Dr. Rudra Prakash   Maheshwari
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Dr. Rudra Prakash Maheshwari

Research Director
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Roorkee, India

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Dr. Rudra Prakash Maheshwari holds a position of Director at Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, India. He has completed his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Roorkee, India. His main area of interest focuses on Electrical Engineering, His area of expertise includes Power System, Transmission Lines, and Protection, Image processing, Relay, Digital Signal Processing, and Transformer. He is author and co-author of 155 publications in journals.

Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Power System
Transmission Lines
Image Processing

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Vyas, B.Y., R.P. Maheshwari and B. Das, 2014. Improved fault analysis technique for protection of Thyristor controlled series compensated transmission line. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., 55: 321-330.
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  2. Vyas, B., R.P. Maheshwari and B. Das, 2014. Protection of series compensated transmission line: Issues and state of art. Electr. Power Syst. Res., 107: 93-108.
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  3. Vyas, B., R.P. Maheshwari and B. Das, 2014. Investigation for improved artificial intelligence techniques for thyristor-controlled series-compensated transmission line fault classification with discrete wavelet packet entropy measures. Electr. Power Components Syst., 42: 554-566.
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  4. Vyas, B., R.P. Maheshwari and B. Das, 2014. Evaluation of artificial intelligence techniques for fault type identification in advanced series compensated transmission lines. IETE J. Res., 60: 85-91.
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  5. Vyas, B., B. Das and R.P. Maheshwari, 2014. An improved scheme for identifying fault zone in a series compensated transmission line using undecimated wavelet transform and chebyshev neural network. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., 63: 760-768.
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  6. Nirala, N. and M. Tripathy, 2014. Transformer differential protection based on wavelet and neural network. Int. J. Electr. Electr. Eng., 7: 685-695.
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  7. Chauhan, N., M. Tripathy and R.P. Maheshwari, 2014. Performance evaluation of mho and quadrilateral characteristic relay on upfc incorporated transmission line. Int. J. Electr. Electr. Eng., 7: 827-835.
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  8. Aziz, K., M. Tripathy and R.P. Maheshwari, 2014. Loss of field protection of synchronous generator using SVM. Int. J. Electr. Electr. Eng., 7: 649-656.
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  9. Subrahmanyam, M., Q.J. Wu, R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2013. Modified color motif co-occurrence matrix for image indexing and retrieval. Comput. Electr. Eng., 39: 762-774.
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  10. Gonde, A.B., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2013. Modified curvelet transform with vocabulary tree for content based image retrieval. Digital Signal Processing, 23: 142-150.
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  11. Biswal, G.R., R.P. Maheshwari and M.L. Dewal, 2013. Cool the generators: System reliability and fault tree analysis of hydrogen cooling systems. Ind. Electr. Mag., 7: 30-40.
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  12. Biswal, G.R., 2013. Importance of reliable feed-water control in igcc power plants. Cooling India, 9: 78-83.
  13. Biswal, G.R. and M.L. Dewal, 2013. Role of reliable cooling system in combined cycle power plant towards green energy. Electr. India, 53: 94-100.
  14. Biswal, G.R. and M.L. Dewal, 2013. Integrated supply of hydrogen as transporter of future green energy. Int. J. Sustainable Energy Dev., 2: 81-87.
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  15. Subrahmanyam, M., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2012. Local maximum edge binary patterns: A new descriptor for image retrieval and object tracking. Signal Proc., 92: 1467-1479.
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  16. Subrahmanyam, M., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2012. Expert system design using wavelet and color vocabulary trees for image retrieval. Expert Syst. Applic., 39: 5104-5114.
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  17. Murala, S., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2012. Multiresolution LBP correlogram for texture image indexing and retrieval. Adv. Mater. Res., 403: 908-914.
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  18. Murala, S., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2012. Local tetra patterns: A new feature descriptor for content-based image retrieval. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 21: 2874-2886.
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  19. Murala, S., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2012. Directional local extrema patterns: A new descriptor for content based image retrieval. Int. J. Multimedia Inform. Retrieval, 1: 191-203.
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  20. Murala, S., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2012. Directional binary wavelet patterns for biomedical image indexing and retrieval. J. Med. Syst., 36: 2865-2879.
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  21. Biswal, G.R., R.P. Maheshwari and M.L. Dewal, 2012. System reliability and fault tree analysis of SeSHRS-based augmentation of hydrogen: Dedicated for combined cycle power plants. IEEE Syst. J., 6: 647-656.
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  22. Biswal, G.R., R.P. Maheshwari and M.L. Dewal, 2012. Modeling, control and monitoring of-based hydrogen cooling system in thermal power plant. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electr., 59: 562-570.
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  23. Biswal, G.R., R.P. Maheshwari and M.L. Dewal, 2012. Dynamic process control and monitoring of novel S 3 RS based hydrogen cooling system. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., 43: 162-172.
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  24. Arvind, P. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2012. A gabor filter based approach for locating faults in distribution. Adv. Mater. Res., 403: 5007-5014.
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  25. Agarwal, M. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2012. A trous gradient structure descriptor for content based image retrieval. Int. J. Multimedia Inform. Retrieval, 1: 129-138.
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  26. Subrahmanyam, M., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2011. A correlogram algorithm for image indexing and retrieval using wavelet and rotated wavelet filters. Int. J. Signal Imaging Syst. Eng., 4: 27-34.
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  27. Murala, S., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2011. A relevance feedback-based learner for image retrieval using SIFT descriptors. Int. J. Computational Vision Robotics, 2: 99-114.
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  28. Biswal, G.R., R.P. Maheshwari and M.L. Dewal, 2011. Computerised control and instrumentation of hydrogen cooling system in generating sections of power stations: Uninterrupted feeding of hydrogen. Int. J. Inform. Commun. Technol., 3: 195-208.
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  29. Bhalja, B. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2011. A new fault detection, classification and location scheme for transmission line. Int. J. Power Energy Conversion, 2: 353-364.
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  30. Arvind, P., 2011. FCM and statistical based approach for classification and location of faults in electrical distribution. Int. J. Power Syst. Operation Energy Manage., 1: 64-68.
  31. Tripathy, M., R.P. Maheshwari and H.K. Verma,q 2010. Power transformer differential protection based on optimal probabilistic neural network. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 25: 102-112.
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  32. Tripathy, M., R. Maheshwari and H. Verma, 2010. Improved transformer protection using probabilistic neural network and power differential method. Int. J. Eng. Sci. Technol., 2: 29-44.
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  33. Subrahmanyam, M., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2010. Sign and magnitude of local patterns for image indexing and retrieval. Int. J. Comput. Vision Robotics, 1: 279-296.
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  34. Rajoriya, D.K., R.S. Anand and R.P. Maheshwari, 2010. Spoken Hindi paired word recognition using probabilistic neural network. J. Acoustical Soc. Am., 127: 2042-2042.
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  35. Rajoriya, D.K., R.S. Anand and R.P. Maheshwari, 2010. Hindi paired word recognition using probabilistic neural network. Int. J. Comput. Intell. Stud., 1: 291-308.
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  36. Parikh, U.B., B. Das and R. Maheshwari, 2010. Fault classification technique for series compensated transmission line using support vector machine. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., 32: 629-636.
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  37. Gonde, A.B., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2010. Content-Based Image Retrieval using colour feature and colour bit planes. Int. J. Signal Imaging Syst. Eng., 3: 105-115.
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  38. Gonde, A.B., R.P. Maheshwari and R. Balasubramanian, 2010. A new feature for image retrieval using atrous wavelet transform and textons. Int. J. Comput. Vision Robotics, 1: 261-278.
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  39. Bhalja, B., R.P. Maheshwari and N.G. Chothani, 2010. A review on busbar protection philosophy: Past, present and future. J. Inst. Eng. India, 91: 1-16.
  40. Agarwal, M. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2010. HOG feature and vocabulary tree for content-based image retrieval. Int. J. Signal Imaging Syst. Eng., 3: 246-254.
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  41. Bhalja, B., R.P. Maheshwari, S. Nema and H.K. Verma, 2009. Neuro-fuzzy-based scheme for stator winding protection of synchronous generator. Electr. Power Components Syst., 37: 560-576.
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  42. Bhalja, B., R.P. Maheshwari, B.A. Oza and P.H. Shah, 2009. Development of a new over-current/under-current relay testing kit. Electr. Power Components Syst., 37: 1208-1218.
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  43. Bhalja, B., R.P. Maheshwari and U.B. Parikh, 2009. A new digital relaying scheme for parallel transmission line. Int. J. Emerging Electr. Power Syst., Vol. 10. 10.2202/1553-779X.2089.
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  44. Bhalja, B., 2009. Modeling, simulation and analysis of thyristorized locomotives for 25 kV AC railway traction system-OHE protection considerations. J. Inst. Eng. India, 90: 40-45.
  45. Bhalja, B. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2009. Wavelet-based relaying scheme for tapped transmission line. Electr. Power Components Syst., 37: 879-893.
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  46. Tripathy, M., R.P. Maheshwari and H.K. Verma, 2008. Neuro-fuzzy technique for power transformer protection. Electr. Power Components Syst., 36: 299-316.
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  47. Parikh, U.B., B. Das and R.P. Maheshwari, 2008. Combined wavelet-SVM technique for fault zone detection in a series compensated transmission line. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 23: 1789-1794.
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  48. Bhalja, B., 2008. Digital protection of power transformers: Issues and trends. Electr. India, 48: 56-62.
  49. Bhalja, B., 2008. Challenges in line protection philosophies. Electr. India, 48: 58-64.
  50. Bhalja, B. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2008. Wavelet-based fault classification scheme for a transmission line using a support vector machine. Electr. Power Components Syst., 36: 1017-1030.
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  51. Bhalja, B. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2008. New differential protection scheme for tapped transmission line. IET Generation Trans. Distribution, 2: 271-279.
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  52. Parikh, U.B., B.R. Bhalja, R.P. Maheshwari and B. Das, 2007. Decision tree based fault classification scheme for protection of series compensated transmission lines. Int. J. Emerging Electr. Power Syst., Vol. 8. 10.2202/1553-779X.1630.
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  53. Birla, D., R.P. Maheshwari and H.O. Gupta, 2007. An approach to tackle the threat of sympathy trips in directional overcurrent relay coordination. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 22: 851-858.
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  54. Bhalja, B.R. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2007. High-resistance faults on two terminal parallel transmission line: Analysis, simulation studies and an adaptive distance relaying scheme. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 22: 801-812.
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  55. Bhalja, B., 2007. Stator earth fault protection for generator. Electr. India, 47: 120-138.
  56. Bhalja, B., 2007. Protection philosophies: Past present and future. Electr. India, 47: 30-38.
  57. Bhalja, B. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2007. Percentage differential protection of double-circuit line using wavelet transform. Electr. Power Components Syst., 35: 945-954.
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  58. Bhalja, B. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2007. An adaptive distance relaying scheme using radial basis function neural network. Electr. Power Components Syst., 35: 245-259.
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  59. Deep, K., D. Birlar, R.P. Maheshwari, H.O. Gupta and M. Thakur, 2006. A population based heuristic algorithm for optimal relay operating times. World J. Modell. Simulation, 2: 167-176.
  60. Birla, D., R.P. Maheshwari, H.O. Gupta, K. Deep and M. Thakur, 2006. Application of random search technique in directional overcurrent relay coordination. Int. J. Emerging Electric Power Syst., Vol. 7. 10.2202/1553-779X.1271.
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  61. Bhalja, B., 2006. Protection of double-circuit line using wavelet transform. J. Inst. Eng India, 87: 67-70.
  62. Bhalja, B. and R.P. Maheshwari, 2006. Trends in adaptive distance protection of multiterminal and double-circuit lines. Electric Power Components Syst., 34: 603-617.
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  63. Tripathy, M., R.P. Maheshwari and H.K. Verma, 2005. Advances in transformer protection: A review. Electr. Power Components Syst., 33: 1203-1209.
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