Dr. Nimisha  Srivastava
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Dr. Nimisha Srivastava

Assistant Professor II
Amity Institute of Pharmacy, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from Amity Institute of Pharmacy, India

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Novel Drug Delivery System
Solubility Enhancement
Herbal Drugs Standardization

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Nimisha, D.A. Rizvi, Z. Fatima, Neema and C.D. Kaur, 2017. Antipsoriatic and anti-inflammatory studies of Berberis aristata extract loaded nanovesicular gels. Pharm. Magaz., 13: S587-S594.
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  2. Fatima, Z., 2017. Formulation and performance evaluation of Berberis aristata extract loaded ethosomal gel. Asian J. Pharm., 11: 175-183.
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  3. Vishwakarma, A., M.S. Nimisha, R. Srivastava and D. Srivastava, 2016. Preparation and evaluation of self emulsifying drug delivery system of rosuvastatin calcium. Int. J. Pharm Bio Sci., 7: 117-137.
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  4. Nimisha, Z. Fatima and C.D. Kaur, 2016. A review on potential of novel vesicular carriers for carrying herbal drugs in the treatment of dermatological disorders. J. Atoms Mol., 6: 987-1003.
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  5. Nimisha, K. Srivastava and A.K. Singh, 2015. Formulation and evaluation of Seabuckthorn leaf extract loaded ethosomal gel. Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res., 8: 316-320.
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  6. Srivastava, S., D. Srivastava, Nimisha and V. Prajapat, 2014. Liquisolid technique for enhancement of dissolution properties of lornoxicam. Indo Global J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 81-90.
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  7. Nimisha, N., P. Pal and D. Srivastava, 2014. Formulation and evaluation of meclizine hydro chloride mouth dissolving tablets: An attempt to enhance patent compliance. Asian J. Pharm., 6: 307-311.
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  8. Nimisha and S.M.D. Vallamsetti, 2014. Formulation and evaluation of floating beads of famotidine. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 24: 192-198.
  9. Nahid, T. and Nimisha, 2014. Comparative evaluation of superdisintegrant and sublimation method for formulation of pantoprazole sodium sesquehydrate mouth dissolving tablets. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 3: 1605-1617.
  10. Saxena, S. and Nimisha, 2013. In situ parentral drug therapy. Int. J. Humanities Eng. Pharm., 1: 55-57.
  11. Namita and Nimisha, 2013. Formulation and evaluation of herbal shampoo having antimicrobial potential. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 5: 708-712.
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  12. Namita and Nimisha, 2013. Development and evaluation of herbal cosmeceutical for skin care. Int. J. Pharm. Bio, 4: 86-92.
  13. Chaturvedi, P., K. khan, D. Srivastava and Nimisha, 2013. Chronopharma ceutical drug delivery of lornoxicam for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Int. J. Adv. Pharm. Res., 4: 1585-1592.
  14. Vishwakarma, A.K., O.P. Maurya and D. Srivastava, 2012. Formulation and evaluation of transdermal patch containing turmeric oil. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 4: 358-361.
  15. Srivastava, D., N.K. Verma, Nimisha and W. Ahmed, 2012. Development of lornoxicam transdermal patch: Effect of natural penetration enhancers. PHARMBIT, 23-24: 74-78.
  16. Nimisha, G. Prakash, D. Srivastava and Pushplata, 2012. Formulation and evaluation of isoflavone tablet using natural gum as release modifier. PHARMBIT,, 24: 22-27.
  17. Chaurasia, T., D. Singh and D. Srivastava, 2012. A Review on nanosuspensionspromising drug delivery strategy. Curr. Pharm. Res., 3: 764-776.
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  18. Batra, N. and Nimisha, 2012. Nutraceuticals the natural foord products let food be your medicine. Int. J. Hum. Eng. Pharm., 1: 41-44.
  19. Srivastava, S. and Nimisha, 2011. Formulation and evaluation of mouth dissolving tablets of loratidine. PHARMBIT, 22: 147-153.
  20. Dakhara, S.L. and C.C. Anajwala, 2010. Polyelectrolyte complex: A pharmaceutical review. Syst. Rev. Pharm., 1: 121-127.
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  21. Nimisha, 2009. Nutraceuticals and their role in health care. Heritage Amruth, 5: 46-47.
  22. Nimisha, M. Bajpaei and A. Bhattacharya, 2008. Formulation and evaluation of bioadhesive microspheres of tizanidineHCl for nasal drug delivery. Indian Pharm., 6: 71-77.