Dr. Naveen Samuel Singh
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Dr. Naveen Samuel Singh

Associate Professor/HOD
Department of Zoology, Lucknow Christian College, Lucknow University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Zoology from Agra University, Agra, India

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Structural Biology
Biological Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Singh, N.S., 2020. Issues, concerns and directions for improving the class of higher education in India. World Wide J. Multidiscip. Res. Dev., 6: 1-5.
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  2. Singh, N.S. and D.P. Singh, 2020. Impact of climate change on human health related vector-borne diseases in the present scenario of COVID-19 in India. J. Entomol. Res., 44: 631-638.
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  3. Singh, N.S. and D. Phillips-Singh, 2020. Climate change and risk of leishmaniasis in India. Int. J. Recent Sci. Res., 11: 36741-36746.
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  4. N.S. Singh and D.P. Singh, 2019. A review on major risk factors and current status of visceral leishmaniasis in north india. American Journal of Entomology 3: 6-14.
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  5. Findler, F., N. Schánherr, R. Lozano, D. Reider and A. Martinuzzi, 2019. The impacts of higher education institutions on sustainable development: A review and conceptualization. Int. J. Sustainability Higher Educ., 20: 23-38.
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  6. Singh N.S., D.P. Singh and D. Lal, 2016. Studies on the sand fly fauna (diptera: phlebotominae) in high transmission areas of visceral leishmaniasis in north india: special emphasis on uttaranchal region. Journal of Entomological Research 40: 65-72.
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  7. Singh N.S., D. Phillips-Singh, D. Lal and M.I. Ipe, 2011. Studies on the ecology of Phlebotominae sand flies (Phlebotomidae: Diptera) in the northern districts of Uttar Pradesh, India. J. Entomol. Res., 35: 151-155.
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  8. Naveen, S.S. and D.P. Singh, 2011. Diversity and ecological studies of phlebotominae sandflies (diptera: phlebotomidae) from the northern plains of uttar pradesh, india. Proceedings of the 7 International Symposium on Phlebotomine Sandflies, April 25-30, 2011, Kusadasi, Turke, 97-.
  9. Singh, N.S. and D. Phillips-Singh, 2010. Relative abundance of Phlebotominae sandflies with emphasis on vectors of kala-azar. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Med., 3: 270-271.
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  10. Singh, N.S. and D. Phillips-Singh, 2010. Entomological studies of phlebotominae sand flies (phlebotomidae; diptera) with emphasis on vectors of kala-azar from northern plains of uttar pradesh, india. Proceedings of the 97 meeting of Indian Science Congress, January 3-7, 2010, Thiruvananthapuram, India. pp: 150-151.
  11. Singh, N.S. and D. Phillips-Singh, 2010. A study on genetalia of phlebotominae sand flies (phlebotomidae: diptera) in northern india: a new tool for detection of species. J. Entomol., 7: 235-239.
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  12. Phillips-Singh, D. and N.S. Singh, 2010. Reproductive and metabolic responses of male and female weaver bird Ploceus philippinus is differentially altered by temporal synergism of 5-Hydroxytryptophan and L-Dihydroxyphenylalanine. Proceedings of the 97 meeting of Indian Science Congress, January 3 -7, 2010, Thiruvananthapuram, India, pp: 40-.
  13. Singh, N.S., D. Phillips-Singh and I.M. Ipe, 2009. Taxonomic description of a new species of phlebotominae (Phlebotomidae: Diptera) from Bihar, India. Indian J. Entomol., 71: 219-223.
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  14. Singh, N.S. and D. Phillips-Singh, 2009. Seasonal occurrence of phlebotominae sand flies (Phlebotominae: Diptera) and its correlation with kala-azar in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health, 40: 458-462.
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  15. Singh, N.S. and D. Phillips-Singh, 2009. Seasonal occurrence of Phlebotominae sand flies (Phlebotominae: Diptera) and it`s correlation with Kala-azar in Gonda and Basti districts of Eastern U.P., India. Proceedings of the 96 meeting of Indian Science Congress, January 3-7, 2009, Shillong India, 138-.
  16. Phillips-Singh, D. and N.S. Singh, 2009. Scotoresponses of day old chicks of Japanese quail is altered by gonadotrophin and sex steroid treatment. Proceedings of the 96 meeting of Indian Science Congress, January 3-7, 2009, Shillong, India, 163-164.
  17. Phillips-Singh, D. and N.S. Singh, 2009. A review on cloacal gland of Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica, a reliable indicator of testicular activity: With comments on it's histology. Indian J. Poult. Sci., 44: 1-7.
  18. Singh, N.S. and D. Phillips-Singh, 2008. Altitudinal and seasonal variations in the distribution and occurrence of Phlebotominae sand flies (Diptera: Phlebotomidae) in India. Proceedings of the 95 meeting of Indian Science Congress, January 3-7, 2008, Vishakhapatnam, India, 50-.
  19. Phillips-Singh, D. and N.S. Singh, 2008. Histological studies on cloacal gland: A reliable indicator of testicular activity in Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica.q Proceedings of the 95 meeting of Indian Science Congress, January 3-7, 2008, Vishakhapatnam, India, 72-.
  20. Singh, N.S., D.P. Singh and I.M. Ipe, 2007. A review on the collection, preservation and systematic techniques in phlebotominae. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 3983-3991.
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  21. Singh, N.S., D. Phillips-Singh and I.M. Ipe, 2007. An inventory of a new species, Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) palamauensis, of Phlebotominae sand flies from Bihar, India. Indian J. Entomol., 69: 363-368.
  22. Singh, N.S. and I.M. Ipe, 2006. A study on distributional pattern of Phlebotomidae sand flies (Diptera: Phlebotomidae) from India. Indian J. Entomol., 68: 178-181.
  23. Singh, N.S. and I.M. Ipe, 2005. Geographical and seasonal distribution of phlebotomidae sand flies (Diptera: Phlebotomidae) in India. Ind. J. Ent., 67: 199-202.
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  24. Singh, N.S. and I.M. Ipe, 2005. Description of two new species of Phlebotomus (Phlebotominae: Diptera) from Sikandra, UP, India. Indian J. Entomol., 67: 144-149.
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  25. Singh, N.S., 2003. Taxonomic description of a new species of Phlebotomus (Phlebotominae: Diptera) from Sikandara, Proceedings of 10 Refresher Course in Zoology, December 2-22, 2003, Agra (U.P.) India, 12-.
  26. Ipe, I.M. and N.S. Singh, 1994. Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) sanctijohani, A new species of sand flies (Phlebotomidae: Diptera) from Agra, India Hexapoda, 6: 73-78.
  27. Ipe, I.M. and N.S. Singh, 1993. A new species Panimerus kalathensis (Diptera: Psychodidae) from India. Entomonology, 19: 139-144.