Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi
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Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi

Research Director
Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, India

Highest Degree
M.D. in Ayurveda from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi is MD in Ayurvedic Medicine from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi with an exceptional carrier. He additionally posses a diploma in Yoga, a certification in Acupuncture from China, a PG diploma in Health and Hospital Management from IGNOU and an entitlement for Green Health Care (GHC) Leadership from Teleosis institute, USA. After working as Consultant of Ayurvedic Medicine at many Prestigious Hospitals in India including Marvari Hindu Hospital, Varanasi and HRKD hospital, Lucknow, and working as Associate Professor and Head, Department of Pancha Karma, State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow, India currently he is working as Director, Rashtreeya Ayurveda Vidhyapith, an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Dr. Rastogi is widely known for his exemplary writings appearing regularly at various national and international journals. Seriously engaged in the reform of Ayurveda on contemporary understandings, he is helping spread of Ayurveda globally through his writings, consultations and lectures. In recognition to his work, he is awarded with a Chinese Govt. fellowship in 1998, Luisa Kreisberg Family Foundation Scholarship 2008 from Teleosis Institute, California, Consumer Wellness Center Nutritional Grant Award consecutively for 2 years in 2008 and 2009 from CWC, Arizona, USA and Robert Bosch foundation sponsorship to attend CAM summer school in Potsdam, Germany in 2010. Dr. Rastogi is getting published regularly at national and international scientific journals, national newspapers and health magazines. Apart from over 50 published research papers, he is also credited for authoring and editing over 9 books and many chapter contributions to few international publications (Springer, Nova). He is on editorial boards of many national and international journals related to Ayurveda and alternative medicine and senior editor to Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine a peer reviewed quarterly journal published by Association of Ayurvedic Physicians of India (AAPI).

Area of Interest:

Complementary Medicine
Alternative Medicine
Ayurvedic Medicine
Medical Research

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Rastogi, S., 2015. Deducing the conventional biomedical therapy to Ayurvedic fundamentals. Tang J. Humanita Tang., 5: 44-47.
  2. Rastogi, S., 2015. Comparative Effectiveness Research: Appropriating the Benefits to Traditional Health Care Referring Ayurveda. In: Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER): New Methods, Challenges and Health Implications, Chiappelli, F. (Ed.)., NOVA Publishers, Hauppauge, New York.
  3. Rastogi, S. and P. Chaudhari, 2015. Ayurvedic management of achalasia. J. Ayurveda Integrat. Med., 6: 41-47.
  4. Rastogi, S., 2014. Rehabilitative potential of Ayurveda for neurological deficits caused by traumatic spinal cord injury. J. Ayurveda Integrat. Med., 5: 56-59.
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  5. Rastogi, S., 2014. From Book to Bedside: Challenges of Translating Ayurvedic Science of Food and Nutrition for the Common Benefits. In: Ayurvedic Science of Food and Nutrition, Rastogi, S. (Ed.). Springer, New York.
  6. Rastogi, S., 2014. Ayurvedic Principles of Food and Nutrition: Translating the Theory into Evidence Based Practice. In: Ayurvedic Science of Food and Nutrition, Rastogi, S. (Eds.). Springer, New York.
  7. Rastogi, S. and P. Chaudhari, 2014. Pigment reduction in nevus of Ota following leech therapy. J. Ayurveda Integrat. Med., 5: 125-128.
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  8. Rastogi, S. and P. Chaudhari, 2014. Convalescent Food Practices in Ayurveda. In: Ayurvedic Science of Food and Nutrition, Rastogi, S. (Ed.). Springer, New York.
  9. Rastogi, S. and P. Chaudhari, 2014. Ayurvedic understanding to cardiovascular diseases and prevention. J. Prevent. Cardiol., 4: 685-724.
  10. Rastogi, S., 2013. Food can be your Rasayana: Advantages of choosing what you eat. Light Ayurveda J., 11: 35-38.
  11. Rastogi, S., 2013. Ayurvedic Science of Food and Nutrition. Springer, New York.
  12. Rastogi, S., 2013. Ayurvedic PG education and Panchakarma. Ayu, 34: 129-130.
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  13. Rastogi, S. and F. Chiappelli, 2013. Hemodynamic effects of Sarvanga Swedana (Ayurvedic passive heat therapy): A pilot observational study. Ayu, 34: 154-159.
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  14. Singh, R.H. and S. Rastogi, 2012. Rasayana Therapy and Rejuvenation. In: Evidence Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Protocols, Pitfall and Potential in Ayurveda, Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani and R.H. Singh (Eds.). Springer, Hardcover.
  15. Rastogi, S., R. Rastogi and P.S. Srivastav, 2012. Ayurvedic Approach to Cardiovascular Diseases: Delineating the Literary and Clinical Evidences. In: Evidence Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Protocols, Pitfall and Potential in Ayurveda, Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani and R.H. Singh (Eds.). Springer, Hardcover.
  16. Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani and R.H. Singh, 2012. Evidence-Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Perspectives, Protocols, Problems and Potential in Ayurveda. Springer, London, New York, ISBN: 9783642245657, Pages: 254.
  17. Rastogi, S., 2012. Towards patient-centred care: Inter-system cross referencing may help optimising the vision of "health for all". Asian Bioethics Rev., 4: 127-131.
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  18. Rastogi, S., 2012. Toward Evidence-Based Ayurveda: Extrapolating the Challenges in Current Decade. In: Evidence Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Protocols, Pitfall and Potential in Ayurveda, Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani and R.H. Singh (Eds.). Springer, Hardcover.
  19. Rastogi, S., 2012. Gut and Joint Interconnections: A Reappraisal to Ayurvedic Understanding of Joint Diseases. In: Evidence Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Protocols, Pitfall and Potential in Ayurveda, Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani, R.H. Singh (Eds.). Springer, Hardcover.
  20. Rastogi, S., 2012. Development and validation of a Prototype Prakriti Analysis Tool (PPAT): Inferences from a pilot study. Ayu, 33: 209-218.
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  21. Rastogi, S., 2012. Counting the strengths and countering the weaknesses: Applying SWOT analysis into AYUSH for its better appreciation and application. Ann. Ayurvedic Med., 1: 7-14.
  22. Rastogi, S., 2012. Prakriti Analysis in Ayurveda: Reappraising the Need of Better Diagnostic Tools. In: Evidence Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine :Protocols, Pitfall and Potential in Ayurveda, Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani and R.H. Singh (Eds.). Springer, Hardcover, pp: 99-112.
  23. Rastogi, S. and R.H. Singh, 2012. Transforming Ayurveda: Stepping into the Realm of Evidence-Based Practice. In: Evidence Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Protocols, Pitfall and Potential in Ayurveda, Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani, R.H. Singh (Eds.). Springer, Hardcover.
  24. Rastogi, S. and R. Rastogi, 2012. Ayurvedic intervention in metastatic liver disease. J. Alternat. Complement. Med., 18: 719-722.
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  25. Rastogi, S., R. Rastogi, D. Rastogi, R. Rastogi, G. Singh and F. Chiappelli, 2011. Evaluating the impact of a pragmatic nutrition awareness program for expectant mothers upon birth weight of the newborn. Evidence-Based Complement. Alternat. Med., Vol. 2011. .
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  26. Rastogi, S., F. Chiappelli, M.H. Ramchandani and R.H. Singh, 2011. Global Warming in the 21st Century: Propositions from Ayurveda. In: Global Warming in 21st Century, Cossia, J.M. (Ed.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp: 143-163.
  27. Rastogi, S., 2011. Why and how? Addressing to the two most pertinent questions about pharmacovigilance in Ayurveda. Int. J. Ayurveda Res., 2: 48-52.
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  28. Rastogi, S., 2011. Panchakarma: Exploring through evidences. Light Ayurveda J., 9: 19-25.
  29. Rastogi, S., 2011. Effectiveness, safety and standard of service delivery: A patient-based survey at a pancha karma therapy unit in a secondary care Ayurvedic hospital. J. Ayurveda Integrat. Med., 2: 197-204.
  30. Rastogi, S., 2011. Ayurvedic pediatrics: Defining goals. Light Ayurveda J., 10: 14-15.
  31. Rastogi, S., 2011. A review of Aconite (Vatsanabha) usage in Ayurvedic formulations: Traditional views and their inferences. Spatula DD-Peer Rev. J. Complement. Med. Drug Discovery, 1: 233-244.
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  32. Rastogi, S. and P.S. Srivastav, 2011. Ayurveda in critical care: Illustrating Ayurvedic intervention in a case of hepatic encephalopathy. Ayu, 32: 345-348.
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  33. Rastogi, S., 2010. Management of migraine without aura through Ayurveda: A case report. Integrat. Med.: Clin. J., 9: 32-33.
  34. Rastogi, S., 2010. Identifying attitudes about drug safety: A sample survey of Ayurvedic physicians. Int. J. Risk Safety Med., 22: 93-101.
  35. Rastogi, S., 2010. Global challenges of graduate level Ayurvedic education. Int. J. Ayurveda Res., 1: 131-131.
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  36. Rastogi, S., 2010. Building bridges between Ayurveda and modern science. Int. J. Ayurveda Res., 1: 41-46.
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  37. Rastogi, S., 2010. Bringing evidence basis to Ayurvedic clinical practice: Applicability, problems and solutions. NETRUM News Lett., 3: 7-10.
  38. Rastogi, S., S. Chawla and R.P. Singh, 2009. Ayurvedic management of unilateral loss of vision following a blunt injury to eye: A case report. Complement. Health Pract. Rev. 10.1177/1533210109334655.
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  39. Rastogi, S., R. Rastogi and R. Rastogi, 2009. Standardization and simplification of physico-therapeutic procedures in Ayurveda and naturopathy: A preliminary study with Jala Neti. Indian J. Tradit. Knowledge, 8: 464-470.
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  40. Rastogi, S., 2009. Special features of rheumatoid arthritis in patients visiting an Eyurvedic hospital. J. New Approach. Med. Health, 17: 23-29.
  41. Rastogi, S., 2009. Poor quality and improper use: A review of common reasons of possible adversity in Ayurvedic practice. Int. J. Risk Safety Med., 21: 121-130.
  42. Rastogi, S., 2009. Management of tension-type headache with Ayurveda: A case series. Alternat. Complement. Ther., 15: 113-118.
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  43. Rastogi, S., 2009. Ayurveda for comprehensive health care. Indian J. Med. Ethics, 6: 101-102.
  44. Rastogi, S. and R.H. Singh, 2009. Development of diagnostic criteria for Amavata: Inferences from a clinical study. J. Res. Ayur. Siddha, 30: 1-10.
  45. Rastogi, S. and R. Rastogi, 2009. Symmetrical peripheral gangrene in postnatal period: A case report. Indian J. Clin. Pract., 19: 54-56.
  46. Rastogi, S., R. Rastogi and R. Ranjana, 2008. Managing rotator cuff injury: Can acupuncture adds increments to the current protocol? Inference from a case study. Geriatrics Aging, 11: 119-122.
  47. Rastogi, S., C. Hem and R. Rastogi, 2008. Practice of the Ayurvedic system of medicine: A pilot study. NAMAH., 15: 19-38.
  48. Rastogi, S., 2008. CAM management of Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease (PAOD): A case report. Complement. Health Pract. Rev., 13: 198-203.
  49. Rastogi, S., R.R. Ranjana and R. Rastogi, 2007. Jala Neti application in acute rhino sinusitis. Indian J. Tradit. Knowledge, 6: 324-327.
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  50. Rastogi, S., R. Rastogi and R.H. Singh, 2007. Adverse effects of Ayurvedic drugs: An overview of causes and possibilities in reference to a case of Vatsanabha (Aconite) overdosing. Int. J. Risk Safety Med., 19: 117-125.
  51. Rastogi, S., R. Rastogi and R.H. Singh, 2006. What are we losing by ignoring Eyurveda? NAMAH., 14: 26-29.
  52. Rastogi, S. and R. Rastogi, 2006. Acute low back pain: A clinical experience with acupuncture. Geriatrics Aging, 9: 290-291.
  53. Rastogi, S. and R. Rastogi, 2003. Psychotherapeutic approach to functional dyspepsia: A case report. Gastroenterol. Today, 7: 45-46.
  54. Rastogi, S., 2002. The management of osteonecrosis with acupuncture. J. Chinese Med., 70: 22-23.
  55. Rastogi, S. and R.H. Singh, 2002. A clinical study of the factors influencing therapeutic outcome in Rheumatoid arthritis. JRAS., 23: 10-19.
  56. Rastogi, S. and A. Alias, 2001. Treating post herpatic hypoesthesia with acupuncture: A case report. Neurosci. Today, 5: 112-113.