-756.
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  56. Nayak, A.N. and B.V. Babu, 2003. Tribal health problems: An anthropological appraisal. Man India, 83: 301-313.
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  57. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2003. Prevalence of hypertension in some cross-cultural populations of Visakhapatnam district, South India. Ethnicity Dis., 14: 250-259.
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  58. Babu, B.V. and K. Satyanarayana, 2003. Peripheral health workers' knowledge of lymphatic filariasis and its control in an endemic area of Eastern India: Implications on control programme. Trop. Doctor, 33: 41-42.
  59. Babu, B.V. and K. Satyanarayana, 2003. Factors responsible for coverage and compliance in mass drug administration during the programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in the East Godavari District, South India. Trop. Doctor, 33: 79-82.
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  60. Babu, B.V. and A.N. Nayak, 2003. Treatment costs and work time loss due to episodic adenolymphangitis in lymphatic filariasis patients in rural communities of Orissa, India. Trop. Med. Int. Health, 8: 1102-1109.
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  61. Babu, B.V. and A.N. Nayak, 2003. Footcare among lymphoedema patients attending a filariasis clinic in South India: A study of knowledge and practice. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 97: 321-324.
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  62. Varma, G.R., P.S.V. Bhavani, A. Rohini and B.V. Babu, 2002. Birth spacing among rural population of West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. Anthropologist, 4: 265-268.
  63. Nayak, A.N., P.K. Jangid, A.S. Acharya and B.V. Babu, 2002. Lymphatic filariasis, household environment and human behaviour: A study among the rural population of coastal Orissa. J. Hum. Ecol., 13: 283-286.
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  64. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2002. Finger ridge count correlations among four tribes of Andhra Pradesh, India. Collegium Antropologicum, 26: 319-323.
  65. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2002. Blood pressure levels among cross-cultural populations of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Ann. Hum. Biol., 29: 502-512.
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  66. Kar, S.K., V.L.N. Dash and B.V. Babu, 2002. Nutritional plight of Orissa: An overview. Man India, 82: 143-154.
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  67. Babu, B.V., B.L.K. Leela and Y.S. Kusuma, 2002. Sickle cell disease among tribes of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, India. Anthropologischer Anzieger, 60: 169-174.
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  68. Babu, B.V., A.N. Nayak, K. Dhal, A.S. Acharya, P.K. Jangid and G. Mallick, 2002. The economic loss due to treatment costs and work loss to individuals with chronic lymphatic filariasis in rural communities of Orissa, India. Acta Tropica, 82: 31-38.
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  69. Babu, B.V. and Y.S. Kusuma, 2002. Demographic structure and its implications among two breeding isolates of Mali Tribe from Andra Pradesh, India. Int. J. Anthropol., 17: 7-16.
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  70. Nayak, A.N., A.S. Acharya, P.K. Jangid, K. Dhal and B.V. Babu, 2001. Lymphatic filariasis related knowledge and beliefs among diseased and normal people in rural coastal Orissa, India. Trop. Biomed., 18: 97-102.
  71. Nayak, A.N. and B.V. Babu, 2001. Utilisation of services related to safe motherhood among the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes of Orissa: An overview. South Asian Anthropol., 1: 117-122.
  72. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2001. Group-and sex-specific effects of age, body composition and pulse rate on blood pressure variability in some cross-cultural populations of Visakhapatnam District, South India. J. Cardiovasc. Risk, 8: 337-347.
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  73. Kusuma, Y.S., B.V. Babu and J.M. Naidu, 2001. Asymmetry of finger ridge countsamong four tribal populations of Andhra Pradesh, India. HOMO-J. Comp. Hum. Biol., 52: 110-116.
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  74. Babu, B.V., G.P. Chhotray, R.K. Hazra and K. Satyanarayana, 2001. Community perception of a district health system. J. Health Manage., 3: 1-13.
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  75. Babu, B.V., C. Parvatheesam, G. Sudhakar and M.C. Babu, 2001. Genetic affinities of AB0 and Rh blood groups among populations of Andhra Pradesh, India: 2. Tribes. Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Anthropologie, 83: 109-116.
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  76. Babu, B.V., A.S. Acharya, G. Mallick, P.K. Jangid, A.N. Nayak and K. Satyanarayana, 2001. Lymphatic filariasis in Khurda district of Orissa, India: An epidemiological study. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health, 32: 240-243.
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