Mr. T. Venkata Krishna Moorthy
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Mr. T. Venkata Krishna Moorthy

Sri Venkateswara University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. Student in Digital Image Processing from Sri Venkateswara University, India

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Area of Interest:

Electronic Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Communications Circuits
Physical Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Krishnamoorthy, T.V. and G.U. Reddy, 2020. Image classification using higher-order statistics-based ICA for NOAA multispectral satellite image. Int. J. Adv. Intell. Paradigms, 17: 178-191.
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  2. Venkatakrishnamoorthy, T. and G.U. Reddy, 2019. Cloud enhancement of NOAA multispectral images by using independent component analysis and principal component analysis for sustainable systems. Comp. Electr. Eng., 74: 35-46.
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  3. Manasa, K.L., G.U. Reddy and T.V. Krishnamoorthy, 2019. A neoteric approach for shadow detection in high resolution satellite images. Int. J. Tech. Innovation. Mod. Eng. Sci., 5: 69-75.
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  4. Krishnamoorthy, T.V. and G.U. Reddy, 2018. Fusion enhancement of multispectral satellite image by using higher order statistics. Asian J. Scient. Res., 11: 162-168.
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  5. Krishnamoorthy, T.V. and G.U. Reddy, 2018. Cloud identification method using hos based ica for multispectral NOAA Image. i-Manager's J. Fut. Eng. Technol., 13: 35-41.
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  6. Krishnamoorthy, T.V. and G.U. Reddy, 2017. Noise Detection Using Higher Order Statistica Method for Satellite Images. Int. J. Electron. Eng. Res., 9: 29-36.
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  7. Venkatakrishnamoorthy, T. and G.J. Reddy, 2014. High resolution adaptive technique for video compression standards. Int. J. Res. Anal. Allied Sci. Eng., 1: 1-7.
  8. Shaik, R.B. and T.V. Krishnamoorthy, 2014. High efficiency adaptive variable block size motion compensation algorithm for video compression standards. Int. J. Adv. Res. Eng. Technol., 1: 14-20.
  9. Moorthy, T.V.K. and G.J. Reddy, 2013. Video Compression And Denoising Using Adaptive Variable Block Size Motion Compensation Algorithm. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res., 4: 1785-1788.
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  10. Krishnamoorthy, T.V. and G.J. Reddy, 2012. Variable Block Size Motion Compensation For Video Compression. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res., 3: 894-900.
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