Dr. Shridhar C. Ghagane
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Dr. Shridhar C. Ghagane

Research Associate
KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital and Medical Research Centre, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Karnatak University, India

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Molecular Biology
Herbal Medicine
Cell Culture

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Shadab, R., R.B. Nerli, B.R. Saziya, S.C. Ghagane and C. Shreya, 2021. 5-ALA-induced fluorescent cytology in the diagnosis of bladder cancer-A preliminary report. Indian J. Surg. Oncol., 12: 415-420.
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  2. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, A. Mungarwadi and S. Patil, 2021. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in children. Pediatr. Surg. Int., 37: 1109-1115.
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  3. Nerli, R.B., M. Sharma, P. Patel, S.C. Ghagane and S.D. Patil et al., 2021. Modified Inguinal lymph node dissection in groin-negative patients of penile cancer: Our experience. Indian J. Surg. Oncol., 12: 229-234.
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  4. Sharma, M., S.C. Ghagane, S. Muralidhar, S. Patil, N.R. Nerli and R.B. Nerli, 2020. Urological surgery in the time of coronavirus pandemic. J. Emerg. Pract. Trauma 6: 98-101.
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  5. Nutalapati, S., S.C. Ghagane, R.B. Nerli, M.V. Jali and N.S. Dixit, 2020. Association of erectile dysfunction and type II diabetes mellitus at a tertiary care centre of south India. Diabetes Metab. Syndr.: Clin. Res. Rev., 14: 649-653.
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  6. Nerli, R.B., V. Kadeli, S. Deole, A. Mishra and S. Patil et al., 2020. Postpercutaneous nephrolithotomy ureteropelvic junction obstruction. J. Endourol. Case Rep., 6: 13-15.
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  7. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, V. Kadeli, S. Nutalpati, S. Mohan and M.B. Hiremath, 2020. Bleeding angiomyolipoma mimiking a ruptured adrenal tumour. Urol. Case Rep., Vol. 28. 10.1016/j.eucr.2019.101031.
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  8. Nerli, R.B., M. Sharma, P. Gupta, P. Adhikari, S. Bidi and S.C. Ghagane, 2020. Therapeutic ureteroscopy for urolithiasis in children younger than 60 months of age. Pediatr. Surg. Int., 37: 145-150.
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  9. Nerli, R.B., A.C. Sanikop, M. Sharma and S.C. Ghagane, 2020. COVID-19 pandemic: A challenge to a child with cancer. Pediatr. Blood Cancer, Vol. 67. 10.1002/pbc.28512.
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  10. Nerli, R.B., A. Sanikop, M. Sharma, P. Patel and R. Kangale et al., 2020. Primary non-hodgkin lymphoma of prostate: A case report. Indian J. Surg. Oncol., 11: 274-277.
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  11. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, N.S. Dixit and M.B. Hiremath, 2019. Urethral duplication in a child with VATER association. Urol. Case Rep., 23: 29-31.
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  12. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, N.S. Dixit and M.B. Hiremath, 2019. Traumatic rupture of hydronephrosis secondary to UPJ obstruction in a child: A case report. Urol. Case Rep., 23: 27-28.
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  13. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, A. Musale, S. Deole, M.B. Hiremath, N.S. Dixit and P. Pathan, 2019. Congenital bladder diverticulum in a child: Surgical steps of extra-vesical excision. Urol. Case Rep., 22: 42-43.
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  14. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, A. Musale, A. Mungarwadi, N.S. Dixit and M.B. Hiremath, 2019. High grade renal trauma in a child with rupture bladder and fracture pelvic bones. Urol. Case Rep., Vol. 24. 10.1016/j.eucr.2019.100850.
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  15. Nerli, R.B., A. Pathade, S. Patil, V. Kadeli and S. Nutalpati et al., 2019. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in an elderly female with severe kyphoscoliosis: Modified prone position. J. Endourol. Case Rep., 5: 187-189.
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  16. Nerli, R.B., V. Kadeli, N. Mulimani and S.C. Ghagane, 2018. Endovascular management in a case of recurrent bleed following transurethral resection of the prostate. Arab J. Int. Radiol., 2: 33-35.
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  17. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, K. Shankar, A.C. Sanikop, M.B. Hiremath, N.S. Dixit and L. Magadum, 2018. Low-grade, multiple, Ta Non-muscle-invasive bladder tumors: Tumor recurrence and worsening progression. Indian J. Surg. Oncol. 10.1007/s13193-018-0728-8.
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  18. Nerli, R.B., A.C. Sanikop, V. Kadeli, S.C. Ghagane, N.S. Dixit and M.B. Hiremath, 2018. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate in a young adult presenting with acute retention of urine. Clin. Cancer Investigat. J., 7: 77-80.
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  19. Nerli, R.B. and S.C. Ghagane, 2018. The role of microbiome in cancer. Indian J. Health Sci. Biomed. Res., 11: 1-2.
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  20. Ghagane, S.C., S.I. Puranik, S.H. Gan, M.B. Hiremath, R.B. Nerli and M.V. Ravishankar, 2018. Frontiers of monoclonal antibodies: Applications in medical practices. Hum. Antibod., 26: 135-142.
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  21. Puranik, S.I., S.C. Ghagane, R.B. Nerli, S.S. Jalalpure and M.B. Hiremath, 2017. Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant and anticancer activity of Simarouba glauca leaf extracts on T-24 bladder cancer cell line. Pharmacogn. J., 9: 906-912.
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  22. Puranik, S.I. and S.C. Ghagane, 2017. Booming biotechnology: The promising future in healthcare. Adv. Biotechnol. Microbiol., Vol. 5, No. 4. 10.19080/AIBM.2017.05.555668.
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  23. Prakash, S., R.S. Jatti, S.C. Ghagane, S.M. Jali and M.V. Jali, 2017. Prevalence of osteoporosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. Int. J. Osteoporosis Metab. Disorders, 10: 10-16.
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  24. Nerli, R.B., V. Sharma, S. Ghagane, N. Pingale, A. Wagh and R. Patil, 2017. Testicular prosthesis in adolescents/teens-our experience at tertiary hospital. Hum. Androl., 7: 32-35.
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  25. Nerli, R.B., S.M. Patil, P. Magdum, V. Sharma, S.C. Ghagane, M.B. Hiremath and N. Dixit, 2017. Retained double J stent with huge renal and bladder calculi extracted by percutaneous nephrolithotomy and percutaneous cystolitholapaxy in a single encounter. J. Endourol. Case Rep., 3: 67-69.
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  26. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane, M.V. Patil and N.S. Dixit, 2017. Renal transplant in a child with Alport syndrome. Indian J. Transplant., 11: 86-88.
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  27. Nerli, R.B., S.C. Ghagane and M.B. Hiremath, 2017. Editorial: Advancing the future of health care through regenerative medicine. KLES Lifeline, 32: 1-2.
  28. Nerli, R.B., R.A. Patil and S.C. Ghagane, 2017. Revisted Blocksom vesicostomy: Operative steps. J. Scient. Soc., 44: 58-60.
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  29. Nerli, R.B., R. Patil, P. Magdum, V. Sharma and S.C. Ghagane, 2017. Partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma: Operative steps. J. Scient. Soc., 44: 110-113.
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  30. Nerli, R.B., P.V. Magdum, A. Pathade, R.N. Mallikarjun, N.D. Pingale, S.C. Ghagane and M.B. Hiremath, 2017. Primary ureterocalicostomy in children. Indian J. Health Sci. Biomed. Res., 10: 221-224.
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  31. Nerli, R.B., N.D. Pingale, S.C. Ghagane, A.T. Wagh and P.R. Malur, 2017. A series of primary signet ring cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Indian J. Surg. Oncol., 8: 443-446.
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  32. Nerli, R.B., K. Shankar, V. Kadeli, S.C. Ghagane and A.T. Wagh et al., 2017. Augmentation cystoplasty in a child with genitourinary tuberculosis and small capacity bladder. Indian J. Commun. Dis., 3: 29-31.
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  33. Nerli, R.B., K. Shankar, V. Kadeli and S.C. Ghagane, 2017. Primary ureterocalicostomy in a child: Operative steps. J. Scient. Soc., 44: 158-160.
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  34. Nerli, R.B. and S.C. Ghagane, 2017. Cancer in childhood. J. Scient. Soc., 44: 1-1.
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  35. Nerli, R., V. Kadeli, S.C. Ghagane, N. Dixit and M.B. Hiremath, 2017. Asymptomatic multiple bladder stones treated by percutaneous cystolitholapaxy. Med. Surg. Urol., Vol. 6. 10.4172/2168-9857.1000187.
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  36. Nerli, R., R. Patil, V. Sharma, P.V. Magdum, N.D. Pingale, S. Ghagane and M. Hiremath, 2017. Pheochromocytoma in pregnant women. J. Endocrinol. Diabetes Obes., Vol. 5, No. 2. .
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  37. Nerli, R., R. Patil, S.C. Ghagane and M.B. Hiremath, 2017. Long term follow-up in children undergoing nephron sparing surgery for non-syndromic unilateral wilms tumor. Clin. Oncol., Vol. 2. .
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  38. Jali, M.V., R.B. Deginal, S.C. Ghagane, S.M. Jali and A.A. Shitole, 2017. The influence of yoga therapy in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A single-center study. Yoga Mimamsa, 49: 9-12.
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  39. Ghagane, S.C., S.I. Puranik, V.M. Kumbar, R.B. Nerli and S.S. Jalalpure et al., 2017. In vitro antioxidant and anticancer activity of Leea indica leaf extracts on human prostate cancer cell lines. Integrat. Med. Res., 6: 79-87.
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  40. Ghagane, S.C., S.I. Puranik, R.B. Nerli and M.B. Hiremath, 2017. Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant and anticancer activity of Allophylus cobbe leaf extracts on DU-145 and PC-3 human prostate cancer cell lines. Cytotechnology, 69: 167-177.
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  41. Ghagane, S.C., R.B. Nerli and S.I. Puranik, 2017. Overcoming hindrance in writing research article: Advice to novices. J. Scient. Soc., 44: 61-62.
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  42. Ghagane, S.C., M.B. Hiremath, G.G. Kadadevaru, S.I. Puranik and R.B. Nerli, 2017. Biotechnology higher education, funding & start-ups: Indian Scenario. Productivity, 58: 300-307.
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  43. Ghagane, S.C. and R.B. Nerli, 2017. Urinary tumor markers in prostate cancer. J. Sci. Soc., 44: 119-120.
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  44. Sharma, V., P.V. Magdum, R.B. Nerli, S. Devaraju and S.C. Ghagane, 2016. Intrarenal foreign body mimicking an ureteropelvic junction stone. J. Scient. Soc., 43: 158-160.
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  45. Nerli, R.B., R. Sarvi, M.V. Jali, P. Magdum, A. Mungarwadi and S.C. Ghagane, 2016. Diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure & pulmonary tuberculosis. Urol. Nephrol. Androl. Int., 9: 41-43.
  46. Nerli, R.B., R. Patil, V. Sharma, S.C. Ghagane and M.B. Hiremath, 2016. Cystic prostatic carcinoma. Clin. Oncol., Vol. 1. .
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  47. Nerli, R.B., P.V. Magdum, V. Sharma, A.K. Guntaka, M.B. Hiremath and S. Ghagane, 2016. Forgotten/retained double J ureteric stents: A source of severe morbidity in children. Afr. J. Paediatr. Surg., 13: 32-35.
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  48. Nerli, R.B., P.V. Magdum, S.C. Ghagane, M.B. Hiremath and M. Reddy, 2016. Umbilical only access laparoscopic pyeloplasty in children: Preliminary report. Afr. J. Paediatr. Surg., 13: 36-40.
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  49. Nerli, R.B., P.V. Magdum, A.M. Mungarwadi, S.C. Ghagane and M.B. Hiremath, 2016. 49, XXXXY syndrome: An infant presenting with ambiguous genitalia. Indian J. Health Sci. Biomed. Res., 9: 342-344.
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  50. Nerli, R.B., P.V. Magdum, A. Pathade, A.M. Mungarwadi, S.M. Patil, S. Ghagane and M.B. Hiremath, 2016. Isolated tuberculosis of the epididymis. Indian J. Commun. Dis., 2: 91-93.
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  51. Nerli, R.B., P.V. Magdum and S.C. Ghagane, 2016. Medical ghostwriting. J. Sci. Soc., 43: 61-61.
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  52. Nerli, R.B., A. Mungarwadi, A.S. Mudegowdar, A. Patil, M.B. Hiremath and S. Ghagane, 2016. A giant hydronephrosis mistakenly diagnosed as ovarian tumor in a pregnant woman. Urol. Case Rep., 4: 20-21.
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  53. Nerli, R.B. and S.C. Ghagane, 2016. Need to study biostatistics in medical curriculum. Indian J. Health Sci. Biomed. Res., 9: 129-130.
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  54. Nerli, R., N. Dixit and S. Ghagane, 2016. Erectile dysfunction and diabetes mellitus. J. Scient. Soc., 43: 1-1.
  55. Nerli, R.B., N.D. Pingale, K. Shankar, A. Musale and S.C. Ghagane, 2016. Primary ureterocalicostomy for a patient with giant hydronephrosis. Int. J. Scient. Res., Vol. 5, No. 4. 10.15373/22778179.
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  56. Mungarwadi, A.M., R.B. Nerli, V. Prabha, P. Shrikanth, A. Patil and S.C. Ghagane, 2016. A rare case of asymptomatic malplaced double-J ureteric stent. Int. J. Med. Health Res., 2: 98-99.
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  57. Magdum, P.V., V. Prabha, V. Sharma, P. Srikanth, S.C. Ghagane, A. Agarwal and M.B. Hiremath, 2016. Penile strangulation by polyvinyl chloride plastic pipe ring: Case report of sexual perversion. J. Scient. Soc., 43: 99-101.
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  58. Magdum, P.V., R.B. Nerli, S.M. Patil, S.C. Ghagane, S. Karuppasamy and A. Musale, 2016. Early post-transplant ureterovesical junction obstruction managed by an endourological procedure: A case report. J. Egypt. Soc. Nephrol. Transpl., 16: 106-108.
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  59. Ghagane, S.C., R.B. Nerli, M.B. Hiremath, A.T. Wagh and P.V. Magdum, 2016. Incidence of prostate cancer at a single tertiary care center in North Karnataka. Indian J. Cancer, 53: 429-431.
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  60. Ghagane, S.C., R.B. Nerli, M.B. Hiremath and B.B. Kaliwal, 2016. Docetaxel based treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer-our early experience. Transl. Biomed., Vol. 7. .
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  61. Ghagane, S.C., R.B. Nerli, B.B., Kaliwal and M.B. Hiremath, 2016. Single nucleotide polymorphisms: A new paradigm in predicting the risk of prostate cancer. Cell Dev. Biol., Vol. 5, No. 1. 10.4172/2168-9296.1000168.
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  62. Shridhar, G., N. Rajendra, H. Murigendra, P. Shridevi and M. Prasad et al., 2015. Modern diet and its impact on human health. J. Nutr. Food Sci., Vol. 5. 10.4172/2155-9600.1000430 .
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  63. Nerli, R.B., S. Pattanshetti, S.C. Ghagane and P.R. Malur, 2015. Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: Comprehensive analysis of 11 cases. Clin. Cancer Invest. J., 4: 9-12.
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  64. Hiremath, S.C., V. Prabha, M.B. Hiremath and S.C. Ghagane, 2015. Genito-urinary tuberculosis and urothelial malignancy-A case report. Int. J. Recent Scient. Res., 6: 2459-2461.
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  65. Hiremath, S.C., S.I. Neeli, M.B. Hiremath and G. Shridhar, 2015. Urachal tumor: Mucinous cystadenoma of undetermined malignant potential. J. Case Rep., 4: 352-355.
  66. Dodamani, S., A. Vantamuri, S.C. Ghagane and G. Babu, 2015. A gene approach on sugarcane growth and production: Mini review. Asian J. Plant Sci. Res., 5: 1-4.
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  67. Dixit, N., R.B. Nerli, S. Ghagane, M.B. Hiremath and A. Guntaka et al., 2015. The role of public relation in-charge in kidney transplantation: The cognitions, emotions, ethical and religious issues in a multicultural society like India. Int. J. Nephrol. Kidney Failure, 2: 1-7.
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