Dr. B. Elango
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Dr. B. Elango

Assistant Professor
Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from Bharathiar University, India

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Area of Interest:

Library and Information Science
Information Science
Publication Ethics

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Elango, B., S. Matilda, M.M.J. Mary and M.A. Pugazhendhi, 2022. Mapping the cybersecurity research: A scientometric analysis of Indian publications. J. Comput. Inf. Syst., 10.1080/08874417.2022.2058644.
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  2. Elango, B., 2022. Characteristics of retracted editorial articles in the biomedical literature. Scientometrics, 127: 1431-1438.
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  3. Elango, B., 2021. Retracted articles in the biomedical literature from Indian authors. Scientometrics, 126: 3965-3981.
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  4. Elango, B., M. Kozak and P. Rajendran, 2019. Analysis of retractions in Indian science. Scientometrics, 119: 1081-1094.
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  5. Elango, B., 2017. Scientometric analysis of nature nanotechnology. Library Hi Tech News, 34: 23-30.
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  6. Elango, B., 2017. Indian journals in JCR 2016. Curr. Sci., 112: 209-210.
  7. Elango, B., L. Bornmann and G. Kannan, 2016. Detecting the historical roots of tribology research: A bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 107: 305-313.
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  8. Elango, B., 2016. Uncitedness in scientific publications: A case study of tribology research. Srels J. Inf. Manage., 53: 293-296.
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  9. Elango, B., 2016. Counting the number of highly cited papers. Int. Res. J. Lib. Inf. Sci., 6: 528-532.
  10. Elango, B. and G. Kannan, 2016. Modern tribology research: Identification of seminal publications. MAYFEB J. Mech. Eng., 1: 1-5.
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  11. Elango, B., P. Rajendran and L. Bornmann, 2015. A scientometric analysis of international collaboration and growth of literature at the macro level. Malaysian J. Lib. Inf. Sci., 20: 41-50.
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  12. Elango, B. and P. Rajendran, 2015. Global tribology research output (1998-2012): A macro level scientometric study. J. Inf. Sci. Theory Pract., 3: 35-48.
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  13. Rajendran, P., B. Elango and J. Manickaraj, 2014. Publication trends and citation impact of tribology research in India: A scientometric study. J. Inf. Sci. Theory Pract., 2: 22-34.
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  14. Manickaraj, J., P. Rajendran and B. Elango, 2014. Research output on wireless communication (2001-2012): A scientometric study. J. Adv. Lib. Inf. Sci., 3: 126-130.
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  15. Elango, B., L. Bornmann and S. Shankar, 2014. Study of citation networks in tribology research. Collnet J. Scientometrics and Inf. Manage., 10: 71-96.
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  16. Rajendran, P., J. Manickaraj and B. Elango, 2013. Scientometric analysis of India's research output on wireless communication. J. Adv. Lib. Inf. Sci., 2: 105-111.
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  17. Elango, B., P. Rajendran and L. Bornmann, 2013. Global nanotribology research output (1996-2010): A scientometric analysis. Plos One, Vol. 8. 10.1371/journal.pone.0081094.
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  18. Elango, B., P. Rajendran and J. Manickraj, 2013. Tribology research output in BRIC countries: A scientometric dimension. Lib. Philosophy Pract., .
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  19. Rajendran, P., R. Jeyshankar and B. Elango, 2012. Research trends in Indian journal of marine sciences (2001-2010): A scientometric study. Int. J. Digital Lib. Serv., 2: 42-50.
  20. Elango, B., 2012. Bibliometric mapping of indian patents using Xmind software. Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci., 3: 162-170.
  21. Elango, B. and P. Rajendran, 2012. Authorship trends and collaboration pattern in the marine sciences literature: A scientometric study. Int. J. Inf. Dissemination Technol., 2: 166-169.
  22. Rajendran, P., R. Jeyshankar and B. Elango, 2011. Scientometric analysis of contributions to journal of scientific and industrial research. Int. J. Digital Lib. Serv., 1: 79-89.
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  23. Elango, B., 2010. Digital information literacy of engineering college faculty members: A case study. Isst J. Adv. Librarianship, 1: 71-74.
  24. Elango, B., 2010. A survey on information literacy of faculty members of IFET college of engineering. Isst J. Adv. Librarianship, 1: 11-14.
  25. Parameswaran, R. and B. Elango, 2004. Application of Operation Research in Libraries. In: Information Management: Trends and Issues. Babu, B.R. and S. Gopalakrishnan (Ed.). Research Co Book Center, New Delhi, India., ISBN: 81-7666-404-X, pp: 61-64..