Dr. Satya Syamala Sundari Narina
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Dr. Satya Syamala Sundari Narina

Research Associate-Plant Ecology
Virginia State University, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Olericulture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Crop Production
Molecular Biology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Narina, S.S., B.E. Scheffler, L.A. Ballard, S.E. Simpson, R. Buyyarapu, R.K. Kottapalli and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2015. Informative established sequence traits in tepary bean Phaseolus acutifolius A. gray for drought stress. J. Agric. Stud., 4: 55-72.
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  2. Narina, S.S., S.C. Phatak, and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2014. Chlorophyll fluorescence to evaluate pigeonpea breeding lines and mungbean for drought tolerance. J. Agric. Sci., 6: 1-9.
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  3. Narina, S.S., J.J. Burke, S. Jacob, A.A. Hamama, and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2014. TeparyBean: A native resource for drought tolerance. Int. J. Plant Anim. Environ. Sci., 5: 25-35.
  4. Narina, S.S., H.L. Bhardwaj, A.A. Hamama, S.S. Pathak and X. Yixiang, 2014. Seed protein and starch qualities of drought tolerant pigeonpea and tepary bean. J. Agric.Sci., 6: 1-13.
  5. Xu, Y., E.N. Sismour, S.S. Narina, D. Dean, H.L. Bhardwaj and Z. Li, 2013. Composition and properties of starches from Virginia‐grown kabuli chickpea Cicer arietinum L. cultivars. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol., 48: 539-547.
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  6. Narina, S.S., P.L. Montegue, A. Robert, and A.I. Mohamed, 2013. Development of microsatellite markers for anthracnose resistance in greater yam Dioscorea alata L. from expressed sequence tags of heterologous crop species. J. Root Crops, 38: 64-69.
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  7. Narina, S.S., A.A. Hamama and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2013. Fatty acid composition of flax sprouts. J. Agric. Sci., 5: 75-79.
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  8. Narina, S.S., Y. Xu, A.A. Hamama, S.C. Phatak and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2012. Effect of cultivar and planting time on resistant starch accumulation in pigeonpea grown in Virginia. ISRN Agron. 10.5402/2012/576471.
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  9. Narina, S.S., T. Andebrhan, A.I. Mohamed, and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2012. Functional classification of ESTs from vernonia Vernonia galamensis L. cDNA library. Ind. Crops Prod., 36: 370-375.
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  10. Narina, S.S., A.A. Hamama and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2012. Nutritional and mineral composition of flax sprouts. J. Agric. Sci., 4: 60-65.
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  11. Bhardwaj, H.L., A.A. Hamama, S.S. Narina and J. Parry, 2012. Effect of consumption of ground wholeseed flax on human blood traits. J. Agric. Sci., 4: 106-111.
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  12. Narina, S.S., R. Buyyarapu, K.R. Kottapalli, A.M. Sartie, M.I Ali, A. Robert and B.E. Scheffler, 2011. Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for marker development in yam Dioscorea alata L. BMC genomics, 12:100. 10.1186/1471-2164-12-100.
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  13. Narina, S.S., C.A. d’Orgeix and B.L. Sayre, 2011. Optimization of PCR conditions to amplify microsatellite loci in the bunchgrass lizard Sceloporus slevini genomic DNA. BMC Res. Notes, 4:26. 10.1186/1756-0500-4-26.
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  14. Narina, S.S., I.A. Mohamed, A. Robert and R.H. Mignouna, 2009. A standardized RNA isolation protocol for yam Dioscoreaalata L. cDNA library construction. Virginia J. Sci., 60: 171-180.
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  15. Narina, S.S., N.S.S. Sundari, N. Pal and N. Singh, 2003. Line tester analysis of combining ability in onion Allium cepa L. Indian J. Hortic., 60:357. .
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