Dr. Bhadrappa Haralayya
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Dr. Bhadrappa Haralayya

Professor and HOD
Department of Business Administration, Lingaraj Appa Engineering College, Bidar, India

Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Management from Srinivas University, Karnataka, India

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Area of Interest:

Business Administration
Financial Accounting
Financial System
Financial Management
Corporate Finance

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Nirmalraj, R.J.T., M. Rajeswari, S.H. Krishna, B. Haralayya, R. Narayanamurthy and M.V. Unni, 2023. Sparrow Search Optimization with Ensemble of Machine Learning Model for Customer Retention Prediction and Classification. Procedding of 7th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI), April 11-13, 2023, IEEE, 908-914.
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  2. Kumar, A.K., A. Alemran, D.A. Karras, S.K. Gupta, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2023. An Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Solving Trajectory Planning of Autonomous Robots. Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems (ICICACS), 24-25 February, 2023, IEEE, 1-6.
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  3. Gupta, S.K., W. Ahmad, D.A. Karras, A. Khang, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2023. Solving Roulette Wheel Selection Method using Swarm Intelligence for Trajectory Planning of Intelligent Systems. Proceeding of International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC), February 10-11, 2023, IEEE, 1-5.
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  4. Gupta, S.K., V.S.Kumar, A. Khang, B. Hazela, T. Nivethitha and B. Haralayya, 2023. Detection of Lung Tumor using an efficient Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Model. Proceeding of 2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC), February 10-11, 2023, IEEE, 1-6.
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  5. Gupta, S.K., S. Saxena, A. Khang, B. Hazela, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2023. Detection of Number Plate in Vehicles using Deep Learning based Image Labeler Model. Proceeding of 2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC), February 10-11, 2023 IEEE 1-6.
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  6. Gupta, S.K., A. Alemran, P. Singh, A. Khang, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2023. Image Segmentation on Gabor Filtered images using Projective Transformation. Proceeding of 2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICRTEC), February 10-11, 2023 IEEE, 1-6.
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  7. Bhattacharya, R., Kafila, S.H. Krishna, B. Haralayya, P. Nagpal and Chitsimran, 2023. Modified grey wolf optimizer with sparse autoencoder for financial crisis prediction in small marginal firms. 2023 Second International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS), Mar. 02-04, 2023, IEEE, Tuticorin, India, pp: 907-913.
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  8. Vinoth, S., H.L. Vemula, B. Haralayya, P. Mamgain, M.F. Hasan and M. Naved, 2022. Application of cloud computing in banking and e-commerce and related security threats. Mater. Today: Proc., 51: 2172-2175.
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  9. Tahilyani, S., S. Saxena, D.A. Karras, S.K. Gupta, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2022. Deployment of autonomous vehicles in agricultural and using voronoi partitioning. 2022 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKES), 28-29 December, 2022 IEEE, Chickballapur, India, 1-5.
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  10. Sakthivel, M., S.K. Gupta, D.A. Karras, A. Khang, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2022. Solving vehicle routing problem for intelligent systems using delaunay triangulation. 2022 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKES), Dec. 28-29, 2022, IEEE, Chickballapur, India, pp: 1-5.
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  11. Kumar, V.S., M. Sakthivel, D.A. Karras, S.K. Gupta, S.M.P. Gangadharan and B. Haralayya, 2022. Drone surveillance in flood affected areas using firefly algorithm. 2022 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKES), Dec. 28-29, 2022, IEEE, Chickballapur, India, pp: 1-5.
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  12. Kumar, V.S., A. Alemran, S.K. Gupta, B. Hazela, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2022. Extraction of SIFT features for identifying disaster hit areas using machine learning techniques. 2022 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKES), Dec. 28-29, 2022, IEEE, Chickballapur, India, pp: 1-5.
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  13. Kumar, V.S., A. Alemran, D.A. Karras, S.K. Gupta, C.K. Dixit and B. Haralayya, 2022. Natural Language Processing Using Graph Neural Network for Text Classification. 2022 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKES), 28-29 December, 2022, IEEE, 1-5.
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  14. Haralayya, D.B., 2022. A comparative study on selected foreign currencies. J. Adv. Res. Econo. Bus. Manage., 4: 45-56-45-56.
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  15. Haralayya, B., 2022. Working capital management in hyundai showroom bidar. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 299-308.
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  16. Haralayya, B., 2022. The performance of mutual fund schemes in the framework of risk and return. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 37-44.
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  17. Haralayya, B., 2022. The impact of safety and health measures of employees at KJD Pharma Bidar. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 233-242.
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  18. Haralayya, B., 2022. Study on sales promotion techiniques used by VKG bajaj at kalaburagi. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 292-298.
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  19. Haralayya, B., 2022. Study on promotion mix strategy towards big bazaar Bidar. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 285-291.
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  20. Haralayya, B., 2022. Risk and return analysis of mutual funds with reference to banks. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 45-55.
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  21. Haralayya, B., 2022. Ratio analysis in muthoot finance Ltd aurad. Iconic Res. Eng. J. 5: 278-284.
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  22. Haralayya, B., 2022. Impact of ratio analysis on financial performance in royal enfield (Bhavani Motors) bidar. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 207-222.
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  23. Haralayya, B., 2022. Employees performance appraisal of chettinad Cement Gulbarga. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 267-277.
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  24. Haralayya, B., 2022. Employee compensation management at vani organic Pvt Ltd Bidar. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 259-266.
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  25. Haralayya, B., 2022. Cost analysis at MGSSK Bhalki. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 252-258.
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  26. Haralayya, B., 2022. Comparative study on performance evaluation of mutual funds with reference to banking funds. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 56-64.
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  27. Haralayya, B., 2022. Comparative analysis of mutual funds in Geojit financial services Ltd Gulbarga. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 5: 243-251.
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  28. Haralayya, B. and N.S. Vibhute, 2022. Performance evaluation of selected banks using ratio analysis. J. Adv. Res. Eco. Bus. Manage., 4: 36-44.
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  29. Haralayya, B. and N. Vibhute, 2022. A comparative study on selected foreign currencies. J. Adv. Res. Econ. Bus. Manage., 4: 45-56.
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  30. Haralayya, B. and M. Karanji, 2022. Antecedents of consumer buying behavior in E-commerce business in Covid-19: Generation Y. Int. J. Innovative Res. Sci., Eng. Technol., 10: 14036-14040.
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  31. Basha, J.V., Haralayya, H. and N.S. Vibhute, 2022. A study on performance evaluation of initial public offering (IPO). J. Adv. Res. Public Policy Administration, 3: 12-26.
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  32. Basha, J.V., H. Haralayya and N. Vibhute, 2022. Co-Movement and Integration among Stock Markets: A Study of 10 Countries. J. Adv. Res. Acc. Finance Manage., 3: 23-38.
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  33. Basha V.J., B. Haralayya and N. Vibhute, 2022. Capital structure and factors affecting capital structure. J. Adv. Res. Eco. Bus. Manage., 4: 4-35.
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  34. Basha V.J., B. Haralayya and N. Vibhute, 2022. A study on emprical analysis of relationship between FPI and nifty returns. J. Adv. Res. Acc. Finance Manage., 3: 3-22.
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  35. Vibhute, N.S., C.B. Jewargi and B. Haralayya, 2021. Study on non performing assets of public sector banks. Iconic Res. Eng. J., 4: 52-61.
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  36. Haralayya, B., 2021. Top 5 priorities that will shape the future of retail banking industry in India. J. Adv. Res. HR Organ. Manage., 8: 17-18.
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  37. Haralayya, B., 2021. Performance analysis of financial ratios-public non-finacial insurance sector. Int. J. Commun. Eng., 4: 87-90.
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