Dr. Thirumal Sivakumar
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Dr. Thirumal Sivakumar

Associate Professor
Annamalai University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biology/Botany from Annamalai University, India

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Significant contribution has been made in the field of Plant Stress Physiological activities of crop plants like Sweet potato, solanam indicam, and tomato. Triazole compounds viz Triadimefon, Hexaconazole, Paclobutrazole, Difenoconazole,Tricyclazole induced alteration in the growth, metabolism and yield of crop plants. Triazole treated plants have higher photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll ‘a’, ‘b’, carotenoids, xanthophyll. Carbohydrate metabolism of crop plants reducing sugar, starch, sucrose and carbohydrate metabolizing enzyme starch phosphorylase, sucrose synthase, α-amylase, β-amylase, invertase, and catalase activity. Antioxidant activity of trizole treated plants have higher content of antioxidant activity like ascorbic acid, α-Tocoperol, glutathione and antioxidant enzyme activities vize., peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase.
His extensive research work was carried out in the phytochemical analysis and invitro study of medicinal plant parts like leaf, stem, flower, fruits Alkaloids, steroids, Tannins, Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Saponins, Aromatic acids, Triterpenoids, Aminoacids, Phenolic compounds, Xantho Proteins, philobatanins, Carbohydrate, Proteins, Reducing sugar.
He is start to the Nanotechnolgical work in tuber crop (Sweet potato), tea, vigna radiatae, Gloriosa superba and catharanthus roseus. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using various parts of plants like leaves, flowers, roots, grains, tubers. In the current research field contribute to the synthesis, characterization studies using the various spectroscopy analyses UV-spectroscopy, FTIR, XRD, and GCMS. Nanoparticles shape, size were measured using the various microscopic analysis SEM, TEM, EDAX. Nanoparticles were used in the various fields such as antioxidants, antimicrobial activity, and anticancer activity.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Physiology
Crop Stress
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sivakumar, T., 2019. GC-MS analysis of bioactive compounds and facile synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sprout extracts of Vigna radiate L. and their antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res., 12: 180-184.
  2. Senthilkumar, S.R., T. Sivakumar, K.T. Arulmozhi and N. Mythili, 2017. FT-IR analysis and correlation studies on the antioxidant activity, total phenolics and total flavonoids of Indian commercial teas (Camellia sinensis L.)-A novel approach. Int. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 6: 1-7.
  3. Kumar, S.R.S., T. Sivakumar, K.T. Arulmozhi and N. Mythili, 2016. Antimicrobial activity of Indian commercial green teas (Camellia sinensis). Int. J. Biosci. Nanosci., 3: 108-112.
  4. Sivakumar, T., D. Gajalakshmi, V.K. Subramanian and K. Palanisamy, 2015. Tuber extract mediated biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its antioxidant, antibacterial activity. J. Biol. Sci., 15: 68-77.
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  5. Senthilkumar, S.R., T. Sivakumar, K.T. Arulmozhi and N. Mythili, 2015. Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy evaluation of bioactive phytochemicals of commercial green teas (Camellia sinensis) of India. Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res., 8: 278-282.
  6. Sivakumar, T. and D. Gajalakshmi, 2014. Phytochemical screening and GC-MS analysis of root extract from Asparagus racemosus L. Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci. Res., 5: 1000-1005.
  7. Sivakumar, T. and D. Gajalakshmi, 2014. Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy analysis of ormocarpum cochinchinense leaf extract-traditional bone healing plants. Int. J. Pharmaceut. Res. Bio-Sci., 3: 352-359.
  8. Senthilkumar, S.R. and T. Sivakumar, 2014. Studies on the Greengram (Vigna radiate L.) sprout assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activities. Int. J. Nanomater. Biostruct., 4: 52-57.
  9. Senthilkumar, S.R. and T. Sivakumar, 2014. Green tea (Camellia sinensis) mediated synthesis of zinc oxide (ZNO) nanoparticles and studies on their antimicrobial activities. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 6: 461-465.
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  10. Sivakumar, T. and D. Gajalakshmi, 2013. In vitro antioxidant and chemical constituents from the leaves of Ormocarpum cochinchinense Elumbotti. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 8: 114-122.
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  11. Shanmugapriya, A.K., T. Sivakumar and R. Panneerselvam, 2013. Study of antioxidant potentiality of tomato under tricyclazole and difenoconazole treatments. Int. J. Res. Plant Sci., 3: 47-53.
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  12. Shanmugapriya, A.K., T. Sivakumar and R. Panneerselvam, 2013. Difenoconazole and tricyclazole induced changes in photosynthetic pigments of Lycopersicon esculentum L. Int. J. Agric. Food Sci., 3: 72-75.
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  13. Anburaj, R., M.A. Nabeel, T. Sivakumar and K. Kathiresan, 2012. The role of rhizobacteria in salinity effects on biochemical constituents of the halophyte Sesuvium portulacastrum. Russ. J. Plant Physiol., 59: 115-119.
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  14. Sivakumar, T. and R. Panneerselvam, 2011. Triadimefon mediated changes in antioxidant and indole alkaloid content in two species of Datura. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 6: 252-260.
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  15. Sivakumar, T. and R. Panneerselvam, 2011. Salinity Induced Changes in Photosynthetic Pigment and Antioxidant Responses in Sesuvium portulacastrum. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 14: 967-975.
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  16. Shanmugapriya, A.K. and T. Sivakumar, 2011. Regeneration of Invitro Plantlets in Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. through Nodal and Leaf Explants. Int. Multi. Res. J., 1: 41-45.
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  17. Sivakumar, T., G.M.A. Lakshmanan, P.V. Murli and R. Panneerselvam, 2010. Alteration of antioxidative metabolism induced by Triazoles in Sweet potato. J. Exp. Sci., 1: 10-13.
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  18. Sivakumar, T., A. Sundaramanickam and R. Panneerselvam, 2009. Changes in growth and pigment content in sweet potato by Triadimefon and Hexaconazole. J. Phytol., 1: 333-341.
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  19. Sundaramanickam, A., T. Sivakumar, R. Kumaran, V. Ammaiappan and R. Velappan, 2008. A comparative study of physico-chemical investigation along parangipettai and cuddalore coast. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 1: 1-10.
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  20. Sivakumar, T., M. Gomathinayagam, G.M. Alagulakshmanan, R. Somasundaram and R. Panneerselvam, 2006. Triazole induced changes in the levels of starch and total sugars of sweet potato. J. Annamalai Univ. Sci., 42: 45-52.