Dr. J.E.   Judith
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Dr. J.E. Judith

Assistant Professor
Noorul Islam University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Noorul Islam University, India

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Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Computer Science Engineering
Network Management
Software Engineering
Image Processing

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Jency, W.G. and J.E. Judith, 2022. Pearson autocovariance distinct patterns and attention-based deep learning for wind power prediction. J. Electr. Comput. Eng., Vol. 2022. 10.1155/2022/8498021.
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  2. Anju, A.J and J.E. Judith, 2022. An effective software fault prediction with hybrid technique based on cuckoo search. YMER, 21: 380-406.
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  3. Jency, W.G. and J.E. Judith, 2021. A czekanowski's quantitative indexed fuzzy brown boost data clustering for wind power prediction in smart grid. J. Theor. Appl. Inf. Technol., 99: 3022-3038.
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  4. Thomas, R. and J.E. Judith, 2020. Correlation and probability based similarity measure for detecting outliers in categorical data. Int. J. Innovative Technol. Exploring Eng., 9: 2577-2582.
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  5. Thomas, R. and J.E. Judith, 2020. A novel ensemble method for detecting outliers in categorical data. Int. J. Adv. Trends Comput. Sci. Eng., 9: 4947-4953.
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  6. Anju, A.J. and J.E. Judith, 2019. Software defect prediction using efficient classification algorithms. Int. J. Adv. Sci. Technol., 28: 392-400.
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  7. Judith, J.E. and J. Jayakumari, 2017. Distributed document clustering analysis based on a hybrid method. China Commun., 14: 131-142.
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  8. Judith, J.E. and J. Jayakumari, 2015. Optimized distributed text document clustering algorithm. Adv. Intell. Syst. Comput., 2: 565-574.
  9. Judith, J.E. and J. Jayakumari, 2015. Distributed document clustering algorithms: A recent survey. Int. J. Enterprise Network Manage., 6: 207-221.
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  10. Judith, J.E. and J. Jayakumari, 2015. An efficient hybrid distributed document clustering algorithm. Scient. Res. Essays, 10: 14-22.
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  11. Ramalekshmi, A.S. and J.E. Judith, 2014. A study on distributed name disambiguation system using LSI. J. Recent Trends Image Process. Networking, 8: 28-32.
  12. Monish, J.A., J.E. Judith and J. Jayakumari, 2014. Review on distributed text clustering algorithm based on optimization. J. Recent Trends Image Process. Networking, 8: 31-34.
  13. Monish, J.A. and J.E. Judith, 2014. Distributed text clustering algorithm based on MapReduce. Int. J. Applied Eng. Res., 9: 9259-9261.
  14. Johny Livinston, J.E., J.E. Judith and A. Lizy, 2014. RT and EJPS: Networking through sapiens and protecting the sapiens. Int. J. Comput. Applic., 92: 30-35.
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  15. Judith, J.E. and J. Jayakumari, 2013. Enhanced distributed text document clustering based on semantics. Int. Rev. Comput. Software, 8: 2545-2551.
  16. Judith, J.E. and J. Jayakumari, 2012. Performance evaluation of hybrid distributed document clustering algorithm. Eur. J. Scient. Res., 86: 283-297.