Dr. Ravindran Chandran
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Dr. Ravindran Chandran

Associate Professor
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Horticultural Science from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India

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Dr. C.Ravindran, working as Associate Professor and Head, Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Kodaikanal, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, India. His contribution towards the FAO Hortivar data base, Global Horticulture Assessment, Global Consultations on Farmers’ Rights has been noteworthy. He has published more than 13 Books, 17
Book Chapters, 20 Research papers,

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Analysis
Crop Management
Plant Production

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Ravindran, C., P.M. Murugesan, G. Srinivasan, K. Prabhakaran, A. Palanisamy and M. Kavitha, 2016. Banana fiber spinning machine-a citizen innovation model for waste utilization and value addition in banana pseudo stem. Int. J. Trop. Agric., 34: 931-934.
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  2. Ravindran, C., J. Rajangam, A. Palanisamy, M. Kavitha and I. Muthuvel et al., 2016. Screening of banana cultivars for rope production. Int. J. Trop. Agric., 34: 1371-1376.
  3. Kumar, N., V. Ponnuswami, S. Jeeva, C. Ravindran and D. Kalaivanan, 2012. The world of horticulture, cashew industry in India: An overview. Chronica Hortic., 52: 23-28.
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  4. Ravindran, C., S. Jaganath, R.K. Manohar and B.N. Prasad, 2011. Economics of propagation of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) under protected environmental conditions. Acta Hortic., 890: 615-619.
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  5. Ravindran, C., T. SenthilKumar and B.N.M. Prasad, 2009. FRUTIVAR: A Complete Guide on Fruit Cultivars of India. Multimedia Publication, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, India, ISBN-13: 978-81-906746-8-3.
  6. Ravindran, C., M. Sharma and R. Kher, 2008. Present status and problems of pecan nut (Carya illinoensis (Wang.) L.) cultivation in Jammu and Kashmir. Acta Hortic., 772: 179-182.
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  7. Ravindran, C. and T. SenthilKumar, 2008. GRAPE: A Complete guide. Multimedia Publication, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, India, ISBN-13: 978-81-905709-7-4.
  8. Ravindran, C., A. Kohli And B.N.S. Murthy, 2007. Fruit production in India. Chronica Horticulturae, 47: 21-26.
  9. Ravindran, C., 2007. Healing power of grapes. Sci. Rep., 10: 16-16.
  10. Ravindran, C. and T. Senthikumar, 2007. Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening. Sonai Muruga Publishing House Pvt. Ltd and Kumar Offset Printers, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  11. Ravindran, C., S.P. Gupta, R. Kher and M. Sharma, 2006. Underutilized fruits in intermediate zone of Jammu: A case study for conservation and utilization. Bull. Environ. Sci., 4: 69-72.
  12. Ravindran, C., S. Jaganath and R. Krishnamanohar, 2006. Effect of different propagating structures on rooting of hardwood cuttings of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties. Acta Hortic., 710: 313-316.
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  13. Patil, H.G., C. Ravindran, K.S. Jayachandran and S. Jaganath, 2006. Influence of CPPU, TDZ and GA on the post harvest quality of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars Anab-E-Shahi and Dilkush. Acta Hortic.,, 727: 489-494.
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  14. Ravindran, C. and K.S. Jayachandran, 2005. Rootstock for grape production. Agrobios Newslett., 3: 49-51.
  15. Ravindran, C. and B.N.M. Prsad, 2005. Wine industry in India. Agrobios. Newslett., 3: 36-37.
  16. Ravindran, C., B. Senthilkumar and B.N.S. Murthy, 2004. Therapeutic properties of fruits. Agrobios Newslett., 20: 50-52.
  17. Ravindran, C., 2004. Organic cultivation: Solution for sustainable viticulture. Kisan world, 31: 39-40.
  18. Ravindran, C. and B. Senthilkumar, 2004. Role of rootstocks in fruit production. Agrobios Newslett., 2: 57-58.
  19. Ravindran, C. and S. Jaganath, 2003. Evaluation of green house structures for multiplication of pomegranate cultivars through hardwood cuttings. Curr. Res., 322: 53-55.
  20. Malaisamy, A. and C. Ravindran, 2002. Problem of export oriented units in floriculture. Financing Agric., 34: 27-29.
  21. Malaisamy, A. and C. Ravindran, 2002. Floriculture industry-problem and prospects. Sci. Tech. Entrepreneur, 10: 3-6.