Dr. Sandeep K. Malhotra
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Dr. Sandeep K. Malhotra

Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environmental Parasitology from University of Garhwal, India

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Dr. Sandeep K. Malhotra is currently working as Professor at University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Parasitology from University of Garhwal, India. He is having 40 years teaching and research experience. He successfully completed 15 research projects funded by International & National Funding Agencies. Dr. Sandeep received number of honors includes Golden Globe Award. 2014- International Society for Biodiversity Conservation, Gold Medal Award, RTCCRB. 2012 International Conference on Recent Trends in Climate Change Researches vis-a-vis Biodiversity, Recognition Award & Gold Medal from Zoological Society of India, Dr. B.P. Pandey Memorial Oration Award, 2006-IICB, XVIIth National Congress of Parasitology, Kolkata, Awarded Gold Medal for best research paper presentation on Hydrobiology and Pollution at Jamshedpur Symposium, Awarded Young Scientist Gold Medal, and many others. He also invited as Judge at International Estuary Conference, San Francisco, USA, and International Conference World Aqua, Nashville US, and Guest Speaker at West African Research and Innovation Management Association (WARIMA) and Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), Ghana. He is member of Australian Society for Parasitology, Australia, Japanese Society of Parasitology, Japan, Indian Science News Association, India, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, UK, and life member of Indian Science Congress Association, India, Zoological Society of India, Indian Society for Parasitology, India, Indian Academy of Parasitology, India, Academy of Biosciences, India, Helminthological Society of India, and fellow of Helminthological Society of India. He also attended 101 national and international conferences and performed many presentations. He supervised 16 students, and 15 awarded D.Phil. Degree under his supervision. He has published 9 books, review 5 papers, 59 research papers in books, 54 research papers in international journals, 111 research papers in national journals, 210 communications, 16 popular articles contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Environmental Science
Microbial Biotechnology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Yadav, A., N. Kapoor, N. Jaiswal and S.K. Malhotra, 2022. Parasites : Futuristic Indicators of an Altered Aquatic Environment. In: Advances in Animal Experimentation and Modeling, Sobti, R.C. (Ed.), Academic Press, United States, ISBN: 978-0-323-90583-1, pp: 441-454.
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  2. Yadav, A., N. Kapoor, A. Arif and S.K. Malhotra, 2022. Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis in conjunction with scanning electron micrography to establish nematodes as bioindicators in marine fish environment. J. Parasit. Dis., 46: 664-671.
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  3. Reshu, A. Yadav, R. Srivastava, N. Kapoor, S.K. Malhotra, K. Jaiswal and N. Jaiswal, 2022. Parasite Diversity Strategies Under Influence of Pollutants. In: Advances in Animal Experimentation and Modeling, Sobti, R.C. (Ed.), Academic Press, United States, ISBN: 978-0-323-90583-1, pp: 427-440.
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  4. Yadav, A., N. Jaiswal, S. Malviya and S.K. Malhotra, 2021. Entomopathogenic Protozoa. In: Microbial Approaches for Insect Pest Management, Omkar (Ed.), Springer, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-16-3594-6 pp: 337-384.
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  5. Aasha, A.Y., A.H. Bhat, A.K. Chaubey and S.K. Malhotra, 2019. The Amazing World of Nematodes-Techniques to Conduct Morphological and Molecular Investigations. In: Experimental Protocols in Biotechnology, Gupta, N. and V. Gupta (Eds.)., Springer, New York.
  6. Malviya, S., N. Jaiswal and S.K. Malhotra, 2018. Molecular diagnostic procedures using RT-PCR to alleviate taxonomic impediments of parasite species segregation. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform., 7: 53-56.
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  7. Rehman, A., R. Ullah, N. Jaiswal, M.H. Khan and L. Rehman et al., 2017. Low virulence potential and in vivo transformation ability in the honey bee venom treated Clinostomum complanatum. Exp. Parasitol., 183: 33-40.
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  8. Malviya, S., N. Jaiswal and S.K. Malhotra, 2017. Predictive hypothesis of nematodiasis in marine fish using AR1 model at the Central West coast of India at Goa. Proc. Zool. Soc. India, 16: 47-56.
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  9. Jaiswal, N. and S.K. Malhotra, 2017. Molecular characterization of host-specific raphidascaridoid worms from the gangetic garfish (Teleostomi: Belonidae) in India. Int. J. Mol. Biol., 2: 1-15.
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  10. Mishra, P., S.K. Malhotra and N. Jaiswal, 2016. Ganga river water pollution: A review. Asian J. Biochem. Pharmaceut. Res., 6: 131-135.
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  11. Mishra, P., S.K. Malhotra and N. Jaiswal, 2016. A comparative experimental study of the Ganga river water quality in Kanpur, Varanasi and Allahabad. Asian J. Biochem. Pharmaceut. Res., 6: 136-142.
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  12. Tripathi, R., N. Jaiswal, B. Sharma and S.K. Malhotra, 2015. Helminth infections mediated DNA damage: Mechanisms and consequences. Single Cell Biol., Vol. 4. 10.4172/2168-9431.1000117.
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  13. Jaiswal, N., S.K. Upadhyay, A. Malhotra, C.K. Blend, N.O. Dronen and S.K. Malhotra, 2014. A new species of Neolebouria Gibson, 1976 (Opecoelidae: Plagioporinae) from the whitecheek monocle bream, Scolopsis vosmeri (Perciformes: Nemipteridae), from the Panjim coast at Goa, with a checklist of parasites previously reported from this fish. Zootaxa, 3802: 98-108.
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  14. Jaiswal, N., S.K. Upadhyay, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2014. Ecological morphotaxometry of trematodes of garfish (Teleostomi: Belonidae) from Gangetic riverine ecosystem in India. III. Principal component analysis in the dynamics of Cephalogonimus yamunii (Upadhyay, Jaiswal, Malhotra and Malhotra, 2012). J. Parasitic Dis., 38: 153-162.
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  15. Jaiswal, N., A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2014. Bioinvasion: A paradigm shift from marine to inland ecosystems. J. Parasitic Dis. 10.1007/s12639-014-0506-7.
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  16. Dronen, N.O., C.K. Blend, M.C.O. de Nunez, S.K. Malhotra and N. Jaiswal, 2014. Keys to the species of Neolebouria Gibson, 1976 (Digenea: Opecoelidae: Plagioporinae), with a redescription of Neolebouria truncate (Linton, 1940). Syst. Parasitol., 88: 213-225.
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  17. Upadhyay, S.K., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2013. Ecological morphotaxometry of trematodes of garfish (Teleostomi: Belonidae) from Gangetic riverine ecosystem in India. II. Correlation of seasonality and host biology with distribution pattern of Cephalogonimus yamunii n. sp. J. Parasitic Dis., 37: 211-217.
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  18. Upadhyay, S.K., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2013. Ecological morphotaxometry of trematodes of garfish (Teleostomi: Belonidae) from Gangetic riverine ecosystem in India. I. Morphology and taxometric assessment of Cephalogonimus yamunii n.sp. J. Parasitic Dis., 39: 218-224.
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  19. Jaiswal, N., S.K. Upadhyay, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2013. Multifactorial Etiology of Infections by Larvae of Eustrongylides tubifex (Nematoda:Dioctophymidae) in Silver Whiting of the Central West Coast of India at Goa. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 6: 21-39.
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  20. Malhotra, A., N. Jaiswal, A.K. Malakar, M.S. Verma and H.R. Singh et al., 2012. The morphology and genetic characterization of Iheringascaris goai n. sp.(Nematoda: Raphidascarididae) from the intestine of the silver whiting and spotted catfish off the central west coast of India. J. Helminthol., 86: 353-362.
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  21. Malhotra, A., N. Jaiswal, H.R. Singh, V.N. Capoor and S.K. Malhotra, 2011. Taxometric analysis of helminthes of marine fishes. 1. Pedunculacetabulum spinatum n.sp., from Chorinemus mandetta and Wenyonia rhincodonti n.sp., from Rhincodon typus. J. Parasitic Dis., 35: 222-229.
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  22. Kumar, S., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra, S.K. Upadhyay, V.N. Capoor and S.K. Malhotra, 2011. Application of numerical taxonomy for morphological and taxometric substantiation of cystidicolid nematode, Ascarophis alatae n.sp. from Indian eel. Proc. Zool. Soc. India, 1: 45-50.
  23. Jaiswal, N., A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2011. Information infrastructure in biodiversity assessment. Proc. Zool. Soc. India, 14: 17-24.
  24. Jaiswal, N., A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2010. Predictative hypothesis for parasite disease outbreaks of Anisakid nematodes. Scient. Temper, 1: 127-130.
  25. Upadhyay, S.K., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2009. An aspidoderid roundworm Pseudospidodera cordinae n.sp. from rodents at Allahabad. Indian J. Helminth (N.S.), 27: 67-72.
  26. Upadhyay, S.K., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2009. An aspidoderid round worm, Pseudaspidodera cordinae sp. n. from rodents at Allahabad. Indian J. Helminth (N. S.), 27: 89-94.
  27. Malhotra A., N. Jaiswal, S. Upadhyay, S. Kumar and S.K. Malhotra, 2009. Parasite stress response in zoonoses of Cephalogonimus sp. Indian J. Helminth., 27: 73-80.
  28. Kumar, S., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2009. Biochemical variants amongst Strongylurinae and Heterakinae and differentiation vis-a-vis tapeworms. Indian J. Helminth., 27: 17-22.
  29. Kumar, S., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2009. Avian roundworms from the Gangetic plains. I. Oxynema allahabadensis sp. n. from Coturnix coturnix. Indian J. Helminth., 27: 67-72.
  30. Kumar, S., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2009. Avian roundworm from the gangetic plain Oxynema allahabadensis n.sp. from Cotournix cotournix. Indian J. Helminth (N.S.), 27: 89-94.
  31. Malhotra, S.K., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra and K. Sunil, 2007. Villagers sensitized at scientists-farmers interface to integrated giant freshwater prawn-fish production in Uttar Pradesh. Fish. Chim., 27: 13-16.
  32. Kumar, S., N. Jaiswal, A. Malhotra, S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 2007. Taxometric assessment of organisms in ichthyoparasitology of an Indian sub-humid region. III. Cestodes. Polyonchobothrium yamunica n.sp. from Mastacembelus armatus at Allahabad (U.P.). Natl. J. Life Sci., 4: 19-22.
  33. Jaiswal, N., A. Malhotra and S.K. Malhotra, 2007. Distribution and abundance relationship in infracommunities of proteocephalid tapeworms infesting sharks of Arabian Sea at Goa. Proc. Zool. Soc. India, 10: 58-63.
  34. Geetanjali, S. Banerjee and S.K. Malhotra, 2005. Ecological distribution of Eustrongylides spp. in garhwal Himalayas and gangetic plains in India. Proc. Parasitol., 38: 22-48.
  35. Geetanjali, S.C. and S.K. Malhotra, 2004. Pathological indicators of environmental quality and environmental risk assessment. Univ. Alld. Stud., 3: 46-52.
  36. Geetanjali, S.N. Yadav and S.K. Malhotra, 2003. Taxometric assessment of organisms in ichthyoparasitology of an Indian sub-humid region. II.-Cestodes Senga rostellata n.sp. Proc. Parasitol., 36: 33-39.
  37. Geetanjali, S.N. Yadav and S.K. Malhotra, 2003. Taxometric assessment of organisms in ichthyoparasitology of an Indian sub-humid region. I.-Cestodes Polyonchobothrium humidii n.sp. Proc. Parasitol., 36: 13-17.
  38. Geetanjali, N. Jaiswal, B.M. Yadav, A. Mishra and S.K. Malhotra, 2003. Synergistic effect of fluoridation and parasitization inducing cranial deformity in hatchery-bred Labeo rohita at Allahabad. Univ. Allahabad Stud. (N. Millennium Ser.), 2: 11-14.
  39. Malhotra, S.K., V.N. Capoor, Geetanjali and M. Anas, 2002. Phylogeny of tapeworms revisited. Univ. Allahabad Stud. (N. Millennium Ser.), 1: 13-24.
  40. Malhotra, S.K., Geetanjali and S. Chatterjee, 2002. The dogma of black spot disease in Garhwal Himalayas and freshwater ecosystems of Gangetic plains-Will the fish managers wake up? Univ. Allahabad Stud. (N. Millennium Ser.), 1: 45-56.
  41. Geetanjali, S.K. Malhotra, F. Fatima and B.M. Yadav, 2002. Nematode fauna of amphibian hosts of the Indian subhumid ecosystem. I. Neyraplectana multipapillata n.sp. from Rana tigrina. Proc. Parasitol., 33: 57-64.
  42. Geetanjali, S.K. Malhotra, A. Malhotra, Z. Ansari and A. Chatterji, 2002. Role of nematodes as bioindicators in marine and freshwater habitats. Curr. Sci., 82: 505-507.
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  43. Geetanjali, S.K. Malhotra and B.M. Yadav, 2002. Nematodes of a subhumid region. 1. Pharyngodon lacertili n.sp. parasitizing an Indian lizard Hemidactylus flaviviridis. Indian J. Helminth, 20: 29-34.
  44. Tiwari, A., S. Mishra and S.K. Malhotra, 2001. Bioecology of nematodes in soil.... phytonematodes of fruit crops. I. Hoplolaimus johani n. sp. and H. caudifurcata n. sp. in soil of Allahabad university campus. Exp. Pathol. Parasitol., 4: 8-19.
  45. Malhotra, S.K., 2001. Modern Statistical Trends in Parasitology in India. In: Helminthology in India, Sood, M.L. (Ed.). International Book Distributors, Dehradun, India, pp: 187-196.
  46. Geetanjali, S.K. Malhotra and A. Malhotra, 2001. Bone mass and growth rate alterations in fresh water fishes due to fluoridation and parasitization. Proc. Parasitol., 32: 41-46.
  47. Anas, M., S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 2001. Maturity status and seasonality of Raillietina (Raillietina) permista (Southwell and Lake) infesting poultry of an Indian sub-humid region. Exp. Pathol. Parasitol., 4: 13-20.
  48. Malhotra, S.K., S. Malviya and J. Singh, 2000. A new kathlaniid worm, Spectatus yamunii n. sp. parasitizing freshwater food fishes from River Yamuna at Allahabad, India. Exp. Pathol. Parasitol., 4: 60-66.
  49. Malhotra, S.K., 2000. Certain Aspects of Helminth Parasitism in Cold Water Fishes. In: Cold Water Aquaculture and Fisheries, Singh, H.R. and W.S. Lakra (Eds.). Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp: 131-154.
  50. Malhotra, S.K. and M. Anas, 2000. A new nematode Bifidspiculonema vachai gen. et sp. n. from a freshwater fish Eutropiichthys vacha in the Gangetic plains of India. Adv. Biosci., 20: 127-136.
  51. Malhotra, S.K. and M. Anas, 2000. A freshwater fish nematode, Spinitectus equatori n. sp. From River Ganges, Allahabad. Indian J. Helminthol., 17: 9-12.
  52. Malhotra, S.K., A.N. Verma and K. Kulshreshtra, 1998. Fluoride and fluorosis in India-I. Drinking water source contamination in Uttar Pradesh. Pollut. Res., 17: 311-315.
  53. Malhotra, S.K. and S. Banerjee, 1997. Population dynamics of acanthocephalan parasites in catfishes of gangetic plains. Effects of season, temperature and age of Channa punctatus on Pallisentis allahabadii Agarwal, 1958. Indian J. Helminthol., 14: 39-45.
  54. Malhotra, S.K., 1994. The role of environmental attributes in regulation of human parasitic infections-an overview. Indian Rev. Life Sci., 14: 246-270.
  55. Malhotra, S.K., 1993. Biochemical variations in glycogen content of Hydatigera spp., Taenia infantis, Hymenolepis spp. and Oochoristica sigmoides at high altitude and Gangetic plains in India. J. Parasitol. Applied Biol., 2: 7-13.
  56. Saberwal, A., S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1992. Ecological dynamics of proteocephalid infections in Wallago attu at Allahabad. J. Parasitol. Applied Anim. Biol., 1: 63-70.
  57. Nanda, S., S. Banerjee, S. Malhotra and R. Pandey, 1992. Electrophoretic enzyme patterns of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and chemotaxonomic characterization of helminths. Indian J. Parasitol., 16: 9-11.
  58. Nanda, S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1991. A new hymenolepidid tapeworm from high altitude Rattus rattus, Soricinia syncapsulata sp. n. Acta Parasitol. Polon., 36: 31-33.
  59. Chaubey, A.K., K. Chatterjee, Dwivedi and S.K. Malhotra, 1991. Pathophysiological interactions in root knot nematode infections of Homonoia riparia in Garhwal Himalayan ecosystems. Adv. Biosci., 10: 33-40.
  60. Nanda, S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1990. Cestodes of rodents of an Indian subhumid region. I. Staphylocystis (Staphylocystis) indicus sp. nov. (Cestoidea: Hymenolepidididea) from Suncus murinus. Indian J. Helminthol., 42: 83-87.
  61. Malhotra, S.K., 1990. Bio-ecology of a new high altitude avian cestode Raillietina (Raillietina) saharanpurensis n. sp. at Garhwal Himalayas. J. EcoBiol., 2: 14-23.
  62. Malhotra, S.K. and S. Banerjee, 1990. Ecology, pathology and biochemical correlates to parasitic diseases of Indian freshwater fishes. Adv. Biosci., 9: 498-500.
  63. Gatrola, D., O.V. Singh, S.K. Malhotra, S. Nanda and R.P. Ghildiyal, 1990. Parasites, ponderal index and length-weight relationship of Barilius bendelisis (Ham.) and Puntius ticto (Ham.). Indian J. Fish., 37: 361-365.
  64. Banerjee, S., A.K. Chaubey and S.K. Malhotra, 1990. Cestode fauna of hill-stream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas, India. IX. Senga teleostei n. sp. from Channa punctatus. Indian J. Parasitol., 14: 153-156.
  65. Banerjee, S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1990. Post-parasitizational biochemical changes in five species of Indian hill-stream and freshwater fishes. Geobios New Rep., 9: 47-52.
  66. Nanda, S., O.V. Singh and S.K. Malhotra, 1989. Parasitic infection stress and glycogen content variations in experimental chicken infections. Geobios, 16: 11-14.
  67. Malhotra, S.K., S. Nanda, M. Mukherjee, K. Ghosh, N.C. Sukul and V.N. Capoor, 1989. Bengalotrema striatum gen. et. sp. n. (Trematoda Hemiuroidea) Hilsa ilisha of West Bengal with a revised key to the families of superfamily Hemiuroidea (Faust, 1929) emend. Yamaguti (1970). Indian J. Helminthol., 40: 135-140.
  68. Malhotra, S.K., 1989. Ecological ichthyoparasitology in India-a review. Indian Rev. Life Sci., 8: 135-162.
  69. Malhotra, S.K. and K.M.N. Chatterjee, 1989. A rare avian nematode Oswaldostrongylus indicum n. sp. from Indian pigeons, Columbia livia domestica. Jpn. J. Parasitol., 38: 194-197.
  70. Gairola, D.D.N. and S.K. Malhotra, 1989. The occurrence and ecology of a new catfish nematode Ascaridia alatae n. sp. in the riverine ecosystem at Allahabad. J. EcoBiol., 1: 173-180.
  71. Banerjee, S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1989. Biology and pathogenic potential of black spot trematodes in high altitude fishes of India. Curr. Sci., 58: 498-500.
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  72. Malhotra, S.K., 1988. Cestode fauna of hill-stream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas, India. VI. Senga nayari sp. nov. from Mastacembelus armatus (Lacep.). Indian J. Helminthol., 40: 53-57.
  73. Malhotra, S.K. and S. Nanda, 1988. Sudarikovina multitesticulata n. sp. (Cestoidea: Cyclophyllida) from Mus musculus of Allahabad, India. Jpn. J. Parasitol., 37: 376-379.
  74. Gairola, D., S. Nanda, S.K. Malhotra and R.S. Pandey, 1988. Quantitative variation of glycogen content in four parasites infesting Indian freshwater fishes. Indian J. Parasitol., 12: 55-56.
  75. Gairola, D. and S.K. Malhotra, 1988. Nematodes of a sub-humid reverine ecosystem. I. Furconema viviparous gen. et sp. n. from Clarias batrachus and a revised key to genera of Cosmocercinae. Indian J. Helminthol., 44: 58-63.
  76. Gairola, D. and S.K. Malhotra, 1988. First report on proteocephalid larvae from fish at Allahabad. Geobios New Rep., 7: 165-166.
  77. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1988. Effect of certain mineral contents on population fluctuation of Tylenchorhynchus brassicae around Citrus sinensis in an Indian sub-humid region. New Botanist, 15: 123-128.
  78. Banerjee, S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1988. Experimental life cycle and systematic of a new rodent nematode, Aspiculuris (Paraspiculuris) indicus sp. n. Indian J. Helminthol., 5: 5-9.
  79. Singh, O.V. and S.K. Malhotra, 1987. Nemal fauna of high altitude fishes in the Garhwal Himalayan ecosystems. Ichthyostrongylus bursatus n. sp. from Schizothorax richardsonii. Jpn. J. Parasitol., 36: 150-152.
  80. Rautela, A.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1987. Nematode fauna of avian hosts in Garhwal Himalayan ecosystem. III. Synhimantus hanumanthai sp. n. from gizzard of Bubulcus ibis (L.). Indian J. Nematol., 17: 87-90.
  81. Nanda, S., S.K. Malhotra and A.K. Bandyopadhyay, 1987. Seasonal dynamics of helminth parasites of public health significance in Indian rodents. Bull. Calcutta School Trop. Med., 39: 5-9.
  82. Nanda, S., A. Bhalya, D. Gairola, S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1987. Comparative analysis of amino acids of three species of Gangesia (Cestoda: Proteocephalata). J. Helminthol., 61: 233-239.
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  83. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1987. Avian cestodes of the himalayan ecosystems. II: Biuterina lansdowni sp. n. from Upupa epops. Helminthologia, 24: 15-21.
  84. Malhotra, S.K. and R.S. Chauhan, 1987. Chemotaxonomy of Pseudophyllidean cestodes. II. Amino acids of Bothriocephalus teleostei (Malhotra) from Indian hill-stream teleosts. Bol. Chileno Parasitol., 42: 3-7.
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  85. Malhotra, S.K. and R.S. Chauhan, 1987. Amino acids of Hydatigera balaniceps (Eucestoda: Taeniidea). Indian J. Parasitol., 11: 88-88.
  86. Gairola, D., S.K. Malhotra and N.C. Sukul, 1987. Bionomics and taxometry of Cephalobothrium gangeticus n. sp. parasitizing Indian freshwater and marine fishes. Riv. Parassitol., 4: 361-367.
  87. Dwivedi, B.K., S.L. Mishra, R.C. Shukla and S.K. Malhotra, 1987. Mineral correlates to the vertical and horizontal distribution of Tylenchus filiformis around Citrus sinensis in a sub-humid region. Indian J. Helminthol., 4: 71-76.
  88. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Misra, 1987. Interrelationship of population distribution by Hoplolai mus indigus around root zones of Psidium guajava with season and soil temperature at Allahabad. Indian J. Nematol., 17: 49-53.
  89. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1987. Population of ectoparasites as influenced by certain edaphic factors in sub-humid region around rhizosphere of certain fruit crops. J. Soil Biol. Ecol., 7: 7-19.
  90. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1987. Influence of soil moisture and pH on population dynamics of Hoplolaimus indicus around Citrus sinensis in Allahabad. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., 7: 193-199.
  91. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1987. Influence of mineral contents on population dynamics of plant nematodes around Zizyphus jujuba Linn at Allahabad. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., 7: 81-84.
  92. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1987. Influence of certain organic compounds on the population fluctuation of Tylenchorhynchus brassicae around Zizyphus jujuba. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., 7: 187-190.
  93. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1987. Analysis of environmental interactions between phytonematodes and Citrus sinensis in an Indian sub-humid region. I. Influence of season and temperature on the lance nematode, Hoplolaimus indicus (Sher). Adv. Biosci., 6: 145-154.
  94. Singh O.V. and S.K. Malhotra, 1986. Taxometric evaluation of Thelandros (Parapharyngodon) striatus n. sp. from a high altitude poikilothermic host. Geobios New Rep., 5: 108-110.
  95. Malhotra, S.K., S. Nanda and V.N. Capoor, 1986. Cestodes of rodents of an Indian sub-humid region. II. Rodentolepis sorexianum n. sp. (Cestoidea: Hymenolepidides) from Sorex caerulescens. Indian J. Helminthol., 3: 87-90.
  96. Malhotra, S.K., 1986. Bioecology of the parasites of high altitude homeothermic host-parasite systems. II. Infections by strobilocerci of Hydatigera balaniceps (Hall), H. laticollis (Rudolphi) and H. parva (Baer) in relation to sex, size and weight of Indian house rat. J. Helminthol., 60: 21-29.
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  97. Malhotra, S.K., 1986. Bioecology of the parasites of high altitude homeothermic host-parasite systems. I. Influence of season and temperature on infections by strobilocerci of three species of Hydatigera in Indian house rat. J. Helminthol., 60: 15-20.
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  98. Malhotra, S.K. and S. Nanda, 1986. An unusual hymenolepidid tapeworm with an elongate tubular rostellum. Geobios New Rep., 5: 105-107.
  99. Gairola, D. and S.K. Malhotra, 1986. Cestode fauna of food fishes in the aquatic ecosystems of Indian sub-humid region. I. Senga yamunica n. sp. from Mystus vittatus. Indian J. Helminthol., 3: 59-62.
  100. Gairola, D. and S.K. Malhotra, 1986. Cestode fauna of food fishes in River Ganges around an Indian sub-humid region. IV. Polyonchobothrium allahabadense n. sp. from Mystus vittatus. Jpn. J. Parasitol., 36: 49-52.
  101. Gairola, D. and S.K. Malhotra, 1986. Cestode fauna of food fishes in River Ganges around an Indian sub-humid region. II. Senga vittati n. sp. from Mystus vittatus. Acta Parasitol. Lituanica, 22: 92-96.
  102. Gairola, D. and S.K. Malhotra, 1986. Cestode fauna of food fishes in River Ganges around an Indian sub-humid region. I. Senga gangesii n. sp. from Mystus vittatus. Jpn. J. Parasitol., 36: 471-474.
  103. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra, R.C. Shukla and S.L. Mishra, 1986. Mineral correlates to the population dynamics of Tylenchus filiformis around Citrus sinensis in an Indian sub-humid region. Proc. Indian Acad. Parasitol., 7: 43-49.
  104. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1986. Interrelationship of Helicotylenchus indicus with quantitative oscillations in organic carbon, phosphorus and potassium in soil around Zizyphus jujuba in a sub-humid region. Ann. Biol., 2: 161-164.
  105. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1986. Influence of soil mineral content on population dynamics of Hoplolaimus indicus at Allahabad. Geobios New Rep., 5: 97-103.
  106. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1986. Environmental correlates in population dynamics of Tylenchorhynchus brassicae around Citrus sinensis in an Indian sub-humid region. Proc. Indian Acad. Parasitol., 7: 71-76.
  107. Chauhan, R.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1986. Population biology of the pseudophyllidean cestode Bothriocephalus teleostei (Malhotra, 1984) in the Indian Hill-Stream teleosts. I. Influence of season and temperature. Bol. Chileno Parasitol., 41: 51-61.
  108. Bhalya, A., S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1986. Infection pattern of Davainea hewetensis and Staphylepis rustica in Gallus gallus domesticus L in a sub-humid region. Proc. Indian Acad. Parasitol., 7: 25-30.
  109. Reutela, A.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1985. Redescription of Spinitectus batrachi (Lal, 1966) (Nematoda: Spinitectinae) with a taxometric approach. Himalayan J. Sci., 4-5: 40-44.
  110. Rautela, A.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1985. Kheraia himalayii gen. et sp. n. from a hill-bird Sturnus pagodarum (Gmelin). Indian J. Helminthol., 2: 88-93.
  111. Malhotra, S.K., 1985. Cestode fauna of hill-stream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas, India. V. Guptaia garhwalenis gen. et sp. nov. from Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray). Helminthology, 20: 45-49.
  112. Malhotra, S.K., 1985. Cestode fauna of hill-stream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas, India. I. Capooria barilii n. gen., n. sp. Acts Parasitol. Lituanica, 21: 94-99.
  113. Malhotra, S.K., 1985. Bionomics of hill-stream cyprinids. I. Food, parasites and length-weight relationship of Labeo dyocheilus (McClell.). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.), 94: 377-381.
  114. Malhotra, S.K. and R.P. Ghildiyal, 1985. Physio-chemical relationships of Hymenolepis himalayii n. sp. (Malhotra and Capoor) from Garhwal Himalayas. I. Amino acids of cysticeroid larva from rat host. Riv. Parassitol., 80: 31-41.
  115. Dwivedi, B.K., S.K. Malhotra and S.L. Mishra, 1985. Effect of certain organic compounds in soil on the population dynamics of Tylenchorhynchus brassicae at Allahabad. J. Soil Biol. Ecol., 5: 111-115.
  116. Bhalya, A., A. Seth, S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1985. Amino acids of Hymenolepis palmarum (Johri, 1956) and chemotaxonomic studies on hymenolepidid cestodes. J. Helminthol., 59: 39-42.
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  117. Rautela, A.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1984. Nematode fauna of high altitude avian hosts in Garhwal Himalayan ecosystems I. Eustrongylides spinispiculum n. sp. and revised key to the species of genus Eustrongylides Jagerskiold (1909). Korean J. Parasitol., 22: 242-247.
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  118. Malhotra, S.K., 1984. Log-normal distributions in parasitology. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.), 93: 591-598.
  119. Malhotra, S.K., 1984. Cestode fauna of hill-stream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas, India. II. Bothriocephalus teleostei n. sp. from Barilius bola and Schizothorax richardsonii. Bol. Chileno Parasitol., 39: 6-9.
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  120. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1984. On a new reptilian cestode Oochoristica pauriensis n. sp. from Hemidactylus brooki (Gray) and Hemidactylus flaviviridis (Ruppell) from Garhwal Hills, U.P., India. Korean J. Parasitol., 22: 99-101.
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  121. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1984. Bionomics and taxonometry of Hymenolepis himalayii sp. nov. from an Indian rat. Riv. Parassitol., 45: 33-40.
  122. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1984. A record on occurrence of larval forms of genus Hydatigera (Lamarck, 1816) (Cestoda: Taeniidae) form rodents in Garhwal Himalayas. Jpn. J. Parasitol., 33: 93-98.
  123. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1984. A new cestode Raillietina (Skrjabinia) doggaddaensis n. sp. from Gallus gallus domesticus (L.) from India. Korean J. Parasitol., 22: 96-98.
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  124. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1984. A new avian cestode Profimbriaria baczynnkae n. sp. from an Indian surkhab. Curr. Sci., 53: 448-449.
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  125. Malhotra, S.K. and R.S. Chauhan, 1984. Helminth infection in hill-stream fishes. Indian J. Parasitol., 8: 303-305.
  126. Malhotra, S.K. and R.S. Chauhan, 1984. Distribution of cestodes in the digestive tract of Indian hill-stream fishes. Korean J. Parasitol., 22: 238-241.
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  127. Malhotra, S.K. and R.S. Chauhan, 1984. Bionomics of hill-stream cyprinids. IV. Length-weight relationship of Labeo dero (Ham.) from India. Proc.: Anim. Sci., 93: 411-417.
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  128. Chauhan, R.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1984. Association of temperature with establishment and survival of pseudophyllidean cestodes in hill-stream fish. Curr. Sci., 53: 208-209.
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  129. Bhalya, A., A. Seth, V.N. Capoor and S.K. Malhotra, 1984. Chemotaxonomic studies on davaineid tapeworms, based on amino acid analysis. J. Helminthol., 58: 325-326.
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  130. Seth, A., S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1983. A statistical assessment of influence of helminthes on growth rate of fish, Wallago attu in Gangetic plains. Univ. Allahabad Stud., 15: 93-99.
  131. Malhotra, S.K., I. Sawada and V.N. Capoor, 1983. Himalaya pauriensis gen. et sp. nov. as a representative of the family Himalayidae fam. nov. with a revised definition of the order Anoplocephaloidea. Jpn. J. Parasitol., 32: 211-217.
  132. Malhotra, S.K., 1983. Population distribution of Heterakis pusilla in Gallus gallus L. from India. J. Helminthol., 57: 117-126.
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  133. Malhotra, S.K., 1983. Cestode fauna of hill-stream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas, India. IV. Ptychobothrium nayarensis n. sp. from Barilius bola (Ham.) and Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray). Korean J. Parasitol., 2: 205-208.
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  134. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1983. Report on anoplocephalid cestode of a new family with phylogenetic significance. Sci. Cult., 49: 333-335.
  135. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1983. On two new species of cestodes (Cyclophyllidea): Stilesia garhwalensis sp. n. from goats and Stilesia kotdwarensis sp. n. from sheep of the Garhwal region, India. Acta Parasitol. Polon., 28: 38-52.
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  136. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1983. A new cestode Cotugnia satpuliensis sp.n. from Columba livia domestica and Columba livia intermedia from India. Acta Parasitol. Polon., 28: 393-397.
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  137. Bhalya, A., A. Seth, S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1983. Chemotaxonomic studies on hymenolepidid tapeworn Staphylepis rustica (Meggitt, 1926). Univ. Allahabad Stud., 15: 73-77.
  138. Bhalya, A., A. Seth, S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1983. Chemotaxonomic differentiation of 3 sub-genera Paroniella, Raillietina and Skrjabinia of cestode genus Raillietina. Adv. Biosci., 2: 93-96.
  139. Bhalya, A., A. Seth, S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1983. Amino-acids of Amoebotaenia cuneata (Cestoda: Dilepidoidea Wardle McLeod & Radinovsky, 1974). J. Helminthol., 57: 9-10.
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  140. Rautela, A.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1982. A contribution to the study of taxa differentiation in nematode taxonomy in the Himalayan ecosystem. Himalayan J. Sci., 2: 23-27.
  141. Malhotra, S.K., V.N. Capoor, A. Bhalya and A. Seth, 1982. Influence of sex and weight of poultry on Heterakis gallinarum infection in a sub-humid region. Bull. Pure Applied Sci., 1: 133-139.
  142. Malhotra, S.K., 1982. Studies on amino acids in Raillietina (Raillietina) saharanpurensis (Malhotra, 1979) with a note on biochemical variations in cyclophyllidean cestodes. Comp. Physiol. Ecol., 7: 207-210.
  143. Malhotra, S.K., 1982. Nematode-weight to body-weight relationships in Tor tor (Ham.) in the Himalayan riverine ecosystem. Curr. Sci., 51: 423-424.
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  144. Malhotra, S.K., 1982. Log-normal distribution of nematode parasites in the Himalayan riverine ecosystem. Sci. Cult., 48: 175-176.
  145. Malhotra, S.K., 1982. Infection of Moniezia (Moniezia) pauriensis (Malhotra and Capoor, 1981) in goat, Capra hircus L. Indian J. Parasitol., 6: 161-162.
  146. Malhotra, S.K., 1982. Bionomics of hill-stream cyprinids. III. Food, parasites and length-weight relationship of Garhwal mahaseer, Tor tor (Ham.). Proc.: Anim. Sci., 91: 493-499.
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  147. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1982. Taxometric evaluation of a new mammalian cestode, Hydatigera himalayotaenia sp. n. (Cestoda: Taeniidae) with a note on strobilocercus larva. Helminthologia, 19: 121-127.
  148. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1982. On a new representative of the cestode genus Avitellina Gough, 1911 from Garhwal hills, U.P., India with the revised key for determination of the species of the genus. Proc. Indian Acad. Parasitol., 3: 12-16.
  149. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1982. Mathematical models of helminthocoenoses in the poultry bird, Gallus gallus L. in a sub-humid region. Geobios New Rep., 1: 11-15.
  150. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1982. Infection pattern and log-distribution of cestode abundance in helminthiasis of poultry of a sub-humid region. Indian J. Phys. Nat. Sci., 2: 6-11.
  151. Malhotra, S.K., V.N. Capoor and G.B. Shinde, 1981. Introduction of a taxonometric device to evaluate a new proteocephalid cestode Gangesia sanehensis from freshwater fishes of Garhwal with a revised key to species of the genus Gangesia. Marathwada Univ. J. Sci., 19: 43-52.
  152. Malhotra, S.K., S. Dixit and V.N. Kapoor, 1981. Taxometric evaluation of a fish cestode Gangesia mehamdabadensis n. sp. from Mystus tengra from Mehamdabad, Gujrat. Sci. Cult., 3: 7-20.
  153. Malhotra, S.K., S. Dixit and V.N. Capoor, 1981. A contribution to the study of taxa differentiation in cestode taxonomy. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.), 90: 343-349.
  154. Malhotra, S.K., R.S. Chauhan and V.N. Capoor, 1981. Statistical analysis of nematode infection in relation to some ecological aspects of freshwater fishes in Garhwal Himalayas. J. Environ. Res., 2: 18-28.
  155. Malhotra, S.K., 1981. Systems models for parasite pathways in Ichthyoparasitology of the Himalayan Riverine ecosystem. Curr. Sci., 50: 874-875.
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  156. Malhotra, S.K., 1981. Cestode infection in freshwater fishes of Garhwal Himalayas, India. Geobios, 8: 90-92.
  157. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1981. Taxonometric evaluation of a new species Moniezia (Moniezia) n. sp. Proc. Indian Acad. Parasitol., 2: 31-35.
  158. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1981. Redescription of Raillietina (Raillietina) kordofanensis Meggitt and Subramanian, 1927 from specimens collected from District Pauri-Garhwal, India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.), 90: 333-336.
  159. Malhotra, S.K. and R.S. Chauhan, 1981. Temperature variations on abundance of cestodes in hill-stream fishes. Geobios, 8: 260-263.
  160. Malhotra, S.K. and R.S. Chauhan, 1981. Observations of cestode infection in hill-stream fishes of Garhwal Himalayan. Sci. Cult., 47: 373-376.
  161. Malhotra, S.K. and R.P. Ghildiyal, 1981. Some ecological parameters of cestode infection in mammalian hosts of Garhwal Himalayas. Biology, 3: 29-33.
  162. Chauhan, R.S., S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1981. The distribution and abundance of cestodes in eleven species of teleosts from Garhwal Himalayan with a note on host biology. Himalayan J. Sci., 1: 15-30.
  163. Chauhan, R.S., S.K. Malhotra and V.N. Capoor, 1981. An analysis of parasitization index and certain ecological parameters of cestode parasites infesting in hill-stream fishes of District Pauri-Garhwal, U.P. (India). Sci. Environ., 3: 47-56.
  164. Chauhan, R.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1981. Long-normal distribution of parasitization index and gastroparasitic index in the fish-gestode relationships of hill-stream fishes. Curr. Sci., 50: 917-918.
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  165. Chauhan, R.S. and S.K. Malhotra, 1981. Bionomics of hill-stream cyprinids. II. Barilius bola (Ham.). Biology, 3: 34-36.
  166. Malhotra, S.K., V.N. Capoor and K. Pundir, 1980. Taxometric evaluation of a new fish cestode genus Tortocephalus songi n.g., n.sp., from hillstream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas. Sci. Environ., 2: 197-205.
  167. Malhotra, S.K., R.S. Chauhan and V.N. Capoor, 1980. Statistical analysis of cestode infection in relation to some ecological aspects of hill-stream fishes in Garhwal Himalayas, India. Indian J. Helminthol., 32: 43-52.
  168. Malhotra, S.K., R.S. Chauhan and V.N. Capoor, 1980. Nematode infection in relation to some ecological aspects of hill stream fishes. Geobios, 7: 193-198.
  169. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1980. Introduction of taxonometric approach to differentiate Vampirolepis somariensis n. sp. Geobios, 7: 302-308.
  170. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1980. Infestation of cestode infection in avian hosts of Garhwal Hills. Bioresearch, 4: 55-60.
  171. Malhotra, S.K. and V.N. Capoor, 1979. An avian cestode Ophryocotyloides srinagarensis n.sp. from Corvus macrorhynchos (Wagler) and Corvus splendens (Vieillot) from India with a revised key. Bioresearch, 3: 35-38.